Supervised Learning I: Bag of Words and Machine Learning Models


Pei-Hsun Hsieh

The packages used in this code are:

pacman::p_load(dplyr, arrow, quanteda, quanteda.textmodels, glmnet, caret)

Text Preprocessing

Please download the Offensive Language Identification Dataset from cardiffnlp/tweet_eval on Hugging Face: link to dataset. The dataset is collected to train models to detect offensive content on Twitter compiled by Cardiff NLP group. (WARNING: The dataset contains sensitive content.)

tweet_eval_offensive <- read_parquet("train-00000-of-00001.parquet")

First, let’s split the tweets using a 4:1 ratio for training and testing. The training set will contain 9,532 tweets, while the testing set will contain 2,384 tweets. The code below shuffles the rows and uses the first 9,532 tweets as the training set and the rest as the testing set, and create a variable split to label them as the training and testing set.

# create docvar with ID
tweet_eval_offensive$idx <- 1:nrow(tweet_eval_offensive)
tweet_eval_offensive <- tweet_eval_offensive[sample(1:nrow(tweet_eval_offensive)), ]
tweet_eval_offensive$split <- NA
tweet_eval_offensive$split[1:floor(nrow(tweet_eval_offensive) * 0.8)] <- 'train'
tweet_eval_offensive$split[floor(nrow(tweet_eval_offensive) * 0.8):nrow(tweet_eval_offensive)] <- 'test'

Quanteda requires the data to be transformed into a corpus first using the corpus() function. The variable containing the unstructured text should be specified using the text_field argument. Quanteda’s corpus can store both texts and document-level variables (such as labels for supervised learning)

corpus_tweets <- corpus(tweet_eval_offensive, text_field = "text")
Corpus consisting of 11,916 documents and 3 docvars.
text1 :
"@user @user Before this scumbag considers running for presid..."

text2 :
"@user @user Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cau..."

text3 :
"@user .@USER is arguing that gun control laws = a violation ..."

text4 :
"@user @user @user Liberals today R VERY different from Class..."

text5 :
"@user It sure is. Hope he is in the grand final side"

text6 :
"@user He is a lying stack of shit too."

[ reached max_ndoc ... 11,910 more documents ]

Quanteda can be integrated with dplyr to use pipe operators for building a text preprocessing pipeline.

  1. Use the tokens() function in Quanteda to tokenize text. There are multiple options available to remove punctuation, numbers, URLs, etc. The default values of all options are FALSE. Here, we remove punctuation, numbers, and URLs.
  2. Use tokens_remove() to remove stop words and any uninformative tokens from the matrix. stopwords("en") from quanteda offers an English stop word list.
  3. Use tokens_wordstem() to stem tokens.
# tokenize texts
toks_tweets <- tokens(corpus_tweets, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_number = TRUE, remove_url = TRUE) %>% 
               tokens_remove(pattern = append(stopwords("en"), "@user")) %>% 
Tokens consisting of 11,916 documents and 3 docvars.
text1 :
 [1] "scumbag" "consid"  "run"     "presid"  "want"    "public"  "swear"  
 [8] "oath"    "school"  "never"   "tri"     "cop"    
[ ... and 7 more ]

text2 :
[1] "Ik"        "rapper"    "think"     "caus"      "anti-drug" "honest"   
[7] "think"     "music"     "good"     

text3 :
 [1] "argu"    "gun"     "control" "law"     "="       "violat"  "peopl"  
 [8] "right"   "Even"    "conserv" "Scalia"  "specifi"
[ ... and 10 more ]

text4 :
 [1] "Liber"   "today"   "R"       "differ"  "Classic" "Liber"   "Liber"  
 [8] "today"   "gone"    "far"     "left"    "R"      
[ ... and 17 more ]

text5 :
[1] "sure"  "Hope"  "grand" "final" "side" 

text6 :
[1] "lie"   "stack" "shit" 

[ reached max_ndoc ... 11,910 more documents ]

Then we can use the dfm() function to create word matrix.

dfm_tweets <- dfm(toks_tweets)
Document-feature matrix of: 11,916 documents, 15,296 features (99.93% sparse) and 3 docvars.
docs    scumbag consid run presid want public swear oath school never
  text1       1      1   1      1    1      1     1    1      1     1
  text2       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
  text3       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
  text4       0      0   0      0    1      0     0    0      0     0
  text5       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
  text6       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
[ reached max_ndoc ... 11,910 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 15,286 more features ]

Next, we split the matrix into the training and testing set by the split variable we created.

# get training set
dfmat_training <- dfm_subset(dfm_tweets, split=="train")

# get test set
dfmat_test <- dfm_subset(dfm_tweets, split=="test")
Document-feature matrix of: 9,531 documents, 15,296 features (99.93% sparse) and 3 docvars.
docs    scumbag consid run presid want public swear oath school never
  text1       1      1   1      1    1      1     1    1      1     1
  text2       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
  text3       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
  text4       0      0   0      0    1      0     0    0      0     0
  text5       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
  text6       0      0   0      0    0      0     0    0      0     0
[ reached max_ndoc ... 9,525 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 15,286 more features ]

Supervised Learning with Bag-of-Words

First, let’s use the logistic regression with elasticity net by cv.glmnet() from glmnet.

m_elasticnet <- cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_training,
                   y = dfmat_training$label,
                   alpha = 0.5,
                   family = "binomial")
15297 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
(Intercept)                                                   -1.347231e+00
scumbag                                                        2.225147e-01
consid                                                         .           
run                                                            .           
presid                                                         .           
want                                                           .           
public                                                         .           
swear                                                          .           
oath                                                           .           
school                                                         .           
never                                                          .           
tri                                                            .           
cop                                                            .           
feel                                                           .           
liber                                                          1.599018e-01
like                                                           9.769796e-02
show                                                           .           
pure                                                           .           
driven                                                         .           
snow                                                           .           
ik                                                             .           
rapper                                                         .           
think                                                          .           
caus                                                           .           
anti-drug                                                      .           
honest                                                         .           
music                                                          .           
good                                                           .           
argu                                                           .           
gun                                                            .           
control                                                        1.341280e-01
law                                                            .           
=                                                              .           
violat                                                         .           
peopl                                                          .           
right                                                          .           
even                                                           .           
conserv                                                       -7.687047e-02
scalia                                                         .           
specifi                                                        .           
regul                                                          .           
consist                                                        .           
w                                                              .           
#2a                                                            .           
court                                                          .           
repeat                                                        -5.708238e-02
upheld                                                         .           
restrict                                                       .           
today                                                         -8.794840e-02
r                                                              .           
differ                                                         .           
classic                                                        .           
gone                                                           .           
far                                                            .           
left                                                           .           
marxist                                                        .           
buri                                                           4.517966e-01
head                                                           3.991782e-01
sand                                                           .           
neo                                                            3.233080e-01
amp                                                            .           
lib                                                            .           
trump                                                          8.798954e-02
authoritarian                                                  .           
can                                                            .           
say                                                           -2.064113e-02
kill                                                           7.893334e-01
sure                                                           .           
hope                                                          -2.857092e-03
grand                                                          .           
final                                                          .           
side                                                           .           
lie                                                            4.662621e-01
stack                                                          .           
shit                                                           2.547991e+00
#theresamay                                                    .           
video                                                          .           
ef                                                             .           
scarf                                                          .           
vomit                                                          .           
anyon                                                          3.733812e-02
brain                                                          8.007967e-01
#whiteprivileg                                                 .           
made                                                           .           
#homeless                                                      .           
replac                                                         4.634734e-01
#muslim                                                        .           
vote                                                           .           
#corbyn                                                        .           
#maga                                                          .           
#mbga                                                          .           
#mcga                                                          .           
#mega                                                          .           
#conserv                                                       .           
#patriot                                                       .           
#dueprocess                                                    .           
permit                                                         .           
#document                                                      .           
evid                                                           .           
#democrat                                                      .           
can’t                                                          .           
believ                                                         .           
#doublestandard                                                .           
#confirmkavanaughnow                                           .           
cute                                                           .           
mayb                                                           .           
respond                                                        .           
trade                                                          2.633419e-01
woman                                                          .           
tell                                                           .           
truth                                                          .           
told                                                           .           
year                                                           .           
ago                                                           -1.147203e-01
accus                                                          .           
letter                                                         .           
said                                                           .           
didn’t                                                         .           
second                                                         .           
credibl                                                        .           
will                                                           .           
stop                                                           8.407072e-02
k                                                              .           
realli                                                         .           
need                                                           .           
come                                                           .           
someth                                                         .           
better                                                         .           
excus                                                          .           
besid                                                          .           
worn                                                           .           
hillari                                                        .           
clinton                                                        .           
defend                                                         .           
either                                                         .           
undereduc                                                      .           
base                                                           .           
assum                                                          .           
one                                                            .           
that                                                           .           
ignor                                                          4.762337e-01
memeb                                                          .           
antifa                                                        -1.017312e-01
#kag2018                                                       .           
skill                                                          .           
work                                                           .           
miss                                                           .           
foot                                                           .           
half                                                           .           
#willienelson                                                  .           
laughs                                                         .           
conservatives                                                  .           
#theview                                                       .           
sudden                                                         .           
outrag                                                         .           
support                                                        .           
#mog                                                           .           
hold                                                           .           
benz                                                           .           
car                                                            .           
key                                                            .           
🔑                                                             .           
know                                                           .           
bum                                                            .           
write                                                          .           
ass                                                            1.920336e+00
bottom                                                         4.250902e-01
proof                                                          .           
higher                                                         .           
intellig                                                       .           
us                                                             .           
everi                                                          .           
happen                                                         .           
children                                                       .           
guy                                                            .           
man                                                            .           
clear                                                          .           
just                                                           .           
anoth                                                          .           
stall                                                          .           
tactic                                                         .           
yes                                                            .           
investig                                                       .           
pleas                                                         -6.596044e-02
back                                                           .           
field                                                          .           
annnnnnnnnnnnnd                                                .           
love                                                          -9.623008e-02
💙                                                             .           
#alwaysacowboy                                                 .           
#nflsunday                                                     .           
#cowboysn                                                      .           
#dezbryant                                                     .           
#88                                                            .           
tire                                                           .           
spici                                                          .           
includ                                                         .           
liter                                                          1.159735e-01
murder                                                         .           
terror                                                         .           
rise                                                           .           
bad                                                            1.618787e-02
broke                                                          .           
window                                                         .           
rosi                                                           .           
hug                                                            .           
tight                                                          .           
hello                                                          .           
angi                                                           .           
smile                                                          .           
happi                                                         -5.565058e-02
im                                                             .           
bet                                                            .           
levi                                                           .           
walk                                                           .           
gasp                                                           .           
rosie                                                          .           
ran                                                            .           
make                                                           .           
jack                                                           .           
crimin                                                         .           
arm                                                            .           
won’t                                                          .           
stand                                                          .           
chanc                                                          .           
usa                                                            .           
citi                                                           .           
highest                                                        .           
violent                                                        2.712039e-02
crime                                                          1.177065e-01
rate                                                           .           
strictest                                                      .           
swiss                                                          2.599243e-02
train                                                          .           
rare                                                           .           
democrat                                                       2.302788e-01
polici                                                         .           
watch                                                          .           
news                                                           .           
outlet                                                         .           
fox                                                            .           
saddest                                                        .           
thing                                                          .           
read                                                           .           
claim                                                          .           
kavanaugh                                                      .           
presum                                                         .           
innoc                                                          .           
wrong                                                          .           
confirm                                                        .           
hear                                                           .           
prove                                                          .           
charact                                                        .           
sit                                                            .           
life                                                           .           
trial                                                         -1.855567e-02
tim                                                            .           
koontz                                                         .           
delus                                                          .           
call                                                           .           
hrc                                                            .           
backer                                                         .           
idiot                                                          2.385734e+00
attack                                                         .           
messeng                                                        .           
messengers                                                     .           
sign                                                           .           
took                                                           .           
deliveri                                                       .           
messag                                                         .           
packag                                                         .           
sent                                                           .           
dnc                                                            .           
blind                                                          .           
fash                                                           .           
thrash                                                         .           
beat                                                           .           
top                                                            .           
yassss                                                         .           
win                                                            .           
suit                                                           .           
cali                                                           1.873067e-01
overturn                                                       .           
via                                                            .           
first                                                          .           
truste                                                         .           
join                                                          -4.272527e-01
lead                                                           .           
charg                                                          .           
sinc                                                           .           
divest                                                         .           
fossil                                                         .           
fuel                                                           .           
true                                                           .           
accomplish                                                     .           
progress                                                       .           
actual                                                         .           
get                                                            .           
result                                                         .           
letitia                                                        .           
jame                                                           .           
ny                                                             .           
ag                                                             .           
tomorrow                                                       .           
primari                                                        .           
sept                                                           .           
13th                                                           .           
astronaut                                                      .           
use                                                            .           
mean                                                           .           
a-ok                                                           .           
bho                                                            .           
photograph                                                     .           
okay                                                           .           
joke                                                           .           
see                                                            .           
bite                                                           .           
boy                                                            .           
now                                                            .           
apolog                                                         .           
insan                                                          .           
mental                                                         2.862505e-01
disord                                                         .           
war                                                            .           
hilari                                                         5.384122e-01
insubstanti                                                    .           
😂                                                             .           
wait                                                           .           
maga                                                           .           
tat                                                            .           
across                                                         .           
chest                                                          .           
pictur                                                         .           
mueller                                                        .           
don’t                                                          .           
type                                                           .           
dumb                                                           1.403644e+00
go                                                             1.247615e-02
lose                                                           .           
anyway                                                         .           
noth                                                           1.007215e-01
battl                                                          .           
suicid                                                         1.910679e-01
bomber                                                         .           
unfortun                                                       .           
stay                                                           .           
must                                                           .           
fight                                                          .           
transphobia                                                    .           
nation                                                         .           
review                                                        -1.644746e-03
astound                                                        .           
kind                                                           .           
intellectu                                                     .           
failur                                                         .           
choic                                                          .           
ppl                                                            .           
hook                                                           .           
decept                                                         .           
dirti                                                          5.331501e-01
trick                                                          .           
refus                                                          .           
protocol                                                       .           
stole                                                          .           
scotus                                                         .           
seat                                                           .           
obama                                                          2.182040e-01
cri                                                            .           
foul                                                           8.870889e-01
other                                                          .           
play                                                           .           
hardbal                                                        .           
bunch                                                          .           
pussi                                                          9.527968e-01
#merrickgarland                                                .           
#resist                                                        .           
seem                                                           .           
somewher                                                       .           
word                                                           .           
place                                                          .           
plagar                                                         .           
best                                                          -6.322002e-01
thank                                                         -5.389309e-01
sm                                                             .           
holiday                                                        .           
trip                                                           .           
kyungsoo                                                       .           
nam                                                            .           
ji-hyun                                                        .           
futur                                                         -3.039179e-01
chemistri                                                      .           
#exo                                                           .           
drama                                                          .           
deserv                                                         .           
let                                                            .           
borrow                                                         .           
yo                                                             .           
🤣                                                             .           
handsom                                                        .           
donat                                                          .           
shoe                                                          -2.284993e-01
homeless                                                       .           
veteran                                                        .           
american                                                       5.233400e-02
sew                                                            .           
circl                                                          .           
emblem                                                         .           
❤️                                                             -8.084347e-04
care                                                           .           
sick                                                           9.656792e-01
front                                                          .           
mine                                                           .           
😁                                                             .           
dam                                                            .           
white                                                          3.222129e-01
slave                                                          6.379709e-01
owner                                                          .           
luck                                                           .           
talent                                                         .           
serena                                                         .           
upset                                                          .           
penalti                                                        .           
given                                                          .           
men’                                                           .           
tenni                                                          .           
action                                                         .           
penal                                                          .           
he’                                                            .           
bitter                                                         .           
barn                                                           .           
inbred                                                         4.353042e-01
😭                                                             .           
game                                                          -1.102626e-02
nigga                                                          1.838451e+00
🤷🏻‍♀️                                                          .           
went                                                          -7.338836e-03
got                                                            .           
prop                                                           .           
hollywood                                                      .           
that’                                                          .           
privileg                                                       .           
day                                                            .           
long                                                           .           
coke                                                           .           
tom                                                            .           
arnold                                                         .           
beauti                                                        -1.765929e-01
person                                                         .           
omg                                                            .           
💕                                                            -4.695199e-02
lord                                                           .           
take                                                           .           
away                                                           .           
height                                                         1.385057e-01
ecstasi                                                        3.015496e-01
bodi                                                           .           
perfect                                                        .           
exampl                                                         .           
despis                                                         .           
disgust                                                        1.997112e+00
hell                                                           1.252799e+00
hurt                                                           .           
job                                                            3.170323e-02
randi                                                          .           
orton                                                          .           
ear                                                            .           
pretend                                                        2.129553e-01
leftist                                                        .           
forgot                                                         .           
persuas                                                        .           
fam                                                            .           
texa                                                           .           
give                                                           .           
repub                                                          .           
supermajor                                                     .           
senat                                                          .           
birthday                                                       .           
s                                                              .           
ever                                                           .           
surrend                                                        .           
heart                                                          .           
bleed                                                          .           
red                                                            .           
blue                                                           .           
donald                                                         .           
j                                                              .           
#voterepublican2018                                            .           
#votered2018                                                   .           
#americafirst                                                  .           
#keepamericagreat                                              .           
comment                                                        .           
drug                                                           2.521295e-01
ford                                                           .           
blatant                                                        .           
abus                                                           .           
power                                                          .           
complet                                                        .           
laughabl                                                       .           
bia                                                            .           
bias                                                           .           
ndp                                                            .           
rich                                                           .           
downtown                                                       .           
area                                                           .           
poll                                                           .           
ho-man                                                         5.578434e-01
laugh                                                          .           
postal                                                         .           
worker                                                         .           
slaughter                                                      .           
oklahoma                                                       .           
12-gaug                                                        .           
winchest                                                       .           
pump-act                                                       .           
shotgun                                                        .           
nra                                                            .           
research                                                       .           
uneth                                                          .           
famili                                                         .           
close                                                          .           
everyth                                                        .           
ten                                                            .           
command                                                        .           
anywher                                                        .           
ask                                                           -2.384647e-02
#slimshadi                                                     .           
everywhere                                                     .           
lol                                                            3.693398e-02
#thegreatawaken                                                .           
#qanon                                                         .           
time                                                           .           
wake                                                           .           
#thestorm                                                      .           
#wwg1wga                                                       .           
#jesusisback                                                   .           
#godisgreat                                                    .           
pope                                                           6.235648e-02
may                                                            .           
stepdown                                                       .           
#tcot                                                          .           
complac                                                        .           
novemb                                                         .           
especial                                                       .           
religi                                                         1.221404e-01
routin                                                         .           
interview                                                      .           
serious                                                        .           
imagin                                                         .           
pull                                                           .           
crap                                                           1.642680e+00
suprem                                                         .           
justic                                                        -2.347701e-02
kav                                                            .           
spend                                                          .           
wai                                                            .           
much                                                           .           
talk                                                           .           
well                                                           .           
uk                                                             .           
past                                                           .           
pass                                                           .           
ball                                                           .           
keita                                                          .           
instead                                                        .           
shot                                                           .           
discuss                                                        .           
anyth                                                          .           
quit                                                           .           
selfless                                                       .           
help                                                           .           
unifi                                                          .           
🙄                                                             .           
bastard                                                        1.984574e+00
everywher                                                      .           
luckili                                                        .           
extremist                                                      .           
jeremi                                                         .           
corbyn                                                         .           
act                                                            .           
counter                                                        .           
balanc                                                         .           
racist                                                         9.940978e-01
mob                                                            .           
daili                                                          .           
geeezz                                                         .           
doesn’t                                                        1.798947e-01
air                                                           -1.048578e-02
doug                                                           .           
😬                                                             .           
yup                                                            .           
total                                                          8.292490e-02
fine                                                           .           
mexico                                                         .           
gorgeous                                                       .           
😘                                                             .           
👏🏻                                                           .           
sarcasm                                                        .           
also                                                           .           
great                                                          .           
it’                                                            .           
save                                                           .           
live                                                           .           
#neoliber                                                      .           
fail                                                           5.050916e-02
#poor                                                          .           
#middleclass                                                   .           
parti                                                          .           
#canada                                                        .           
#liber                                                         .           
#bernier                                                       .           
#ppc                                                           .           
#polit                                                         .           
#govern                                                        .           
#cdnpoli                                                       .           
#pnpcbc                                                        .           
#populist                                                      .           
#racist                                                        .           
#racism                                                        .           
#bigot                                                         .           
#hw                                                            .           
#polcan                                                        .           
#cpc                                                           .           
#lpc                                                           .           
#ndp                                                           .           
share                                                          .           
cbc                                                            .           
new                                                           -3.515887e-01
android                                                        .           
app                                                            .           
buzzfe                                                         .           
contact                                                        .           
subject                                                        .           
home                                                           .           
last                                                           .           
week                                                          -2.196325e-02
declin                                                         .           
abl                                                            .           
content                                                        .           
high                                                           .           
classmat                                                       .           
congress                                                       .           
govern                                                         .           
award                                                          .           
nazi                                                           6.441549e-02
violenc                                                        .           
movement                                                       .           
god                                                            .           
+                                                              .           
block                                                          .           
buhby                                                          .           
goddess                                                        .           
💛                                                             .           
sharper                                                        .           
retir                                                          .           
rang                                                           .           
practic                                                        .           
#nra                                                           .           
girl                                                           .           
definit                                                       -2.265898e-01
un-charismat                                                   .           
seen                                                           .           
host                                                           .           
cash                                                           .           
prize                                                          .           
whoever                                                        .           
pounc                                                          5.095302e-01
furious                                                        .           
u                                                              .           
world                                                          .           
leader                                                         .           
meet                                                           .           
‼️                                                              .           
😱                                                             .           
case                                                           .           
point                                                          .           
societi                                                        .           
mind                                                           .           
manipul                                                        .           
horrend                                                        .           
weaker                                                         .           
creatur                                                        .           
deepli                                                         .           
troubl                                                         .           
individu                                                       .           
yet                                                            .           
focus                                                          .           
core                                                           .           
health                                                         .           
joseph                                                         .           
alway                                                          .           
follow                                                         .           
patriot                                                        .           
😀                                                             .           
pls                                                            .           
arrest                                                         3.795111e-01
accessori                                                      .           
hat                                                            .           
derang                                                         2.307790e-01
revkin                                                         .           
spread                                                         .           
important                                                      .           
andi                                                           .           
intellectual                                                   .           
real                                                           .           
liberals                                                       .           
stuck                                                          .           
figur                                                          .           
faux                                                           .           
liberals-like                                                  .           
andy-wonder                                                    .           
dont                                                           .           
anymor                                                         .           
melanie’                                                       .           
boyfriend                                                      .           
import                                                        -1.961403e-02
ivanka                                                         .           
speak                                                          .           
empow                                                          .           
women                                                          .           
embarrass                                                      .           
silver                                                         .           
platter                                                        .           
father                                                         .           
least                                                          .           
america                                                        .           
fulli                                                          .           
depend                                                         .           
prefer                                                         .           
cheap                                                          .           
labor                                                          .           
disempow                                                       .           
product                                                        .           
smart                                                          .           
ladi                                                           .           
realiz                                                         .           
chuck                                                          .           
twitter                                                       -1.310999e-01
account                                                        .           
weather                                                        .           
dem                                                            .           
rep                                                            .           
pic                                                            .           
associ                                                         .           
way                                                            .           
piss                                                           .           
dark                                                           .           
patch                                                          .           
histori                                                        .           
evil                                                           7.595080e-01
anti-semit                                                     .           
count                                                          .           
indiffer                                                       .           
complic                                                        .           
million                                                        .           
europ                                                          .           
libertarian                                                    .           
ugli                                                           1.239741e+00
divis                                                          .           
two                                                            .           
system                                                         .           
lot                                                            .           
uglier                                                         .           
straight                                                       .           
men                                                            1.604292e-01
leav                                                           .           
hatr                                                           4.885964e-01
#leftist                                                       .           
#commi                                                         .           
#usa                                                           .           
littl                                                          2.522355e-02
bit                                                            .           
rile                                                           9.071398e-01
😆                                                             .           
#socialist                                                     .           
#lefti                                                         .           
#trump                                                         .           
#republican                                                    .           
i’m                                                            .           
pray                                                          -2.117952e-01
caught                                                         .           
illeg                                                          .           
activ                                                          .           
involv                                                         .           
explos                                                         .           
anger                                                          .           
issu                                                           .           
child                                                          .           
throw                                                          .           
danger                                                         .           
tantrum                                                        .           
someon                                                         .           
agre                                                           .           
wonder                                                         .           
treat                                                          .           
stupid                                                         2.418958e+00
becom                                                          .           
#termlimit                                                     .           
hes                                                            .           
comin                                                          .           
ur                                                             .           
woolli                                                         .           
bitch                                                          2.867842e+00
statement                                                      .           
asking                                                         .           
friend                                                         .           
alon                                                           .           
whole                                                          .           
worst                                                          7.048538e-01
enemi                                                          .           
deal                                                           1.118999e-01
group                                                          .           
israel                                                         .           
foreign                                                        .           
policiy                                                        .           
decad                                                          3.096756e-01
spie                                                           .           
quasi                                                          .           
blackmail                                                      .           
scheme                                                         .           
9.15am                                                         .           
appoint                                                        .           
specialist                                                     .           
alreadi                                                        .           
minut                                                          .           
behind                                                         .           
schedul                                                        .           
end                                                            .           
book                                                           .           
strategi                                                       .           
paid                                                           .           
arrog                                                          .           
medic                                                          .           
impress                                                        .           
architect                                                      .           
learn                                                          .           
🤷🏼‍♀️                                                          .           
silli                                                          9.851143e-01
trump’                                                         .           
posit                                                          .           
start                                                          .           
look                                                           .           
nra’s                                                          .           
😐                                                             .           
sorri                                                          .           
idio                                                           4.353315e-01
congratul                                                     -4.758935e-02
googl                                                          .           
reveal                                                         .           
chines                                                         .           
compani                                                        .           
butt                                                           2.203586e+00
zero                                                           1.039038e-01
tv                                                             .           
fuck                                                           2.626580e+00
push                                                           .           
😒                                                             .           
locat                                                          .           
shoot                                                          .           
usualli                                                        .           
event                                                          .           
usual                                                          .           
dead                                                           1.680960e-01
disgrac                                                        1.157445e+00
break                                                          .           
tradit                                                         .           
former                                                         .           
step                                                           .           
asid                                                           .           
longer                                                         .           
obama’                                                         .           
countri                                                        .           
belong                                                         3.685759e-02
sheepl                                                         6.978313e-02
saturday                                                       .           
#confirmkavanaugh                                              .           
#voteredtosaveamerica                                          .           
threw                                                          .           
lost                                                           2.519819e-02
strip                                                          .           
sack                                                           .           
possibl                                                        .           
drive                                                          .           
super                                                          .           
bowl                                                           .           
goe                                                            .           
though                                                         .           
helmet                                                         .           
catch                                                          .           
ring                                                           .           
cori                                                           .           
spartacus                                                      .           
booker                                                         .           
money                                                          .           
big                                                            .           
pharma                                                         .           
aarp                                                           .           
toward                                                         .           
rememb                                                         .           
custom                                                         .           
republican                                                     2.004673e-02
wow                                                            .           
colour                                                         .           
living                                                         .           
pretti                                                         .           
sake                                                           .           
coolest                                                        .           
dude                                                           .           
sister                                                         .           
aparta                                                         .           
instant                                                        .           
remind                                                         .           
ungrat                                                         4.978364e-01
brat                                                           8.442353e-01
without                                                        .           
spent                                                          .           
hour                                                           .           
broken-heart                                                   .           
hate                                                           3.512749e-01
verifi                                                         .           
detail                                                         .           
passport                                                       .           
phone                                                          .           
pointless                                                      .           
busi                                                           .           
hang                                                           .           
rubbish                                                        1.305417e+00
servic                                                         .           
distopia                                                       .           
corrupt                                                        9.541111e-01
averag                                                         .           
citizen                                                        .           
t                                                              .           
merci                                                          .           
strong                                                        -2.694780e-02
hous                                                           .           
card                                                           .           
fall                                                           .           
fast                                                           .           
matter                                                         .           
ugh                                                            .           
meant                                                         -2.989692e-01
wig                                                            .           
🤡                                                             .           
relationship                                                   .           
strict                                                         .           
legisl                                                         .           
homicid                                                        .           
interest                                                       .           
phrase                                                        -3.666452e-01
particular                                                     .           
question                                                       .           
swearer                                                        .           
overwhelm                                                      .           
intern                                                         .           
disprov                                                        .           
correl                                                         .           
fool                                                           1.240863e+00
realiti                                                        .           
mass                                                           3.397855e-01
number                                                         .           
disinterest                                                    .           
keep                                                           .           
$                                                              .           
ms                                                             .           
poster                                                         .           
add                                                            .           
speshul                                                        1.242012e-01
emphasi                                                        .           
thought                                                        .           
joe                                                            2.009749e-02
biden                                                          .           
outcom                                                         4.170256e-01
name                                                           .           
hill                                                           .           
#realdonaldtrump                                               .           
rather                                                         .           
quiet                                                          .           
endgam                                                         .           
vlad                                                           .           
probabl                                                        .           
expend                                                         .           
ponder                                                         .           
communist                                                      1.099284e-01
grade                                                          .           
washington                                                    -3.258794e-01
9mm                                                            .           
beretta                                                        .           
blame                                                          .           
#buildthewal                                                   .           
mandatori                                                      .           
e-verifi                                                       .           
#rednationris                                                  .           
#sendthemhom                                                   .           
sh                                                             .           
hole                                                           .           
huh                                                            .           
brazil                                                         .           
bro                                                            .           
cray                                                           .           
mehn                                                           .           
there’                                                         .           
audio                                                          .           
simpli                                                         .           
revert                                                         .           
blah                                                           .           
i’ve                                                           .           
troubleshoot                                                   .           
fix                                                            .           
sourc                                                          .           
circuitri                                                      .           
convert                                                        .           
insane                                                         .           
bs                                                             4.926957e-02
#meneith                                                       .           
liar                                                           1.453999e+00
absolut                                                        .           
bullshit                                                       1.369947e+00
move                                                           .           
appreci                                                        .           
everyon                                                        .           
misplac                                                        .           
knee                                                           .           
loss                                                           .           
anti                                                           .           
fascist                                                        1.010395e+00
romney                                                         .           
brick                                                          .           
unless                                                         .           
na                                                             .           
😧                                                             .           
part                                                           .           
crook                                                          3.774623e-01
per                                                            .           
done                                                           .           
put                                                            .           
togeth                                                         .           
loser                                                          1.415286e+00
spoil                                                          .           
sort                                                           .           
ahh                                                            .           
later                                                          .           
cant                                                           .           
minnesota                                                      .           
wife                                                           .           
silent                                                         .           
hypocrit                                                       1.911499e+00
condemn                                                        .           
israeli                                                        .           
basi                                                           .           
angel                                                          .           
pin                                                            .           
doom                                                           .           
endless                                                        .           
debat                                                          .           
effect                                                         .           
radiat                                                         .           
mention                                                        .           
gaga                                                           .           
witch                                                          7.499153e-01
known                                                          .           
immort                                                         .           
unamerican                                                     .           
saw                                                            .           
jail                                                           4.025166e-01
#youaregoingtojail                                             .           
#youhavebeenexpos                                              .           
dbc                                                            .           
heard                                                          .           
#51                                                            .           
epic                                                           .           
forward                                                       -3.661329e-01
soon                                                           .           
sen                                                            .           
feinstein                                                     -4.196407e-01
sat                                                            .           
polit                                                          .           
seeker                                                         1.161247e+00
sell                                                           .           
soul                                                           .           
mani                                                          -1.752446e-02
smash                                                          .           
wear                                                           .           
anti-american                                                  1.115426e+00
fucktard                                                       .           
pathet                                                         9.507742e-01
wast                                                           .           
slap                                                           6.770483e-01
ballot                                                         .           
box                                                            .           
shout                                                          .           
mouth                                                          3.944071e-01
open                                                           .           
slack                                                          .           
jaw                                                            .           
lazi                                                           .           
slouch                                                         4.353983e-01
kkk                                                            7.062450e-02
muscl                                                          .           
cracchead                                                      .           
leak                                                           .           
soro                                                           .           
vicious                                                        .           
alli                                                           .           
plan                                                           .           
fund                                                           .           
everyday                                                       .           
👏                                                             .           
🤪                                                             .           
concern                                                        .           
chang                                                         -9.739714e-03
problem                                                        .           
deeper                                                         .           
ca                                                             .           
professor                                                      .           
pile                                                           .           
hors                                                           .           
dung                                                           .           
godless                                                        .           
already-debunk                                                 1.342253e-01
viral                                                          .           
hoax                                                           2.983402e-01
decid                                                          .           
meme                                                           .           
debunk                                                         .           
potenti                                                        .           
human                                                          .           
#facebook                                                      .           
#rosetta                                                       1.764958e-02
#meme                                                          .           
boi                                                            .           
sane                                                           .           
eric                                                           .           
holder                                                         3.326427e-01
filthi                                                         5.646307e-01
maggot                                                         .           
horribl                                                        .           
🤮                                                             .           
report                                                         .           
riddl                                                          .           
error                                                          .           
fabric                                                         .           
connect                                                        .           
influenc                                                       .           
exist                                                          .           
categor                                                        .           
far-right                                                      .           
fake                                                           7.825404e-01
mew                                                            .           
foolhardi                                                      .           
institut                                                       .           
athwart                                                        .           
opinion                                                        .           
dred                                                           .           
scott                                                          .           
plessi                                                         .           
v                                                              .           
ferguson                                                       .           
cum                                                            .           
board                                                          .           
ed                                                             .           
plus                                                           .           
late-in-our-histori                                            .           
decis                                                          .           
revolutionari                                                  .           
yrs                                                           -1.207886e-01
late                                                           .           
hunt                                                           .           
piti                                                           .           
find                                                           .           
stori                                                          .           
crazi                                                          9.271327e-01
set                                                            .           
wont                                                           .           
whitewash                                                      .           
privat                                                         .           
necessari                                                      .           
hash                                                           .           
signific                                                       .           
37year                                                         .           
17yr                                                           .           
old                                                            .           
15yr                                                           .           
cross-examin                                                   .           
cater                                                          .           
collin                                                         .           
murkowski                                                      .           
approv                                                         .           
abandon                                                        .           
expect                                                         .           
dna                                                            .           
test                                                           .           
obvious                                                        .           
answer                                                        -1.060477e-01
wouldn’t                                                       .           
snowflak                                                       .           
border                                                         .           
protect                                                        .           
detain                                                         .           
releas                                                         .           
pedophil                                                       1.019672e+00
traffick                                                       .           
kag                                                            .           
sacrific                                                       .           
hard                                                           .           
creat                                                          .           
agenda                                                         .           
offens                                                         .           
still                                                          .           
fire                                                           .           
pitt                                                           .           
player                                                         .           
face                                                           3.969399e-02
repuls                                                         8.934469e-01
level                                                          .           
unhing                                                         .           
dog                                                            .           
flea                                                           4.354137e-01
agree                                                          .           
beyond                                                         .           
compar                                                         .           
dutert                                                         .           
success                                                        .           
tweet                                                          .           
articl                                                         .           
yellow                                                         .           
hood                                                           .           
stranger                                                       .           
exact                                                          .           
black                                                          1.889181e-01
#secondamend                                                   6.127189e-01
bring                                                          .           
common                                                         .           
sens                                                           .           
chicago                                                        .           
toughest                                                       .           
capit                                                          .           
dick                                                           1.144169e+00
understand                                                     .           
i’ll                                                           .           
25th                                                           .           
amend                                                          .           
comey                                                          .           
mulller                                                        2.844244e-01
roll                                                           1.190467e-01
duct                                                           4.326419e-02
tape                                                           .           
suffici                                                        3.834315e-03
sonofabitch                                                    2.751431e-04
pace                                                           .           
sir                                                            .           
woke                                                           .           
elect                                                          .           
biggest                                                        .           
mid-term                                                       2.078556e-02
vapor                                                          .           
fart                                                           .           
hurrican                                                       .           
judg                                                           .           
univers                                                        .           
prof                                                           .           
tory’                                                          .           
delusion                                                       1.111495e+00
eat                                                            .           
qualiti                                                        .           
paint                                                          .           
chip                                                           .           
gop                                                            .           
strike                                                         .           
distanc                                                        .           
retak                                                          .           
franken                                                        .           
shhhh                                                          .           
proud                                                          .           
barf                                                           .           
squishi                                                        .           
self-right                                                     .           
tbc                                                            .           
young                                                          .           
major                                                          .           
who'v                                                          .           
swallow                                                        .           
sj                                                             .           
hand                                                           .           
wave                                                           .           
prager                                                         .           
lame                                                           .           
master                                                         .           
none                                                           .           
#stopkavanaugh                                                 .           
except                                                         .           
sucker                                                         1.098883e+00
pay                                                            .           
earli                                                          .           
access                                                         5.650812e-01
lowest                                                         .           
low                                                            .           
bar                                                            .           
glad                                                           .           
plenti                                                         .           
aren’t                                                         .           
trash                                                          4.200971e-01
awesom                                                        -4.415292e-01
conni                                                          .           
enjoy                                                          .           
vacat                                                          .           
modern                                                         .           
demarat                                                        .           
unjust                                                         .           
kneel                                                          .           
continu                                                        .           
scare                                                          .           
whore                                                          3.735219e-01
bronbron                                                       .           
cool                                                           .           
ok                                                             .           
#lakergang                                                     .           
taken                                                          .           
anybodi                                                        .           
mess                                                           6.071215e-02
#walkaway                                                      .           
congresswoman                                                  .           
m                                                              .           
water                                                          .           
demon                                                          2.700392e-01
within                                                         .           
a_                                                             .           
greedi                                                         .           
folk                                                           .           
submit                                                         .           
devil                                                          1.684321e-01
satan                                                          1.238890e+00
defeat                                                         .           
fred                                                           .           
guttenberg’                                                    .           
entir                                                          3.911688e-02
mission                                                        .           
dollar                                                         .           
👉                                                             .           
favor                                                          .           
abide                                                          .           
stanc                                                          .           
abnorm                                                         4.354167e-01
inadequ                                                        3.058910e-01
vile                                                           .           
lunaci                                                         .           
alinski                                                        .           
rule                                                           .           
radic                                                          .           
handbook                                                       .           
steal                                                          .           
etc                                                            .           
destroy                                                        4.697703e-02
lack                                                           4.469913e-01
moral                                                          .           
code                                                           .           
chart                                                          .           
overal                                                         .           
cardi                                                          .           
niki                                                           .           
everyone                                                       .           
exhaust                                                        .           
project                                                        .           
engag                                                          .           
louis                                                          .           
mensch                                                         .           
russian                                                        .           
op                                                             .           
registrar                                                      .           
explain                                                        .           
internet                                                       .           
screenshot                                                     .           
stuff                                                          .           
repli                                                          .           
sing                                                           .           
amaz                                                          -4.185113e-02
voic                                                           .           
grate                                                          .           
carri                                                          .           
aw                                                             1.981534e-01
😪                                                             .           
#investigatechtistineford                                      .           
delet                                                          .           
social                                                         .           
media                                                          .           
delay                                                          .           
testimoni                                                      .           
activist                                                       .           
people                                                         .           
feed                                                           .           
feeding                                                        .           
starving                                                       .           
eaten                                                          .           
minutes                                                        .           
😳                                                             .           
tyler                                                          .           
assur                                                          .           
haleigh                                                        .           
immacul                                                        .           
juri                                                           .           
manag                                                          .           
toy                                                            .           
polic                                                          .           
maryland                                                       .           
info                                                           .           
protest                                                        .           
grabber                                                        .           
femal                                                          .           
mock                                                           2.899787e-01
skin                                                           .           
color                                                          .           
decapit                                                        .           
threaten                                                       .           
baron                                                          .           
mother                                                         .           
grief                                                          .           
foster                                                         .           
i’d                                                            .           
poor                                                           .           
rager                                                          2.533673e-01
shamer                                                         6.707519e-02
sad                                                            1.278349e-01
inde                                                           .           
hit                                                            .           
fan                                                            .           
yeah                                                           2.767292e-01
kinda                                                          .           
fashi                                                          .           
tshirt                                                         .           
pinochet                                                       .           
brought                                                        3.823443e-02
experi                                                         .           
#doyourjob                                                     .           
#dotherightth                                                  .           
stellar                                                        .           
#scotus                                                        .           
#judgekavanaugh                                                .           
b-a                                                            .           
document                                                       .           
lifetim                                                       -6.254835e-02
excel                                                          .           
b                                                              .           
puppet                                                         .           
obstruct                                                       .           
#kag                                                          -7.611246e-02
factory’                                                       .           
n                                                              .           
movi                                                           .           
sum                                                            .           
worth                                                          .           
sling                                                          .           
member                                                         .           
nut                                                            6.231172e-01
wherea                                                         .           
son                                                            .           
trap                                                           .           
shut                                                           .           
nfl                                                            .           
shove                                                          4.139024e-01
pie                                                            3.696624e-01
enough                                                         9.161293e-02
reason                                                         .           
#traitors                                                      4.354102e-01
#america                                                       .           
damag                                                          .           
libtard                                                        .           
victim                                                         9.710165e-02
sexual                                                         5.880940e-01
assault                                                        .           
incit                                                          .           
doubt                                                          .           
champion                                                       .           
minor                                                          .           
covet                                                          .           
lmao                                                           .           
leagu                                                          .           
viewership                                                     .           
legend                                                         .           
overwatch                                                      .           
cs                                                             .           
main                                                           .           
format                                                         .           
consol                                                         .           
turn                                                           .           
advantag                                                       .           
uf                                                             .           
captur                                                         .           
attent                                                         1.386592e-01
shmo                                                           .           
loll                                                           .           
😎                                                             .           
alien                                                          .           
2a                                                             .           
wage                                                           .           
butter                                                         .           
dislik                                                         .           
bait                                                           .           
els                                                            .           
injur                                                          .           
goo                                                            .           
👶🏻                                                           .           
hey                                                            .           
jimmi                                                          .           
view                                                           .           
norm                                                           .           
finish                                                         .           
juic                                                           .           
nap                                                            .           
mat                                                            .           
joker                                                          .           
local                                                          .           
20x                                                            3.185593e-01
trader                                                         .           
screw                                                          .           
ride                                                           .           
bird                                                           .           
climat                                                         .           
myth                                                           .           
unconstitut                                                    .           
gestapo                                                        .           
uphold                                                         .           
dumbass                                                        4.384442e-01
disagre                                                        .           
akin                                                           .           
appropri                                                       .           
metoo                                                          .           
purpos                                                         .           
extra                                                          .           
awar                                                           .           
nomine                                                         .           
target                                                         .           
special                                                        .           
oxymoron                                                       .           
🤔                                                             .           
#nowread                                                       .           
crisi                                                          .           
1st                                                            .           
oh                                                             .           
batman                                                         .           
superman                                                       .           
trailer                                                        .           
awesome                                                        .           
2nd                                                            .           
bvs                                                            .           
3rd                                                            .           
4th                                                            .           
zack                                                           .           
henri                                                          .           
ben                                                            .           
dr                                                             .           
p                                                              .           
wickstrom                                                      .           
rip                                                            .           
land                                                           .           
cruz                                                           .           
#antifa                                                       -7.355835e-02
propos                                                         .           
#2birdsofafeath                                                .           
stone                                                          .           
lean                                                           .           
freak                                                          1.127716e-01
compliant                                                      .           
complain                                                       .           
energi                                                         .           
we’r                                                           .           
loos                                                           .           
carbon                                                         .           
reduct                                                         .           
you’r                                                          .           
choos                                                          .           
wil                                                            .           
tori                                                           .           
wrote                                                          .           
diffrent                                                       .           
situat                                                         .           
gotta                                                          .           
fact                                                          -9.342701e-02
aint                                                           .           
natur                                                          .           
hydrat                                                         .           
bless                                                          .           
advocaci                                                       .           
clarifi                                                        .           
specif                                                         .           
propag                                                         .           
inform                                                         .           
fals                                                           .           
shooter                                                        .           
another                                                        1.625112e-01
dictat                                                         .           
terrorist                                                      7.410668e-01
deepstate                                                      .           
nukes                                                          .           
intercepted                                                    .           
heading                                                        .           
cities                                                         .           
#skynew                                                        .           
#skypap                                                        .           
#bbcdp                                                         .           
#lbc                                                           .           
#lbclive                                                       .           
#talkradio                                                     .           
#altnew                                                        .           
#brexit                                                       -1.487189e-01
#remain                                                        .           
#london                                                        .           
#cityoflondon                                                  .           
#new                                                           .           
#breakingnew                                                   .           
#uknew                                                         .           
#labour                                                        .           
#tori                                                          .           
#toryparti                                                     .           
#ukip                                                          .           
#christian                                                     .           
funni                                                         -1.043104e-01
often                                                          .           
critic                                                         .           
feder                                                          .           
shouldn’t                                                      .           
surpris                                                        .           
promot                                                         .           
domest                                                         .           
mike                                                           .           
sarah                                                          .           
lair                                                           1.033754e+00
useless                                                        7.064606e-01
argument                                                       .           
drunk                                                          .           
punish                                                         .           
safeti                                                         .           
precaut                                                        .           
drink                                                          .           
own                                                            1.627863e-01
oper                                                           2.163411e-01
vehicl                                                         .           
gt                                                             .           
met                                                            .           
lectur                                                         .           
harder                                                         .           
fli                                                            .           
airplan                                                        .           
donni                                                          .           
plane                                                          .           
next                                                           .           
lap                                                            .           
afraid                                                         .           
dictionari                                                     .           
illegal                                                        .           
immigrant                                                      1.486266e-01
dreamer                                                        .           
deplor                                                         .           
ms-13                                                          .           
killer                                                         4.597119e-02
be                                                             .           
womb                                                           .           
protestor                                                      .           
membbbqer                                                      .           
bill                                                           .           
feminist                                                       .           
brett                                                          .           
predat                                                         3.772904e-01
yessss                                                         .           
territori                                                      .           
gang                                                           .           
vet                                                            .           
perhap                                                         .           
forgotten                                                      .           
motto                                                          .           
hotter                                                         .           
pissed                                                         .           
werent                                                         .           
invited                                                        .           
liberaltarian                                                  .           
freshest                                                       .           
ashole                                                         5.232482e-02
gonna                                                          .           
death                                                          3.970139e-01
tattoo                                                         .           
fuckin                                                         6.618305e-02
fashion                                                        .           
string                                                         .           
idk                                                            .           
might                                                          .           
ha                                                             .           
mont                                                           .           
mcnaughton                                                     .           
camper                                                         .           
indigen                                                        .           
equal                                                          .           
rig                                                            .           
pick                                                           .           
😍                                                             .           
😊                                                             .           
🤗                                                             .           
courag                                                         .           
ruthless                                                       .           
bbc                                                            .           
biass                                                          .           
theresa                                                        3.296435e-02
feet                                                           .           
respons                                                        .           
script                                                         .           
robot                                                          .           
along                                                          .           
diagnos                                                        .           
california                                                     .           
almost                                                         .           
state                                                          .           
moment                                                         .           
sentenc                                                        .           
graaawrl                                                       .           
wyvern                                                         .           
breakfast                                                      .           
guys                                                           .           
healer                                                         .           
babysit                                                        .           
dragon                                                         .           
foolishness                                                    .           
tank                                                           .           
stomach                                                        .           
#mondaymotiv                                                   .           
#maaa                                                          .           
rest                                                           .           
raid                                                           .           
bomb                                                           1.711396e-01
factori                                                        .           
germani                                                        .           
it’s                                                           .           
civilis                                                        .           
tougher                                                        .           
backward                                                       .           
💡                                                             .           
badg                                                           .           
barbi                                                          .           
recent                                                        -1.357522e-01
ad                                                             .           
royal                                                          .           
autumn                                                         .           
town                                                           .           
fantasia                                                       .           
getaway                                                        .           
kid                                                            .           
soooo                                                          .           
expand                                                         .           
shrink                                                         .           
treason                                                        1.288208e-01
fraud                                                          .           
russia                                                         .           
bert                                                           .           
ernie                                                          .           
gay                                                            1.924354e-01
wtaf                                                           9.514120e-02
desir                                                          1.377246e-01
anytim                                                         .           
20s                                                            .           
anyday                                                         .           
teach                                                          .           
relat                                                          .           
lucki                                                          .           
correct                                                        .           
deliber                                                        3.649189e-01
distort                                                        .           
worri                                                          .           
meddl                                                          .           
ohio                                                           .           
frfr                                                           .           
misdirect                                                      .           
intent                                                         .           
referenc                                                       .           
scream                                                         .           
most                                                           .           
spin                                                           .           
wiretap                                                        .           
instanc                                                        .           
month                                                         -1.244225e-01
kindest                                                        .           
sweetest                                                       .           
aliv                                                           .           
grandma                                                        .           
saint                                                          .           
song                                                           .           
written                                                        .           
mom                                                            .           
cours                                                          .           
justifi                                                        .           
physic                                                         .           
suggest                                                        .           
elimin                                                         .           
valu                                                           .           
die                                                            4.343303e-02
constitut                                                      .           
worship                                                        .           
#dummydonniejr                                                 .           
🤦🏻‍♀️                                                          .           
🤥                                                             .           
😅                                                             .           
appl                                                           .           
tree                                                           .           
#enoughisenough                                                .           
#liarinchief                                                   .           
daddi                                                          .           
🍄                                                             .           
tran                                                           .           
porn                                                           8.448754e-01
ammunit                                                        .           
😮                                                             .           
🙁                                                             .           
😞                                                             .           
😢                                                             .           
fbi                                                            .           
orrin                                                          .           
hatch                                                          .           
closet                                                         .           
hide                                                           .           
sex                                                            8.527576e-01
offender                                                       .           
stick                                                          .           
retweet                                                       -3.207560e-02
demand                                                        -1.677568e-01
alleg                                                          .           
carrey                                                         1.729586e+00
cameramen                                                      .           
check                                                          .           
rock                                                           .           
#fakenewscnn                                                   .           
they’ll                                                        .           
📺                                                             .           
profession                                                     .           
irrelev                                                        .           
hardi                                                          .           
basic                                                         -1.684279e-02
ident                                                          .           
buck                                                           .           
poverti                                                        .           
credit                                                         .           
brexitshambl                                                   1.737640e-01
economi                                                        .           
teeter                                                         3.849274e-02
brink                                                          5.497833e-03
list                                                           .           
factor                                                         .           
build                                                          .           
fit                                                            1.321832e-01
um                                                             .           
labour                                                         .           
impli                                                          .           
therefor                                                       .           
less                                                           .           
whilst                                                         .           
disput                                                         .           
whatabouteri                                                   .           
thug                                                           2.680746e-02
#nancypelosi                                                   3.219628e-01
#chuckschum                                                    9.859712e-02
pound                                                          .           
hm                                                             .           
kookoo                                                         2.809981e-01
respect                                                        .           
wherev                                                         .           
🔴                                                             .           
⚪️                                                             .           
oh-no                                                          .           
benefit                                                        .           
employ                                                         .           
bulli                                                          8.029714e-01
brave                                                          .           
confront                                                       .           
behavior                                                       .           
competitor                                                     .           
room                                                           .           
applaud                                                        .           
nonsens                                                        2.531042e-01
grant                                                          .           
knew                                                           .           
factual                                                        .           
adher                                                          .           
they’d                                                         .           
#washingtonpost                                                .           
therapist                                                      .           
note                                                           .           
four                                                           .           
😠                                                             .           
#votedemsout                                                   4.071547e-01
#dirtytrick                                                    .           
#dc                                                            .           
#kavanaugh                                                     .           
#foxnew                                                        .           
#liar                                                          .           
#cnn                                                           .           
#msnbc                                                         .           
#senflak                                                       .           
#wrong                                                         .           
#metoo                                                         .           
#christineblaseyford                                           .           
initiat                                                        .           
😜                                                             .           
bam                                                            .           
safe                                                           .           
isn’t                                                          .           
lye                                                            .           
alcohol                                                        .           
prohibit                                                       .           
receiv                                                         .           
threat                                                         .           
teenag                                                         2.390665e-01
daughter                                                       3.266967e-02
price                                                         -1.524673e-02
#wnba                                                          .           
championship                                                   .           
winner                                                         .           
visit                                                          .           
amaze                                                          .           
plastic                                                        .           
harm                                                           .           
what                                                           .           
armor                                                          .           
prism                                                          .           
race                                                           .           
return                                                         .           
punt                                                           .           
💰                                                             .           
hi                                                            -1.481065e-01
youuuuuu                                                       .           
ariana                                                         .           
youuuu                                                         .           
ruin                                                           5.577891e-01
brand                                                          .           
kaepernick                                                     .           
appropo                                                        .           
flag                                                           .           
#lockherup                                                     .           
shhh                                                           .           
waffl                                                          .           
nob                                                            .           
goblin                                                         .           
reach                                                          .           
paul.berg                                                      .           
class                                                          .           
fierc                                                          .           
ethical                                                        .           
niggaaahhhh                                                    .           
address                                                        .           
repres                                                         .           
ahhh                                                           .           
antonio                                                        .           
team                                                           .           
🤷🏻‍♂️                                                          .           
manufactur                                                     .           
indeed.a                                                       .           
needi                                                          .           
robust                                                         .           
equivoc                                                        .           
term                                                           .           
begin                                                          .           
disappoint                                                     .           
dilut                                                          .           
fear                                                           .           
gratitud                                                       .           
ill                                                            4.494529e-01
apparent                                                       .           
ellison                                                        .           
post                                                           .           
screen                                                         .           
cap                                                            .           
elsewher                                                       .           
nomin                                                          .           
brainwash                                                      2.472330e-01
mainstream                                                     .           
up                                                             .           
propaganda                                                     3.442768e-01
divid                                                          .           
plant                                                          .           
fu                                                             .           
audienc                                                        .           
clap                                                           .           
cheer                                                         -8.065426e-02
nasa                                                          -8.342205e-02
country’                                                       .           
elder                                                          .           
couldn’t                                                       .           
underwat                                                       .           
oxygen                                                         .           
babi                                                           .           
extort                                                         .           
racket                                                         .           
auster                                                         .           
connecting                                                     .           
thanks                                                         .           
xoxo                                                           .           
convalut                                                       .           
theori                                                         .           
nixon                                                          .           
deep                                                           .           
throat                                                         .           
incel                                                          .           
spunktrumpet                                                   .           
shapiro                                                        .           
rage                                                           .           
film                                                           .           
thursday                                                       .           
burt                                                           .           
reynold                                                        .           
flake                                                          .           
melt                                                           .           
suck                                                           2.084022e+00
hy                                                             .           
🤦‍♀️                                                            4.914220e-02
match                                                          .           
sarrena                                                        .           
william                                                        .           
bono                                                           .           
democrats                                                      .           
smear                                                          .           
latest                                                         .           
saul                                                           .           
playbook                                                       .           
slaveri                                                        .           
cooler                                                         .           
husband                                                        .           
hellboy                                                        .           
theatr                                                         .           
excit                                                          .           
silenc                                                         .           
alex                                                           .           
jone                                                           .           
retali                                                         .           
awh                                                            .           
babe                                                           .           
depress                                                        .           
admir                                                          .           
mac                                                            .           
miller                                                         .           
💔                                                             .           
here’                                                          .           
politician                                                     .           
furnish                                                        .           
so-cal                                                         .           
pack                                                           .           
partisan                                                       .           
hack                                                           .           
woodward                                                       .           
isn                                                            .           
#8217                                                          .           
massiv                                                         .           
pare                                                           .           
offset                                                         .           
plung                                                          .           
market                                                         .           
patrick                                                        .           
reject                                                         .           
exercis                                                        .           
send                                                           .           
opposit                                                       -3.111688e-02
taxpay                                                         .           
popular                                                        .           
prime                                                          .           
minist                                                         .           
decent                                                         .           
idea                                                           .           
doesnt                                                         .           
footbal                                                        .           
sob                                                            4.812212e-02
immigr                                                         .           
greatest                                                       .           
potus                                                          .           
#trump2020                                                     .           
lt                                                             .           
governor                                                       .           
concentr                                                       .           
constitu                                                       .           
increas                                                        .           
tax                                                            .           
doubl                                                          .           
electr                                                         .           
bush-clinton                                                   .           
wayward                                                        .           
convers                                                        .           
patricia                                                       .           
hewitt                                                         .           
sold                                                           .           
stoke                                                          .           
sec                                                            .           
comprehens                                                     .           
wtf                                                            8.304618e-01
#guncontrolnow                                                 .           
#voteblu                                                       .           
administr                                                      .           
legal                                                          .           
vital                                                          .           
forc                                                           .           
ground                                                         .           
chelsea                                                        .           
parent                                                        -3.327701e-02
incred                                                         .           
odd                                                            .           
despicable                                                     .           
lackey                                                         .           
complicit                                                      .           
mistak                                                         .           
kavauagh                                                       .           
guard                                                          .           
cover                                                          .           
griev                                                          .           
crawl                                                          .           
newest                                                         .           
peep                                                           .           
pleasur                                                        .           
constant                                                       .           
#lindasarsour                                                  .           
#fakefeminist                                                  .           
#sharialaw                                                     .           
#antisemet                                                     .           
buy                                                            .           
born                                                           .           
brooklyn                                                       .           
#palestinian                                                   9.853520e-01
#antiamerican                                                  .           
leopard                                                        .           
spot                                                           .           
#pcliber                                                       6.917043e-01
#wakeup                                                        .           
night                                                          .           
💘                                                             .           
💖                                                             .           
empathi                                                        .           
regret                                                         1.216961e-01
ineffect                                                       7.776985e-01
presidenti                                                     .           
cat                                                            .           
hotel                                                          .           
guest                                                          .           
corpus                                                         4.795108e-01
christi                                                        .           
ruger                                                          3.185837e-01
p89                                                            .           
favorit                                                        .           
copi                                                           .           
yea                                                            .           
nyc                                                            .           
she’                                                           8.438250e-02
easi                                                           .           
chameleon                                                      .           
bc                                                             .           
diff                                                          -2.308653e-01
famous                                                         .           
canada                                                         .           
comedian                                                       3.963561e-01
john                                                           .           
adam                                                           .           
found                                                          .           
💥                                                             .           
o'keef                                                         .           
announc                                                        .           
gateway                                                        .           
eagl                                                           .           
forum                                                          .           
fantast                                                        .           
#conspiracynomor                                               .           
#patriotswin                                                   .           
#trumptreason                                                  .           
#thetruthshallsetusfre                                         .           
43year                                                         .           
ban                                                            .           
civil                                                          .           
transcend                                                      .           
insist                                                         .           
stringent                                                      .           
sink                                                           .           
nice                                                           .           
traffic                                                        .           
cuti                                                           .           
predict                                                        .           
empti                                                          4.072745e-01
induc                                                          .           
maneuv                                                         .           
attempt                                                        .           
instal                                                         .           
midterm                                                        .           
version                                                        .           
three                                                          .           
mad                                                            .           
worthi                                                         .           
nigger                                                         .           
lefti                                                          1.473482e+00
behaviour                                                      .           
drawn                                                          .           
transit                                                        .           
unfair                                                         .           
unjustifi                                                      3.711395e-01
censorship                                                     .           
#pray4theusa                                                   1.265617e-01
#pray4reviv                                                    2.902048e-02
shyt                                                           4.354357e-01
rewrit                                                         .           
shorti                                                         .           
dad                                                            .           
taught                                                         .           
eveyth                                                         .           
pussygrab                                                      .           
pain                                                           .           
🇺🇸                                                             .           
record                                                         .           
quebec                                                         .           
consequ                                                        .           
budget                                                         .           
program                                                        .           
print                                                          .           
😩                                                             .           
photoshop                                                      .           
toad                                                           .           
confeder                                                       .           
kart                                                           .           
meuller                                                        .           
sportsman                                                      .           
barri                                                          .           
unwit                                                          .           
lethal                                                         .           
killari                                                        .           
lone                                                           .           
azeez                                                          .           
dost                                                           .           
touch                                                          .           
comfort                                                        .           
restless                                                       .           
scene                                                          .           
bow                                                            .           
actor                                                          .           
#jenshad                                                       .           
coupl                                                          .           
goal                                                           .           
🔥                                                             .           
#adiya                                                         .           
#bepannaah                                                     .           
rob                                                            6.552046e-01
😡                                                             .           
avenatti                                                       .           
client                                                         .           
food                                                           .           
drop                                                           .           
paper                                                          1.395682e-01
#goodread                                                      .           
brief                                                          .           
repress                                                        .           
regim                                                          .           
yesterday                                                      .           
common-sens                                                    .           
confisc                                                        .           
freedom—period                                                 .           
free                                                           .           
milk                                                           .           
educ                                                           .           
qualif                                                         .           
typic                                                          .           
tweep                                                          .           
lower                                                          .           
debt                                                           .           
they’v                                                         6.155959e-01
squad                                                          .           
expert                                                         .           
advic                                                          .           
econom                                                         .           
govt                                                           .           
pakistan                                                       .           
council                                                        .           
serv                                                           .           
wish                                                           .           
canadian                                                       .           
trudeau                                                        .           
cost                                                           .           
standard                                                       .           
shame                                                          5.403377e-01
gullibl                                                        .           
committe                                                       .           
session                                                        .           
birth                                                          .           
roe                                                            .           
vs                                                             .           
wade                                                           .           
allow                                                          .           
depriv                                                         .           
trust                                                          .           
jesus                                                          .           
palm                                                           .           
#jesusitrustinyou                                              .           
victori                                                        .           
crush                                                          .           
becam                                                          .           
hardcor                                                        3.220960e-01
stan                                                           .           
let’                                                           .           
fault                                                          .           
rn                                                             .           
amount                                                         .           
guilti                                                         .           
juli                                                           .           
#rushfamili                                                    .           
you’v                                                          .           
newyork                                                        .           
ounc                                                           .           
relev                                                          .           
#netherlandstaxhaven                                           .           
ted                                                            .           
#texa                                                          .           
voter                                                          .           
beto                                                           4.795172e-01
o'rourk                                                        .           
barbequ                                                        .           
#ridicul                                                       .           
soldier                                                        .           
rape                                                           2.864662e-01
select                                                         .           
finest                                                         .           
cuz                                                            .           
discreet                                                       .           
beco                                                           .           
site                                                           .           
teli                                                           .           
weeb'tifa                                                      .           
around                                                         .           
glock                                                          2.270921e-01
mr                                                             .           
unemploy                                                       .           
purchas                                                        .           
dental                                                         5.251712e-02
casket                                                         8.015391e-03
ohh                                                            .           
😦                                                             .           
avoid                                                          .           
un                                                             .           
commit                                                         .           
brexit                                                        -3.429523e-02
pig                                                            4.637345e-01
prosecut                                                       .           
non-vot                                                        .           
skew                                                           .           
anti-fasc                                                      .           
form                                                           1.229988e-01
non-newtonian                                                  .           
fluid                                                          .           
oobleck                                                        .           
naiv                                                           .           
extrem                                                         .           
ata                                                            .           
berkeley                                                       .           
pittsburgh                                                     .           
kek                                                            .           
goober                                                         .           
durbin                                                         .           
amnesia                                                        .           
character                                                      .           
#mogg                                                          2.725206e-01
#jacobreesmogg                                                 7.533758e-02
#chuckchequ                                                    .           
chequer                                                        .           
nobodi                                                         1.610382e-01
#primeminist                                                   7.675537e-03
#bbc                                                           .           
#ski                                                           .           
kamau                                                          .           
bell                                                           .           
spoke                                                          .           
riot                                                           .           
🛑                                                             .           
ntknetwork                                                     .           
rnc                                                            .           
rais                                                           .           
#prolif                                                        .           
defect                                                         .           
integr                                                         .           
referendum                                                     .           
negoti                                                         .           
gener                                                          .           
election                                                       .           
readi                                                          .           
wheat                                                          .           
cracker                                                        .           
faith                                                         -4.745004e-02
certain                                                        .           
general                                                       -4.552689e-01
pro                                                            .           
howev                                                          .           
incid                                                          .           
huge                                                           .           
bureaucraci                                                    .           
mailbox                                                        .           
afford                                                         .           
chees                                                          .           
wise                                                           .           
habit                                                          .           
prostitut                                                      2.719668e-01
smarter                                                        4.333752e-03
ly                                                             .           
#magats                                                        .           
probali                                                        .           
desper                                                         1.239389e-01
abort                                                          7.433109e-02
gender                                                         .           
tarzan                                                         .           
troll                                                          .           
aunti                                                          .           
resort                                                         .           
easiest                                                        .           
label                                                          .           
lbgqt                                                          .           
communiti                                                      .           
somehow                                                        .           
suppos                                                         .           
brother                                                        .           
david                                                          5.608182e-01
👍                                                             .           
tessyfiy                                                       .           
morn                                                           .           
brilliant                                                     -6.937019e-02
problemat                                                      .           
offici                                                         .           
recogn                                                         .           
#killgough                                                     .           
wasn’t                                                         .           
tho                                                            .           
appar                                                          .           
#auspol                                                        .           
thread                                                         .           
ppls                                                           4.782070e-01
irrespons                                                      1.022370e+00
partner                                                        .           
snip                                                           .           
hogg                                                           .           
💩                                                             4.940459e-01
ami                                                            .           
barrett                                                        .           
candid                                                         .           
nutti                                                          .           
fruitcak                                                       .           
crowd                                                          .           
reciproc                                                       .           
recept                                                         .           
genuin                                                         .           
barack                                                         .           
crocodil                                                       .           
tear                                                           .           
featur                                                         .           
splendidrainco                                                 .           
etsi                                                           .           
page                                                           .           
censor                                                         .           
search                                                         .           
engin                                                          .           
direct                                                         .           
link                                                           .           
accord                                                         .           
instagram                                                      .           
dri                                                            .           
#fact                                                          .           
attend                                                         .           
abbott’                                                        3.059136e-01
solv                                                           .           
guess                                                          .           
what’                                                          .           
texan                                                          .           
welcom                                                         .           
seychell                                                       .           
bernier                                                        .           
split                                                          .           
west                                                           .           
candiac                                                        2.972261e-02
stood                                                          .           
short                                                          .           
masturb                                                        1.568338e+00
pc                                                             .           
2018-09-14                                                     .           
blocklist                                                      .           
scrape                                                         .           
avail                                                          .           
blocktogeth                                                    .           
incorrect                                                      .           
scari                                                          .           
dedic                                                          .           
prevent                                                        .           
resourc                                                        .           
hospit                                                         .           
condit                                                         .           
remain                                                         .           
headlin                                                        .           
12yo                                                           .           
cbs                                                            .           
sez                                                            .           
ceo                                                            .           
lesli                                                          .           
moonv                                                          .           
sever                                                          .           
chase                                                          .           
coo                                                            .           
iannello                                                       .           
interim                                                        .           
somebodi                                                       .           
ooop                                                           .           
toll                                                           .           
armageddon                                                     .           
coverag                                                        .           
knife                                                          .           
remov                                                          .           
|                                                             -1.415613e-01
wwyd                                                           .           
religion                                                       .           
peac                                                           .           
fellow                                                         .           
izlam                                                          .           
tote                                                           .           
reform                                                         .           
grew                                                           .           
christian                                                      .           
wors                                                           1.558201e-02
quest                                                          .           
gym                                                            .           
injuri                                                         .           
african                                                        .           
recognit                                                       .           
republ                                                         .           
ideolog                                                        .           
recommend                                                      .           
forget                                                         .           
southern                                                       .           
center                                                         .           
jr                                                             .           
quicksand                                                      .           
espn                                                           .           
oppress                                                        .           
gotcha                                                         .           
sexi                                                           .           
tough                                                          .           
truli                                                         -1.783334e-01
verg                                                           .           
evict                                                          .           
due                                                            .           
suppli                                                         .           
#thestruggleisr                                                .           
streak                                                         .           
url                                                            .           
cfr                                                            .           
shield                                                         .           
nana                                                           .           
request                                                        .           
imo                                                            .           
contend                                                        .           
satisfi                                                        .           
mentor                                                         .           
borderlin                                                      .           
dash                                                           .           
berlin                                                         .           
aka                                                            .           
jeff                                                           3.592641e-01
moron                                                          1.678690e+00
clue                                                           .           
backup                                                         .           
#disarmthem                                                    .           
stunt                                                          .           
math                                                           .           
#antifagoon                                                    .           
insult                                                         .           
whitehous                                                      .           
senior                                                         .           
counselor                                                      .           
rapist                                                         9.091381e-01
atempted                                                       .           
murderer                                                       .           
wanted                                                         .           
❗️                                                             .           
#pjnet                                                         .           
independ                                                       .           
bi-product                                                     .           
relentless                                                     .           
pursuit                                                        .           
behav                                                          .           
ref                                                            .           
deflect                                                        .           
women’                                                         .           
kennedi                                                        .           
es                                                             .           
weed                                                           .           
teacher                                                        .           
career                                                         .           
#teacherlif                                                    .           
#prayallofthepray                                              .           
blow                                                           .           
dirt                                                           .           
miseri                                                         4.354428e-01
5.10am                                                         .           
queen                                                          .           
park                                                           .           
middl                                                          .           
grab                                                           9.055727e-02
chao                                                           .           
healthi                                                        .           
#onpoli                                                        1.663250e-02
sensibl                                                        .           
❤                                                             -6.468993e-02
👌                                                             .           
zealand                                                        .           
unarm                                                         -6.816955e-01
kept                                                           .           
enforc                                                         3.043035e-01
sometim                                                        .           
ya                                                             .           
yee                                                            .           
haw                                                            .           
ol                                                             .           
shock                                                          .           
#unhing                                                        .           
#derang                                                        .           
damn                                                           7.841613e-01
#crybabi                                                       .           
grow                                                           .           
hot                                                            .           
af                                                             1.801892e-03
weird                                                          .           
extrapol                                                       .           
healthcar                                                      6.602076e-01
brutalist                                                      .           
impenetr                                                       .           
cut                                                            .           
chlorin                                                        6.903163e-03
c'mon                                                          1.099075e-03
chicken                                                        .           
accept                                                         .           
premis                                                         .           
life’                                                          .           
bid                                                            .           
#letsomebodyloveyou                                            .           
#life                                                          .           
hasn’t                                                         .           
sound                                                          .           
star                                                           .           
seri                                                           .           
imposs                                                         .           
notic                                                          .           
strink                                                         .           
beneath                                                        .           
defin                                                          .           
conclus                                                        .           
english                                                       -3.426030e-02
languag                                                        .           
asia                                                           .           
region                                                         .           
cooper                                                         .           
develop                                                        .           
millionair                                                     .           
slander                                                        .           
su                                                             .           
libel                                                          .           
soar                                                           .           
offic                                                          .           
rid                                                            .           
pen                                                            .           
legaci                                                         .           
shatter                                                        .           
speech                                                         .           
conceal                                                        .           
firearm                                                        .           
stronger                                                       .           
🤨                                                             .           
hype                                                           .           
chad                                                           .           
commie                                                         .           
spar                                                           .           
50s-70s                                                        .           
poc                                                            .           
magic                                                          .           
ironi                                                          .           
wasnt                                                          .           
draft                                                          .           
outta                                                          .           
unstabl                                                        9.021555e-01
restrain                                                       .           
order                                                          .           
magazin                                                        .           
5-6                                                            .           
round                                                          5.752575e-01
zombi                                                          .           
apocalyps                                                      .           
pet                                                            .           
endear                                                         .           
chouchou                                                       .           
jonathan                                                       .           
haidt                                                          .           
righteous                                                      .           
requir                                                         .           
elucid                                                         .           
ration                                                         .           
principl                                                       .           
minimum                                                        .           
substanti                                                     -1.252315e-03
reduc                                                          .           
babbl                                                          .           
politicians                                                    .           
neighbor                                                       .           
champagn                                                       .           
socialist                                                      .           
disrespect                                                     .           
freedom                                                        .           
appal                                                          .           
punk                                                           .           
eye                                                            .           
louder                                                         .           
💜                                                             .           
tech                                                           .           
giant                                                          .           
uniqu                                                          .           
abil                                                           .           
monster                                                        1.690528e+00
thin                                                           .           
phantom                                                        .           
menanc                                                         .           
current                                                        .           
relax                                                          .           
weirdo                                                         1.191432e+00
stun                                                           .           
cuck                                                           .           
#looneyleft                                                    .           
f                                                              3.656635e-01
king                                                           .           
#qproof                                                        .           
#trudeaumustgo                                                 .           
lmaooo                                                         .           
lyingggg                                                       .           
ticket                                                         .           
psa                                                            .           
spoonfeed                                                      .           
structur                                                       .           
inequ                                                          .           
implement                                                      8.634305e-02
dear                                                           .           
😇                                                             .           
mushroom                                                       6.724906e-01
peni                                                           1.515463e+00
syndrom                                                        .           
impeach                                                        .           
truthfe                                                        .           
schumer                                                        .           
hysterical                                                     .           
issue                                                          .           
dairi                                                          .           
gluten                                                         .           
allergi                                                        .           
anxieti                                                        .           
bi                                                             .           
polar                                                          .           
schizophrenia                                                  .           
diet                                                           .           
hmmmmm                                                         .           
🧐                                                             .           
pitcher                                                        .           
batter                                                         .           
genius                                                         .           
peak                                                           .           
proven                                                         .           
anyoth                                                         .           
reinforc                                                       .           
garbag                                                         1.484720e+00
🤷🏾‍♂️                                                          .           
ski                                                            .           
mask                                                           .           
victoria                                                       .           
secret                                                         .           
sponsor                                                        .           
embrac                                                         .           
incent                                                         .           
procrastin                                                     .           
awe                                                            .           
hogwash                                                        .           
overst                                                         .           
republiklan                                                    .           
traitor                                                        1.029989e+00
dig                                                            .           
childhood                                                      .           
burn                                                           .           
#ernie                                                         .           
#bert                                                          .           
doll                                                           .           
#ernieandbert                                                  .           
#sesamestreet                                                  .           
#toad                                                          .           
#mariokart                                                     1.480366e-01
#traitortrump                                                  .           
#traitortoad                                                   .           
conveni                                                        .           
dummi                                                          .           
unemployed.conserv                                             2.652875e-01
warp                                                           .           
belief                                                         .           
clear.mani                                                     6.535334e-02
whatev                                                         .           
horseshit                                                      .           
creation                                                       .           
santa                                                          .           
clarita                                                        .           
9on                                                            .           
netflix                                                        .           
saudi                                                          .           
georgia                                                        .           
racism                                                         .           
utter                                                          3.225055e-01
toler                                                          .           
pole                                                           .           
discourag                                                     -4.261667e-02
bombshel                                                       .           
nwo                                                            .           
apart                                                          .           
tryna                                                          .           
bob                                                            .           
wednesday                                                      .           
emmys                                                          5.660533e-01
humor                                                          .           
da                                                             .           
celebr                                                         .           
pal                                                            .           
uwu                                                            .           
troop                                                          .           
weeabo                                                         .           
pride                                                          .           
#levistrauss                                                   .           
#ceo                                                           .           
inevit                                                         .           
consum                                                         .           
overlook                                                       .           
anim                                                           .           
lil                                                            .           
leviti                                                         .           
heavi                                                          .           
cognit                                                         .           
disson                                                         .           
#greatawaken                                                   .           
#pray                                                          .           
unpreced                                                       .           
armed                                                          .           
kamala                                                         .           
harri                                                          .           
breitbart                                                      .           
role                                                           .           
wholli                                                         .           
unsuit                                                         .           
parliament                                                     .           
awwww                                                          .           
haha                                                           .           
psychic                                                        .           
ain’t                                                          .           
breibart                                                       .           
comic                                                          .           
section                                                        .           
kain                                                           .           
ecstat                                                         .           
basement                                                       .           
nich                                                           .           
coordin                                                        .           
organ                                                          .           
skyrocket                                                      .           
bloodi                                                         1.606448e+00
snake                                                          .           
terroism                                                       .           
starvat                                                        .           
flint                                                          .           
global                                                         .           
warm                                                           .           
brutal                                                         .           
femin                                                          .           
march                                                          .           
they’r                                                         .           
network                                                        .           
matt                                                           .           
dangl                                                         -2.945767e-02
fiction                                                        .           
carrot                                                        -5.667464e-03
conservat                                                      .           
insight                                                        .           
cultur                                                         .           
weapon                                                         .           
pant                                                           2.378138e-01
droop                                                          .           
nurs                                                           .           
wet                                                            5.555961e-01
cough                                                          .           
doctor                                                        -7.734493e-02
dealt                                                          .           
earlier                                                        .           
prescript                                                      .           
antibiot                                                       .           
infect                                                         .           
👀                                                             .           
dement                                                         1.416474e+00
egomaniac                                                      1.673697e-01
agenc                                                          .           
cathol                                                         9.390268e-02
church                                                         .           
smoke                                                          .           
kansa                                                          3.552660e-01
insid                                                          .           
degre                                                          .           
absoluteli                                                     .           
nothing                                                        2.057735e-01
meritori                                                       .           
michael                                                        .           
avanetti                                                       .           
msp                                                            .           
similar                                                        .           
£                                                              .           
2bn                                                            .           
measur                                                         .           
collect                                                        .           
memori                                                         .           
#redwaveris                                                    .           
#follo4follo                                                   .           
#trumptrain                                                    .           
oppon                                                          .           
satanist                                                       1.171743e+00
haven’t                                                        .           
singl                                                          .           
ice                                                            .           
ambassador                                                     .           
heck                                                           .           
fluffer                                                        .           
clown                                                          9.838259e-01
tacozt                                                         .           
sociopath                                                      .           
combo                                                          .           
perman                                                         .           
suspend                                                        .           
#youhadonejob                                                  .           
billionair                                                     .           
awake                                                          .           
🙋‍♀️                                                            .           
perv                                                           .           
mccabe                                                         .           
unindict                                                       .           
co-conspir                                                     .           
anti-trump                                                     .           
coup                                                           .           
thinker                                                        .           
#comey                                                         .           
#comyg                                                         .           
#comeyshouldbeindict                                           .           
tw115                                                          .           
self                                                           .           
defens                                                        -2.605463e-01
insur                                                          .           
msm                                                            .           
right-w                                                        .           
platform                                                       .           
environ                                                        .           
suppress                                                       .           
gerrymand                                                      .           
secur                                                          .           
limit                                                          .           
explod                                                         .           
#voteblue2018                                                  .           
terribl                                                        1.015253e-01
jumpi                                                          .           
pop                                                            .           
cream                                                          .           
eater                                                          .           
sunshin                                                        .           
💓                                                             .           
🎶                                                             .           
unqualifi                                                      .           
darn                                                           .           
paul                                                           .           
season                                                         .           
kayce                                                          .           
angeela                                                        .           
wanna                                                          1.761929e-01
priesthood                                                     .           
holi                                                           .           
sacrament                                                      .           
re                                                             .           
catech                                                         .           
trent                                                          .           
concret                                                        .           
tbh                                                            .           
adopt                                                          .           
🤷🏿‍♀️                                                          .           
broker                                                         .           
profit                                                         .           
prepar                                                         .           
jobs                                                           .           
available                                                      .           
fill                                                           .           
#youfail                                                       .           
#makeamericangreatagain                                        .           
#opportunityknock                                              .           
prophet                                                        .           
tide                                                           .           
#msm                                                           .           
gets                                                           .           
#trusttheplan                                                  .           
👌🏼                                                           .           
🦅                                                             .           
#kavanaughforscotus                                            .           
hasnt                                                          .           
sober                                                          .           
7th                                                            .           
idc                                                            .           
broken                                                         .           
negat                                                          .           
nelli                                                          .           
creep                                                          9.918137e-01
boycott                                                        .           
boyhood                                                        .           
scrutini                                                       .           
appli                                                          .           
socioeconom                                                    .           
status                                                         .           
influenti                                                      .           
cam                                                            .           
batteri                                                        .           
cavanaugh                                                      .           
draw                                                           .           
friday                                                         .           
tripl                                                          1.000048e+00
c                                                              .           
listen                                                         .           
d                                                              .           
zone                                                           .           
#soro                                                          .           
hunnid                                                         .           
stax                                                           .           
floor                                                          .           
cross                                                         -1.663588e-01
opportunist                                                    2.092528e-01
a-hol                                                          .           
backlash                                                       .           
won                                                            .           
brennan                                                        .           
nyt                                                            .           
op-                                                            .           
blemish                                                        .           
hahaha                                                         .           
stfu                                                           3.502599e-01
government                                                     .           
portion                                                        .           
parenthood                                                     .           
offer                                                          .           
palestinian                                                    .           
fired                                                          .           
approach                                                       .           
kitchen                                                        .           
gfi                                                            .           
militari                                                       .           
slowli                                                         .           
road                                                           .           
wanktavist                                                     .           
wood                                                           .           
spare                                                          .           
there'd                                                        .           
fewer                                                          .           
abusuv                                                         .           
sooner                                                         .           
sea                                                            .           
cockroach                                                      1.300721e+00
brent                                                          .           
auburn                                                         .           
ummm                                                           .           
atroci                                                         .           
didnt                                                          .           
resist                                                         .           
nessasari                                                      .           
rino                                                           .           
facebook                                                       .           
china                                                          .           
hater                                                          .           
wall                                                           8.255940e-02
easili                                                         .           
withdraw                                                       .           
januari                                                        .           
#social                                                        .           
else                                                           .           
#emmys                                                         .           
#tuesdaythought                                                .           
#globalcitizen                                                 .           
#elections2018                                                 .           
classi                                                         .           
thats                                                          .           
cycl                                                           1.787682e-01
#thursdaythought                                               .           
#drainthedeepst                                                5.473149e-01
#thankfulthursday                                              .           
assert                                                         .           
analysi                                                        .           
devin                                                          .           
nune                                                           .           
#traitor                                                       .           
#votehimout                                                    .           
supremaci                                                      .           
aggressiv                                                      .           
#q                                                             .           
#qarmi                                                         .           
dickhead                                                       4.354486e-01
earn                                                           .           
extravag                                                       .           
lifestyl                                                       .           
doesn'tunderstandmetaphor                                      .           
racial                                                         .           
profil                                                        -5.937837e-02
squat                                                          .           
hadn’t                                                         .           
patienc                                                        .           
mitch                                                          .           
mcconnel                                                       .           
smh                                                            .           
ador                                                           .           
mommi                                                          .           
💞                                                             .           
tag                                                            .           
nuts                                                           .           
ig                                                             .           
anna                                                           .           
full                                                           .           
dumpster                                                       .           
henceforth                                                     .           
tangerin                                                       .           
toddler                                                        .           
ffs                                                            .           
loyalist                                                       .           
henc                                                           .           
shall                                                          .           
refer                                                          .           
anqueefa                                                       .           
mesel                                                          .           
em                                                             .           
surviv                                                         .           
walmart                                                        .           
cashier                                                        .           
nuclear                                                        .           
fusion                                                         .           
nbc                                                            .           
cultist                                                        .           
background                                                     .           
#gunsens                                                       .           
#guncontrol                                                    .           
do                                                             .           
anc                                                            .           
umdala                                                         .           
kangaka                                                        .           
yhuuu                                                          .           
fuckwit                                                        5.336811e-01
pardon                                                         .           
equat                                                          .           
reefer                                                         .           
maga-bot-typ                                                   .           
decenc                                                         .           
fk                                                             .           
lmaoo                                                          .           
alert                                                          .           
juan                                                           .           
sicko                                                          8.428662e-01
frighten                                                       .           
advanc                                                        -1.125535e-01
#walkawaydemocrat                                              .           
bruh                                                           .           
ita                                                            .           
hella                                                          .           
fun                                                            .           
parol                                                          .           
#nike                                                          .           
levi’                                                          .           
everytown                                                      .           
rant                                                           .           
utara                                                          .           
loghat                                                         .           
treasur                                                        .           
hei                                                            .           
bee                                                            .           
itch                                                           3.342536e-01
indicted                                                       1.005990e-01
gitmo                                                          .           
chicago’                                                       .           
nike                                                           .           
billion                                                        .           
conscienc                                                      .           
colleg                                                         .           
demoncrat                                                      .           
ninja                                                          .           
turtl                                                          .           
jihadist                                                       .           
ancom                                                          .           
age                                                            .           
aust                                                           .           
lasa                                                           .           
medicar                                                        2.193137e-01
allianc                                                        .           
trigger                                                        .           
origin                                                         .           
describ                                                        .           
grown                                                          .           
he-sh                                                          .           
min                                                            .           
fame                                                           .           
function                                                       .           
rules-bas                                                      .           
nope                                                           .           
especi                                                         .           
non-conserv                                                    .           
goals-bas                                                      .           
rule-break                                                     .           
mp                                                             .           
dana                                                           .           
prima                                                          .           
donna                                                          .           
next-gen                                                       .                                                         .           
bother                                                         .           
shootings-must                                                 .           
complaint                                                      .           
panther                                                        .           
whent                                                          .           
thrill                                                         .           
milford                                                        .           
tyranni                                                        .           
voting                                                         .           
optional                                                       .           
certainli                                                      .           
novemeber                                                      .           
critical                                                       .           
#mustvote2018                                                  .           
#wakeuprepublican                                              .           
sympath                                                        .           
sandi                                                          .           
hitler                                                         .           
bloomberg                                                      .           
moder                                                          .           
boomer                                                         .           
grift                                                          .           
gaslight                                                       1.301216e+00
#wethepeopl                                                    .           
clueless                                                       .           
flip                                                           .           
facsicm                                                        .           
jim                                                            .           
preacher                                                       .           
franci                                                         .           
😫                                                             .           
twatter                                                        .           
nasti                                                          1.795029e+00
sheep                                                          .           
cite                                                           .           
tos                                                            .           
checkmark                                                      .           
spew                                                           .           
suspens                                                        .           
#verifiedh                                                     .           
semi                                                           .           
chara                                                          .           
normi                                                          .           
student                                                        .           
ship                                                           .           
junki                                                          .           
maybach                                                        .           
coward                                                         1.632557e+00
donor                                                          .           
#berniern                                                      .           
diamond                                                        .           
silk                                                           .           
minstrel                                                       .           
thousand                                                       .           
mcginni                                                        .           
classifi                                                       .           
cutest                                                         .           
unep                                                           4.354489e-01
cincinatti                                                     .           
fifth                                                          .           
third                                                          .           
bank                                                           .           
clamor                                                         .           
remedi                                                         .           
#bing                                                          .           
#nevervotedemocrat                                             .           
e                                                              .           
#maga2018                                                      .           
democraci                                                      .           
altern                                                         .           
simpl                                                          .           
instruct                                                      -7.496123e-02
applic                                                         .           
nine                                                           .           
hmmm                                                           .           
line                                                           .           
semifin                                                        .           
dbl                                                            .           
ballist                                                        .           
misread                                                        .           
clay                                                           .           
travi                                                          .           
sport                                                          .           
antifa-like                                                    .           
actualli                                                       .           
100s                                                           .           
dozen                                                          .           
congressman                                                    .           
behalf                                                         .           
hana                                                           .           
hina                                                           .           
lgbt                                                           .           
con                                                            .           
bought                                                         .           
keith                                                          .           
treatment                                                      .           
hmmmm                                                          .           
meps                                                           .           
european                                                       .           
framework                                                      .           
#brexitshambl                                                  .           
genet                                                          .           
co                                                             .           
opt                                                            .           
twist                                                          .           
inferior                                                       .           
mosqu                                                          .           
perform                                                        .           
categori                                                       .           
ihmykgodoosj                                                   .           
epitome                                                        .           
cheater                                                        .           
casey                                                          .           
offend                                                         .           
zac                                                            .           
goldsmith                                                      .           
khan                                                           .           
defenc                                                         .           
organis                                                        .           
cking                                                          .           
abortion                                                       .           
groceri                                                        .           
store                                                          .           
contest                                                        .           
grace                                                          .           
bachelor                                                       .           
awkward                                                        .           
thick                                                          .           
accent                                                         .           
steroid                                                        2.384618e-01
#followthewhiterabbit                                          .           
kavanop                                                        .           
incompet                                                       6.544609e-01
handl                                                          .           
att                                                            .           
gen                                                            .           
bone                                                           .           
resign                                                         .           
goodel                                                         .           
steer                                                          .           
iceberg                                                        .           
maxin                                                          .           
minion’                                                        .           
switch                                                         .           
blade                                                          .           
stab                                                           .           
date                                                           .           
jj                                                             .           
goodtim                                                        .           
dyn-o-mit                                                      .           
doin                                                           .           
g                                                              .           
mean—you’r                                                     .           
like—sh                                                        .           
max                                                            .           
ikkk                                                           .           
princ                                                          .           
6al3                                                           .           
mn                                                             .           
al                                                             .           
bta3in                                                         .           
disney                                                         .           
kida                                                           .           
ahhooo                                                         .           
😹                                                             .           
cunt                                                           .           
size                                                           .           
roger                                                          .           
soccer                                                         .           
golf                                                           .           
kneeler                                                        .           
immediat                                                       .           
og                                                             .           
ragey                                                          .           
guarante                                                       .           
reeee                                                          .           
who’                                                           .           
industri                                                       .           
#listentoindustri                                              .           
iconic                                                         .           
70s                                                            .           
coco                                                           .           
pomeranian                                                     .           
loyal                                                          .           
tweeter                                                        .           
#straightfir                                                   .           
tonight                                                        .           
#hiac                                                          .           
attention                                                      .           
random                                                         .           
please                                                         .           
chick                                                          .           
haramb                                                         .           
led                                                            .           
silverback                                                     .           
tour                                                           .           
ceas                                                           .           
bowman                                                         .           
rooki                                                          .           
literalli                                                      .           
central                                                        .           
upon                                                           2.422029e-01
admit                                                          .           
quaker                                                         .           
angri                                                          .           
politic                                                        .           
permiss                                                        .           
panel                                                          .           
denigr                                                         .           
they’ve                                                        .           
impact                                                         .           
since                                                          .           
decided                                                        .           
yesterdai                                                      .           
earthi                                                         .           
abuse                                                          9.978482e-01
fake-ass                                                       .           
donut                                                          .           
nu                                                            -2.787232e-01
metal                                                          .           
90s                                                            .           
ex                                                             .           
limp                                                           .           
biscuit                                                        .           
propon                                                         .           
unborn                                                         .           
🆗                                                             3.374111e-01
horizon                                                        .           
scientist                                                      .           
discov                                                         .           
mix                                                            .           
neanderthals.would                                             .           
meta                                                           3.715410e-01
calcul                                                         .           
winger                                                         .           
😉                                                             .           
sale                                                           .           
bump                                                           .           
#nikead                                                        .           
#boycottnfl                                                    .           
#boycottnik                                                    .           
convinc                                                        .           
knock                                                          .           
wreck                                                          4.791533e-01
cult                                                           .           
alt-right                                                      .           
blanket                                                        .           
pbs                                                            .           
#libdemconf                                                    .           
void                                                           6.671175e-01
construct                                                      1.282606e-01
myriad                                                         .           
beg                                                            .           
thatcher                                                       .           
parrot                                                         .           
facism                                                         .           
avi                                                            .           
supremecist                                                    .           
palac                                                          .           
e-everi                                                        .           
model                                                         -2.742124e-02
uh                                                             .           
lump                                                           .           
expos                                                          .           
damian                                                         .           
hoodi                                                          .           
you’ll                                                         .           
jerk                                                           .           
further                                                        .           
mate                                                           .           
😻                                                             .           
hilarious                                                      .           
monger                                                         .           
o                                                              .           
gabbert                                                        .           
sis                                                            .           
oppression                                                     5.186384e-01
#idiotalert                                                    .           
ar-15s                                                         .           
self-defens                                                    .           
handgun                                                        .           
wit                                                            .           
shirt                                                          .           
muggin                                                         .           
broad                                                          .           
🤷🏽‍♂️                                                          .           
nake                                                           .           
#spanish                                                       .           
#unjustic                                                      .           
#freedomofexpress                                              .           
#humanright                                                    .           
#spain                                                         .           
#fakedemocraci                                                 .           
#cddr                                                          .           
#shameonspain                                                  .           
#dccircuit                                                     .           
repercuss                                                      .           
launch                                                         .           
judgeship                                                      .           
misdemeanor                                                    .           
creator                                                       -1.064551e-01
bigger                                                         .           
youth                                                          .           
unstopp                                                        .           
qb                                                             .           
transfer                                                       .           
bama                                                           .           
ham                                                            .           
degen                                                          .           
onto                                                           .           
sovereignti                                                    .           
rap                                                            .           
beef                                                           .           
lmaoooooo                                                      .           
nas                                                            .           
months                                                         .           
jay                                                            .           
y'all                                                          .           
chast                                                          .           
kiss                                                           .           
cheek                                                          .           
bright                                                         .           
espionag                                                       .           
boss                                                           .           
moscow                                                         .           
spill                                                          .           
#sharethelov                                                   .           
dinner                                                         .           
undon                                                          .           
fair                                                           .           
quick                                                          .           
pump                                                           .           
bp                                                             .           
#4                                                             .           
reds                                                           .           
sox                                                            .           
#0                                                             .           
absolutist                                                     .           
unoffens                                                       .           
chastis                                                        .           
nhs                                                            .           
privatis                                                       .           
essenti                                                        .           
capitalist                                                     .           
fruition                                                       .           
taller                                                         .           
island                                                         .           
🇱🇷                                                             .           
cabinet                                                        .           
task                                                           .           
promis                                                         .           
ate                                                            .           
soup                                                           .           
#brandmatt                                                     .           
filth                                                          .           
small                                                          .           
l                                                              .           
stoog                                                          .           
fukushima-daiichi                                              .           
orangutan                                                      .           
shootout                                                       .           
bystand                                                        .           
employe                                                        .           
grope                                                          .           
#confirm                                                       .           
scj                                                            .           
#demsarefraud                                                  .           
#demsaredon                                                    .           
#walkawaydemocrats2018                                         .           
#redwav                                                        .           
#voteredsaveamerica                                            .           
hypocrisi                                                      4.181383e-01
where’                                                         .           
vail                                                           .           
mcdonald                                                       .           
marijuana                                                      1.142115e+00
pornstar                                                       .           
escort                                                         .           
updat                                                          .           
scraper                                                        .           
3m                                                             .           
eu                                                             .           
cit                                                            .           
1m                                                             .           
manifesto                                                      .           
elector                                                        .           
aaron                                                          .           
interfer                                                       .           
campaign                                                       .           
cadav                                                          5.096818e-01
#puertorican                                                   .           
pot                                                            .           
#hurricanemaria                                                .           
💵                                                             .           
😏                                                             .           
#thursdaymotiv                                                 .           
#militari                                                      .           
#veteran                                                       .           
#thisisamerica                                                 .           
ei                                                             .           
reliabl                                                        .           
hhahahahahahaha                                                .           
trend                                                          .           
lindsey                                                        1.477026e-01
sean                                                           .           
hanniti                                                        .           
echo                                                           .           
chamber                                                        .           
journalist                                                     .           
pundit                                                         .           
conspiratori                                                   .           
craft                                                          .           
partial                                                        .           
aim                                                            .           
narrow                                                         6.255019e-01
exclud                                                         .           
primarili                                                      .           
northwestern                                                   3.059278e-01
asian                                                          .           
cherry-pick                                                    .           
euro                                                           .           
ideal                                                          .           
misogynist                                                     .           
bigot                                                          3.314000e-01
#frustrat                                                      .           
#congress                                                      .           
smut                                                           .           
haiti                                                          .           
larg                                                           .           
yogi                                                           .           
bear                                                           .           
nick                                                           .           
nickelodeon                                                    .           
foodnetwork                                                    .           
hgtv                                                           .           
ancient                                                        .           
hallmark                                                       .           
channel                                                        .           
surpass                                                        .           
cnn                                                            .           
8-1                                                            .           
6-3                                                            .           
disrupt                                                        .           
undermin                                                       .           
prosper                                                        .           
hussein                                                        .           
defi                                                           .           
congression                                                    .           
subpoena                                                       .           
despic                                                         3.170217e-01
icon                                                           .           
senegales                                                      .           
histor                                                         .           
heritag                                                        .           
roman                                                          4.873233e-01
ampute                                                         .           
limb                                                           .           
presenc                                                        .           
cart                                                           .           
strait                                                         .           
jacket                                                         .           
truman                                                         .           
prioriti                                                       .           
qualifi                                                        .           
jeopardi                                                       .           
untouch                                                        5.096831e-01
peanut                                                         4.354539e-01
farm                                                           .           
gather                                                         .           
instat                                                         .           
olivia                                                         .           
infact                                                         .           
tilt                                                           .           
frown                                                          .           
curios                                                         .           
unsubstanti                                                    .           
unite                                                          .           
context                                                        .           
quot                                                           .           
amazon                                                         .           
antisemit                                                      .           
acts                                                           .           
slogan                                                         .           
comrad                                                         .           
calv                                                           .           
wobbl                                                          .           
advis                                                         -1.002939e-01
entitl                                                         .           
plug                                                           3.356272e-01
u.s                                                            .           
gap                                                            .           
testi                                                          .           
shill                                                          .           
qanon                                                          1.296265e+00
ddsl                                                           .           
club                                                           .           
reinvest                                                       .           
booom                                                          .           
sector                                                         .           
proper                                                         .           
disast                                                         .           
#nhs                                                           .           
compet                                                         .           
srsli                                                          .           
galaxi                                                         .           
hitman                                                         3.144248e-01
disguis                                                        .           
control.they                                                   .           
u.k                                                            .           
jump                                                           .           
cliff                                                          .           
bridg                                                          .           
method                                                         .           
gosh                                                           .           
maniac                                                         4.354507e-01
liquor                                                         .           
priceless                                                      .           
scoop                                                          .           
ralli                                                          .           
creativ                                                        .           
cameraman                                                      .           
elain                                                          .           
spong                                                          .           
hire                                                           .           
consult                                                        .           
marriag                                                        .           
extreme                                                        .           
dipshit                                                        1.448194e+00
gillibrand                                                     .           
darl                                                           .           
♥️                                                              .           
re-writ                                                        .           
cage                                                           .           
expens                                                         .           
groom                                                          .           
puppi                                                          .           
dm                                                             .           
vagu                                                           .           
getting                                                        .           
exactli                                                        .           
deserved                                                       .           
topic                                                          .           
crash                                                          .           
pp                                                             .           
bathroom                                                       .           
came                                                           .           
trumper                                                        7.589317e-01
jean                                                           6.941986e-01
sneaker                                                        .           
pigeon                                                         2.177256e-01
poop                                                           .           
confid                                                        -1.911179e-02
👋                                                             .           
🐾                                                             .           
clean                                                          .           
pour                                                           .           
glass                                                          .           
steami                                                         .           
towel                                                          .           
dem-run                                                        .           
sanctuari                                                      .           
ultim                                                          .           
perk                                                           3.213370e-01
firebomb                                                       3.846082e-01
judge’                                                         1.349506e-01
resid                                                          .           
#identypolitics                                                3.193608e-02
valuabl                                                        .           
puck                                                           .           
spectacular                                                    6.870308e-01
score                                                          .           
bat                                                            .           
theft                                                          .           
ip                                                             .           
singular                                                       .           
wipe                                                           .           
north                                                          .           
bed                                                            .           
thus                                                           .           
sli                                                            .           
self-deprec                                                    3.619408e-01
swagger                                                        1.132465e-01
weak                                                           .           
collus                                                         .           
prescreen                                                      4.354494e-01
loui                                                           .           
farrakhan                                                      6.993005e-01
baromet                                                        .           
elmo                                                           .           
wrestl                                                         .           
euphoria                                                       .           
umm                                                            .           
adult                                                          .           
equival                                                        .           
californian                                                    .           
precipic                                                       .           
dale                                                           .           
frank                                                          .           
loan                                                           .           
emiss                                                          .           
mileag                                                         .           
🙂                                                             .           
alt                                                            .           
#socialismsuck                                                 .           
#barbiedreamsvideo                                             .           
memelord                                                       .           
jimin                                                          .           
#jimin                                                         .           
#bts                                                           .           
#main                                                          .           
dancer                                                         .           
vocal                                                          .           
💟                                                             .           
strauss                                                        .           
nonprofit                                                      .           
establish                                                      .           
safer                                                          .           
#levi                                                          .           
#neveragain                                                    .           
#gunsensenow                                                   .           
strive                                                         .           
unreason                                                       .           
graviti                                                        .           
moon                                                           .           
lander                                                         .           
rocket                                                         .           
steadi                                                         .           
boycot                                                         .           
#hollyweed                                                     .           
🖕🏼                                                           .           
dare                                                           3.804284e-01
nyjer                                                          .           
mid                                                            .           
flash                                                          .           
leftwing                                                       .           
latino                                                         .           
crackhead                                                      .           
uneduc                                                         1.093485e+00
icecream                                                       .           
ontario                                                        .           
hedgefund                                                      .           
process                                                        1.721304e-01
inner                                                          .           
i.e                                                            .           
#chicago                                                       .           
growth                                                         .           
#nuclearfamili                                                 .           
#twill                                                         .           
bouta                                                          .           
style                                                          .           
robberi                                                        .           
addict                                                         1.663022e-01
chris                                                          .           
dope                                                           1.322384e+00
#mississauga                                                   .           
she’ll                                                         .           
breakdown                                                      7.891473e-02
re-elect                                                       .           
curious                                                        .           
gain                                                           .           
perspect                                                       .           
yall                                                           .           
twin                                                           .           
ke                                                             .           
typo                                                           1.226822e+00
i-dle                                                          .           
idle                                                           .           
pres                                                           .           
neither                                                        .           
nah                                                            .           
anarchist                                                      .           
nefari                                                         .           
invade                                                         4.092889e-01
islam                                                          .           
inside                                                         .           
armi                                                           .           
tt                                                             5.420628e-01
warrant                                                        .           
aww                                                            .           
ocd                                                            .           
floss                                                          .           
invit                                                          .           
pose                                                           1.087547e-01
neonazi                                                        .           
smdh                                                           .           
comput                                                         .           
evacu                                                          .           
congratulaion                                                  .           
terrif                                                         .           
umpir                                                          .           
going                                                          .           
places                                                         .           
straighten                                                     .           
membership                                                     .           
imperial                                                       .           
japan                                                          .           
alina_ae                                                       .           
hah                                                            .           
catherin                                                       .           
mighti                                                         .           
hunter                                                         .           
ploy                                                           .           
previous                                                       .           
exempt                                                         .           
gov                                                            .           
cuomo                                                          .           
endors                                                         .           
largest                                                        .           
payday                                                         .           
eastern                                                        .           
orthodox                                                       .           
dunno                                                          .           
opportun                                                       .           
bunker                                                         .           
anti-antifa                                                    .           
lives                                                          .           
novic                                                          .           
outshin                                                        .           
flaw                                                           .           
len                                                            .           
maher                                                          .           
#voter                                                         .           
pedo                                                           3.820975e-01
gun-such                                                       .           
soul—all                                                       .           
christ                                                         4.007780e-01
✝️                                                              3.393856e-01
kitti                                                          .           
🐱                                                             .           
judici                                                         .           
activism—septemb                                               .           
controversi                                                    4.850834e-01
outfit                                                         .           
usta                                                           .           
y’all                                                          .           
rifl                                                           .           
advoc                                                          .           
lobbi                                                          .           
normal                                                         .           
warn                                                           .           
patient                                                        .           
transpar                                                       .           
manner                                                         .           
carpet                                                         .           
bag                                                            .           
squeez                                                         .           
sharehold                                                      .           
dividend                                                       .           
monopoli                                                       .           
👇🏻                                                           .           
marketplac                                                     .           
tongu                                                          .           
fecker                                                         4.354473e-01
detest                                                         .           
personnel                                                      .           
wisconsin                                                      .           
20-gaug                                                        1.088644e+00
asshol                                                         2.187643e+00
owe                                                            .           
potato                                                         .           
inkl                                                           .           
sidekick                                                       .           
strang                                                         .           
distract                                                       1.012240e-01
#distractif                                                    .           
#voterepublican                                                .           
♨️                                                              .           
#arm                                                           .           
#americanredmidterm                                            .           
pocket                                                         .           
#independ                                                      .           
#undecid                                                       .           
#ljmaga                                                        .           
#goredstatebyst                                                .           
transvestit                                                    2.440915e-01
dreg                                                           5.106151e-01
circumst                                                       .           
heaven                                                         .           
forbid                                                         .           
upbring                                                        .           
gave                                                           .           
lick                                                           .           
boot                                                           .           
reelect                                                        .           
doj                                                            .           
stalk                                                          .           
appointe                                                       .           
stage                                                          .           
stonewal                                                       .           
quo                                                            .           
deputi                                                         .           
secretari                                                      .           
treasuri                                                       .           
newman                                                         .           
mmt                                                            .           
academ                                                         .           
non-mmt                                                        .           
josh                                                           .           
loli                                                           .           
stalker                                                        .           
exploit                                                        .           
spider                                                         .           
arachnophobia                                                  .           
dork                                                           .           
frump                                                          .           
drump                                                          .           
tfrump                                                         .           
psychot                                                        .           
lunat                                                          5.196717e-01
demorat                                                        .           
disregard                                                      .           
abhorr                                                         .           
hung                                                           1.224681e+00
foward                                                         .           
manga                                                          .           
cancer                                                         .           
diagnost                                                       .           
centr                                                          .           
#nhs70                                                         .           
tendenc                                                        .           
epithet                                                        .           
cruel                                                          .           
richard                                                        .           
cornuell                                                       .           
reclaim                                                        .           
dream                                                          .           
ked                                                            5.797037e-02
#magarallyrul                                                  .           
#maga2020                                                      .           
#trumpsupport                                                  .           
#womenfortrump                                                 .           
ecb                                                            .           
tournament                                                     .           
map                                                            .           
delud                                                          .           
misl                                                           .           
subsequ                                                        .           
occas                                                          .           
lee                                                            .           
urgent                                                         .           
🇪🇺                                                             .           
sleep                                                          .           
mountain                                                       .           
pipe                                                           .           
nafta                                                          .           
spat                                                           .           
yay                                                            .           
fell                                                           .           
#notokavanaugh                                                 .           
reverse                                                        .           
wade-women                                                     .           
indict                                                         .           
destroi                                                        .           
act-aca                                                        .           
lgbtq                                                          .           
violate                                                        .           
tragedi                                                        .           
despit                                                         .           
cinci                                                          1.514941e-01
plausibl                                                       .           
suspect                                                        .           
chant                                                          .           
puto                                                           .           
ihra                                                           .           
ii                                                             .           
battleground                                                   .           
summer                                                         .           
islamophob                                                     .           
thanx                                                          .           
stricter                                                       .           
abid                                                           .           
branch                                                         .           
communist-socialist-nazi                                       .           
loesch                                                         .           
unleashed                                                      .           
#onlyatyaf                                                     .           
yaftv                                                          .           
8sep2018                                                       .           
divers                                                         .           
thorough                                                       .           
disingenu                                                      .           
commissar                                                      .           
wag                                                            .           
finger                                                         .           
author                                                         .           
frequent                                                       .           
appear                                                         .           
roid-rag                                                       .           
counsel                                                        .           
confess                                                        .           
scratch                                                        .           
intimid                                                        .           
commerci                                                       .           
nono                                                           .           
sharpen                                                        .           
#oshaeterri                                                    .           
#thuglif                                                       .           
#crimin                                                        1.114820e+00
ordinari                                                       .           
dispos                                                         .           
#texaspolic                                                    .           
limousin                                                       .           
genocid                                                        .           
path                                                           .           
airwav                                                         .           
ilysm                                                          .           
dai                                                            .           
militia                                                        .           
rush                                                           .           
bengal                                                         .           
selfi                                                          1.185896e+00
controvers                                                     4.048344e-01
cousin                                                         .           
misguid                                                        .           
segment                                                        .           
australian                                                     .           
paperback                                                      .           
kindl                                                          .           
sexist                                                         .           
verac                                                          .           
rahm                                                           .           
emanuel’                                                       2.024773e-01
omen                                                           .           
sweet                                                          .           
gold                                                           .           
liabil                                                         .           
asap                                                           .           
sooooooooo                                                     .           
dc                                                             .           
disastr                                                        .           
whistl                                                         .           
sobs                                                           .           
scum                                                           5.706649e-02
frisk                                                          .           
characterist                                                   .           
incarn                                                         .           
lousi                                                          3.119818e-01
30piec                                                         9.445773e-02
guidanc                                                        1.859361e-02
sp                                                             .           
spath                                                          .           
shea                                                           .           
denver                                                         .           
traumat                                                        .           
cohen                                                          .           
bui                                                            3.231418e-01
#american                                                      .           
#flag                                                          1.023624e-01
▶                                                              2.125044e-02
shopping-sal                                                   3.550257e-03
org                                                            .           
◀                                                              5.091768e-04
#usa_flag_4u                                                   6.503580e-05
#shop_8_9                                                      7.589686e-06
#pol_8_27_qx                                                   8.242772e-07
🙏                                                             .           
neurorealist                                                   .           
inclus                                                         .           
nd                                                             .           
baton                                                          .           
dian                                                           .           
brownshirt                                                     6.014379e-01
inflict                                                        .           
wing                                                           .           
beer                                                           .           
less-than                                                      .           
cell                                                           .           
#class                                                         .           
#coolaintforsal                                                .           
🙋                                                             .           
jerri                                                          .           
kindergarten                                                   .           
iron                                                           .           
hasten                                                         .           
demis                                                          .           
execution                                                      .           
unleash                                                        .           
👇                                                             .           
obes                                                           4.382053e-01
forgiv                                                         .           
h.r                                                            .           
115th                                                          .           
2017-2018                                                      .           
distribut                                                      .           
elementari                                                     .           
secondari                                                      .           
#evil                                                          .           
#greedi                                                        .           
#hate                                                          .           
#pig                                                           .           
#educat                                                        .           
#betsydevo                                                     .           
dictate                                                        .           
rules                                                          .           
#pussyhat                                                      .           
granth                                                         .           
bibl                                                           .           
kuran                                                          .           
ridicul                                                        1.359943e+00
shop                                                           .           
capac                                                          .           
solut                                                          .           
muckspread                                                     .           
various                                                        .           
#fake                                                          .           
#novichok                                                      .           
liberti                                                        .           
overbear                                                       .           
obamacar                                                       .           
undertak                                                       .           
naomi                                                          .           
iowa                                                           .           
rain                                                           .           
parad                                                          .           
1-11                                                           .           
arkansa                                                        .           
mason                                                          .           
competit                                                       .           
c-usa                                                          .           
ian                                                            .           
sinclair                                                       .           
brook                                                          .           
piec                                                           .           
would’v                                                        .           
unwatch                                                        .           
surf                                                           .           
accid                                                          .           
older                                                          .           
cooley                                                         .           
la                                                             .           
pm                                                             .           
amendment                                                      .           
reaches                                                        .           
absolute                                                       .           
criminals                                                      4.590443e-01
victims                                                        .           
unarmed                                                        .           
pix                                                            .           
rights                                                         .           
false                                                          .           
#ice                                                           .           
polsi                                                          .           
fienstine                                                      .           
tf                                                             .           
jersey                                                         .           
shore                                                          .           
#askalli                                                       .           
leg                                                            6.589460e-01
undercov                                                       .           
expose                                                         .           
sara                                                           .           
carter                                                         .           
aggress                                                        .           
socialis                                                       .           
medicin                                                        .           
turnout                                                        .           
500k                                                           .           
mil                                                            .           
outrais                                                        .           
1.5m                                                           .           
art                                                            .           
half-ass                                                       .           
christin                                                       .           
blasey                                                         .           
upstand                                                        .           
americans                                                      .           
bever                                                          .           
laguna                                                         .           
beach                                                          .           
neverland                                                      .           
midwest                                                        .           
boston                                                         .           
anthoni                                                        .           
weiner                                                         .           
inmate                                                         .           
wwg1wga                                                        .           
patriots                                                       .           
lighten                                                        .           
purpl                                                          .           
ar15                                                           .           
inanimate                                                      .           
object                                                         .           
inherentli                                                     .           
decreas                                                        .           
likeli                                                         3.911885e-01
holocaust                                                      .           
banning                                                        1.926394e-01
oven                                                           .           
greed                                                          .           
koch                                                           .           
bros                                                           .           
attest                                                         .           
risk                                                           2.004269e-01
contempt                                                       .           
scam                                                           .           
smallest                                                       .           
kissi                                                          .           
stare                                                          .           
camera                                                         .           
#mccaskill                                                     .           
jet                                                            .           
#christinablaseyford                                           .           
faulti                                                         .           
inch                                                           .           
miley                                                          .           
#westminst                                                     .           
🇬🇧                                                             .           
#outoftheeu                                                    .           
#eu                                                            .           
#brussel                                                       .           
#remoan                                                        .           
#quisl                                                         .           
#fbpe                                                          .           
#non                                                           .           
#anti                                                          .           
#pro                                                           .           
#snowflak                                                      .           
#bedwett                                                       .           
#leftieluvvieliber                                             .           
fawn                                                           2.117017e-01
dave                                                           .           
visa-mata                                                      .           
raw                                                            .           
nerv                                                           3.408377e-01
modi                                                           .           
wild                                                           .           
bhajpaa                                                        .           
exi                                                            .           
makeup                                                         .           
asf                                                            .           
💗                                                             .           
regist                                                         .           
registr                                                        .           
connecticut                                                    .           
muslim                                                         .           
tottori                                                        .           
prefectur                                                      .           
elitist                                                        .           
✌🏾                                                            .           
chittler                                                       .           
obstructionist                                                 .           
inept                                                          .           
jisoo                                                          3.418122e-01
taeyoun                                                        1.053540e-01
kraken                                                         .           
resolv                                                         .           
asset                                                          .           
whim                                                           .           
british                                                        .           
smack                                                          .           
tout                                                           .           
isis                                                           3.005285e-02
nuke                                                           1.400574e-01
korea                                                          .           
blm                                                            .           
coalit                                                         .           
prison                                                         2.027962e-02
#geraniuminthecranium                                          .           
dredg                                                          .           
omport                                                         .           
waist                                                          .           
enrich                                                         .           
seeth                                                          2.494557e-01
🚂                                                             .           
exam                                                           .           
c’mon                                                          .           
brah                                                           .           
cider                                                          .           
🖕🏽                                                           .           
intend                                                         .           
disarm                                                         .           
subvert                                                        .           
volum                                                          .           
element                                                        .           
💯                                                             .           
boom                                                           .           
chill                                                          .           
spell                                                          .           
genr                                                           .           
upper                                                          .           
upper-middl                                                    .           
jrm                                                            .           
hungri                                                         .           
assassin                                                       .           
oral                                                           .           
tapdanc                                                        .           
substant                                                       .           
betray                                                         .           
shtick                                                         .           
enter                                                         -1.101813e-01
flower                                                         .           
valid                                                          .           
bounc                                                          .           
nowaday                                                       -1.213026e+00
non-union                                                      .           
submiss                                                        .           
males                                                          .           
african-american                                               .           
hispan                                                         .           
portray                                                        .           
gari                                                           .           
mauser                                                         .           
maker                                                          .           
serial                                                         .           
lover                                                          .           
blew                                                           2.400958e-01
20-0                                                           .           
lmaoooo                                                        .           
separ                                                          .           
90k                                                            .           
compliment                                                     .           
artist                                                         .           
😃                                                             .           
tropic                                                         .           
#florenc                                                       .           
p.m                                                            .           
advisori                                                       .           
#nbcct                                                         .           
ren                                                            .           
oppa                                                           .           
fur                                                            .           
#nflfreesunday                                                 .           
blogger                                                        .           
doesn.t                                                        .           
guilt                                                          .           
haley’                                                         .           
yep.unfortuli                                                  .           
du                                                             .           
him.whi                                                        .           
bernie.h                                                       .           
aft                                                            .           
rprevious                                                      .           
ont                                                            .           
witter                                                         .           
youtub                                                         .           
#fakenew                                                       .           
fyi                                                            .           
warner                                                         .           
oyster                                                         .           
sep                                                            .           
arriv                                                          .           
3day                                                           .           
telephon                                                       .           
toss                                                           .           
bizzniss                                                       .           
randian                                                        .           
directorship                                                   .           
artifici                                                       .           
loi                                                            .           
clark                                                          .           
dynam                                                          .           
100-page                                                       .           
super-heavili                                                  .           
well-treat                                                     .           
street                                                         .           
particip                                                       .           
tesla                                                          .           
podcast                                                        .           
huessein’                                                      .           
scandal                                                        .           
#rahmemanuel                                                   .           
#chicagopd                                                     .           
how’                                                           .           
gimmi                                                          .           
tit                                                            1.431258e+00
fend                                                           .           
jedi                                                           .           
awaken                                                         .           
solo                                                           .           
roug                                                           .           
nod                                                           -5.996173e-02
wink                                                          -9.881592e-03
swamper                                                       -9.941998e-04
god’                                                           .           
wrath                                                          .           
although                                                       .           
deficit                                                        .           
budg                                                           .           
isnt                                                           .           
corpor                                                         .           
crackpot                                                       .           
imbecil                                                        .           
aged                                                           .           
dine                                                           .           
breath                                                         .           
po'd                                                           .           
fl                                                             .           
how'd                                                          .           
unpack                                                         .           
beau                                                           .           
sid                                                            .           
photo                                                          .           
democommunist                                                  .           
allreadi                                                       .           
molestor                                                       .           
lier                                                           1.392637e+00
brainless                                                      4.364560e-01
helm                                                           .           
adelaid                                                        .           
bozoobama                                                      .           
billayer                                                       .           
disgraced                                                      .           
erikhold                                                       .           
ows                                                            .           
b4                                                             .           
sponser                                                        .           
iran                                                           1.496962e-01
bil                                                            .           
nooo                                                           .           
isis-lover                                                     .           
exhort                                                         .           
#jackdorseyisabigot                                            .           
ooh                                                            .           
archie                                                         .           
gaff                                                           .           
rhino                                                          .           
testifi                                                        .           
stock                                                          .           
rephras                                                        .           
bullsh1t                                                       .           
conflict                                                       .           
postpon                                                        .           
sargentini                                                     .           
prelud                                                         .           
#orban                                                         .           
googler                                                        .           
frontin                                                        .           
grandpar                                                       .           
meaning                                                        .           
🙌🏽                                                           .           
👏🏽                                                           .           
foolish                                                        .           
r.e                                                            .           
regardless                                                     .           
absurd                                                         .           
conspiraci                                                     .           
pjw                                                            .           
keen                                                           .           
non-democraci                                                  .           
rae                                                            .           
l6                                                             .           
cigar                                                          .           
follback                                                       .           
krav                                                           .           
krzysztof                                                      .           
szczepanski                                                    .           
kris                                                           .           
sore                                                           .           
🙏🏻                                                           .           
oss                                                            .           
✌🏻                                                            .           
prayer                                                         .           
underwear                                                      .           
tighti                                                         .           
whiti                                                          .           
🧟‍♂️                                                            .           
#market                                                        .           
#sale                                                          .           
#retail                                                        .           
#style                                                         .           
#wednesdaywisdom                                               .           
fring                                                          .           
#europ                                                         .           
ahead                                                          .           
tone                                                           .           
vp                                                             .           
#runaway                                                       .           
🐐                                                             .           
sweeti                                                         .           
x                                                              .           
fruit                                                          .           
cake                                                           .           
facist                                                         2.192574e-01
statist                                                        .           
pat                                                            .           
hair                                                           .           
inspir                                                         .           
hws                                                            .           
jealous                                                        2.548743e-02
kendal                                                         .           
phoni                                                          5.831643e-02
surgeri                                                        .           
khloe                                                          .           
kyli                                                           .           
filler                                                         .           
overdu                                                         .           
rank                                                           .           
#rimmy4antifa                                                  .           
assembl                                                        .           
demor                                                          .           
bcuz                                                           .           
#thewallstreetjourn                                            .           
#wallstreetjourn                                               .           
favourit                                                       .           
boo-hoo                                                        2.516369e-01
rotat                                                          .           
affect                                                         .           
peck                                                           .           
herrera                                                        .           
mctomminay                                                     .           
midfield                                                       .           
option                                                        -6.238149e-02
dixiecrat                                                      .           
🤫                                                             .           
german                                                         .           
gpsent                                                         .           
trace                                                          .           
unbeliev                                                       .           
lip                                                            .           
mug                                                            .           
wad                                                            .           
weekend                                                       -5.505690e-02
regard                                                         .           
flo                                                            .           
bark                                                           .           
on.oh                                                          .           
🎈                                                             .           
crouton                                                        .           
financi                                                        .           
download                                                       .           
prov                                                           .           
surplus                                                        .           
tool                                                           .           
steward                                                        .           
purs                                                           .           
biden’                                                         .           
monday                                                         .           
affirmat                                                       .           
manafort                                                       .           
legit                                                          .           
conspir                                                        .           
🤬                                                             .           
merchandis                                                     .           
zazzl                                                          .           
meanwhil                                                       .           
communism                                                      .           
merch                                                          5.771211e-01
treph                                                          .           
flank                                                          .           
€                                                              .           
hol                                                            7.423627e-01
~                                                              .           
leftest                                                        .           
pd                                                             7.975711e-01
sooooooo                                                       .           
vega                                                           .           
concert                                                        .           
theater                                                        .           
sunni                                                          .           
spring                                                         .           
outsid                                                         .           
convict                                                        .           
ultra-left                                                     .           
furri                                                          .           
enlighten                                                      .           
#makeamericagreatagain                                         .           
explan                                                         .           
uranium                                                        .           
patty-raid                                                     .           
giggl                                                          .           
hooker                                                         .           
examin                                                         .           
camp                                                           .           
re-tweet                                                       .           
whoviill                                                       .           
oblivi                                                         .           
done.they                                                      .           
media.they                                                     .           
miser                                                          1.201734e-01
parkland                                                       .           
ach                                                            .           
rainbow                                                        .           
sadim                                                          .           
revers                                                         .           
mida                                                           .           
ratshit                                                        .           
struggl                                                        .           
litmus                                                         6.005689e-01
mistaken                                                       .           
#sanfrancisco                                                  .           
#safertomorrowfund                                             .           
chairman                                                       .           
oxford                                                         .           
thier                                                          .           
beign                                                          .           
joint                                                          .           
acct                                                           .           
grok                                                           .           
sun                                                            .           
redneck                                                        8.836125e-02
granni                                                         .           
bust                                                           .           
brie                                                           .           
grind                                                          .           
descript                                                       .           
museum                                                         .           
schutzstaffel                                                  .           
ss                                                             .           
uncanni                                                        .           
`                                                              .           
wasn                                                           .           
ann                                                            .           
coulter                                                        .           
logic                                                          .           
fails                                                          .           
sooo                                                           .           
megi                                                           .           
entertain                                                      .           
unbias                                                         .           
denounc                                                        .           
bb                                                             .           
moe                                                            .           
🌪                                                              .           
#trumptrainport                                                .           
bottl                                                          .           
m80                                                            .           
civilian                                                      -2.149757e-01
retard                                                         .           
felon                                                          .           
rotting                                                        .           
crimes                                                         .           
b.s                                                            .           
oop                                                            .           
cup                                                            .           
nerd                                                           4.354470e-01
photographi                                                    .           
gear                                                           .           
#unbeliev                                                      .           
#liberallos                                                    .           
#trumpman                                                      .           
#draintheswamp                                                 .           
utopia                                                         .           
#justdoit                                                      .           
#usopen                                                        .           
#serena                                                        .           
manchest                                                       .           
calm                                                           .           
shitti                                                         1.362902e+00
mood                                                           .           
sweep                                                          .           
rug                                                            .           
forev                                                          .           
people’                                                        .           
eyebrow                                                        .           
pinch                                                          .           
nose                                                           .           
mounti                                                         .           
pervert                                                        6.132184e-01
heavier                                                        .           
futanari                                                       .           
advertis                                                       .           
horror                                                         .           
vigano                                                         .           
bash                                                           .           
republic                                                       .           
lird                                                           .           
represent                                                      .           
danc                                                           .           
reagan                                                         .           
began                                                          .           
digest                                                         .           
nuanc                                                          .           
emot                                                           .           
premedi                                                        .           
hun                                                            .           
experienc                                                      .           
mitig                                                          .           
^                                                             -7.072537e-03
ma                                                             .           
nicknam                                                        .           
nightmar                                                       .           
#ufc228                                                        .           
scrambl                                                        .           
brakes                                                         .           
kavanaugh’                                                     .           
accuser                                                        .           
blair                                                          .           
ole                                                            .           
beater                                                         1.876102e-01
volatil                                                        .           
temper-sh                                                      .           
lineswoman                                                     .           
10.5k                                                          .           
impos                                                          .           
harsh                                                          .           
speed                                                          .           
jaywalk                                                        .           
fined-odd                                                      .           
twice                                                          .           
dime                                                           .           
tickets                                                        .           
merchandise                                                    .           
gameday                                                        .           
suffer                                                         .           
parasit                                                        7.261312e-01
widget                                                         .           
idol                                                           .           
gentl                                                          .           
xxx                                                            .           
virtu                                                          .           
signal                                                         .           
wealthi                                                        .           
cealr                                                          2.595398e-01
fatti                                                          6.754985e-02
weight                                                         .           
starlet                                                        1.172615e-02
lilextra                                                       1.668043e-03
tay                                                            2.052176e-04
gps                                                            2.243442e-05
sheldmaiden                                                    2.222743e-06
#tommyvalhalla                                                 2.027750e-07
smudg                                                          .           
#teamdanni                                                     .           
abolish                                                        .           
bankrupt                                                       8.715811e-01
stormi                                                         .           
daniel                                                         .           
go-go                                                          .           
belt                                                           .           
tabl                                                           .           
hush                                                           .           
realest                                                        .           
tealest                                                        .           
gawd                                                           .           
brian                                                          .           
grandpa                                                        .           
4a                                                             .           
warrantless                                                    .           
doctor’                                                        .           
back-door                                                      .           
effort                                                         .           
#warriorscoach                                                 .           
fundrais                                                       .           
bradi                                                          .           
pac                                                            .           
#pacgoldenstatewarrior                                         .           
#stevekerr                                                     .           
#headcoach                                                     .           
casual                                                         .           
twas                                                           .           
proceed                                                        .           
#deplor                                                        .           
#walkawayfromdemocrat                                          .           
#backtheblu                                                    .           
#rapistdemocrat                                                .           
#frauddemocrat                                                 .           
dualiti                                                        .           
everything                                                     .           
abt                                                            .           
te                                                             .           
#clearflynnnow                                                 .           
cheepika                                                       .           
insecur                                                        9.885796e-01
alia                                                           .           
#victoriasecret                                                .           
slur                                                           .           
band                                                           .           
forehead                                                       .           
earth                                                          .           
kick                                                           .           
inconveni                                                      .           
ps4                                                            .           
demonrat                                                       .           
tepper                                                         .           
unison                                                         .           
distrust                                                       .           
gotti                                                          .           
capon                                                          .           
held                                                           .           
attorney                                                       .           
whether                                                        .           
philosophi                                                     .           
heartless                                                      .           
sheer                                                          .           
scale                                                          .           
pit                                                           -4.048291e-02
recon                                                         -3.512087e-01
baz                                                           -1.259159e-01
clock                                                          .           
initi                                                          .           
afd                                                            .           
afd-ordner                                                     .           
reagiert                                                       .           
niedersachsen                                                  .           
shakin                                                         .           
light                                                          .           
#liberalismisamentaldisord                                     .           
untrustworthi                                                  .           
reader                                                         .           
degrom                                                         .           
homerun                                                        .           
shitlib                                                        .           
slash                                                          .           
gestur                                                         .           
smell                                                          .           
georg                                                          .           
💴                                                             .           
trail                                                          .           
impecc                                                         .           
portfolio                                                      .           
finestine’                                                     .           
space                                                          .           
environment                                                    .           
infinit                                                        .           
yep                                                            .           
djt2                                                           .           
marri                                                          .           
iranian                                                        .           
joyous                                                         .           
globalist                                                      .           
#noonecar                                                      .           
usb                                                            .           
token                                                          .           
iphon                                                          .           
australia                                                      .           
sanctimoni                                                     .           
remark                                                         .           
pallet                                                         .           
cannabi                                                        .           
solar                                                          .           
electric                                                       .           
wind                                                           .           
turbin                                                         .           
evolut                                                         .           
yom                                                            .           
jourdan                                                        .           
hayley                                                         .           
😤                                                             .           
dms                                                            .           
asshole                                                        .           
carrey’                                                        .           
mansion                                                        .           
penthous                                                       .           
york                                                           .           
handcuff                                                       4.354479e-01
howard                                                         .           
toni                                                           .           
fifteen                                                        .           
vari                                                           .           
recal                                                          .           
moss                                                           .           
gordon                                                         .           
hall                                                           .           
famer                                                          .           
5th                                                            .           
rounder                                                        .           
bun                                                            .           
taklk                                                          .           
privit                                                         .           
hydro                                                          .           
dress                                                          .           
wowowowowow                                                    .           
active                                                         .           
middleton                                                      .           
wi                                                             .           
ambul                                                          .           
🚑                                                             .           
#keepamericagreat2020                                          .           
scrub                                                          .           
gibraltar                                                      .           
hostag                                                         .           
fig                                                            .           
conus                                                          .           
doctrin                                                        6.460009e-01
broadcast                                                      .           
wapo                                                           .           
journal                                                        .           
unfamiliar                                                     .           
harper                                                         .           
ranger                                                         .           
union                                                          .           
#proudtobebritish                                              .           
#openselect                                                    .           
confer                                                         .           
nowher                                                         .           
35-person                                                      .           
dosen't                                                        .           
comedi                                                         .           
hyster                                                         .           
falsehood                                                      2.457404e-01
kanaugh                                                        4.369256e-02
minion                                                         .           
fee                                                            .           
immatur                                                        .           
gover                                                          .           
#baltimor                                                      .           
wkend                                                          .           
baltimor                                                       .           
shithol                                                        .           
hero                                                           .           
costum                                                         .           
invis                                                          .           
steve                                                          .           
howa                                                           6.511704e-02
hooch                                                          1.094817e-02
clarenc                                                        .           
thoma                                                          .           
tribun                                                         .           
behar                                                          .           
jewish                                                         .           
hitler’                                                        .           
jews                                                           .           
nazis                                                          .           
pander                                                         .           
commission                                                     .           
assult                                                         .           
surley                                                         .           
mater                                                          .           
shoutout                                                       .           
getup                                                          .           
berni                                                          .           
congressmen                                                    .           
harass                                                         .           
plethora                                                       .           
perus                                                          .           
near                                                           .           
🤦🏽‍♀️                                                          5.773388e-01
o’keefe’                                                       .           
verita                                                         .           
dept                                                           .           
organiz                                                        .           
#tuesdaytip                                                    .           
#witchhunt                                                     .           
bluf                                                           3.553690e-01
regress                                                        .           
xd                                                             .           
jesuit                                                         .           
kevin                                                          .           
williamson                                                     .           
´                                                              .           
consensu                                                       .           
sidewalk                                                       .           
tds                                                            .           
combin                                                         .           
termin                                                         .           
reflect                                                        .           
brown                                                          .           
ilk                                                            .           
victim-hood                                                    .           
enabl                                                          .           
impoverish                                                     .           
welfar                                                         .           
co-incid                                                       .           
shamifesto                                                     .           
#ge2010                                                        .           
spa                                                            .           
hoc                                                            .           
#1950sbornwomen                                                .           
#onevoic                                                       .           
mack                                                           .           
funniest                                                       .           
#jonesout                                                      .           
general.harri                                                  .           
orgs.i                                                         .           
advocat                                                        .           
#ironi                                                         .           
vitriol                                                        .           
barrel                                                         .           
convolut                                                       .           
emerg                                                          .           
atm                                                            .           
drumpf                                                         .           
minc                                                           .           
deni                                                           .           
delici                                                         .           
woman’                                                         .           
motiv                                                          .           
tranni                                                         .           
imma                                                           .           
rené                                                           .           
chose                                                          .           
rose                                                           .           
clasp                                                          .           
raven                                                          .           
vibe                                                           .           
man’                                                           4.614683e-01
dt                                                             .           
inabl                                                          .           
likelihood                                                     .           
📣                                                             .           
🗽                                                             .           
#twittershouldb                                                .           
shadow-ban                                                     .           
throttl                                                        .           
#freedomofspeech                                               .           
#throwback                                                     .           
#bengarrison                                                   .           
#cartoon                                                       .           
desrerv                                                        4.354458e-01
thos                                                           .           
tulsa                                                          .           
nanci                                                          .           
pelosi                                                         .           
we’ll                                                          .           
afterward                                                      .           
taboo                                                          .           
catastroph                                                     .           
#102                                                           .           
disturb                                                        .           
awwh                                                           .           
alooot                                                         .           
bhabi                                                          .           
megumi                                                         3.259890e-01
asked                                                          1.028185e-01
tits                                                           2.132472e-02
bonehead                                                       .           
#missionaccomplishedwewontwatch                                .           
#istand                                                        .           
#mememb                                                        .           
#memologist                                                    .           
fucking                                                        1.279125e+00
cares                                                          .           
invad                                                          .           
roseann                                                        .           
#leftistlibtard                                                .           
#corrupt                                                       .           
#miser                                                         .           
🤤                                                             .           
🍽                                                              3.417650e-01
😖                                                             1.053941e-01
lol'd                                                          .           
#beniesand                                                     .           
#whatilearnedtoday                                             .           
becca                                                          .           
yell                                                           .           
booth                                                          .           
cumm                                                           3.189560e-01
inn                                                            9.136094e-02
discord                                                        .           
interact                                                       .           
beta                                                           .           
erick                                                          .           
phd                                                            .           
theolog                                                        .           
evangel                                                        .           
ck                                                             8.705781e-01
holster                                                        5.017117e-01
hollyweirdo                                                    .           
killshot                                                       .           
exclus                                                         .           
so                                                             .           
loon                                                           .           
#trumptrain2020                                                .           
disembowel                                                     .           
#roevwad                                                       .           
animos                                                         .           
acknowledg                                                     .           
animus                                                         .           
devast                                                         .           
biter                                                          .           
whack                                                          .           
collud                                                         .           
precis                                                         .           
drew                                                           .           
marker                                                         .           
hammer                                                         .           
#psyc1101                                                      .           
stale                                                          .           
dlc                                                            .           
asleep                                                         .           
bore                                                           .           
collusion                                                      .           
btw                                                            .           
bo                                                             .           
spi                                                            .           
believed                                                       .           
used                                                           .           
fooled                                                         .           
beacon                                                         .           
bide                                                           .           
colours                                                        .           
notion                                                         .           
contract                                                       .           
bargain                                                        .           
m'eh                                                           .           
prettiest                                                      .           
mineta                                                         .           
whini                                                          .           
mastermind                                                     .           
angela                                                         .           
cheat                                                          .           
coach                                                          .           
admitted                                                       .           
coaching                                                       .           
regular                                                        .           
saniti                                                         .           
trumptrain                                                     .           
feedback                                                       .           
diplomat                                                       .           
sway                                                           .           
varadkar                                                       .           
rescu                                                          .           
notori                                                         .           
hint                                                           .           
log                                                            .           
technic                                                        .           
difficulti                                                     .           
restaur                                                        .           
diner                                                          .           
fatal                                                          .           
blackhawk                                                      .           
revolv                                                         .           
lesson                                                         .           
excuse                                                         .           
selv                                                           .           
green                                                          .           
resolut                                                        .           
present                                                        .           
gnc                                                            .           
sleeeeeeepppp                                                  .           
ret                                                            .           
pansi                                                          .           
bailey                                                         .           
😌                                                             .           
vinc                                                           .           
cabl                                                           .           
knighthood                                                     .           
gupta                                                          .           
inquiri                                                        .           
dot                                                            .           
stretch                                                        .           
hee                                                            .           
worthless                                                      9.665851e-01
refusal                                                        .           
enforce                                                        .           
laws                                                           .           
🚗                                                             .           
lmfao                                                          .           
pacifi                                                         .           
libya                                                          .           
mi6                                                            .           
cia                                                            .           
chemic                                                         .           
blood                                                          .           
unmask                                                         .           
tw055                                                          .           
henni                                                          .           
saaaaaaadd                                                     .           
turd                                                           .           
rail                                                           .           
hollyweird                                                     .           
should'vetaken                                                 .           
volcano                                                        .           
#justsayin                                                     .           
#fakeoutrag                                                    .           
#li                                                            .           
#lunaticleft                                                   .           
temper-tantrum                                                 .           
cher                                                           1.587280e+00
#stretchedfac                                                  .           
dramat                                                         .           
#chatterbox                                                    .           
no-on                                                          .           
records-hav                                                    .           
go-so                                                          .           
produc                                                         .           
fakir                                                          .           
else’                                                          .           
evas                                                           7.220776e-01
africa                                                         .           
kerri                                                          .           
numer                                                          .           
anonym                                                         .           
setup                                                          .           
cda                                                            .           
felt                                                           .           
coloss                                                         .           
ridg                                                           .           
jmo                                                            4.127725e-01
east                                                           .           
coast                                                          .           
florenc                                                        .           
neo-faux                                                       .           
rub                                                            .           
knight                                                         .           
somewhat                                                       .           
witti                                                          .           
sith                                                           .           
alderaan                                                       .           
evidenc                                                        .           
speaker                                                        .           
sacrif                                                         .           
⭐️                                                             .           
fighting                                                       .           
boooor                                                         .           
realis                                                         .           
gossip                                                         .           
pamphlet                                                       .           
hag                                                            .           
affair                                                         .           
kurt                                                           .           
chiselchest                                                    .           
lorna                                                          .           
buxom                                                          .           
whud                                                           .           
laser                                                          .           
sword                                                          .           
jess                                                           4.984602e-01
rent                                                           .           
#imlovingit                                                    .           
reveng                                                         .           
tast                                                           .           
polish                                                         .           
johni                                                          .           
misconduct                                                     .           
philli                                                         .           
footstep                                                       .           
london                                                         .           
#democraticsocialismnow                                        .           
#nomoregun                                                     .           
challeng                                                       .           
#parkland                                                      .           
baja                                                           .           
millionth                                                      .           
niceli                                                         .           
steven                                                         .           
wilson                                                         .           
decemb                                                         .           
marvel                                                         .           
overus                                                         .           
thano                                                          .           
swamp                                                          .           
crud                                                           3.411018e-01
rubberstamp                                                    .           
sycoph                                                         .           
regurgit                                                       .           
#fbr                                                           .           
ratio                                                          .           
fundament                                                      .           
reimu                                                          .           
chuckl                                                         .           
stern                                                          .           
kogasa                                                         .           
maaayi                                                         .           
stroke                                                         .           
heh                                                            .           
peski                                                          .           
youkai                                                         .           
rick                                                           .           
thigh                                                          4.233980e-01
pti                                                            .           
gas                                                            .           
elit                                                           .           
generat                                                        .           
achiev                                                        -3.178669e-01
fb                                                             .           
thed                                                           .           
ab                                                             .           
rugbi                                                          .           
wc                                                             .           
beauden                                                        .           
spokesperson                                                   .           
commonsens                                                     .           
unc                                                           -2.938040e-01
belif                                                          .           
fascism                                                        .           
bootlick                                                       .           
u.                                                             .           
lust                                                           .           
blond                                                          .           
bare                                                           .           
midriff                                                        .           
micro-mini                                                     .           
grandmoth                                                      .           
provid                                                         .           
south                                                          .           
dildo                                                          4.354451e-01
#jfkjr                                                         .           
wreckag                                                        .           
inb4                                                           .           
anti-fascist                                                   .           
mark                                                           .           
bray                                                           .           
geno                                                           .           
#manifesto                                                     .           
duti                                                           .           
#hostileenviron                                                .           
#priceonlov                                                    .           
#skypefamili                                                   .           
hahahaha                                                       .           
sor                                                            .           
din                                                            .           
kakulitan                                                      .           
inggit                                                         .           
ang                                                            .           
peg                                                            .           
ni                                                             .           
capt                                                           .           
barber                                                         .           
#pushawardsmayward                                             .           
bork                                                           .           
unbecom                                                        .           
episod                                                         .           
keel                                                           .           
ripe                                                           .           
😑                                                             .           
#lockthemup                                                    .           
#nflwalkaway                                                   .           
a-g                                                            .           
nephew                                                         .           
greater                                                        .           
encourag                                                       .           
#thankstrump                                                   .           
numbers                                                        .           
means                                                          8.823851e-01
so-called                                                      .           
refugees                                                       .           
cowards                                                        .           
native                                                         .           
lands                                                          .           
#refugeesnotwelcom                                             .           
nc                                                             .           
meal                                                           .           
🍿                                                             .           
#commieclown                                                   .           
#resistanceris                                                 .           
ar-15                                                          .           
semi-automat                                                   .           
mexican                                                        .           
britain                                                        .           
rat                                                            8.943215e-01
email                                                          .           
yer                                                            .           
sayin                                                          .           
happili                                                        .           
feeder                                                         .           
brush                                                          .           
bubba                                                          .           
hysteria                                                       .           
overrid                                                        .           
centrist                                                       .           
yard                                                           .           
cockey                                                         .           
#muellerwitchhunt                                              .           
#manafort                                                      .           
#feinstein                                                     .           
#deepstatecorrupt                                              .           
#deepstat                                                      .           
#fbicorruption#                                                .           
#kag2020                                                       .           
#manaforttri                                                   .           
#casen                                                         .           
tw308                                                          .           
h1t                                                            .           
evonomi                                                        .           
malais                                                         .           
temperatur                                                     .           
percent                                                        .           
lay                                                            .           
suntan                                                         2.689787e-01
bland                                                          7.119461e-02
toast                                                          .           
#bb20                                                          1.257124e-02
obsess                                                         .           
fundamentalist                                                 .           
hisself                                                        .           
andrea                                                         .           
mitchel                                                        .           
embed                                                          .           
commend                                                        .           
#bluewave2018                                                  .           
insinu                                                         .           
polygraph                                                      .           
admiss                                                         .           
fascists                                                       .           
future                                                         .           
comes                                                          .           
divorc                                                        -4.105600e-01
pattern                                                        .           
react                                                          .           
door                                                           .           
mid-80                                                         .           
brown’                                                         .           
gross                                                          8.265847e-01
churchill’                                                     .           
standadd                                                       .           
vultures                                                       .           
penni                                                          .           
animal                                                         .           
rescue                                                         .           
carol                                                          .           
burnett                                                        .           
conway                                                         .           
recov                                                          .           
fate                                                           .           
outplay                                                        .           
christ-lik                                                     .           
ptl                                                            .           
#dem                                                           .           
consider                                                       .           
fought                                                         .           
wwii                                                           .           
bullet                                                         .           
follow-back                                                    .           
feminazi                                                       .           
length                                                         .           
provis                                                         .           
#saveournhs                                                    .           
matrix                                                         .           
plain                                                          .           
👊                                                             .           
#tacobellanotherkindoffood                                     .           
saysital                                                       .           
#iamon                                                         .           
accur                                                          .           
metaphor                                                       3.469768e-01
mingl                                                          .           
horrifi                                                        .           
apologist                                                      .           
journo                                                         .           
bumper                                                         .           
sticker                                                        .           
luv                                                            .           
redistribut                                                    .           
wealth                                                         .           
menu                                                           1.839661e-01
slop                                                           4.385183e-02
#libya                                                         7.014902e-03
ya'll                                                          .           
#iraqi                                                         9.455740e-04
sanction                                                       .           
#brilliant                                                     4.354435e-01
bigotri                                                        .           
symbol                                                         .           
conservatives-antifa                                           .           
#wcw                                                           .           
leadership                                                     .           
#potus45                                                       .           
#maverick                                                      .           
#markcuban                                                     .           
obviousli                                                      .           
deport                                                         .           
knows                                                          .           
ho                                                             .           
aliens                                                         .           
#heyhey                                                        .           
simplist                                                       .           
comparison                                                     .           
popul                                                          .           
densiti                                                        .           
contributor                                                    .           
shift                                                          .           
🤷🏾‍♀️                                                          .           
finalli                                                        .           
smaller                                                        .           
👑                                                             .           
carmen                                                         3.417435e-01
fricking                                                       1.054123e-01
🤷‍♂️                                                            .           
course                                                         .           
democrate                                                      .           
stake                                                          .           
contempl                                                       .           
chair                                                          .           
sympathi                                                       .           
ain't                                                          .           
speechless                                                     .           
diagram                                                        .           
ggg                                                            .           
volunt                                                         .           
fcp                                                            .           
float                                                          .           
#ableg                                                         .           
mah                                                            .           
truck                                                          .           
commi                                                          .           
dunnit                                                         .           
neat                                                           .           
lawyer                                                         .           
ayumi                                                          .           
smirki                                                         .           
doct                                                           .           
feinstinkl                                                     .           
detector                                                       .           
q                                                              .           
fleec                                                          .           
d’s                                                            .           
flood                                                          .           
#trumpnat                                                      .           
firmli                                                         .           
farmer                                                         .           
corey                                                          .           
#china                                                         .           
🤦🏽‍♂️                                                          .           
mario                                                          .           
confus                                                         .           
slice                                                          .           
pizza                                                          .           
🍕                                                             .           
sargon                                                         .           
deadnam                                                        7.474799e-01
bhagwad                                                        .           
gita                                                           .           
india                                                          .           
gut                                                            .           
#intellectualidiot                                             .           
spirit                                                         .           
bobcat                                                         .           
#fdom18                                                        .           
#txst                                                          .           
awww                                                           .           
kais                                                           .           
bach                                                           .           
ki                                                             .           
tarah                                                          .           
pathetic                                                       .           
tick                                                           5.630963e-01
tock                                                           3.579595e-01
#muelleriscomingforyoutoo                                      .           
#patheticlittlemanjr                                           .           
consensus                                                      .           
15-year-old                                                    .           
disqualifi                                                     .           
life-or-death                                                  .           
uncle                                                          .           
tom’                                                           .           
statu                                                          .           
phil                                                           .           
philippin                                                      .           
#entertainmentnew                                              .           
bloodless                                                      .           
dictatorship                                                   4.696348e-01
ah                                                             .           
rabid                                                          .           
nationalist                                                    .           
havoc                                                          .           
buddi                                                          .           
specific                                                       .           
rhetor                                                         3.645643e-01
stripe                                                         .           
abyss                                                          .           
brotherhood                                                    .           
monahan                                                        .           
declar                                                         .           
organization—al                                                .           
💉                                                             .           
der                                                            .           
rb                                                             .           
jealousi                                                       .           
rear                                                           .           
cackl                                                          .           
sums                                                           .           
imperialist                                                    .           
hegemoni                                                       .           
press                                                          .           
lotto                                                          4.354425e-01
possess                                                        .           
suprematist                                                    .           
steffi                                                         .           
liam                                                           .           
h                                                              .           
bcashhhhhhhhhhconnectttt                                       .           
aid                                                            .           
#donaldtrump                                                   .           
potion                                                         .           
mane                                                           .           
#politicsl                                                     .           
deregul                                                        .           
rental                                                         .           
cheaper                                                        .           
ownership                                                      .           
tennant                                                        .           
wrap                                                           1.415672e-01
entiti                                                         .           
whos                                                           .           
cem                                                            .           
#zeyal                                                         .           
alihan                                                         .           
#yasakelma                                                     .           
#imwithdav                                                     .           
yoongi                                                         .           
anglophon                                                      .           
couillard                                                      .           
sincer                                                         .           
#quebec2018                                                    .           
#rssreachesout                                                 .           
rss                                                            .           
urbannax                                                       .           
downfal                                                        .           
niggaz                                                         .           
junior                                                         .           
coverup                                                        .           
vow                                                            .           
celibaci                                                       .           
puriti                                                         .           
sleaz                                                          .           
fest                                                           .           
vatican                                                        .           
#truthjustic                                                   .           
botox                                                          .           
nay                                                            7.920478e-02
mcquaid                                                        .           
wayyyyy                                                        .           
legislatur                                                     .           
rude                                                           .           
pill                                                           .           
councillor                                                     .           
salari                                                         .           
115k                                                           .           
stabl                                                          .           
hattera                                                        .           
disgrace                                                       .           
suddenli                                                       .           
realize                                                        .           
juvenile                                                       .           
offenders                                                      .           
deserve                                                        .           
lenienci                                                       .           
teen                                                           .           
👍🏼                                                           .           
morrison                                                       .           
demonstr                                                       .           
changer                                                        .           
#makeithappen                                                  .           
sam                                                            .           
houseguest                                                     .           
capitol                                                        .           
lock                                                           1.111535e-01
dignifi                                                        .           
dba                                                            .           
datafil                                                        .           
multi                                                          .           
fortun                                                         .           
plank                                                          .           
laura                                                          .           
duluth                                                         .           
belov                                                          .           
yoda                                                           .           
onlin                                                          .           
celeb                                                          .           
chime                                                         -5.413334e-01
daffi                                                          .           
frame                                                          .           
panic                                                          .           
unrecus                                                        .           
billi                                                          .           
preston                                                        .           
unadulter                                                      .           
recently-fre                                                   .           
subordin                                                       .           
loaf                                                           .           
sub                                                            .           
bhuvan                                                         .           
indian                                                         .           
cow                                                            .           
melania                                                        .           
s___t                                                          .           
chump                                                          .           
wearing                                                        .           
f___k                                                          .           
always                                                         .           
house                                                          .           
pr                                                             .           
trumpi                                                         .           
weaken                                                         5.590802e-01
august                                                         .           
monik                                                          .           
hog                                                            .           
trumpism                                                       .           
bernic                                                         .           
#xrpcommun                                                     .           
#xrp                                                           .           
💫                                                             .           
pink                                                           .           
wash                                                           .           
skate                                                          .           
visual                                                         .           
ton                                                            .           
smoother                                                       .           
crisper                                                        .           
revisit                                                        .           
brit                                                           .           
notifi                                                         .           
notif                                                          .           
mere                                                           .           
refut                                                          .           
virgil                                                         .           
solid                                                          .           
surround                                                       .           
charger                                                        .           
stream                                                         .           
titl                                                           .           
sa                                                             .           
oldest                                                         .           
it’ll                                                          .           
sturmer                                                        .           
einsatzgruppen                                                 .           
waffen                                                         .           
detach                                                         .           
disco                                                          1.683223e-02
overbit                                                        2.971812e-03
twit                                                           .           
times                                                          .           
evert                                                          .           
horrid                                                         4.284032e-02
reap                                                           .           
sow                                                            .           
fubar                                                          .           
avenu                                                          .           
we’v                                                           .           
christoph                                                      .           
tristan                                                        .           
aunt                                                           .           
carla                                                          .           
bickl                                                          .           
#closern                                                       3.993882e-01
shld                                                           .           
#despic                                                        .           
unaccept                                                       .           
unavail                                                        .           
#man                                                           .           
snotbarryroux                                                  .           
goggl                                                          .           
ga                                                             .           
antifa-lit                                                     .           
domm                                                           .           
scuttlebutt                                                    .           
#ni                                                            .           
joy                                                            .           
wokeisi                                                        .           
➖                                                             .           
👉🏿                                                           .           
satir                                                          .           
👆                                                             .           
geaux                                                          .           
tiger                                                          .           
🐯                                                             .           
ought'a                                                        .           
#religiousfreedom                                              .           
#republ                                                        .           
#freedomandjusticeforall                                       .           
bushi                                                          .           
slick                                                          .           
willi                                                          .           
ooooo                                                          .           
privertis                                                      .           
tina                                                           .           
restor                                                         .           
hawaii                                                         .           
coars                                                          3.400111e-01
ll                                                             1.058686e-01
lapdpg                                                         2.175997e-02
serena’                                                        .           
temper                                                         .           
pathway                                                        .           
endeavor                                                       .           
bus                                                            .           
xvi                                                            .           
cardin                                                         .           
seclus                                                         .           
medit                                                          .           
nuncio                                                         .           
molehil                                                        .           
oust                                                           .           
spank                                                          .           
mirror                                                         .           
sundown                                                        .           
carnag                                                         .           
altho                                                          .           
frickin                                                        .           
#qanda                                                         .           
mps                                                            .           
rugrat                                                         .           
self-profess                                                   .           
tenet                                                          .           
baldwin                                                        .           
aaaah                                                          .           
sigh                                                           .           
inhales                                                        1.933281e-01
tired                                                          3.843804e-02
putting                                                        4.800384e-03
beautiful                                                      .           
bestfriend                                                     5.012447e-04
ive                                                            .           
louisiana                                                      .           
landri                                                         .           
#jeffsess                                                      .           
#bigtech                                                       .           
#googl                                                         .           
dangit                                                         .           
replica                                                        .           
pitch                                                          .           
theat                                                          .           
squeal                                                         .           
sandwich                                                       .           
uhh                                                            .           
reboot                                                         .           
loop                                                           .           
predomin                                                       .           
aspect                                                         .           
#occupi                                                        .           
t-shirt                                                        .           
#ferguson                                                      .           
#baltimoreriot                                                 .           
violence                                                       .           
helpmto                                                        3.374511e-01
incom                                                          .           
karmi                                                          .           
💀                                                             .           
aaa                                                            .           
dibales                                                        .           
dong                                                           .           
russ                                                           .           
inherit                                                        .           
bill’                                                          .           
defici                                                         .           
#opmayflower                                                   .           
#goodtrumpsevil                                                .           
#patriotsfight                                                 .           
#magabot                                                       .           
#digitalsoldi                                                  .           
#fisagate                                                      .           
#gitmo                                                         .           
#enjoytheshow                                                  .           
#strawberryrecal                                               .           
curtail                                                        .           
looney                                                         .           
shiva                                                          .           
barak                                                          .           
⬇️                                                              .           
doo                                                            .           
rout                                                           .           
rmt                                                            .           
swr                                                            .           
probeli                                                        .           
something                                                      .           
maybe                                                          .           
monei                                                          .           
#welcom                                                        .           
#parliament                                                    .           
#ethic                                                         .           
kaiser                                                         .           
idgaf                                                          .           
straussdoublesdown                                             .           
dump                                                           .           
passion                                                        .           
belat                                                          .           
kochs                                                          .           
trumps                                                         .           
pollutors                                                      .           
students                                                       .           
teachers                                                       .           
lets                                                           .           
things                                                         4.114351e-01
majoriti                                                       .           
healthcare                                                     .           
donors                                                         .           
flesh                                                          .           
papaci                                                         .           
ethic                                                          .           
tyrant                                                         .           
nh                                                             .           
non-resid                                                      .           
#loveforjess                                                   .           
evene                                                          .           
travel                                                         .           
z                                                              .           
planet                                                         .           
wanda                                                         -3.697003e-01
#democratshateamerica                                          .           
doggi                                                          .           
hamilton                                                       .           
jamei                                                          .           
fitzmag                                                        .           
fitztrag                                                       .           
thebil                                                         .           
pale                                                           .           
bitchass                                                       2.932082e-01
dipfuck                                                        7.786480e-02
robyn                                                          .           
vegan                                                          .           
scone                                                          .           
biochem                                                        .           
lab                                                            .           
djt                                                            .           
properti                                                       .           
headgear                                                       .           
lit                                                            .           
ubi                                                            .           
plz                                                            .           
backwood                                                       .           
irrit                                                          .           
suspici                                                        .           
gate                                                           .           
#yemen                                                         .           
mukalla                                                        .           
overrun                                                        .           
al-qaeda                                                       .           
manhood                                                        .           
legitim                                                        .           
dorner                                                         .           
dumber                                                         1.300445e+00
reread                                                         .           
1stbirthday                                                    .           
savag                                                          .           
lst                                                            .           
yr                                                             .           
masterpiec                                                     .           
#garynuman                                                     .           
#savag                                                         .           
#no2album                                                      .           
period                                                         .           
data                                                           .           
progess                                                        .           
shortsight                                                     .           
wolf                                                           .           
heath                                                          .           
scarborough                                                    .           
chickenshit                                                    .           
oompa                                                          .           
loompa                                                         .           
thief                                                          .           
disavov                                                        .           
bewar                                                          .           
streetlight                                                    .           
parodi                                                         .           
unto                                                           .           
heat                                                           .           
optic                                                          .           
substanc                                                       .           
hplyk                                                          .           
wanker                                                         .           
#realtornggiveaway                                             .           
giveaway                                                       .           
leftw                                                          .           
nutjob                                                         1.379059e+00
chap                                                           .           
cradl                                                          .           
coffin                                                         1.532456e+00
divide                                                         .           
conquer                                                        .           
hidden                                                         .           
sublim                                                         .           
pregnant                                                       .           
makeout                                                        .           
salti                                                          .           
spittoon                                                       .           
#censorship                                                    .           
#confirmkavenaugh                                              .           
chosen                                                         .           
baptist                                                        .           
pastor                                                         .           
kaylor                                                         .           
huckabe                                                        .           
sander                                                         .           
shocker                                                        .           
honor                                                          .           
yoyo                                                           .           
include                                                        .           
staff                                                          .           
kane                                                           .           
beaten                                                         .           
hungrier                                                       .           
whacki                                                         .           
footi                                                          .           
#flog                                                          .           
sham                                                           .           
#drainthedeepstateswamp                                        .           
useful                                                         .           
baker                                                          .           
bakeri                                                         .           
mcenroe                                                        .           
hurl                                                           .           
boo                                                            .           
nationwid                                                      .           
hypocrite                                                      .           
tract                                                          .           
to                                                             .           
liketrump                                                      .           
flush                                                          .           
harrison                                                       .           
renew                                                          .           
neighborhood                                                   .           
toxin                                                          .           
#scotland                                                      .           
mep                                                            .           
#coburn                                                        .           
#may                                                           .           
capitul                                                       -4.199397e-02
river                                                          .           
familiar                                                       .           
dipstick                                                       .           
dismiss                                                        .           
sjw                                                            .           
discredit                                                      .           
bandwagon                                                      .           
revel                                                          .           
collab                                                         .           
minecraft                                                      .           
fortnit                                                        .           
whose                                                          .           
bug                                                            .           
usko                                                           .           
har                                                            .           
cheez                                                          .           
se                                                             .           
hai                                                            .           
aur                                                            .           
shayad                                                         .           
aisa                                                           .           
lagta                                                          .           
jais                                                           .           
nli                                                            .           
occupi                                                         .           
#nazi                                                          .           
younger                                                        .           
peer                                                           .           
butch                                                          .           
noo                                                            .           
boii                                                           .           
bye                                                            .           
blasphemi                                                      .           
concept                                                        .           
#genius                                                        .           
gavin                                                          .           
lament                                                         .           
stomp                                                          .           
draconian                                                      .           
indiana                                                        .           
collag                                                         .           
🤢                                                             .           
winning                                                        .           
#win                                                           .           
bald                                                           .           
doxx                                                           .           
lilli                                                          .           
sjws                                                           .           
clever                                                         .           
nativ                                                          .           
#alpolit                                                       .           
petti                                                          .           
ram                                                            .           
sinist                                                         .           
#beneathhuman                                                  .           
incredibl                                                      .           
amus                                                           .           
sicken                                                         .           
knot                                                           .           
dishonest                                                      1.546844e+00
crack                                                          .           
#kavanaughconfirmationhear                                     .           
circus                                                         .           
northern                                                       .           
az                                                             .           
we’d                                                           .           
tryant                                                         .           
duli                                                           .           
tyrann                                                         .           
neocon’                                                        .           
#nevertrump                                                    .           
crew                                                           .           
deliv                                                          .           
oscar                                                          .           
unrel                                                          .           
neccessari                                                     2.731151e-01
gregg                                                          .           
jarrett                                                        6.829086e-01
illegitim                                                      .           
coming                                                         .           
havent                                                         .           
molina                                                         .           
romero                                                         .           
sharp                                                          .           
ensur                                                          .           
lrt                                                            .           
tie                                                            .           
heavili                                                        .           
corridor                                                       .           
consolid                                                       .           
whoopin                                                        .           
gentleman                                                      .           
mud                                                            .           
#whatareyouthink                                               .           
haul                                                           1.578381e-01
fat                                                            .           
harms                                                          .           
druggie                                                        .           
pediphil                                                       .           
protector                                                      .           
enuf                                                           .           
strap                                                          .           
vack                                                           .           
indonesia                                                      .           
repent                                                         .           
wide                                                           .           
destruct                                                       .           
etern                                                          .           
conf                                                           .           
bench                                                          .           
mami                                                           .           
tjhan                                                          .           
creepi                                                         .           
flirti                                                         .           
gaze                                                           .           
miu                                                            .           
#downwiththedemocrat                                           .           
#democratsaredanger                                            .           
loco                                                           .           
squash                                                         .           
#pain                                                          .           
#lockthemallup                                                 2.041209e-01
#popcorn                                                       .           
🙏🏾                                                           .           
wwgonewgall                                                    .           
mia                                                            .           
persecut                                                       .           
segreg                                                         .           
milit                                                          3.313255e-01
armband                                                        9.483099e-02
wannabe                                                        .           
☝                                                              .           
paranoid                                                       .           
yale                                                           .           
hq                                                             .           
wep                                                            .           
diplomaci                                                      .           
pros                                                           .           
splinter                                                       .           
sphincter                                                      .           
by-and-larg                                                    .           
extraordinarili                                                .           
conartist                                                      .           
welcomeeee                                                     .           
goer                                                           .           
jacksonvill                                                    .           
38-calib                                                       .           
smith                                                          .           
wesson                                                         .           
😋                                                             .           
crypt                                                          .           
layman                                                         .           
misinterpret                                                   .           
barbar                                                         .           
chaplain                                                       .           
landslid                                                       .           
bret                                                           1.145195e+00
sacr                                                           .           
towrd                                                          .           
scummi                                                         .           
drown                                                          8.911968e-01
☮️                                                              .           
🇨🇦                                                             .           
👵🏻                                                           .           
backtrac                                                       .           
gov't                                                          .           
goodby                                                         .           
transparent                                                    .           
spine                                                          .           
#purge                                                         .           
#sundayfunday                                                  .           
#news                                                          .           
#fakenews                                                      .           
#media                                                         .           
#busi                                                          .           
#foxnews                                                       .           
#licensereporters                                              .           
aveng                                                          .           
acting                                                         .           
everybodi                                                      .           
croni                                                          .           
vast                                                           .           
counterprotestor                                               .           
cvill                                                          .           
instig                                                         .           
supremacist                                                    .           
clergi                                                         .           
fort                                                           .           
poland                                                         .           
#redwave2018                                                   .           
#forttrump                                                     .           
confound                                                       .           
interpret                                                      .           
discrimin                                                      .           
betsi                                                          .           
devo                                                           .           
aside                                                          .           
meat                                                           .           
coastal                                                        .           
austin                                                         .           
jfc                                                            .           
irl                                                            .           
#kavanope                                                      .           
dims                                                           .           
preach                                                         .           
stifl                                                          .           
dialogu                                                        .           
plagu                                                          .           
anon                                                           .           
entireti                                                       .           
erickson                                                       .           
eu27                                                           .           
moor                                                           .           
cheeseburg                                                     .           
sjshsj                                                         .           
allerg                                                         .           
chocol                                                         .           
☹️                                                              .           
burger                                                         .           
🍔                                                             .           
butthead                                                       .           
preserv                                                        .           
gtfo                                                           .           
willeford                                                      .           
#dickdurbin                                                    .           
illinoi                                                        .           
horrif                                                         .           
orban                                                          .           
loot                                                           .           
isi                                                            .           
careful                                                        3.233697e-01
soyboy                                                         1.025175e-01
stickman                                                       2.130361e-02
dweeb                                                          3.563764e-03
dirk                                                           .           
plumber                                                        .           
dan                                                            .           
majerl                                                         .           
danni                                                          .           
aing                                                           .           
shoudn't                                                       .           
amen                                                           .           
sheet                                                          .           
eventu                                                         .           
demoncrap                                                      .           
#race                                                          .           
🤐                                                             .           
❄️                                                              .           
😈                                                             .           
fade                                                           .           
sunset                                                         .           
diatrib                                                        .           
heathen                                                        .           
#drainingthedeepstateswamp                                     .           
overcom                                                        .           
easier                                                         .           
yougov                                                         .           
knowthat                                                       .           
researched                                                     .           
necrophiliac                                                   .           
chess                                                          .           
dimension                                                      .           
dumbaf                                                         .           
ish                                                            .           
🎥                                                             .           
out-bekhit                                                     .           
fahim                                                          .           
chunk                                                          .           
alright                                                        .           
frog                                                           .           
muzzi                                                          3.417007e-01
terriorist                                                     1.054499e-01
flynn                                                          .           
plea                                                           .           
#therainmak                                                    .           
broom                                                          .           
motion                                                         .           
couch                                                          .           
dion                                                           .           
hmm                                                            .           
prix                                                           .           
nail                                                           .           
nov                                                            .           
anthem                                                         .           
counterproduct                                                 .           
spygate                                                        .           
nobel                                                          .           
#hillari                                                       .           
sabotag                                                        .           
#nafta                                                         .           
oooohohohohohoh                                                .           
dang                                                           .           
financ                                                         .           
anti-gun-control                                               .           
simultan                                                       .           
nsa                                                            .           
respct                                                         .           
udiot                                                          .           
fema                                                           .                                                          .           
panti                                                          .           
jacob                                                          .           
garden                                                         .           
blush                                                          .           
amd                                                            .           
trys                                                           .           
wisperd                                                        .           
accommod                                                       .           
proverbi                                                       .           
ellen                                                          .           
duuuueerrrrhhh                                                 3.504695e-01
#fanniema                                                      .           
slush                                                          6.784428e-01
#fannieg                                                       .           
#releasethetext                                                .           
#noredact                                                      .           
#obamag                                                        .           
#obamaknew                                                     .           
duel                                                           .           
#appeas                                                        .           
anti-nazi                                                      .           
antifa-lov                                                     .           
faction                                                        .           
heckl                                                          .           
hawd                                                           .           
german’                                                        3.059132e-01
agreed                                                         .           
howk                                                           .           
scottish                                                       .           
badger                                                         .           
hotlin                                                         .           
#potus                                                         .           
emergenc                                                       .           
execut                                                         .           
#emergenc                                                      .           
#constitutionday                                               .           
hyt                                                            4.354377e-01
sash                                                           3.416932e-01
di'd                                                           1.054550e-01
would'v                                                        .           
delight                                                        .           
it’d                                                           .           
slow                                                           .           
pos                                                            6.202827e-01
☝️                                                              .           
trumptard                                                      .           
crushes                                                        .           
fullest                                                        1.424913e-01
extent                                                         .           
unabl                                                          .           
uniti                                                          .           
divorce                                                        .           
wifes                                                          .           
diva                                                           .           
heather                                                        .           
might’v                                                        .           
gotten                                                         .           
homophob                                                       .           
zipcod                                                         .           
nevinbruc                                                      .           
dredd                                                          .           
#tuesdaymorn                                                   .           
#wednesdaymotiv                                                .           
#wednesdaymorn                                                 .           
#2adefend                                                      .           
➡                                                              .           
twt                                                            .           
anyone                                                         .           
wwgiwga                                                        .           
#neverforget                                                   .           
👎                                                             .           
😲                                                             .           
hotti                                                          .           
xox                                                            .           
🤧                                                             .           
contribut                                                      .           
caper                                                          .           
contravent                                                     .           
barry’                                                         .           
outlaw                                                         .           
cahoot                                                         .           
divert                                                         .           
alan                                                           .           
hypothet                                                       .           
goodmorn                                                       .           
impati                                                         .           
canelo                                                         .           
charlo                                                         .           
hurd                                                           .           
swing                                                          .           
shine                                                          .           
walker                                                         .           
messi                                                          .           
goalkeep                                                       4.354375e-01
goat                                                           .           
petit                                                          .           
ellison’                                                       .           
4ever                                                          .           
harden                                                         .           
psychosi                                                       .           
crazier                                                        .           
batsht                                                         .           
certifi                                                        .           
italian                                                        .           
sicili                                                         .           
ridiculous                                                     .           
notions                                                        .           
stands                                                         .           
anti-fascism                                                   .           
dictators                                                      .           
fishi                                                          .           
materi                                                         .           
insuffici                                                      .           
cleans                                                         .           
slimi                                                          .           
prestigi                                                       .           
lying                                                          .           
ahole                                                          .           
involved                                                       .           
cause                                                          .           
theres                                                         .           
nothingburger                                                  .           
investigate                                                    .           
charade                                                        .           
delai                                                          .           
confirmed                                                      .           
#ginsbergisnext                                                .           
frustrat                                                       .           
subsid                                                         .           
sooth                                                          .           
succinct                                                       .           
clingvto                                                       .           
#peoplesvot                                                    .           
summon                                                         .           
op-ed                                                          .           
.⁦                                                              2.507744e-01
pledg                                                          6.372217e-02
denni                                                          .           
coin                                                           .           
buddhist                                                       .           
skeptic                                                        3.021480e-01
stereotyp                                                      .           
kathua                                                         2.810206e-01
mogg                                                           .           
succeed                                                        .           
clich                                                          .           
use-it                                                        -1.494217e-01
wannab                                                         .           
manhattan                                                      .           
#colleg                                                        .           
dalla                                                          .           
wasr-10                                                        .           
centuri                                                        .           
arms                                                           .           
rebellion                                                      .           
conner                                                         1.150199e+00
coz                                                            .           
pakistani                                                      2.056601e-01
cybersecur                                                     .           
reput                                                          .           
begun                                                          .           
crumb                                                          .           
yelp                                                           .           
stapl                                                         -2.904419e-01
hamburg                                                       -8.086965e-02
grey                                                          -7.700135e-03
lisa                                                           .           
narrat                                                         .           
hinder                                                         1.832632e-01
president’                                                     .           
yaay                                                           .           
douchebag                                                      .           
exciting                                                       .           
president                                                      .           
#deplorables                                                   .           
it'd                                                           .           
sunblock                                                       .           
aton                                                           .           
pars                                                           .           
#lowemiss                                                      .           
#bus                                                           .           
#transport                                                     .           
106m                                                           .           
low-emiss                                                      .           
congressman-a                                                  .           
scalis                                                         .           
him-democrat                                                   .           
speak-w                                                        .           
#luddit                                                        .           
eh                                                             .           
#gigeconomi                                                    .           
burka                                                          .           
freeli                                                         .           
non                                                            .           
capabl                                                         .           
unexpect                                                       .           
#wwe                                                           .           
2000s                                                          .           
shite                                                          .           
mute                                                           .           
kop                                                            .           
atmospher                                                      .           
kenni                                                          .           
forth                                                          .           
compromis                                                      .           
ronald                                                         .           
reagan—lay                                                     .           
#netneutr                                                      .           
oppos                                                          .           
fcc                                                            .           
repeal                                                         .           
#reality_check                                                 .           
warrior                                                        .           
👹                                                             .           
#heather_mallick                                               .           
cpc                                                            .           
maxim                                                          .           
bernier’                                                       .           
hard-right                                                     .           
storm                                                          .           
one-year-old                                                   .           
ewu                                                            1.558810e-01
anumanu                                                        3.057195e-02
dish                                                           .           
neck                                                           .           
conced                                                         .           
anti-serena                                                    .           
avow                                                           .           
plum                                                           .           
thiswacko                                                      .           
breweri                                                        4.354343e-01
vouch                                                          .           
recant                                                         .           
wh                                                             .           
demean                                                         .           
#fbrparti                                                      .           
#gopcomplicit                                                  .           
#stopkanavaugh                                                 .           
#crazytown                                                     .           
#alternativefact                                               .           
punch                                                          .           
reunion                                                        .           
smug                                                           1.186463e-01
𝓭𝔂𝓼𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪                                                      4.354340e-01
fitton                                                         .           
highlight                                                      .           
dodger                                                         .           
sky                                                            .           
hmp                                                            .           
#bbcqt                                                         .           
#newsnight                                                     .           
#bbcpl                                                         .           
#channel4                                                      .           
#marr                                                          .           
#hignfi                                                        .           
#uklabour                                                      .           
#bbclive                                                       .           
stockholm                                                      .           
swedish                                                        .           
sik                                                            .           
heil                                                           .           
backsid                                                        6.824991e-01
feverish                                                       .           
corrobor                                                       .           
lynch                                                          .           
grassley                                                       .           
vindic                                                         .           
clearanc                                                       .           
chaleng                                                        .           
beliv                                                          .           
familer                                                        .           
#anitahil                                                      .           
burden                                                         .           
unglu                                                          .           
shitted                                                        3.097550e-01
shat                                                           9.430607e-02
ytd                                                            1.860102e-02
0.6kg                                                          2.910715e-03
believe                                                        .           
recoveri                                                       .           
toronto                                                        .           
✌️                                                              .           
obesiti                                                        .           
desecr                                                         .           
grave                                                          .           
reiter                                                         .           
offenc                                                         .           
ewa                                                            .           
poopi                                                          .           
diaper                                                         .           
imag                                                           .           
stink                                                          .           
andries                                                        .           
inning                                                         .           
torey                                                          .           
fiiiiiin                                                       .           
toxic                                                          1.185033e+00
allig                                                          .           
gutierrez                                                      .           
roberto                                                        .           
clement                                                        .           
self-hat                                                       4.007651e-01
winnig                                                         .           
reaction                                                       .           
swift                                                          1.030645e+00
appeal                                                         .           
male                                                           .           
priest                                                         .           
sc                                                             .           
judge                                                          .           
till                                                           .           
rting                                                          .           
webster                                                        .           
bobbi                                                          .           
freckl                                                         .           
ohhhjhhh                                                       .           
nnor                                                           .           
payrol                                                         .           
smiles                                                         .           
🤩                                                             .           
✍                                                              .           
#qalert                                                        .           
#magaforallinc                                                 .           
#teamtrump                                                     .           
unhappi                                                        2.617096e-01
bola                                                           .           
furnitur                                                       .           
johnson                                                        .           
shittier                                                       .           
#seuday                                                        .           
bisca                                                          .           
button                                                         .           
antiamerican                                                   .           
👉🏻                                                           .           
🕊                                                              .           
anime                                                          .           
gag                                                            .           
pol                                                            .           
bath                                                           .           
pedophlia                                                      .           
dawn                                                           .           
bloodsuck                                                      .           
elv                                                            .           
undead                                                         .           
unlik                                                          1.059594e+00
annoy                                                          .           
layer                                                          8.076823e-02
golan                                                          1.118464e-02
🇸🇾                                                             1.067260e-03
exhibit                                                        .           
cf                                                             .           
brenda                                                         .           
too.w                                                          .           
bunni                                                          .           
spam                                                           .           
telltal                                                        .           
hs                                                             .           
#adamandev                                                     .           
display                                                        .           
charter                                                        .           
#conservativesattackondemocraci                                .           
#thecpcisapoliticalhategroup                                   .           
dukin                                                          .           
#christineford                                                 .           
#ccot                                                          .           
#brettkavanaugh                                                .           
whitewat                                                       .           
imper                                                          .           
revolt                                                         .           
indeed                                                         1.724724e+00
jc                                                             .           
hijack                                                         .           
freakazoid                                                     .           
get-go                                                         .           
montana                                                        .           
#donjr                                                         .           
facil                                                          .           
#donaldtrumpjr                                                 .           
#theresist                                                     3.338229e-01
#impeachtrump                                                  .           
iwa                                                            .           
veroniqu                                                       .           
gram                                                           .           
innocent                                                       .           
drain                                                          .           
#leftism                                                       .           
conform                                                        .           
groupthink                                                     .           
design                                                         .           
ethnic                                                         .           
pertain                                                        .           
lawless                                                        .           
perpetr                                                        .           
griffin                                                        .           
varianc                                                        .           
far-left                                                       .           
#get                                                           .           
jajaja                                                         .           
colledg                                                        .           
greek                                                          .           
alot                                                           .           
frat                                                           .           
#notwithkap                                                    .           
molest                                                         1.350674e+00
11yr                                                           .           
thrown                                                         .           
#confirmjudgekavanaughnow                                      .           
#senatorfeinstein                                              .           
anything                                                       1.334402e+00
latter                                                         .           
puerto                                                         .           
rico                                                           .           
curs                                                           .           
counterprotest                                                 .           
cohort                                                         .           
immedi                                                         .           
housebuild                                                     .           
chain                                                          .           
crabbi                                                         .           
bake                                                           .           
cooki                                                          .           
vodka                                                          .           
quasi-conserv                                                  .           
#enemyofthepeopl                                               .           
solidar                                                        .           
denial                                                         .           
#retweet                                                       .           
#share                                                         .           
😄                                                             .           
#thankyou                                                      .           
#love                                                          .           
#money                                                         .           
#crowdfund                                                     .           
#gofundm                                                       .           
#monsterfund                                                   .           
#support                                                       .           
fervent                                                        .           
#donat                                                         .           
#today                                                         .           
rethink                                                        .           
closer                                                         .           
climb                                                          6.267552e-01
wither                                                         .           
invest                                                         .           
alleslev                                                       .           
cnn’s                                                          .           
vape                                                           .           
fraction                                                       .           
ampl                                                           .           
exaserb                                                        .           
homosexu                                                       .           
rot                                                            .           
bergoglio                                                      .           
archbishop                                                     .           
exposed                                                        .           
bojan                                                          .           
harvey                                                         .           
sai                                                            .           
little                                                         .           
saying                                                         .           
people's                                                       .           
exploding                                                      .           
defenseless                                                    .           
thump                                                          .           
lmaaaaoooo                                                     .           
chl                                                            .           
hider                                                          .           
bull                                                           .           
fist                                                           .           
justin                                                         .           
misinform                                                      .           
trudeau’                                                       .           
llc                                                            .           
infowar                                                        .           
intel                                                          .           
agenci                                                         .           
non_domest                                                     .           
centrefold                                                     .           
c.k                                                            .           
inappropri                                                     .           
#sex                                                           .           
#war                                                           .           
elite                                                          .           
pedophilia                                                     .           
district                                                       .           
pokemon                                                        .           
candi                                                          .           
moveset                                                        .           
whine                                                          2.288693e-01
#democraci                                                     .           
#totalitarian                                                  .           
#beyray                                                        .           
#inevit                                                        .           
#danish                                                        .           
#welfar                                                        .           
#uk                                                            .           
magnum                                                         3.410918e-01
ancap                                                          .           
lingeri                                                        .           
dojo                                                           .           
wee                                                            .           
tap                                                            .           
fae                                                            .           
turkey                                                         9.291247e-01
story.then                                                     .           
mfs                                                            .           
coon                                                           .           
disagr                                                         .           
kgb                                                            .           
robert                                                         .           
tune                                                           .           
solei                                                          .           
#hypocritical                                                  .           
breathtak                                                      .           
alt-shit                                                       4.824488e-01
#2ashallnotbeinfring                                           .           
pul-ease                                                       .           
msmedia                                                        .           
shit-smear                                                     .           
marxin                                                         .           
pavlovian                                                      .           
🌙                                                             .           
honey                                                          .           
postur                                                         .           
requisit                                                       .           
whip                                                           .           
gutless                                                        1.135443e+00
witless                                                        .           
relativist                                                     .           
rubio                                                          .           
kerry’                                                         .           
iraq                                                           .           
binari                                                         .           
vigor                                                          .           
knowledg                                                       .           
creed                                                          4.583965e-01
rw                                                             3.773280e-01
kavanugh                                                       .           
predator                                                       .           
republican’                                                    .           
colin                                                          .           
#boycottcolinjost                                              .           
#emmyaward                                                     .           
reciev                                                         .           
hockey                                                         .           
turmp                                                          .           
#makeamericaamericaagain                                       .           
#makeamericastrongagain                                        .           
#makeamericasafeagain                                          .           
#makeamericasaneagain                                          .           
freshmen                                                       .           
bucket                                                         4.969272e-01
your                                                           .           
revord                                                         .           
insul                                                          .           
inlaw                                                          .           
cue                                                            .           
#mkultra                                                       .           
citizenri                                                      .           
takeov                                                         .           
om                                                             .           
domo                                                           .           
stark                                                          .           
appeas                                                         .           
leona                                                          .           
criticize                                                      .           
groper                                                         .           
antipo                                                         .           
knucklehead                                                    4.354350e-01
eitherway                                                     -3.682275e-01
jewel                                                          .           
gravit                                                         .           
🛸                                                             .           
affordabl                                                      .           
poet                                                           .           
knoweth                                                        .           
humili                                                         .           
antifasc                                                       .           
backbench                                                      .           
workabl                                                        .           
shameless                                                      1.003800e+00
sheila                                                         .           
#greatawakening                                                .           
dunde                                                          .           
refinanc                                                       .           
hundr                                                          .           
net                                                            .           
#boycottemmi                                                   .           
percept                                                        .           
centralist-liber                                               .           
#timesuptwitt                                                  .           
pro-lif                                                        .           
slam                                                           .           
#newsmax                                                       .           
dorter                                                         .           
#dangerousdemocrat                                             4.354352e-01
wayi                                                           .           
litter                                                         .           
videograph                                                     .           
tragic                                                         5.370434e-01
railway                                                        .           
#healthyliv                                                    .           
keeping                                                        .           
aight                                                         -3.027480e-01
kangaroo                                                       .           
yesterday’                                                     .           
comeback                                                       .           
baiter                                                         .           
switcher                                                       .           
extremistisch                                                  .           
idee                                                           .           
keeper                                                         .           
vice                                                           .           
versa                                                          .           
dems                                                           .           
blast                                                          .           
teas                                                           .           
interoper                                                      .           
irs                                                            .           
tea                                                            .           
chucki                                                         .           
wick                                                           .           
cast                                                           .           
mire                                                           .           
saith                                                          .           
isaiah                                                         .           
20-21                                                          .           
#presidenttrump                                                .           
#treygowdi                                                     .           
#privileg                                                      3.416388e-01
lane                                                           .           
blvd                                                           1.055051e-01
studi                                                          .           
schmata                                                        .           
nitwit                                                         .           
counterpart                                                    3.112978e-01
gif                                                            .           
knowwhat                                                       .           
signifi                                                        .           
#schiffhead                                                    .           
po’d                                                           .           
aaaaaaaaa                                                      .           
wbu                                                            .           
blot                                                           3.094544e-01
dharmic                                                        9.430275e-02
kashmiri                                                       1.860689e-02
pandit                                                         2.912240e-03
looni                                                          .           
hinduphobia                                                    3.854610e-04
k-colleg                                                       .           
indoctrin                                                      .           
likewis                                                        .           
h'wood                                                         .           
open-season                                                    .           
trumpist                                                       .           
antifa-typ                                                     .           
exponenti                                                      .           
dsa                                                            .           
eviscer                                                        .           
bor                                                            .           
esp                                                            .           
1a                                                             .           
accuse                                                         .           
pair                                                           .           
eight                                                          .           
sexal                                                          .           
awful                                                          .           
#justicenow                                                    .           
#godblessamerica                                               .           
#annalovestrump                                                .           
#trumpsarmi                                                    .           
moan                                                           .           
❌                                                             .           
fisa                                                           .           
server                                                         .           
introduc                                                       .           
#darktolight                                                   .           
#ibor                                                          .           
#wtobrexit                                                     .           
andrew                                                         .           
rumor                                                          .           
allegat                                                        .           
presumpt                                                       .           
dim                                                            3.258177e-01
econ                                                           1.029273e-01
butt-hurt                                                      2.137257e-02
sneaki                                                         .           
sought                                                         .           
programm                                                       .           
cbb                                                            .           
lw                                                             .           
trivial                                                        .           
aum                                                            .           
rand                                                           .           
ostensivli                                                     .           
scienc                                                         .           
understood                                                     .           
visibl                                                         .           
tighter                                                        .           
express                                                        .           
escap                                                          .           
actaulli                                                       .           
regain                                                         .           
modest                                                         .           
yess                                                           .           
ge                                                             .           
dustbin                                                        .           
mutual                                                         .           
cautious                                                       .           
naval                                                          .           
outing                                                         .           
vulgar                                                         .           
trying                                                         .           
today’                                                         .           
invok                                                          .           
yeeeeess                                                       .           
inna                                                           .           
bio                                                            .           
judgement                                                      .           
thou                                                           .           
shalt                                                          .           
deceiv                                                         .           
whatsoev                                                       .           
annoint                                                        .           
#womenshouldruletheworld                                       .           
bribe                                                          .           
victorian                                                      .           
altar                                                          .           
anita                                                          .           
wasca                                                          .           
extension                                                      .           
complete                                                       .           
selective                                                      .           
fonding                                                        .           
girls                                                          .           
oversea                                                        .           
stylist                                                        .           
bangl                                                          .           
bracelet                                                       .           
unnecessari                                                    .           
trumpster                                                      1.300005e+00
cuba                                                           .           
#dianefeinstein                                                .           
#clarencethoma                                                 .           
#confirmcoachk                                                 .           
sloppi                                                         .           
😛                                                             .           
murdock                                                        .           
🤷‍♀️                                                           -1.584184e-01
mona                                                           .           
fredo                                                          .           
ticktock                                                       .           
ili                                                            .           
mgk                                                            .           
terrified                                                      .           
declassifi                                                     .           
doc                                                            .           
ps                                                             .           
worries                                                        .           
#declassifyital                                                .           
clout                                                          .           
gvt                                                            .           
behold                                                         .           
benign                                                         .           
co-opt                                                         .           
swastika                                                       .           
#icymi                                                         .           
islamophobia                                                   .           
homophobia                                                     .           
mummi                                                          .           
unwel                                                          .           
media.propaganda                                               .           
abortion.not                                                   .           
true.women                                                     .           
abortion.becaus                                                .           
th@                                                            .           
2do                                                            .           
#vateran                                                       .           
#trumpsamerica                                                 .           
serves                                                         3.416326e-01
bastards                                                       1.055089e-01
guid                                                           7.911443e-01
crock                                                          .           
multipl                                                        .           
cya                                                            .           
golden                                                         .           
ukip                                                           2.566890e-01
ultra                                                          .           
dammit                                                         .           
self-enrich                                                    .           
✊                                                             .           
#takeusaback                                                   .           
#mondaymorn                                                    .           
#mondaymood                                                    .           
comed                                                          .           
lift                                                           .           
built                                                          .           
fucker                                                         1.556323e+00
monument                                                       3.705262e-01
torn                                                           1.269727e-01
constern                                                       2.921130e-02
chloe                                                          .           
shon’                                                          .           
#spygat                                                        .           
millenni                                                       .           
contradict                                                     .           
blockchain                                                     .           
it's                                                           .           
bewis                                                          .           
mothers                                                        .           
makewis                                                        .           
#blm                                                           .           
lion                                                           .           
blather                                                        .           
hybrid                                                         .           
populac                                                        4.029082e-01
amongst                                                        .           
lamb                                                           .           
fella                                                          .           
connelli                                                       .           
#craigkardashian                                               .           
infam                                                          .           
matey                                                          .           
🥂                                                             .           
yessir                                                         .           
gamecock                                                       .           
lvmpd                                                          .           
mgm                                                            .           
#vegasshoot                                                    .           
surveil                                                        .           
overpaid                                                       .           
cock                                                           8.604322e-01
load                                                           .           
loretta                                                        .           
charm                                                          .           
eloqu                                                          .           
signatur                                                       .           
rabbl                                                          .           
rous                                                           .           
ireland                                                        .           
empower                                                        .           
egypt                                                          .           
de                                                             .           
nile                                                           .           
pinko                                                          .           
cancel                                                         .           
when                                                           .           
unblock                                                        .           
infiltr                                                        .           
princip                                                        .           
msg                                                            .           
dart                                                           .           
loung                                                          .           
yanke                                                          .           
bronx                                                          .           
shake-yell-motiv                                               .           
pinstrip                                                       .           
pleaser                                                        .           
quran                                                          .           
sailor                                                         .           
scar                                                           .           
accused                                                        .           
mind-boggl                                                     .           
acquaint                                                       .           
upstair                                                        .           
mos2                                                           .           
kryptonian.turn                                                .           
mm                                                             2.855528e-01
refug                                                          .           
shake                                                          .           
sop                                                            .           
michell                                                        .           
ones                                                           .           
brainwashed                                                    .           
oof                                                            .           
tall                                                           .           
okabe                                                          .           
luka                                                           .           
shah                                                           .           
bano                                                           .           
#tripletalaq                                                   .           
exress                                                         .           
provinci                                                       .           
bwaaaaa                                                        .           
bwaaaaaaa                                                      .           
godsend                                                        .           
volt                                                           4.354319e-01
worm                                                           .           
dox                                                            .           
ford’                                                          .           
agent                                                          .           
telegram                                                       .           
marxism                                                        .           
stairway                                                       .           
msnbc                                                          .           
impass                                                         .           
tm                                                             .           
perceiv                                                        5.543124e-02
ballgam                                                        .           
bippi                                                          .           
attract                                                        .           
et                                                             .           
isl                                                            .           
nun                                                            .           
vulner                                                         .           
druggi                                                         .           
five                                                           .           
bot                                                            .           
mcinnes                                                        4.438161e-01
harmless                                                       1.521018e-01
rival                                                          .           
infight                                                        .           
fanbas                                                         .           
entryist                                                       .           
charlottesvill                                                 .           
🤷                                                             .           
websit                                                         .           
lowlif                                                         .           
visionari                                                      .           
fave                                                           .           
everywheh                                                      .           
twenti                                                         .           
wright                                                         .           
batshit                                                        .           
espacili                                                       .           
chapter                                                        .           
click                                                          .           
margaret                                                       .           
sanger                                                         .           
geonicid                                                       .           
ty                                                             .           
strength                                                       .           
walter                                                         .           
gor                                                            1.239725e-01
irrat                                                          .           
#1                                                             .           
crabcak                                                        .           
10-mile                                                        .           
radius                                                         .           
lds                                                            .           
weren’t                                                        .           
admin                                                          .           
calendar                                                       .           
hahah                                                          .           
f’n                                                            .           
rowdi                                                          .           
me.also                                                        .           
them.h                                                         .           
whenev                                                         .           
🐶                                                             .           
democrats.thi                                                  .           
party.noth                                                     .           
aisl                                                           .           
incline                                                        .           
convo                                                          .           
perp                                                           .           
unattend                                                       .           
#bulletcontrol                                                 .           
tack                                                           .           
bladder                                                        .           
remiss                                                         .           
exposur                                                        .           
lacquer                                                        .           
fume                                                           .           
spray                                                          .           
stain                                                          .           
occurr                                                         .           
haa                                                            .           
looool                                                         .           
noos                                                           .           
offshor                                                        .           
haven                                                          .           
hiv                                                            .           
whiff                                                          4.354287e-01
chew                                                           .           
gum                                                            .           
perjure                                                        .           
days                                                           .           
sassi                                                          .           
tariff                                                         .           
🚪                                                             .           
#shameonyou                                                    .           
unafford                                                       .           
snm                                                            .           
#liberals                                                      .           
ongo                                                           .           
align                                                          .           
reflex                                                         .           
thort                                                          .           
greet                                                          .           
heidi                                                          .           
brunett                                                        .           
mysteri                                                        .           
stadium                                                        .           
espous                                                         8.738006e-01
fiddl                                                          .           
pension                                                        .           
cook                                                           .           
counti                                                         .           
madigan                                                        .           
betti                                                          .           
feminists                                                      .           
years                                                          .           
5pc                                                            .           
uni                                                            .           
web                                                            .           
hord                                                           .           
🙌                                                             .           
cranley                                                        .           
cincinnati                                                     .           
psychologist                                                   .           
#dgps2018                                                      .           
trump2020                                                      1.185810e+00
divin                                                          .           
intervent                                                      .           
poitician                                                      .           
fold                                                           .           
woooow                                                         .           
choir                                                          .           
adjust                                                         .           
🤞                                                             .           
a10                                                            .           
#cartersbodysuitsweepstak                                      .           
geolog                                                         .           
endur                                                          .           
any1                                                           .           
psycholog                                                      .           
warfar                                                         .           
goon                                                           .           
✊🏾                                                           .           
plot                                                           .           
thicken                                                        3.970974e-01
steeler                                                        .           
lobe                                                           .           
dissent                                                        .           
canada’                                                        .           
squalor                                                        .           
hid                                                            .           
preval                                                         .           
bloodsport                                                     .           
monologu                                                       .           
jackson                                                        .           
unpopular                                                      .           
insuffer                                                       .           
wecht                                                          .           
dush’                                                          .           
cosponsor                                                      .           
bale                                                           .           
render                                                         .           
kal                                                            .           
communic                                                       .           
unit                                                           .           
flame                                                          2.907239e-01
appt                                                           .           
diann                                                          .           
lakeland                                                       .           
realtor                                                        .           
racism-bullshit                                                .           
kagan                                                          .           
berat                                                          .           
ginsberg                                                       .           
evad                                                           .           
tihnk                                                          .           
notebook                                                       .           
junko                                                          .           
tribe                                                          .           
technolog                                                      .           
#lpfirsttim                                                    .           
comingggg                                                      .           
san                                                            .           
francisco                                                      .           
pleasant                                                       .           
uniform                                                        .           
las                                                            .           
corner                                                         .           
acosta                                                         .           
figurehead                                                     .           
identifi                                                       .           
allege                                                         .           
official                                                       .           
blacklist                                                      .           
1-2                                                            .           
samford                                                        .           
sanford                                                        .           
kh                                                             .           
kingdom                                                        .           
duper                                                          .           
mega                                                           .           
conniv                                                         .           
dat                                                            .           
tweak                                                          .           
🤦🏼‍♂️                                                          .           
file                                                           .           
defam                                                          .           
gore                                                           1.557664e-01
hazel                                                          2.790948e-02
typhoon                                                        2.966576e-03
cyclon                                                         2.461352e-04
helping                                                        .           
carl                                                           .           
yeahhhhh                                                       .           
destini                                                        .           
cayd                                                           .           
liker                                                          .           
mbapp                                                         -2.938215e-01
bang                                                           .           
pl                                                             .           
fuckinggg                                                      4.354276e-01
hehe                                                           .           
superior                                                       .           
#hadexincurs                                                   .           
#polic                                                         .           
#unitedkingdom                                                 .           
conadid                                                        .           
awwwww                                                         .           
writer                                                         .           
#ge2017                                                        .           
cchqpress                                                      .           
🏘️                                                              .           
natfednew                                                      .           
longer-term                                                    .           
partnership                                                    .           
ambiti                                                         .           
ground-break                                                   .           
jeopard                                                        .           
he’d                                                           .           
gambl                                                          .           
settl                                                          .           
swap                                                           .           
spit                                                           .           
perjurer                                                       .           
finnish                                                        .           
salmon                                                         .           
fisheri                                                        .           
antle                                                          .           
vest                                                           .           
grest                                                          .           
edwsrd                                                         .           
villain                                                        .           
garak                                                          .           
yorker                                                         .           
gift                                                           .           
jami                                                           .           
dimon                                                          5.558430e-01
jpm                                                            2.339961e-01
mile                                                           .           
springfield                                                    .           
worcest                                                        .           
chinali                                                        .           
chanvong                                                       .           
wellesley                                                      .           
sweatshirt                                                     .           
zuckerberg                                                     .           
antifa-hat                                                     .           
fluffi                                                         .           
🐈                                                             .           
flourish                                                       .           
#friendsandfamili                                              .           
botswana                                                       .           
exagger                                                        .           
bing                                                           .           
duckduckgo                                                     5.096549e-01
susan                                                          .           
puzzl                                                          .           
achichincl                                                     3.415983e-01
lamebota                                                       1.055354e-01
blown                                                          .           
patriachi                                                      .           
hotspot                                                        .           
dissapoint                                                     .           
cp24                                                           .           
remember                                                       .           
payers’monei                                                   .           
kavanagh                                                       .           
tfw                                                            4.354250e-01
lesbian                                                        .           
angie                                                          .           
#election                                                      .           
#headlinenew                                                   .           
tuesday                                                        .           
allus                                                          .           
must-keep-grow                                                 .           
hardcore                                                       .           
bugger                                                         4.354243e-01
seal                                                           .           
ngl                                                            .           
pineappl                                                       .           
offf                                                           .           
2k19                                                           .           
nuremberg                                                      .           
sos                                                            .           
#wakeupstandupspeakup                                          .           
frequenc                                                       .           
#idonotcons                                                    .           
#wedonotcons                                                   .           
#opevidenc                                                     .           
#opstopchemtrail                                               .           
#chemtrail                                                     .           
#skybastard                                                    .           
#geoengin                                                      .           
#climatechang                                                  .           
#srm                                                           .           
#cloudseed                                                     .           
#evergreenair                                                  .           
#bigmoney                                                      .           
#nexrad                                                        .           
#lookup                                                        .           
#silentwarfar                                                  .           
#weatherwarfar                                                 .           
senil                                                          8.846663e-01
rejoic                                                         .           
among                                                          .           
#rinos                                                         2.577495e-01
backbon                                                        6.828077e-02
propel                                                         1.196995e-02
eb                                                             .           
benedict                                                       .           
virul                                                          .           
verbal                                                         .           
licens                                                         .           
💪🏻                                                           .           
#godblesshuman                                                 .           
f.u                                                            .           
grape                                                          .           
douch                                                          .           
swung                                                          .           
rational                                                       .           
fleet                                                          .           
utopian                                                        .           
lmfaoooooo                                                     .           
libdem                                                         .           
fkn                                                            .           
#fatnixon                                                      .           
digust                                                         .           
2nd-tallest                                                    .           
tallest                                                        .           
affili                                                         .           
jackoff                                                        .           
#votelabour                                                    .           
#ge2018now                                                     .           
#wearecorbyn                                                   .           
#unitedwestand                                                 .           
atheist                                                        .           
refuge                                                         .           
precious                                                       .           
meaningless                                                    .           
humbl                                                          .           
stafford                                                       .           
rusti                                                          .           
inconsist                                                      .           
dread                                                          .           
asfuck                                                         .           
betfair                                                        .           
exchang                                                        .           
sportbook                                                      .           
nauseat                                                        .           
seattl                                                         .           
insaniti                                                       .           
#handcuffsforhillari                                           2.582387e-01
slaps                                                          .           
selling                                                        .           
shows                                                          .           
deserves                                                       .           
unicorn                                                        .           
stold                                                          .           
vermin                                                         .           
obozo                                                          .           
exhal                                                          .           
shakili                                                        .           
tempt                                                          .           
shush                                                          .           
cheeki                                                         .           
hear-broken                                                    .           
hacker                                                         .           
determin                                                       .           
kim                                                            .           
sonnuva-gun                                                    .           
virus                                                          .           
quitter                                                        .           
ezra                                                           .           
shone                                                          .           
minus                                                          .           
sonja                                                          .           
dorinda                                                        .           
prettier                                                       .           
1950s                                                          .           
wecal                                                          .           
peewe                                                          .           
herman                                                         .           
#ge2018                                                        .           
lawd                                                           .           
sareptian                                                      .           
expir                                                          .           
myki                                                           .           
#whatajok                                                      .           
mrs                                                            .           
#chines                                                        .           
#chinesespi                                                    .           
#california                                                    .           
#justic                                                        .           
#clintonemail                                                  .           
#californiawildfir                                             .           
#redpil                                                        .           
#factsmatt                                                     .           
#factson                                                       .           
#makecaliforniagreatagain                                      .           
#dnc                                                           .           
#liberallog                                                    .           
#truth                                                         .           
#newyork                                                       .           
#state                                                         .           
#vote                                                          .           
#governor                                                      .           
sharpest                                                       .           
telesmokacatin                                                 .           
#jesussav                                                      .           
🙏🏼                                                           .           
#connecticut                                                   .           
praaaaaaaaaye                                                  .           
unhinged                                                       2.316186e-01
slob                                                           .           
opertunist                                                     .           
opertiunist                                                    .           
shovel                                                         .           
eating                                                         .           
blink                                                          .           
e-mail                                                         .           
whi                                                            .           
beena                                                          .           
high-shcool                                                    .           
societ                                                         .           
subsect                                                        .           
aand                                                           .           
beast                                                          .           
lolololololololo                                               3.283416e-01
democ                                                          .           
derail                                                         .           
triumph                                                        .           
text                                                           .           
#exposethedeepstate                                            .           
#enemiesofthest                                                .           
#militarytribun                                                .           
cartel                                                         1.227601e+00
depart                                                         2.615796e-01
privaci                                                        .           
masculin                                                       .           
japanes                                                        .           
wmas                                                           .           
compos                                                         .           
rinos                                                          1.729645e-01
cfo                                                            .           
#googlearecorrupt                                              .           
#bestuseqw                                                     .           
dnc’s                                                          5.107621e-02
profound                                                       .           
c'vill                                                         .           
whooo                                                          .           
🖕                                                             .           
legitam                                                        .           
bizarr                                                        -8.530873e-02
connor                                                         .           
gameplan                                                       .           
9-20                                                           .           
prep                                                           .           
salt                                                           .           
nutbar                                                         .           
todd                                                           .           
generous                                                       .           
rocker                                                         .           
unfortunatemi                                                  .           
cold                                                           .           
cal                                                            .           
weaver                                                         .           
auto                                                           .           
bend                                                           .           
alzheimer                                                      .           
wallac                                                         .           
shep                                                           .           
quarterback                                                    .           
jot                                                            .           
roy                                                            .           
misogyni                                                       .           
#thehandmaidstal                                               .           
🍎                                                             .           
cosbi                                                          .           
pepper                                                         .           
fuckingndbs                                                    3.415836e-01
funnyhejs                                                      1.055465e-01
illogic                                                        .           
walkaway                                                       .           
happenin                                                       .           
equaliti                                                       .           
sniffl                                                         .           
cecil                                                          .           
anderson                                                       .           
viewer                                                         .           
ssm                                                            .           
muck                                                           1.005302e+00
populist                                                       1.327818e-01
latt                                                           2.714261e-02
schmooz                                                        .           
#putin                                                         1.152319e+00
helsinki                                                       .           
#libtard                                                       .           
bask                                                           .           
quiz                                                           .           
fuckbucket                                                     4.354218e-01
curtin                                                         .           
veer                                                           .           
#kavanagh                                                      .           
calif                                                          .           
proport                                                        .           
fresh                                                          .           
ari                                                            .           
melber                                                         .           
articul                                                        .           
extend                                                         .           
congrat                                                        .           
whiner                                                         .           
oligarch                                                       .           
hawk                                                           .           
pro-russia                                                     .           
#votedemsout2018                                               .           
generic                                                        .           
whr                                                            .           
annual                                                         .           
2.5bn                                                          .           
33bn                                                           .           
35bn                                                           .           
despair                                                        .           
chos                                                           .           
#dogwhistl                                                     .           
ababzhah                                                       .           
uncomfort                                                      .           
awak                                                           .           
🏴‍☠️                                                            .           
#public_executions                                             .           
scroll                                                         .           
colonel’                                                       .           
recip                                                          .           
neglig                                                         .           
oprah                                                          .           
winfrey                                                        .           
vial                                                           .           
whacko                                                         3.685046e-01
zealot                                                         1.147143e-01
thw                                                            .           
gooo                                                           .           
shittin                                                        .           
nube                                                           .           
cohes                                                          .           
newsweek                                                       .           
#deepstatepan                                                  2.904211e-01
newsweek’                                                      7.331808e-02
circul                                                         .           
edit                                                           .           
watchin                                                        .           
edg                                                            .           
baekhyun                                                       .           
🙇‍♀️                                                            .           
inact                                                          .           
😥                                                             .           
bcz                                                            .           
assign                                                         .           
tata                                                           .           
👋🏻                                                           .           
shes                                                           .           
bonet                                                          .           
wiper                                                          .           
#protecckais                                                  -2.974427e-01
sweetheart                                                     .           
godamn                                                        -8.247052e-02
sole                                                           .           
weigh                                                          .           
#morningjo                                                     .           
deter                                                          .           
agreeabl                                                       .           
chum                                                           .           
bullsh                                                         3.655381e-01
frontlin                                                       .           
actuali                                                        .           
skype                                                          .           
wa                                                             .           
ct                                                             .           
otherwis                                                       .           
mindset                                                        .           
crucial                                                        .           
heartbreak                                                     .           
tow                                                            .           
explosiv                                                       .           
indic                                                          .           
#micropoetri                                                   .           
big-top                                                        .           
blasé                                                          .           
underneath                                                     .           
glorious                                                       .           
jd                                                             .           
thwart                                                         .           
weaponized                                                     .           
massacr                                                        .           
missouri                                                       .           
gutiérrez                                                      .           
dilig                                                          .           
angl                                                           .           
payment                                                        .           
ama                                                            .           
ambitious                                                      .           
🐦                                                             .           
defends                                                        .           
pedophelia                                                     .           
politicized                                                    .           
science                                                        .           
riots                                                          .           
superstiti                                                     .           
#treasonousgover                                               6.453995e-01
shell                                                          .           
cring                                                          .           
intelligent                                                    .           
peddl                                                          .           
uhav                                                           .           
dive                                                           .           
hurri                                                          .           
nutcas                                                         .           
franki                                                         .           
ottawa                                                         .           
educat                                                         .           
shadi                                                          .           
#ruleoflaw                                                     .           
#countryoverparti                                              .           
#withdrawkavanaugh                                             .           
mel                                                            .           
gibson                                                         .           
lang                                                           .           
hardship                                                       .           
#francisaglabtin2tulognalang                                   .           
optimist                                                       .           
gon                                                            .           
crib                                                           .           
😙                                                             .           
uns                                                            .           
fixola                                                         .           
ahha                                                           .           
epitom                                                         .           
infring                                                        .           
infridg                                                        .           
cattl                                                          .           
tanzania                                                       .           
underoath                                                      .           
knack                                                          .           
elev                                                           .           
#first                                                         1.287173e-01
illig                                                          2.373558e-02
#poland                                                        .           
#boomingeconomi                                                .           
foriegn                                                        .           
🤯                                                             .           
shred                                                          .           
ebola                                                          .           
symptom                                                        .           
destroyed                                                      .           
rebuild                                                        .           
averi                                                          7.203609e-03
#p2                                                            .           
toe                                                            .           
unbia                                                          .           
confidenti                                                     .           
mislead                                                        .           
disclosur                                                      .           
goodness                                                       .           
iya                                                            2.777129e-01
risi                                                           8.104599e-02
widow                                                          1.535772e-02
5children                                                      2.328355e-03
ehav                                                           .           
cthulhu                                                        .           
cred                                                           .           
harvard                                                        .           
conduct                                                        .           
benghazi                                                       .           
life-long                                                      .           
heal                                                           .           
breaker                                                        .           
#paytoplay                                                     .           
gofundm                                                        .           
200k                                                           .           
society’                                                       .           
#freakyford                                                    .           
bec                                                            .           
grammar                                                        .           
par                                                            .           
critiqu                                                        .           
well-paid                                                      .           
editor                                                         .           
slip                                                           1.243632e+00
sb                                                             .           
malfeas                                                        .           
flier                                                          .           
mail                                                           .           
so-and-so                                                      .           
elo                                                            .           
thee                                                           .           
booter                                                         .           
exposer                                                        .           
techniqu                                                       .           
🙌🏻                                                           .           
bicker                                                         .           
hitter                                                         2.833527e-01
snead                                                          8.163574e-02
wr                                                             1.540919e-02
kaze                                                           4.354178e-01
franchis                                                       .           
salad                                                          .           
nahhh                                                          .           
hail                                                           .           
mari                                                           .           
backfir                                                        .           
ginsburg                                                       .           
c-span                                                         .           
tangl                                                          .           
weav                                                           .           
#wemakeamericagreat                                            .           
seinfeld                                                       .           
jk                                                             .           
juanita                                                        .           
broderick                                                      .           
usa2                                                           .           
venezuela                                                      .           
move2                                                          .           
2destroy                                                       .           
shed                                                           .           
loudmouth                                                      .           
goodwin                                                        3.415624e-01
grop                                                           1.055615e-01
pee                                                            .           
peed                                                           .           
ipad                                                           3.632791e-01
📱                                                             1.153160e-01
phobia                                                         2.428040e-02
🐕                                                             .           
graph                                                          .           
observ                                                         .           
pressur                                                        .           
11th                                                           .           
ambush                                                         .           
tricki                                                         .           
mistreat                                                       .           
esteem                                                         .           
unreal                                                         .           
m8                                                             .           
mckenna                                                        .           
treacheri                                                      .           
🤑                                                             .           
tension                                                        .           
dagenham                                                       .           
#c4new                                                         .           
damsel                                                         .           
distress                                                       .           
jane                                                           .           
#defendthesecond                                               .           
#shareact                                                      .           
#nocompromise                                                  .           
#rememberyouroath                                              .           
#nraun                                                         .           
ib                                                             .           
현재                                                           .           
cherish                                                        .           
utmost                                                         .           
postcard                                                       .           
#happyhyunjaedai                                               .           
#believe_hyunjae_dai                                           .           
#너의존재가_기적이야                                           .           
gunsight                                                       .           
anti-trust                                                     .           
shaddowban                                                     .           
misfit                                                         .           
unsuccess                                                      .           
worshipp                                                       .           
throne                                                         .           
toilet                                                         4.354157e-01
goodluck                                                       .           
row                                                            .           
carryon                                                        .           
bulkhead                                                       .           
flight                                                         .           
flori                                                          .           
leah                                                           .           
curti                                                          .           
kl                                                             .           
realm                                                          .           
sense                                                          .           
foresight                                                      2.652687e-01
mai                                                            7.280908e-02
political                                                      .           
suicide                                                        1.309771e-02
g.e                                                            1.913642e-03
naziism                                                        .           
urg                                                            .           
winston                                                        .           
shown                                                          .           
ant                                                            .           
relitig                                                        .           
#banter                                                        .           
shade                                                          .           
bionic                                                         .           
brandon                                                        .           
sprint                                                         .           
neocon                                                         .           
marlow                                                         .           
stranahahn                                                     .           
initialli                                                      .           
occur                                                          .           
cafeteria                                                      .           
fuss                                                           .           
messiah                                                        .           
sycophant                                                      .           
twat                                                           4.986017e-01
crow                                                           .           
fonda                                                          1.111791e-01
#wa                                                            .           
#police                                                        .           
certif                                                         .           
#combat                                                        .           
#thinbluelin                                                   .           
#bluelivesmatt                                                 .           
#lawenforc                                                     .           
probe                                                          .           
unprofession                                                   .           
reloc                                                          .           
mode                                                           .           
cgi                                                            .           
accuraci                                                       .           
stamp                                                          .           
hedg                                                           .           
mayor                                                          .           
cold-but                                                       .           
nintendo                                                       .           
grub                                                           .           
equip                                                          .           
#causal                                                        6.939737e-02
lawmak                                                         1.075850e-02
pre-exist                                                      .           
scofflaw                                                       1.059514e-03
causal                                                         8.296674e-05
#cohort                                                        5.633851e-06
twtich                                                         .           
grasp                                                          .           
meltdown                                                       .           
bjp                                                            .           
karyakarta                                                     .           
myyi                                                           .           
mccain                                                         .           
resistance                                                     .           
defcon                                                         .           
wuppert                                                        .           
#keithellisonabus                                              .           
#maximeberni                                                   .           
#liberalvalu                                                   .           
#donpitti                                                      .           
newsman                                                        .           
rum                                                            .           
infus                                                          .           
spice                                                          .           
mantra                                                         .           
urin                                                           3.410694e-01
viewpoint                                                      .           
snl                                                            .           
beani                                                          .           
mindmil                                                        .           
leukemia                                                       .           
athlet                                                         .           
wench                                                          .           
spout                                                          .           
drivel                                                         .           
brighter                                                       .           
#ijustdontseemyself                                            .           
#liberals4gun                                                  .           
#gun                                                           .           
there                                                          .           
satisfact                                                      .           
incap                                                          1.527013e+00
sect                                                           .           
episcopalian                                                   .           
weinstein                                                      .           
unawar                                                         .           
adhere                                                         .           
cameron                                                        .           
osbourn                                                        .           
debacl                                                         .           
158bn                                                          .           
miracl                                                         .           
podesta                                                        .           
valeri                                                         .           
tin                                                            .           
hatter                                                         .           
deplorable                                                     .           
irredeemable                                                   .           
gropi                                                          .           
dregs                                                          1.105522e+00
adicionei                                                      .           
vídeo                                                          .           
uma                                                            .           
playlist                                                       .           
melanchol                                                      .           
startl                                                         .           
horrible.i                                                     .           
kremlin                                                        .           
outspoken                                                      .           
putin’                                                         .           
dabbl                                                          .           
universally-unw                                                .           
baubl                                                          .           
tham                                                           .           
asl                                                            .           
duck                                                           2.547459e-01
inadmiss                                                       .           
cavanagh                                                       .           
ye                                                             1.133131e+00
pooki                                                          .           
flotus                                                         3.257050e-01
egregi                                                         1.029917e-01
potus’                                                         2.140064e-02
#mueller                                                       .           
#doj                                                           .           
#fbi                                                           .           
#cia                                                           .           
#policest                                                      .           
paramilitari                                                   .           
solidifi                                                       .           
grip                                                           .           
nicco                                                          .           
shev                                                           .           
hrs                                                            .           
champ                                                          .           
amazing                                                        .           
wherw                                                          .           
harwood                                                        .           
qdrop                                                          .           
arent                                                          .           
sumn                                                           .           
morph                                                          .           
bla                                                            .           
eg                                                             .           
england                                                        .           
attn                                                           .           
spotlight                                                      .           
o’neill                                                        .           
rode                                                           .           
♥                                                              .           
🐷                                                             1.331426e-02
dens                                                           .           
40s                                                            .           
#releasethecur                                                 .           
#declassifyfisa                                                .           
#itstime                                                       .           
otherwise                                                      .           
friends                                                        .           
needs                                                          .           
educated                                                       .           
educate                                                        .           
everydai                                                       .           
shape                                                          .           
becka                                                          .           
haley                                                          .           
brighten                                                       .           
#hypocrit                                                      .           
#obama                                                         .           
analog                                                         .           
glanc                                                          .           
digit                                                          .           
ramo                                                           .           
refere                                                         .           
osaka                                                          .           
aca                                                            .           
driver                                                         .           
fled                                                           .           
track                                                          .           
nvestig                                                        .           
🐩                                                             .           
kathi                                                          .           
steel                                                          .           
changing                                                       .           
#leadership                                                    .           
#respect                                                       .           
#economi                                                       .           
#jobs                                                          .           
#peacethrustrength                                             .           
#god                                                           .           
#bless                                                         .           
#theusa                                                        .           
#tds                                                           .           
#walkawayfromdemocrats2018                                     .           
oakland                                                        .           
besth                                                          .           
myy                                                            .           
brotherr                                                       .           
don                                                            .           
sloan                                                          .           
blocker                                                        .           
bt1100                                                         .           
malfunct                                                       .           
coddl                                                          .           
don‘t                                                          .           
melissa                                                        .           
frost                                                          .           
🏈                                                             .           
gee                                                            .           
😸                                                             .           
chud                                                           .           
serum                                                          .           
wayn                                                           .           
drake                                                          .           
assist                                                         .           
lott                                                           .           
lancet                                                         .           
#femfraud                                                      .           
#maddow                                                        .           
arts                                                           .           
#saveamericafromdemocrat                                       .           
servitude                                                      4.354133e-01
hassert                                                        .           
huntsman                                                       .           
apologis                                                       .           
bodysham                                                       .           
robin                                                          .           
homeland                                                       .           
#walldoesntprotectfromamerican                                 3.910201e-01
#ny18                                                          .           
faso                                                           .           
rust                                                           .           
megyn                                                          .           
kelli                                                          .           
unload                                                         .           
kettl                                                          .           
obey                                                           .           
#houseoflord                                                   .           
#labourparti                                                   .           
#showerofshit                                                  .           
lebron                                                         .           
compass                                                        .           
scrap                                                          .           
theorist                                                       .           
radical                                                        .           
de-platform                                                    .           
karma                                                          .           
ump                                                            .           
disreput                                                       .           
619-513-5555                                                   .           
llook                                                          .           
sammi                                                          .           
outnumb                                                        .           
derwin’                                                        .           
3-4                                                            .           
floodwat                                                       .           
salinski                                                       .           
mindless                                                       .           
rawr                                                           .           
wrangler                                                       2.246968e-01
government’                                                    .           
venom                                                          .           
spiderman                                                      .           
soni                                                           .           
skip                                                           .           
percentag                                                      .           
#12                                                            .           
abuser                                                         .           
extens                                                         .           
soros                                                          .           
❓                                                             .           
😔                                                             .           
🤦‍♂️                                                            .           
alter                                                          .           
timelin                                                        .           
snooz                                                          .           
#rightsideofhistori                                            .           
magnifi                                                        .           
sour                                                           .           
bieber                                                         .           
westminst                                                      .           
bulshit                                                        .           
cear                                                           .           
#grenfel                                                       .           
tenant                                                         .           
merit                                                          .           
bitchhh                                                        .           
oatmeal                                                        .           
#drumpf                                                        .           
🌊                                                             .           
🏳️‍🌈                                                            .           
axe                                                            .           
queue                                                          .           
bencher                                                        .           
sided                                                          .           
shadow                                                         .           
unelect                                                        .           
y                                                              .           
spawn                                                          .           
karel                                                          .           
banquet                                                        .           
ona                                                            .           
newsroom                                                       .           
sooooo                                                         .           
buhari                                                         .           
16year                                                         .           
pdp                                                            .           
publish                                                        .           
#gop                                                           .           
slut                                                           8.800846e-01
powerless                                                      .           
uncomefortbul                                                  3.556867e-01
urban                                                          .           
naxal                                                          .           
googlecid                                                      .           
don’t-be-evil-corp                                             .           
oligarchi                                                      .           
eras                                                           .           
transform                                                      .           
western                                                        .           
totalitarian                                                   .           
googlesplain                                                   .           
norman                                                         .           
rockwel                                                        .           
viabl                                                          .           
#justathought                                                  .           
lite                                                           .           
progressiv                                                     .           
#whataretheyhid                                                .           
wants                                                          .           
joining                                                        .           
hormon                                                         1.657096e-01
testosteron                                                    3.188476e-02
glorita                                                        .           
✨                                                             .           
🇻🇪                                                             .           
fuckidng                                                       3.256932e-01
perhaps                                                        1.029977e-01
tears                                                          2.140279e-02
colon                                                          .           
vag                                                            .           
thirti                                                         .           
zayn                                                           .           
jdkdkdk                                                        .           
makes                                                          .           
emo                                                            .           
revolut                                                        .           
#usconstitut                                                   .           
graham                                                         .           
baaaaa                                                         6.482473e-02
#nfl                                                           .           
#freealexjon                                                   6.706258e-02
liketak                                                        .           
jacobit                                                        .           
bonni                                                          .           
charli                                                         .           
prais                                                          .           
frenkenstien                                                   .           
stolen                                                         .           
pt                                                             .           
comet                                                          4.853061e-01
palin                                                          .           
🙃                                                             .           
#left                                                          .           
#lisapag                                                       .           
#muellerinvestig                                               .           
sin                                                            .           
purifi                                                         .           
unright                                                        .           
5-9                                                            .           
greenish                                                       2.450588e-01
tint                                                           6.842022e-02
greenhous                                                      1.247039e-02
gase                                                           1.835050e-03
tongue-in-cheek                                                .           
psychiatr                                                      .           
counter-intuit                                                 .           
larger                                                         .           
wrinkl                                                         .           
theyr                                                          .           
#rulesforrad                                                   .           
drove                                                          .           
gruber                                                         .           
naw                                                            .           
mama                                                           .           
chu                                                            .           
comprehend                                                     3.469399e-01
mo                                                             .           
subvers                                                        .           
trauma                                                         .           
#illegalalien                                                  .           
#405                                                           .           
fwi                                                            .           
wiccan                                                         .           
tuna                                                           .           
brisket                                                        .           
causat                                                         .           
𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚜                                                         .           
𝙼𝚌𝙿𝙾𝚄𝚃𝚂𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎                                                    .           
¬                                                              .           
boost                                                          .           
vain                                                           .           
#closet                                                        .           
spox                                                           .           
#coupl                                                         .           
incens                                                         .           
newli                                                          .           
#gay                                                           .           
#lgbtq                                                         .           
#lgbtqtwitter                                                  .           
#bluewav                                                       .           
yuzusft                                                        .           
mod                                                            .           
dl                                                             .           
selfish                                                        .           
seek                                                           .           
depth                                                          .           
ch                                                             .           
muzzl                                                          .           
clone                                                          .           
#feshey                                                        .           
tip                                                            .           
glutton                                                        .           
drinker                                                        .           
imaginari                                                      .           
penchant                                                       .           
toenail                                                        .           
gail                                                           .           
has-been                                                       .           
shini                                                          .           
barbz                                                          .           
remi                                                           .           
nicki’                                                         .           
flow                                                           .           
rodgers                                                        .           
heroics                                                        .           
hooligan                                                       .           
mayhem                                                         .           
cutter                                                         .           
stonecutt                                                      .           
decade                                                         .           
dup                                                            .           
#2                                                             .           
legislation                                                    .           
unintent                                                       6.639343e-02
fukin                                                          .           
twinsi                                                         .           
resembl                                                        .           
lincoln                                                        .           
hindu                                                          .           
dough                                                          .           
pastri                                                         .           
plate                                                          .           
puri                                                           .           
asma                                                           .           
saviour                                                        .           
ricardo                                                        .           
rosello                                                        .           
terrifi                                                        .           
roselló                                                        .           
regrann                                                        .           
trump_babes_2020                                               .           
#trumpbab                                                      .           
#trumpbabes2020                                                .           
#trump_babes_2020                                              .           
#milfsfortrump                                                 .           
#babesfortrump                                                 .           
#babesfortrump2020                                             .           
yessssshhhhh                                                   3.231408e-01
shitgul                                                        1.026432e-01
ryme                                                           2.135819e-02
😚                                                             3.578108e-03
antidepress                                                    .           
visuals                                                        .           
#presid                                                        .           
#demsuck                                                       .           
warning                                                        .           
caution                                                        .           
whenever                                                       .           
liberal                                                        .           
thinking                                                       .           
details                                                        .           
moore's                                                        .           
definition                                                     .           
borders                                                        .           
squelch                                                        .           
depict                                                         .           
opressors                                                      .           
championing                                                    .           
czech                                                          .           
#twitterpurg                                                   .           
✅                                                            -3.790931e-02
loses75                                                        .           
#twittercensorship                                             .           
wouldnt                                                        3.415243e-01
#1linew                                                        1.055877e-01
#sdlive                                                        .           
roster                                                         .           
elizabeth                                                      .           
warren                                                         .           
wire                                                           .           
exit                                                           .           
mediat                                                         .           
knuckl                                                         .           
dodg                                                           .           
creddi                                                         .           
hunch                                                          .           
pleaz                                                          .           
should'v                                                       .           
11-year-old                                                    .           
91st                                                           .           
percentil                                                      .           
13yo                                                           .           
5'8                                                            .           
overdos                                                        .           
ariana’                                                        .           
edgi                                                           .           
soft                                                           .           
trope                                                          .           
dramion                                                        .           
🦇                                                             .           
predictor                                                      .           
conscienti                                                     .           
singer                                                         .           
miscreant                                                      3.050039e-01
bezo                                                           .           
distant                                                        .           
#drellenbrandt                                                 .           
🐇                                                             .           
girlfriend                                                     .           
psyco                                                          .           
microphon                                                      .           
biblic                                                         .           
scholarship                                                    .           
bart                                                           .           
ehrman                                                         .           
schlock                                                        .           
assume                                                         .           
2be                                                            .           
pharmacist                                                     .           
showmanc                                                       .           
compris                                                        .           
soy                                                            .           
hillary                                                        .           
waa                                                            .           
hoo                                                            .           
♡                                                              .           
fast-forward                                                   .           
besti                                                          .           
eachoth                                                        .           
quantiti                                                       .           
showcas                                                        .           
leo’s                                                          .           
dina                                                           .           
claudia                                                        .           
stubbi                                                         4.110481e-01
dubakoor                                                       1.560803e-01
mumtaj                                                         8.992228e-02
leech                                                          .           
💚                                                             .           
multivers                                                      .           
ideia                                                          .           
cellar                                                         .           
dexad                                                          .           
livid                                                          .           
ascend                                                         3.782916e-01
ouch                                                           .           
lmfaoo                                                         .           
sniff                                                          2.177021e-01
christine                                                      .           
th                                                             .           
sexism                                                         .           
eto                                                            .           
ba                                                             .           
hindi                                                          .           
wheel                                                          .           
booti                                                          .           
jihadi                                                         .           
supersized                                                     .           
o’rourk                                                        .           
cartoon                                                        .           
#mockingbirdmedia                                              1.029523e-01
#releasethevideo                                               5.667031e-02
#qanon8chan                                                    .           
buyout                                                         .           
wherein                                                        .           
#robberi                                                       .           
#murder                                                        .           
#selfdens                                                      .           
#defend                                                        .           
#secondammend                                                  .           
invader                                                        .           
homeown                                                        .           
moffat                                                         .           
clara                                                          .           
undercut                                                       .           
posh                                                           .           
braini                                                         .           
qt                                                             .           
surgeon                                                        .           
dentist                                                        .           
them.feck                                                      .           
#scruffbag                                                     .           
aaaahh                                                         .           
scribe                                                         .           
tini                                                           .           
manti                                                          .           
#releas                                                        .           
carreen                                                        .           
lecor                                                          .           
fish                                                           .           
sportsmanship                                                  2.595688e-01
eject                                                          .           
unproven                                                       .           
straw                                                          1.135937e+00
#notplast                                                      .           
joan                                                           .           
arc                                                            .           
tumblr                                                         .           
unlike                                                         .           
qualified                                                      4.354029e-01
hamstrung                                                      3.129545e-02
abso-fucking-lut                                               .           
clinton’                                                       .           
#projectr                                                      .           
favour                                                         .           
tax-dodg                                                       .           
#exitfrombrexit                                                .           
#endthechao                                                    .           
#stopbrexit                                                    .           
#finalsay                                                      .           
20yr                                                           .           
leftov                                                         .           
foulmouth                                                      5.501513e-01
exec                                                           .           
flirt                                                          .           
briberi                                                        .           
psyop                                                          .           
upsid                                                          .           
ditch                                                          .           
lazili                                                         .           
thirsti                                                        .           
#britishtorycarcrash                                           .           
#toriesout                                                     .           
betcha                                                         .           
untru                                                          .           
slim                                                           .           
🙇🏾‍♀️                                                          .           
kit                                                            .           
agressive                                                      .           
mvp                                                            .           
plays                                                          .           
volume                                                         .           
settings                                                       .           
typing                                                         .           
caps                                                           .           
deaf                                                           .           
🌝                                                             .           
roi                                                            .           
🎸                                                             .           
ayers                                                          .           
🎷                                                             .           
thingi                                                         .           
languas                                                        .           
whit                                                           1.909531e-01
actualiti                                                      .           
she’d                                                          .           
char                                                           2.922688e-01
bingo                                                          3.269686e-02
vid                                                            .           
#betoforsen                                                    .           
hubbi                                                          1.073433e+00
moli                                                           .           
#falseprophet                                                  .           
#lunat                                                         .           
alejandro                                                      .           
orwell                                                         .           
mr.redwood                                                     .           
recours                                                        .           
sue                                                            5.360023e-01
discont                                                        .           
uninform                                                       .           
#kavanaughconfirm                                              .           
#kavanaughwithdraw                                             .           
#kavanaughscotus                                               .           
#thescor                                                       .           
ka                                                             .           
ng                                                             .           
💐                                                             .           
🌹                                                             .           
hiphop                                                         .           
minsan                                                         .           
#notmypop                                                      .           
sucess                                                         .           
spectrum                                                       .           
morrow                                                         .           
extinct                                                        .           
#medicar                                                       .           
#medicaid                                                      .           
disabl                                                         .           
#welfarefoal                                                   .           
obama-vomit                                                    .           
doofus                                                         .           
woodwork                                                       .           
baseless                                                       5.291097e-01
beforehand                                                     .           
com                                                            .           
mouth.wrong                                                    .           
reprehens                                                      .           
voters                                                         .           
#rnc                                                           .           
clip                                                           .           
circular                                                       .           
#good                                                          .           
sleazbal                                                       2.318537e-01
#walkingaway                                                   5.706767e-02
enthusiast                                                     .           
snp                                                            .           
well-known                                                     .           
user                                                           .           
256gb                                                          .           
zoe                                                            .           
👽                                                             .           
dirtbag                                                        4.192771e-01
what-platform                                                  .           
fundamentally-restoring-america                                .           
konk-u                                                         .           
ur-lamebrain                                                   .           
gavel                                                          .           
fantas                                                         .           
sweat                                                          .           
mushroom-cap                                                   .           
erect                                                          .           
#nickidagoat                                                   .           
36-year-old                                                    .           
uncommon                                                       .           
investigation                                                  .           
cc                                                             .           
obtain                                                         .           
refund                                                         .           
blake                                                          .           
stat                                                           .           
garner                                                         .           
pawn                                                           .           
baby-adult                                                     .           
#sheisaliar                                                    .           
uhhh                                                           .           
ao3                                                            .           
fic                                                            .           
alaska                                                         .           
decim                                                          .           
tpp                                                            .           
#tpp                                                           .           
fucken                                                         1.059270e+00
dinosaur                                                       .           
steinbrenn                                                     .           
bakersfield                                                    .           
illiter                                                        1.231299e+00
#nospeakermccarthi                                             .           
mobil                                                          3.258742e-01
#julieburchil                                                  .           
nme                                                            .           
mag                                                            .           
vacuous                                                        .           
courtesi                                                       .           
spineless                                                      .           
eejit                                                          .           
ingles                                                         .           
rei                                                            .           
evangelion                                                     .           
jam                                                            .           
harley                                                         .           
orang                                                          .           
rouda                                                          .           
1994-2004                                                      .           
🇵🇷                                                             .           
shabbi                                                         .           
penn                                                           .           
desperate                                                      .           
bbcan2                                                         .           
tier                                                           .           
knuckledragg                                                   .           
granddaught                                                    .           
stuf                                                           .           
yoga                                                           .           
cephal                                                         .           
clinic                                                         .           
meth                                                           .           
gettimg                                                        .           
#mediabia                                                      .           
obscene                                                        .           
bags                                                           .           
deem                                                           .           
chiraq                                                         .           
obum                                                           .           
1-3                                                            .           
#cowboywayal                                                   .           
#faithcattleco                                                 .           
#godfirst                                                      .           
#loveurfamili                                                  .           
#bubba                                                         .           
#codi                                                          .           
#booger                                                        .           
october                                                        .           
kirk                                                           .           
dougla                                                         .           
fri                                                            .           
spanish                                                        .           
compli                                                         .           
boarder                                                        .           
xo                                                             .           
crosser                                                        .           
bail                                                           .           
o.k                                                            .           
irreplac                                                       .           
president's                                                    .           
supporters                                                     .           
d'etat                                                         .           
#greatawakeningworldwid                                        .           
#joebiden                                                      4.570024e-01
misha                                                          .           
talented                                                       .           
adore                                                          .           
secular-progress                                               .           
archetyp                                                       .           
kw                                                             3.993439e-01
informat                                                       .           
#bluerippl                                                     .           
#kateswal                                                      .           
#obamaspygate                                                  .           
#noamnesti                                                     .           
#nodaca                                                        .           
differenti                                                     .           
obei                                                           .           
prey                                                           .           
imprec                                                        -2.864201e-01
igor                                                          -9.383660e-02
eschew                                                        -2.089007e-02
virgin                                                        -3.771329e-03
partaken                                                      -5.862126e-04
gm                                                             .           
crop                                                          -8.123214e-05
eyes                                                           .           
condescend                                                     .           
gutter                                                         .           
snatch                                                         .           
administ                                                       .           
attribut                                                       .           
#cult45                                                        .           
mope                                                           .           
def                                                            .           
deject                                                         .           
apathet                                                        .           
tackl                                                          .           
bestdj                                                         .           
hardwel                                                        .           
zerin                                                          .           
bangladesh                                                     .           
shitless                                                       .           
brass                                                          .           
justwank                                                       .           
appropi                                                        .           
#latinosfortrump                                               .           
hfjdhd                                                         .           
infin                                                          .           
#everybodyin                                                   .           
wide-ey                                                        .           
recoil                                                         .           
kentucki                                                       .           
#tooliberalfornki                                              .           
sftv                                                           .           
invas                                                          .           
widdl                                                          6.434054e-01
vrc                                                            .           
flabbi                                                         .           
tail                                                           .           
gallon                                                         .           
squirt                                                         .           
assembli                                                       .           
bradley                                                        .           
amir                                                           .           
wortless                                                       .           
hste                                                           .           
somon                                                          .           
thre                                                           .           
root                                                           .           
stem                                                           .           
resent                                                         .           
armchair                                                       .           
comes.petit                                                    .           
nfl.the                                                        .           
word.w                                                         .           
forgiveness.america                                            .           
neighbourhood                                                  .           
studio                                                         .           
demograph                                                      .           
ᴳᵉᵗᵗᶦⁿᵍ                                                        .           
ᴵⁿᵈᵉˣ                                                          .           
ᶦˢ                                                             .           
ᵗʰᵉ                                                            .           
ᶠᶦʳˢᵗ                                                          .           
ˢᵗᵉᵖ                                                           .           
kb                                                             .           
mous                                                           .           
fps                                                            .           
unrealist                                                      .           
keyboard                                                       .           
crybabi                                                        .           
#cancelsouthpark                                               2.242200e-01
suckin                                                         5.609631e-02
momma                                                          9.210491e-03
titti                                                          1.254573e-03
woodstock                                                      1.501522e-04
june                                                           .           
shower                                                         .           
siri                                                           .           
abject                                                         .           
keemstar                                                       3.256379e-01
popin                                                          1.030279e-01
ook                                                            2.141532e-02
malign                                                         3.290657e-01
narcissist                                                     .           
shud                                                           .           
🦊                                                             .           
10kg                                                           .           
dier                                                          -1.458763e-01
durham                                                        -2.641271e-02
pish                                                          -2.836630e-03
airtim                                                         .           
abomin                                                         .           
layn                                                           .           
#crookedhillari                                                3.337830e-01
#dregofsocieti                                                 1.010069e-01
#cancel                                                        .           
using                                                          6.024819e-01
covent                                                         .           
transport                                                      .           
iguana                                                         .           
beetl                                                          .           
🤦🏾‍♂️                                                          .           
clairvoy                                                       .           
deed                                                           .           
inconceiv                                                      2.421352e-01
double-mind                                                    6.330369e-02
peacemak                                                       1.088602e-02
acorn                                                          5.890636e-01
astonish                                                       .           
gal                                                            .           
frend                                                          .           
yoll                                                           .           
mazzon                                                         .           
passer                                                         .           
6th                                                            .           
#ipledgetovot                                                  .           
#redtoblu                                                      .           
hahahah                                                        .           
blog                                                           .           
scooter                                                        .           
wagon                                                          .           
perpetu                                                        .           
mini                                                           .           
bolshevik                                                      .           
lawsuit                                                        .           
whatbour                                                       .           
handout                                                        .           
timid                                                          .           
skiddish                                                       .           
wretch                                                         .           
homework                                                       .           
minute                                                         .           
unprepared                                                     .           
business                                                       .           
cobble                                                         .           
proposal                                                       .           
together                                                       .           
survive                                                        .           
spicer                                                         .           
happier                                                        .           
long-term                                                      .           
certainti                                                      .           
🏘                                                              .           
brill                                                          .           
remainiac                                                      .           
enslav                                                         .           
commsion                                                       .           
fanat                                                          .           
farewel                                                        .           
packer                                                         .           
bib                                                            .           
pious                                                          2.783099e-01
spiritu                                                        8.270437e-02
cardboard                                                      .           
haunt                                                          .           
cardigan                                                       .           
detroit                                                        .           
owen                                                           .           
aparachnik                                                     .           
whisper                                                        .           
#nope                                                          .           
#foster                                                        .           
kp                                                             .           
detect                                                         .           
attitud                                                        .           
bubbl                                                          .           
#rebekahismoftheday                                            .           
gaf                                                            .           
christina                                                      .           
courtney                                                       .           
hadwin                                                         .           
amateur                                                        .           
🌟                                                             .           
packet                                                         .           
➡️                                                              .           
manni                                                          .           
rebutt                                                         .           
plelleeaaaaseeeee                                              .           
sobbed                                                         .           
looking                                                        .           
sleeeeeeeps                                                    .           
withdraw.h                                                     .           
hurtng                                                         .                                                        .           
ovat                                                           .           
not-worth-stand                                                .           
prohibitionist                                                 .           
belittl                                                        .           
#nothinglow                                                    7.708069e-02
thinks                                                         .           
òne                                                            .           
imposit                                                        .           
inauthent                                                      .           
citizenship                                                    .           
smoken                                                         .           
establishmnt                                                   .           
inbr                                                           .           
lucifer                                                        .           
junctur                                                        .           
#reversepc                                                     .           
kei                                                            .           
rebuk                                                          .           
#kkk                                                           .           
klan                                                           .           
#whateverittak                                                 .           
sami                                                           .           
killing                                                        .           
relativ                                                        2.155689e-01
cheating                                                       .           
badass                                                         .           
infract                                                        .           
raker                                                          .           
cull                                                           .           
millennium                                                     .           
loiter                                                         .           
underground                                                    .           
yaaa                                                           .           
toolbox                                                        .           
inanim                                                         .           
novel                                                          .           
pod                                                            2.378634e-01
pond                                                           .           
mon                                                            .           
#toxictori                                                     .           
chariti                                                        .           
#toriesmustgo                                                  .           
#dissolvetheunion                                              .           
mf                                                             .           
mein                                                           .           
kampf                                                          .           
virtue-sign                                                    .           
anti-first                                                     .           
pornhub                                                        4.353959e-01
ashes                                                          .           
drum                                                           .           
cheapen                                                        .           
ex-gf                                                          .           
shitbiscuit                                                    4.353953e-01
temp                                                           .           
candac                                                         .           
inmat                                                          .           
#big                                                           .           
ashwariya                                                      .           
sandrayan                                                      .           
bigboss                                                        .           
strateg                                                        .           
electron                                                       .           
goper                                                          .           
sleazi                                                         .           
collaps                                                        .           
dementia                                                       2.297435e-01
indie                                                          .           
noun                                                           .           
synonym                                                        .           
pleeeas                                                        .           
lewi                                                           .           
ripoff                                                         .           
#cdnhist                                                       .           
#serenawillam                                                  .           
#coach                                                         .           
themfaux                                                       .           
taint                                                          .           
grader                                                         8.082642e-02
putin                                                          .           
jun                                                            .           
🐒                                                             .           
#robertsroom                                                   .           
petersen                                                       .           
payoff                                                         .           
skirt                                                          .           
subsidi                                                        .           
10-20                                                          .           
complex                                                        .           
unfit                                                          6.169622e-01
bitchi                                                         4.584215e-01
rezz                                                           .           
bnf                                                            .           
bankrol                                                        1.123719e-02
doze                                                           .           
jolt                                                           .           
#loonyleft                                                     .           
superstar                                                      .           
tend                                                           .           
durabl                                                         .           
nvm                                                            .           
lmaooooooo                                                     .           
squirm                                                         .           
thugaratti                                                     .           
injure                                                         .           
yiannopoulo                                                    .           
fulk                                                           .           
fought4                                                        .           
insepar                                                        .           
2defend                                                        .           
guns                                                           .           
pieces                                                         .           
platforms                                                      .           
bread                                                          .           
24-7                                                           .           
brokeback                                                      .           
valor                                                          .           
wth                                                            .           
impulsiv                                                       .           
ocasio-cortez                                                  .           
40t                                                            .           
#wakeupamerica                                                 4.484158e-01
gallup                                                         .           
record-low                                                     .           
drift                                                          .           
that’ll                                                        .           
dissatisfact                                                   .           
bytch                                                         -2.987933e-01
prolli                                                        -8.413245e-02
oughta                                                        -1.556841e-02
uncivil                                                        .           
#lickawitch                                                    .           
griexsevia                                                     .           
paris                                                          .           
breathe                                                        .           
grover                                                         .           
princess                                                       3.414674e-01
toadstool                                                      1.056310e-01
syntact                                                        .           
glorifi                                                        .           
fantasi                                                        .           
fixat                                                          .           
syndic                                                         .           
boc                                                            3.083177e-02
#fakedrugwar                                                   4.829580e-03
trough                                                         .           
domin                                                          .           
persona                                                        .           
grata                                                          .           
damor                                                          .           
bf                                                             .           
generalis                                                      .           
meter                                                          .           
irish                                                          .           
gdp                                                            .           
migrant                                                        .           
kidnap                                                         .           
3k                                                             .           
rican                                                          .           
🤷🏼‍♂️                                                          .           
wrought                                                        .           
erni                                                           .           
#binnedbori                                                    .           
lyin                                                           .           
lynton                                                         .           
cur                                                            .           
horsey                                                         .           
sauc                                                           .           
arbys                                                          .           
fry-frosti                                                     .           
wendi                                                          .           
ignorant                                                       .           
sandwich’                                                      .           
wine                                                           .           
paltri                                                         .           
trillion                                                       .           
denuclear                                                      .           
oil                                                            .           
escal                                                          .           
goldi                                                          .           
nedia                                                         -2.938543e-01
rag                                                            .           
deb                                                            .           
sleepi                                                         .           
gemini                                                         .           
unpredict                                                      .           
kahlili                                                        .           
aries                                                          .           
snap                                                           .           
murdoch                                                        .           
#likenooth                                                     3.254774e-01
#gamestopcontest                                               1.031572e-01
croft                                                          2.144144e-02
phoney                                                         .           
#shrewd                                                        .           
semit                                                          .           
gilmour                                                        .           
cillizza                                                       .           
cynic                                                          .           
bick                                                           .           
kany                                                           3.414649e-01
#imwithsnoop                                                   1.056325e-01
alos                                                           .           
4k                                                             .           
#cocktribut                                                    .           
#cumtribut                                                     .           
cumslav                                                        .           
eddie                                                          .           
l’s                                                            .           
w’s                                                            .           
cupcakes                                                       .           
relief                                                         .           
neutral                                                        .           
snow-flak                                                      .           
#fear                                                          .           
#bobwoodward                                                   .           
handler                                                        .           
word.ther                                                      1.322260e-01                                                    2.373224e-02
#strauss                                                       .           
missoula                                                       .           
#montana                                                       .           
bron                                                           .           
slave-own                                                      .           
granular                                                       .           
shallow                                                        .           
withstand                                                      .           
failure                                                        .           
tommi                                                          .           
#hollywood                                                     .           
worry’                                                         .           
7y                                                             .           
raccoon                                                        .           
bike                                                           .           
massive                                                        .           
daveb                                                          .           
simb                                                           .           
bored                                                          .           
snuffi                                                         .           
#serenawilliam                                                 .           
afp                                                            .           
#stopthebia                                                    .           
#freespeech                                                    .           
#twitter                                                       .           
evidence                                                       .           
#toolate                                                       .           
interf                                                         .           
jobless                                                        .           
dow                                                            .           
poni                                                           .           
aj                                                             .           
nahin                                                          .           
tum                                                            .           
ko                                                             .           
marna                                                          .           
worlder                                                        .           
cloud                                                          .           
gió                                                            .           
ngài                                                           .           
thu                                                            .           
năm                                                            .           
beryl                                                          .           
gazell                                                         .           
flee                                                           .           
gentlewoman                                                    .           
#lulz                                                          .           
iber                                                           .           
orient                                                         .           
facet                                                          .           
#narciss                                                       .           
mafia                                                          .           
#joke                                                          .           
#patrickmouratoglou                                            .           
sideway                                                        .           
#gender                                                        .           
#equal                                                         .           
#cheat                                                         .           
#accountabiliti                                                .           
gator                                                          .           
🐊                                                             .           
beard                                                          .           
skint                                                          .           
boast                                                          .           
wtc                                                            .           
funeral                                                        .           
attended                                                       .           
hinduism                                                       .           
kung                                                           .           
cindi                                                          .           
hyde                                                           .           
disconnect                                                     .           
goddamn                                                        .           
recipi                                                         .           
precinct                                                       .           
dumbfuck                                                       .           
implod                                                         .           
anarchi                                                        .           
lili                                                           .           
🐑                                                             .           
rs                                                             .           
marsha                                                         .           
blackburn                                                      .           
martha                                                         .           
mcsalli                                                        .           
arizona                                                        .           
tennesse                                                       .           
supression                                                     .           
polls                                                          .           
#midterm                                                       .           
govon                                                          .           
koolaid                                                        .           
bloat                                                          3.539072e-01
mild                                                           .           
ds                                                             .           
nv                                                             .           
struck                                                         .           
suckag                                                         .           
#t                                                             7.367196e-02
losser                                                         1.121884e-02
polutician                                                     3.414605e-01
baba                                                           1.056349e-01
brigitt                                                        .           
gabriel                                                        .           
alarm                                                          .                                                        .           
seen.liber                                                     .           
alphabet                                                       .           
congratz                                                       .           
contamin                                                       .           
dv                                                             .           
shir                                                           .           
couldnt                                                        .           
leavem                                                         .           
oregon                                                         .           
#farright                                                      .           
#leader                                                        .           
#quoteoftheday                                                 .           
#notrust                                                       .           
#noconfid                                                      .           
#crimesynd                                                     .           
#mafia                                                         .           
#criminalsinuniform                                            .           
#criminalsoutofnumber10                                        .           
#gtto                                                          .           
hoot                                                           .           
birmingham                                                     .           
🌈                                                             .           
buttmunch                                                      9.614677e-02
fuk                                                            .           
heirloom                                                       .           
duh                                                            .           
februari                                                       .           
skinnier                                                       .           
taser                                                          .           
#qarmytrain                                                    .           
landon                                                         .           
jason                                                          .           
bruce                                                          .           
wore                                                           .           
asham                                                          1.567169e-01
shitt                                                          4.353915e-01
hyperbol                                                       .           
demot                                                          .           
ohr                                                            .           
lake                                                           .           
intratec                                                       .           
mac-11                                                         .           
multipli                                                       .           
unplay                                                         .           
houston                                                        .           
sheesh                                                         .           
wander                                                         .           
falsifi                                                        .           
clarif                                                         .           
vampir                                                         .           
strand                                                         .           
ghana                                                          .           
sonnet                                                         .           
immediar                                                       .           
fodder                                                         .           
sheriff                                                        .           
runcie                                                         .           
kids                                                           .           
rudi                                                           .           
#dtmag                                                         .           
gabbi                                                          .           
gifford                                                        .           
pro-2a                                                         .           
cower                                                          .           
desk                                                           .           
kyle                                                           .           
🇸🇻                                                             .           
cube                                                           2.500312e-01
investor                                                       6.439405e-02
puffi                                                          .           
#votey                                                         .           
#innoc                                                         .           
davido                                                         .           
oga                                                            .           
madam                                                          .           
haterz                                                         .           
chop                                                           .           
leia                                                           .           
saggi                                                          .           
whitey                                                         .           
talkin                                                         .           
#sjw                                                           .           
sweden                                                         .           
genderless                                                     .           
🤟🏼                                                           .           
nguni                                                          .           
spoken                                                         .           
msuthu                                                         .           
umsuthu                                                        .           
translat                                                       .           
mosotho                                                        .           
sesotho                                                        .           
muntu                                                          .           
umuntu                                                         .           
chat                                                           .           
prepared                                                       .           
10m                                                            .           
poison                                                         .           
vesha                                                          .           
boob                                                           1.232456e+00
diss                                                           .           
slide                                                          .           
playin                                                         .           
riddanc                                                        .           
blasé-ford                                                     4.746796e-01
harrass                                                        1.734742e-01
spooki                                                         .           
#teaparti                                                      .           
#trump2018                                                     .           
wunderkind                                                     .           
#alleg                                                         .           
ladder                                                         .           
estat                                                          .           
builder                                                        .           
hallo                                                          .           
thinx                                                          .           
bin                                                            .           
bori                                                           .           
momentum                                                       .           
buckl                                                          .           
cologn                                                         .           
double-talk                                                    .           
facad                                                          .           
dangerous                                                      .           
obnoxious                                                      .           
garbage                                                        .           
shu                                                            .           
#boom                                                          .           
#fisadeclassif                                                 .           
#trustsess                                                     .           
#swiftgpi                                                      .           
cross-bord                                                     .           
#payment                                                       .           
#bfnewyork                                                     .           
sneak                                                          .           
#livedexperiencedisevid                                        .           
#emmi                                                          .           
#boycotthollywood                                              .           
traditionalist                                                 .           
fuddy-duddi                                                    .           
horsesho                                                       .           
chivalri                                                       .           
dutch                                                          .           
💃                                                             .           
paragon                                                        .           
chairperson                                                    .           
vote.if                                                        .           
exculpatori                                                    .           
s.o.b                                                          .           
pharise                                                        .           
discust                                                        .           
greg                                                           .           
pitti                                                          .           
prob                                                           .           
pillow                                                         .           
imp                                                            .           
abstin                                                         .           
franc                                                          .           
french                                                         .           
never-end                                                      .           
radio                                                          .           
rice                                                           .           
lmfaoooooooo                                                   .           
cuas                                                           .           
laught                                                         .           
standin                                                        .           
becoz                                                          .           
#liberalsmustgo                                                .           
#gonein2019                                                    .           
gunsling                                                       .           
usa_gunsling                                                   .           
2017-08-12                                                     .           
nou                                                            .           
wat                                                            .           
een                                                            .           
desinfo                                                        .           
rosh                                                           .           
hashana                                                        .           
winthorp                                                       .           
iii                                                            .           
ophelia                                                        .           
cut-down                                                       .           
right-wing                                                     .           
wal                                                            3.775676e-01
mart                                                           1.309078e-01
lumpenprol                                                     3.052926e-02
transphob                                                      5.336232e-01
penc                                                           .           
lurch                                                          .           
caption                                                        4.059822e-01
leukemia’                                                      .           
man.if                                                         .           
deleiv                                                         .           
pk                                                             .           
forefath                                                       .           
hyukjae                                                        .           
watching                                                       .           
fancams                                                        .           
ashley.yr                                                      .           
comfortable.hey                                                .           
bridget                                                        .           
2b                                                             .           
show.i'm                                                       .           
diehard                                                        .           
happiest                                                       .           
#bringbridgethom                                               .           
#bringbridgetback                                              .           
frequent—and                                                   .           
decay                                                          .           
volient                                                        .           
monopol                                                        .           
grandkid                                                       .           
holier                                                         .           
sippin                                                         .           
fetus                                                          .           
pregnanc                                                       .           
miscarriag                                                     .           
wana                                                           .           
rifles                                                         .           
deliver                                                        .           
oba                                                            .           
jefferson                                                      .           
davi                                                           .           
atf                                                            .           
preposter                                                      .           
facilit                                                        .           
fed                                                            1.517287e-01
reign                                                          .           
cheerlead                                                      2.861622e-01
chunki                                                         .           
monkey                                                         .           
rightw                                                         .           
handshak                                                       .           
naturalis                                                      .           
ceremoni                                                       .           
#biden                                                         .           
#ukrain                                                        .           
ukrainian                                                      .           
#zog                                                           .           
trump-russia                                                   .           
#liberalfool                                                   .           
tarmac                                                         .           
effici                                                         .           
adolf                                                          .           
#wisdomwednesday                                               .           
monkeys                                                        .           
throwing                                                       .           
expressli                                                      .           
mccartney                                                      1.143015e+00
gauteng                                                        .           
ahahahahahaha                                                  .           
vaal                                                           .           
lekwa                                                          .           
tshwane                                                        .           
thular                                                         .           
lemon                                                          .           
faint                                                          .           
#ibelievechristin                                              .           
braveri                                                        .           
hideous                                                        .           
#womenarewatch                                                 .           
#votethemout                                                   .           
neccessarili                                                   .           
huf                                                            .           
invent                                                         .           
touché                                                         .           
dos                                                            .           
update                                                         .           
resum                                                          .           
#novemberiscom                                                 .           
gene                                                           .           
flat-out                                                      -6.104691e-01
freddi                                                        -3.481604e-01
mercuri                                                       -1.487347e-01
biopic                                                        -5.322059e-02
gig                                                           -1.650866e-02
standup                                                        .           
er                                                             .           
conservative’                                                  .           
layperson                                                      .           
decompress                                                     .           
oppotun                                                        .           
truth1                                                         .           
billboard                                                      .           
trustworthi                                                    .           
#va10                                                          .           
you’d                                                          .           
eve                                                            .           
judic                                                          .           
teeth                                                          .           
feign                                                          .           
center-left                                                    .           
occasion                                                       .           
lokk                                                           .           
antifa’                                                        .           
#disgust                                                       .           
methink                                                        .           
bernie’                                                        .           
rural                                                          .           
re-form                                                        .           
balls                                                          4.353891e-01
romford                                                        .           
browni                                                         .           
dougi                                                          .           
mastercard                                                     .           
rough                                                          .           
mathemat                                                       .           
ultrafinitist                                                  .           
awhil                                                          .           
#toosoon                                                       .           
#florida                                                       .           
ron                                                            .           
desanti                                                        .           
feinstein-back                                                 .           
nics                                                           .           
expans                                                         .           
omnibus                                                        .           
tucker                                                         .           
carlson                                                       -7.371168e-01
malici                                                         .           
scampi                                                         .           
nik                                                            .           
nak                                                            .           
obscur                                                         .           
#donaldtrumpr                                                  .           
#featur                                                        .           
#springfield                                                   .           
brazen                                                         .           
#votethemallout                                                .           
cowork                                                         .           
bubbler                                                        .           
goos                                                           .           
unforgiv                                                       .           
forgiving                                                      .           
drag                                                           .           
horrible                                                       .           
james                                                          .           
#senat                                                         .           
jen                                                            .           
sincero                                                        .           
staf                                                           .           
mythic                                                         .           
romper                                                         .           
sidelin                                                        .           
burst                                                          .           
sunday                                                         .           
sareena                                                        .           
hannah                                                         .           
contortionist                                                  .           
glc                                                            .           
mc                                                             .           
va                                                             .           
becaus                                                         .           
panera                                                         .           
grappl                                                         .           
beatdown                                                       .           
overgener                                                      .           
🔨                                                             .           
2grd                                                           .           
fiona                                                          .           
florida                                                        .           
abound                                                         .           
abi                                                            .           
nba                                                            .           
deliri                                                         4.353883e-01
tombston                                                       .           
#ripm                                                          .           
pffft                                                          .           
interfac                                                       .           
pari                                                           .           
sensat                                                         .           
rethuglican                                                    .           
disis                                                          .           
barrack                                                        .           
tremend                                                        .           
breaking                                                       .           
9th                                                            .           
circuit                                                        .           
dino                                                           .           
odia                                                           .           
amorph                                                         .           
faceless                                                       .           
everchang                                                      .           
jerom                                                          .           
corsi                                                          .           
stress                                                         .           
trashi                                                         .           
magyar                                                         .           
nemzet                                                         .           
népszabadság                                                   .           
#swagodk                                                       .           
viktor                                                         .           
cherri                                                         .           
oakwood                                                        .           
hostess                                                        .           
colleagu                                                       .           
anjali                                                         .           
van                                                            .           
drie                                                           .           
associat                                                       .           
analysis-charl                                                 .           
kimber                                                         .           
#aba                                                           .           
#championforfamili                                             .           
caucasian                                                      .           
colombian                                                      .           
especiallysen.kennedi                                          .           
antifastock                                                    .           
jew                                                            .           
softest                                                        .           
💁🏽‍♀️                                                          .           
🌚                                                             .           
🙈                                                             .           
cfb                                                            .           
#tbt                                                           .           
9pm                                                            .           
tammi                                                          .           
wynett                                                         .           
bimbo                                                          .           
#superman                                                      .           
pleaseeeee                                                     .           
#bitchut                                                       .           
creepier                                                       .           
reliv                                                          .           
anti-pernicketi                                                .           
hap'peni                                                       .           
camila                                                         .           
mend                                                           .           
alien-ileg                                                     .           
absente                                                        .           
amounting                                                      .           
jwb                                                            .           
sayn                                                           .           
#redwaverising2018                                             .           
#txsen                                                         .           
#keeptexasr                                                    .           
#tedcruz2018                                                   .           
#voterid                                                       .           
#walkawaycampaign                                              .           
#liberalh                                                      .           
#liberalintoler                                                .           
#socialistli                                                   .           
#vetobeto                                                      .           
notabl                                                         .           
#dearprofessorford                                             .           
should.hav                                                     3.809323e-01
dhanya                                                         1.212561e-01
x2                                                             .           
whoa                                                           .           
#pp                                                            .           
#womensmarch                                                   .           
#maxinewat                                                     .           
#hillaryclinton                                                .           
17-year-old                                                    .           
53-year-old                                                    .           
jurist                                                         .           
tad                                                            .           
reinforce                                                      .           
nytime                                                         .           
stiffen                                                        .           
hip                                                            .           
maiden                                                         .           
unaccustom                                                     .           
scrunchi                                                       .           
croc                                                           .           
pea                                                            .           
elon                                                           .           
batch                                                          .           
vessel                                                         .           
#thailandchildren                                              .           
listening                                                      .           
criticis                                                       .           
standardis                                                     .           
p1                                                             .           
contriv                                                        .           
obstacl                                                        .           
forese                                                         .           
pcs                                                            .           
ches                                                           .           
egghead                                                        .           
obnoxi                                                         .           
phase                                                          .           
difficult                                                      .           
#hungari                                                       .           
#tyrann                                                        .           
#dictatorship                                                  .           
#thirdreich                                                    .           
8th                                                            .           
demens                                                         .           
#trumpderangementsyndrom                                       .           
monica                                                         .           
lewinski                                                       .           
winter                                                         .           
gem                                                            .           
formal                                                         .           
nationalis                                                     .           
acta                                                           .           
verba                                                          .           
#resisttrump                                                   .           
sure-tragedi                                                   .           
bethesda                                                       1.817045e-01
gangsta                                                        3.602196e-02
yucker                                                         .           
interrupt                                                      7.752903e-01
#michaelavenatti                                               .           
seconds                                                        .           
leveon                                                         .           
dumbest                                                        1.040273e+00
yds                                                            .           
notong                                                         .           
doesent                                                        .           
transgend                                                      .           
justin’                                                        .           
eddandflow                                                     .           
snapchat                                                       .           
how’d                                                          .           
merkel                                                         .           
southpol                                                       .           
maaßen                                                         .           
antifa-spad                                                    .           
spade                                                          .           
childish                                                       .           
#parti                                                         .           
#partylit                                                      .           
subj                                                           .           
#mythicalcreatur                                               .           
#professor                                                     .           
#ar                                                            .           
dolt                                                           .           
schizo                                                         8.845024e-02
culo                                                           4.353862e-01
shimmmi                                                        .           
players                                                        .           
puke                                                           1.266218e+00
pool                                                           .           
lier’                                                          .           
reli                                                           .           
honored                                                        .           
included                                                       .           
rena                                                           .           
dean                                                           .           
trashpeopl                                                     5.336196e-01
input                                                          .           
#messedup                                                      .           
flock                                                          .           
outright                                                       .           
twentieth                                                      .           
schumer’                                                       .           
chickschum                                                     .           
#kavenaugh                                                     7.963855e-01
#fridayfeel                                                    .           
#demdirtytrick                                                 .           
speedster                                                      .           
office                                                         3.677290e-01
digniti                                                        .           
seems                                                          .           
shooting                                                       .           
police                                                         .           
brutaliti                                                      .           
happens                                                        .           
surfacing                                                      .           
#socialjustic                                                  .           
pursu                                                          .           
#fascist                                                       .           
#identitypolit                                                 .           
huuge                                                          .           
multi-n                                                        .           
corp                                                           .           
pai                                                            .           
ave                                                            .           
ghetto                                                         .           
uc                                                             .           
missus                                                         .           
baaaaaaaa                                                      .           
#sickhold                                                      .           
greasi                                                         .           
cheesi                                                         .           
negarrrr                                                       .           
#cruz                                                          .           
anatomi                                                        .           
crewneck                                                       .           
hangri                                                         .           
commiser                                                       2.478893e-01
brioch                                                         7.031523e-02
cinnamon                                                       1.310901e-02
sear                                                           .           
lotta                                                          .           
yeti                                                           .           
handiwork                                                      .           
underestim                                                     .           
tx                                                             .           
terri                                                          .           
porter                                                         .           
pi                                                             .           
osu                                                            .           
alumn                                                          .           
hernandez                                                      .           
mame                                                           .           
footag                                                         .           
#winblue2018                                                   .           
#uniteblue2018                                                 .           
feloni                                                         .           
intrud                                                         .           
merrick                                                        1.285243e+00
garland                                                        .           
thru                                                           .           
yutz                                                           .           
cos                                                            .           
oute                                                           .           
lowcut                                                         .           
hometown                                                       .           
☺                                                              .           
snob                                                           2.099753e-02
shook                                                          3.457466e-03
negative                                                       .           
coverage                                                       .           
says                                                           .           
delusional                                                     .           
taco                                                           .           
assess                                                         .           
guillotin                                                      1.275068e-01
#patriotsunit                                                  .           
#godblesstheworld                                              2.800194e-02
#godblessourmilitari                                           4.273235e-03
#100thmonkey                                                   5.578310e-04
vg                                                             .           
hc                                                             .           
#foolish                                                       .           
#idiot                                                         1.222899e+00
immor                                                          .           
#letsgovern                                                    .           
ahhhhhhh                                                       .           
amish                                                          .           
jaquonadiah                                                    .           
croock                                                         4.353842e-01
#stopbrexitsavebritain                                         .           
aclu                                                           .           
omarosa                                                        .           
tic                                                            .           
tac                                                            .           
automat                                                        .           
magnet.just                                                    .           
kap                                                            .           
thrilled                                                       .           
lieber                                                         .           
dilling                                                        .           
humanitarian                                                   .           
#syria                                                         .           
#israel                                                        .           
#liberalismisamentaldiseas                                     .           
#sugardaddyneed                                                .           
rocki                                                          .           
☆                                                              .           
korean                                                         .           
kool                                                           .           
thickest                                                       .           
flick                                                          .           
ego                                                            .           
runaway                                                        .           
confederaci                                                    .           
foreclosur                                                     .           
awb                                                            .           
screech                                                        .           
should've                                                      .           
prevented                                                      .           
unga                                                           .           
bunga                                                          .           
sucks                                                          .           
dummies                                                        .           
item                                                           .           
rm20                                                           .           
rm60                                                           .           
milo                                                           .           
actress                                                        .           
whoaaa                                                         .           
😝                                                             .           
kinki                                                          7.287644e-01
fr                                                             .           
ec                                                             .           
onomi                                                          .           
u2                                                             .           
fuckingclass                                                   3.997182e-01
failed                                                         .           
#obamaworstpresidentev                                         .           
outrank                                                        .           
itali                                                          .           
iq                                                             .           
crochet                                                        .           
doili                                                          .           
fenc                                                           2.859164e-01
thgs                                                           7.279856e-02
pms                                                            .           
wand                                                           .           
craley                                                         .           
byrd                                                           .           
#corybook                                                      .           
tw352                                                          .           
#redtsunami                                                    .           
#buryblu                                                       .           
#startvettingsen                                               .           
#startvettingcongressmen                                       .           
illog                                                          .           
melbourn                                                       .           
physiqu                                                        .           
ppc                                                            .           
unrol                                                          .           
fir                                                            .           
🤖                                                             .           
widespread                                                     5.620492e-01
nation’                                                        .           
orbit                                                          .           
🙌🏼                                                           .           
bureaucrat                                                     .           
graphic                                                        .           
shelf                                                          .           
librarian                                                      .           
habitu                                                         .           
liar.they                                                      .           
member.insan                                                   .           
yrs.if                                                         .           
complancey                                                     .           
patti                                                          .           
prone                                                          .           
xx                                                             .           
copycat                                                        .           
#altright                                                      .           
cod                                                            .           
monitor                                                        .           
festiv                                                         .           
stanley                                                        .           
nelson                                                         .           
burrard                                                        .           
fake-republican                                                .           
nunez                                                          .           
whin                                                           .           
alpha                                                          .           
omega                                                          .           
20hr                                                           .           
stl                                                            .           
starter                                                        .           
gilliam                                                        .           
moustach                                                       .           
lax                                                            .           
#altleft                                                       .           
simmon                                                         .           
must'v                                                         .           
vis-à-v                                                        .           
achtung                                                        .           
hungarian                                                      .           
tunisian                                                       .           
#didyouknow                                                    .           
#helenkel                                                      .           
textbook                                                       .           
#doyouknow                                                     .           
#txboe                                                         .           
#txed                                                          .           
#themoreyouknow                                                .           
keller                                                         .           
bandwagonist                                                   .           
smi                                                            .           
tl                                                             .           
bfa                                                            .           
rift                                                           .           
pummel                                                         .           
shrug                                                          .           
shoulder                                                       .           
doomentio                                                      .           
akkad                                                          .           
h1b                                                            .           
unscath                                                        .           
librari                                                        .           
patron                                                         .           
seven                                                          .           
disclaim                                                       3.925364e-01
necessarili                                                    1.305379e-01
vagina                                                         .           
leaflet                                                        .           
mentions                                                       .           
alik                                                           .           
gimm                                                           .           
acc                                                            .           
quarter                                                        .           
farrakhan’                                                     .           
lwhen                                                          .           
loud                                                           .           
shaft                                                          .           
shafticus                                                      .           
#lionsden                                                      .           
🦁                                                             .           
#maga2kag                                                      .           
nooooo                                                         .           
envi                                                           .           
presed                                                         .           
alumni                                                         1.976428e-01
#christineblaseykavanaugh                                      4.471800e-02
decenci                                                        .           
lies                                                           8.073795e-02
choke                                                          3.297952e-01
nbd                                                            1.002367e-01
#moronsaregoverningamerica                                     2.007802e-02
caster                                                        -2.570110e-01
td                                                             .           
annie                                                          .           
tale                                                           .           
laud                                                           3.795784e-01
alt-media                                                      1.346004e-01
soros-shil                                                     3.199422e-02
shithead                                                       6.159830e-03
canni                                                          .           
somecunt                                                       .           
banana                                                         .           
spike                                                          .           
kerr                                                           .           
dunt                                                           .           
#progress                                                      .           
#gpc                                                           .           
#michaelmoor                                                   .           
fudg                                                           .           
bacon                                                          .           
shelv                                                          .           
10th                                                           .           
painter                                                        .           
cnnmoney                                                       .           
masterb                                                        4.353802e-01
rampant                                                       -1.194581e-01
stagnat                                                        .           
bush                                                           .           
rogu                                                           .           
galleri                                                        .           
nevertrump                                                     .           
🌞                                                             .           
yooooo                                                         .           
countrymen                                                     .           
#democratsdividinganddestroyingamerica                         .           
#losangel                                                      .           
non-citizen                                                    .           
pyramid                                                        .           
unfirtun                                                       .           
bj                                                             .           
giver                                                          .           
poorer                                                         .           
advisor                                                        .           
placat                                                         .           
#woke                                                          .           
kingggg                                                        .           
janet                                                          .           
yellen                                                         .           
churchil                                                      -4.212589e-01
admonish                                                       .           
preposit                                                      -1.602227e-01
punchlin                                                      -4.119570e-02
gasses                                                         1.171427e-01
#fakenewsmedia                                                 .           
noooooooo                                                      3.594223e-01
extermin                                                       .           
mumbl                                                          .           
vietnam                                                        .           
supremo                                                        .           
chi                                                            .           
minh                                                           .           
jfk                                                            .           
lbj                                                            .           
turnov                                                         .           
#kavanaughhear                                                 .           
intersect                                                      .           
slot                                                           .           
newspap                                                        .           
weaponis                                                       .           
names                                                          .           
lordi                                                          .           
bk                                                             .           
perjuri                                                        .           
cotus                                                          .           
shorter                                                        .           
lest                                                           .           
titties                                                        .           
spontan                                                        .           
😗                                                             .           
temperament                                                   -8.052196e-02
pamper                                                        -1.170641e-02
multi-millionair                                              -1.103760e-03
crave                                                          .           
nude                                                           .           
bovin                                                          .           
fecal                                                          .           
regrett                                                        .           
#health                                                        .           
#natur                                                         .           
#us                                                            .           
49er                                                           .           
kc                                                             .           
niner                                                          .           
prejudic                                                       .           
conclud                                                        .           
migrat                                                         .           
arbitrari                                                      .           
distinct                                                      -5.618973e-02
untrue                                                         .           
weakl                                                          5.336122e-01
madison                                                        .           
anti-presid                                                    .           
sunken                                                         4.353773e-01
#roseannebarr                                                  .           
inexcus                                                        .           
sunk                                                           .           
#muslimbrotherhood                                             .           
#prioriti                                                      .           
#blacklivesmatt                                                .           
#unite                                                         .           
#growthenetwork                                                .           
#thestormisuponu                                               .           
#theeyeofthestorm                                              .           
#iloveamerica                                                  .           
#allinonlonnieisntfunni                                        .           
#marchonfromwalk                                               .           
condens                                                        .           
#evangelist                                                    3.414032e-01
spook                                                          1.056747e-01
overton                                                        .           
ap                                                             .           
wsj                                                            .           
hyper-partisan                                                 .           
linda                                                          .           
sarsour                                                        .           
ocasio                                                         .           
lend                                                           .           
heifer                                                         .           
sombodi                                                        .           
smolder                                                        .           
atti                                                           .           
genl                                                           .           
labamba                                                        .           
sheister                                                       .           
fordfestnd                                                     .           
hundert                                                        .           
#simonsay                                                      .           
viney                                                          .           
melksham                                                       .           
#rhoni                                                         .           
addit                                                          .           
comments                                                       .           
regarding                                                      .           
deaths                                                         .           
yai                                                            .           
demagogu                                                       3.818483e-01
warcraft                                                       .           
limn                                                           .           
every1                                                         .           
regulated                                                      .           
law—those                                                      .           
near-univers                                                   .           
armament                                                       .           
contemporari                                                   .           
home—bi                                                        .           
constitutional                                                 .                                                       .           
partyveri                                                      .           
pog                                                            .           
kgo                                                            .           
sensit                                                         .           
#panicindc                                                     .           
bulletproof                                                    .           
vortex                                                         .           
dufus                                                          .           
#govegan                                                       1.206658e-01
fairfield                                                      .           
bridgeport                                                     .           
ivan                                                           .           
fsu                                                            .           
rod                                                            .           
michigan                                                       .           
tango                                                          .           
fbs                                                            .           
syracus                                                        .           
pruitt                                                         .           
downtrodden                                                    .           
conflat                                                        .           
shark                                                          .           
hoard                                                          .           
adequ                                                          .           
single                                                         .           
#teamspotlightsunday                                           .           
meghan                                                         .           
mcdermott                                                      .           
alanna                                                         .           
journey                                                        .           
fifti                                                          .           
ist                                                            .           
#thedeepst                                                     .           
#jesuiten                                                      .           
#cabal                                                         .           
#satanist                                                      .           
#nwo                                                           .           
#kalergiplan                                                   .           
#kalergiprei                                                   .           
#whitegenocid                                                  .           
#communism                                                     .           
#albertpike1871                                                .           
#guantanamo                                                    .           
#expropriate                                                   .           
🕳️                                                              .           
#cbs                                                           .           
#nomorelevi                                                    .           
#libertarian                                                   .           
puleeez                                                        .           
#quebec                                                        .           
#elect                                                         .           
#electr                                                        .           
rabbit                                                         .           
stray                                                          .           
🙉                                                             .           
andover                                                        .           
darkskin                                                       .           
4c                                                             .           
replaces                                                       2.499797e-01
chickens                                                       6.442806e-02
rotten                                                         1.348873e+00
oneself                                                        .           
lg                                                             .           
discoveri                                                      8.557171e-01
cor                                                            .           
conscious                                                      .           
balaam                                                         .           
donkey                                                         .           
fastest                                                        .           
jerusalem                                                      .           
sweepstak                                                      .           
samaritan                                                      .           
bwahahaha-work                                                 .           
chubbi                                                         .           
underdog                                                       .           
devout                                                         .           
thot                                                           4.309490e-01
abysm                                                          .           
withheld                                                       .           
awewww                                                         .           
secreci                                                        .           
incredible                                                     .           
insincer                                                       .           
callous                                                        .           
maturer                                                        .           
justif                                                         .           
euphem                                                         .           
birnbaum                                                       .           
invisible                                                      .           
arrogance                                                      .           
complacenci                                                    .           
electors                                                       .           
alberta                                                        .           
😣                                                             .           
🇮🇹                                                             .           
six                                                            .           
#markjudg                                                      .           
#foxreport                                                     .           
abc—let                                                        .           
pro-trump                                                      1.114323e+00
superhero                                                      .           
shutdown                                                       .           
engineer                                                       .           
thrive                                                         .           
#murderr                                                       .           
fack                                                           .           
khant                                                          .           
duet                                                           .           
cutie                                                          .           
#mybubblygirl                                                  .           
#anupama                                                       .           
#dreamgirl                                                     .           
#bco                                                           .           
stocks                                                         .           
mmm                                                            4.353734e-01
colleen                                                        .           
louisvill                                                      .           
p.o.v                                                          .           
hilliari                                                       .           
fighter                                                        .           
theatric                                                       .           
non-binari                                                     .           
newfound                                                       .           
treatin                                                        .           
puls                                                           .           
testament                                                      .           
statutori                                                      .           
fluf                                                           .           
grumpi                                                         .           
grunt                                                          .           
cave                                                           .           
#fordnat                                                       .           
#onpc                                                          2.530860e-01
marci                                                          .           
zimmerman                                                      1.429799e-02
lacki                                                          .           
kennel                                                         .           
roof                                                           .           
station                                                        .           
#ericholdercrimes#                                             .           
flat                                                           .           
worldwid                                                       .           
enact                                                          .           
#1worldonlin                                                   .           
#polloftheday                                                  .           
quackeri                                                       .           
msd                                                            .           
ostrich                                                        .           
___                                                            .           
▰                                                              .           
▔                                                              .           
皿                                                             .           
♑                                                             .           
capricorn                                                      .           
🔮                                                             .           
♏                                                             .           
scorpio                                                        .           
friendship                                                     .           
♊                                                             .           
👤                                                             .           
♎                                                             .           
libra                                                          .           
★                                                              .           
👔                                                             .           
bal                                                            .           
palat                                                          .           
youll                                                          .           
burner                                                         .           
throughout                                                     .           
bae                                                            .           
foxi                                                           4.077340e-01
terrorsit                                                      1.398605e-01
repay                                                          .           
kaduna                                                         .           
phx                                                            .           
oak                                                            .           
wjc                                                            .           
dwi                                                            .           
flaunt                                                         .           
self-aggrand                                                   .           
fanci                                                          .           
#metoowitchhunt                                                .           
ali                                                            .           
statut                                                         .           
jurisdict                                                      .           
#pcpo                                                          .           
#ondp                                                          .           
#topoli                                                        .           
#toronto                                                       .           
#tocouncil                                                     .           
chauvinist                                                     .           
anti-whit                                                      .           
bypass                                                         .           
accurat                                                        .           
entrepreneuri                                                  .           
difi                                                           .           
ammo                                                           9.657068e-01
blurt                                                          .           
cloth                                                          .           
ulterior                                                       .           
fiber                                                          .           
#disarmharrisnow                                               .           
anti-kavanaugh                                                 .           
mccain-                                                        3.029675e-01
#deathpenalti                                                  9.501929e-02
#treason                                                       .           
#pedog                                                         1.938234e-02
ld                                                             .           
breast                                                         .           
#stopkavanaughnow                                              .           
mango                                                          9.658299e-02
mussolini                                                      .           
vacil                                                          1.265104e-01
amor                                                           .           
endang                                                         .           
speci                                                          .           
grass                                                          .           
johnson’                                                       .           
caricatur                                                      .           
leftstream                                                     .           
excori                                                         .           
excellent                                                      .           
cavil                                                          .           
stepe                                                          .           
unfuck                                                         .           
one’                                                           4.353705e-01
#pedo                                                          .           
#jesus                                                         .           
wuit                                                          -5.551395e-01
banter                                                         .           
🤒                                                             .           
phycho                                                         .           
perjur                                                         .           
newer                                                          .           
kaz                                                            .           
ipo                                                            .           
ddd                                                            .           
wylin                                                          .           
tbf                                                            .           
nascar                                                         .           
tje                                                            .           
doabl                                                          .           
bout                                                           .           
diabet                                                         .           
plantat                                                        .           
solvent                                                        .           
gunna                                                          .           
💪                                                             .           
salzburg                                                       .           
#salzburgsummit18                                              .           
blight                                                         3.413811e-01
womanhood                                                      1.056893e-01
herc                                                           .           
ce                                                             .           
raikou                                                         .           
kev                                                            .           
kern                                                           .           
#ca23                                                          .           
#dosometh                                                      .           
bts                                                            .           
dog-eat                                                        .           
convey                                                         .           
oddest                                                         .           
fillin                                                         .           
nicki                                                          .           
jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd                                           .           
messsssss                                                      .           
priveledg                                                      .           
benifit                                                        .           
murdered                                                       .           
sock                                                           .           
mongoos                                                        .           
cobra                                                          .           
preller                                                        .           
#australia                                                     3.229574e-01
weez                                                           1.027371e-01
stoopid                                                        2.139766e-02
#celebr                                                        3.588194e-03
goofi                                                          .           
ft                                                             .           
bigwig                                                         4.047540e-01
y’all’                                                         .           
grossli                                                        .           
mulroney                                                       .           
implicat                                                       .           
amiright                                                       .           
contain                                                        .           
unwelcome                                                      .           
opponent                                                       .           
change                                                         8.725963e-01
prosecuter                                                     .           
arresting                                                      .           
tulip                                                          .           
#gophypocrit                                                   .           
fluctuat                                                       .           
nec                                                            .           
mergitur                                                       .           
latin                                                          .           
peterson                                                       .           
lawton                                                         .           
wive                                                           .           
discrep                                                        .           
sushi                                                          .           
#everybodytalk                                                 .           
spartan                                                        2.809524e-01
proletarian                                                    .           
sight                                                          .           
dealer                                                         .           
murders                                                        .           
thiev                                                          .           
siez                                                           .           
sucki                                                          .           
invalid                                                        .           
sadam                                                          .           
gass                                                           .           
kurd                                                           .           
potter                                                         .           
pogba                                                          .           
alternative                                                    .           
exclusionari                                                   .           
bois                                                           .           
kellen                                                         .           
cerebr                                                         .           
cannon                                                         .           
rodger                                                         .           
coney                                                          .           
adm                                                            .           
deari                                                          .           
#1standlast                                                    .           
vonta                                                          .           
nobama                                                         .           
t1960                                                          .           
t1                                                             .           
t-800                                                          .           
sarah’                                                         .           
isol                                                          -3.645006e-01
arnie                                                          .           
t800                                                           .           
basebal                                                        .           
bravo                                                          .           
geeezzz                                                        .           
tosser                                                         .           
ironic                                                         .           
judiciari                                                      .           
#cos                                                           .           
2d                                                             .           
el                                                             .           
mierda                                                         .           
wowowow                                                        .           
#ticat                                                         .           
cornhol                                                        .           
ptotus                                                         1.384793e-03
abusing                                                        9.619616e-04
predatori                                                      .           
evidence-bas                                                   .           
#cdc                                                           .           
#cdc7word                                                      .           
#bannedword                                                    .           
#orwell                                                        .           
#doubleplusgoodspeak                                           .           
#trumphasdementia                                              .           
gooni                                                          .           
gz                                                             .           
vault                                                          .           
mold                                                           .           
grill                                                          .           
austeriti                                                      .           
efect                                                          .           
authent                                                        .           
misrepres                                                      .           
supposit                                                       .           
bent                                                           .           
leather                                                        .           
sellout                                                        .           
cotton                                                         .           
veget                                                          .           
engage                                                         .           
involving                                                      .           
hind                                                           .           
5yr                                                            .           
seldom                                                         .           
croatia                                                        .           
dobson                                                         .           
loosley                                                        .           
petul                                                          .           
theresa_may                                                    .           
shortlist                                                      .           
shaunbaileyuk                                                  .           
andrewboff                                                     .           
joymorrissey                                                   .           
#buildthatwal                                                  .           
lowland                                                        .           
👍🏻                                                           .           
#nowplay                                                       .           
slider                                                         .           
quell                                                          .           
bohot                                                          .           
badhai                                                         .           
bhai                                                           .           
#10millionsubscrib                                             .           
mileston                                                       .           
jisn                                                           .           
apn                                                            .           
dum                                                            .           
subscrib                                                       .           
kiy                                                            .           
speedi                                                         .           
epithat                                                        2.804953e-01
#bigotri                                                       7.319858e-02
#hypocrisi                                                     .           
ucp                                                            .           
ugliest                                                        .           
trumpstard                                                     .           
showman                                                        .           
maricopa                                                       .           
fubar’s                                                        .           
encor                                                          .           
necular                                                        .           
goodbi                                                         .           
cmon                                                           .           
ballerina                                                      .           
woo-hoo                                                        3.413729e-01
brothel                                                        1.056936e-01
nation-wide                                                    .           
defund                                                         .           
dubious                                                        .           
mortgag                                                        .           
subprim                                                        .           
forced                                                         .           
provide                                                        .           
cmos                                                           .           
deriv                                                          .           
subprime                                                       .           
rehman_chishti                                                 .           
elmer                                                          .           
elephant                                                       .           
karachiit                                                      .           
pkbritish                                                      .           
britishcouncil                                                 .           
bri                                                            .           
sluch                                                          .           
settlement                                                     .           
#trudeau                                                       .           
drill                                                          .           
micheal                                                        .           
#fisa                                                          .           
prick                                                          3.254990e-01
second-hand                                                    1.031013e-01
pincushion                                                     2.144521e-02
histrion                                                       .           
heroin                                                         .           
#fluffywolf1218                                                .           
founder                                                        .           
mandi                                                          .           
devot                                                          .           
leigh                                                          .           
tn                                                             .           
ack                                                            .           
sloth                                                          4.353647e-01
oc                                                             .           
amai                                                           .           
kira                                                           .           
mum                                                            .           
#mbpoli                                                        .           
#winnipeg                                                      .           
#canpoli                                                       .           
reserv                                                         .           
manitoba                                                       .           
trashno                                                        .           
neptun                                                         .           
#leos                                                          .           
skrull                                                         .           
kree                                                           .           
pmjt                                                           .           
#hollyweird                                                    .           
prodcut                                                        .           
#muellersmountain                                              .           
#endthegop                                                     .           
#endthenra                                                     .           
album                                                          .           
undoubt                                                        .           
survivor                                                       .           
devoid                                                         .           
glare                                                          .           
embarass                                                       .           
traumatis                                                      .           
#keepitpubl                                                    .           
roommat                                                        .           
restat                                                         .           
campa                                                          .           
cuf                                                            .           
shackl                                                         .           
infringed                                                      2.661433e-01
abet                                                           .           
chaulk                                                         .           
scrath                                                         .           
#weluvtrump                                                    .           
siobhan                                                        .           
clp                                                            .           
atlantic                                                       .           
multicultur                                                    .           
editori                                                        .           
x-men                                                          .           
chief                                                          .           
complianc                                                      .           
liblabcon                                                      .           
#stitchup                                                      .           
bullcrap                                                       .           
#naacp                                                         .           
campus                                                         .           
dcrat                                                          .           
self-serv                                                      .           
facto                                                          .           
begon                                                          .           
insurg                                                         .           
hashtag                                                        .           
touchi                                                        -6.030594e-01
75k                                                           -2.059025e-01
#hypocrisymuch                                                 2.532973e-01
#bigstuff                                                      6.502295e-02
arbit                                                          4.353630e-01
bergh                                                          2.760288e-01
#peopleoverprofit                                              7.444158e-02
sleev                                                          .           
viagra                                                         .           
taxat                                                          .           
phenomenon                                                     .           
shittalk                                                       .           
vic                                                            .           
ot                                                             .           
playoff                                                        .           
intial                                                         .           
virtual                                                        .           
jlr                                                            .           
mainland                                                       .           
fond                                                           .           
vigil                                                          3.926685e-01
pollut                                                         .           
oink                                                           .           
april                                                          .           
ryan                                                           .           
flatter                                                        .           
#annasourpuss                                                  5.401002e-01
#leav                                                          2.401022e-01
#noeudeal                                                      7.405151e-02
forg                                                           1.866194e-02
🌍                                                             .           
#fuckeu                                                        4.058050e-03
threatening                                                    .           
citizens                                                       .           
nero                                                           .           
#boycottthenfl                                                 .           
#justdont                                                      .           
encash                                                         .           
waseem                                                         .           
cambridg                                                       .           
analytica                                                      .           
mista                                                          .           
sy                                                             4.353604e-01
dotter                                                         .           
unafraid                                                       .           
#nokosoko                                                      .           
jong-un                                                        .           
missil                                                         .           
printer                                                        .           
kooki                                                          1.291413e+00
#pedovor                                                       .           
#agsession                                                     .           
tentacl                                                        .           
#pedogatenew                                                   .           
hunkered                                                       .           
commitment                                                     .           
stable                                                         .           
tziyon                                                         .           
shalom                                                         .           
musica                                                         .           
lucho                                                          .           
jazz                                                           .           
vocalist                                                       .           
recycl                                                         .           
stir                                                           .           
guna                                                           .           
frida                                                          .           
#sorrynotsorri                                                 .           
breastfe                                                       .           
formula                                                        .           
lactos                                                         .           
shun                                                           .           
mentalli                                                       .           
impaired                                                       .           
podium                                                         .           
fec                                                            .           
o-h                                                            .           
maintain                                                       .           
impus                                                          .           
agit                                                           .           
pg                                                            -7.150113e-02
6’6                                                           -8.142785e-03
speedboost                                                    -6.675129e-04
half-dec                                                      -4.609619e-05
yw                                                            -2.856018e-06
uncultur                                                       4.353591e-01
gatlin                                                         .           
boxer                                                          .           
perverts                                                       .           
demons-period                                                  .           
sacred                                                         .           
mutts                                                          .           
vigilant                                                       1.035871e-02
control.swamp                                                  2.166867e-03
midget                                                         .           
gypsi                                                          .           
skinsuit                                                       .           
wed                                                            .           
therapi                                                        .           
#frack                                                         .           
u6                                                             .           
peppermint                                                     .           
steak                                                          .           
high-school                                                    .           
drunkest                                                       .           
p.c                                                            .           
palpit                                                         .           
kabasel                                                        .           
watford                                                        .           
premier                                                        .           
bean                                                           .           
avocado                                                        .           
quinoa                                                         .           
fooln                                                          1.785916e-01
spite                                                          3.222783e-02
youngo                                                         3.496016e-03
milquetoast                                                    .           
anti-openbord                                                  .           
anti-jujub                                                     .           
hoods                                                          .           
shouldnt                                                       .           
shitshow                                                       4.381166e-01
infer                                                          .           
arsenal                                                        .           
heartbeat                                                      .           
dillusion                                                      4.353571e-01
nebraska                                                       .           
greeni                                                         .           
newsworthi                                                     .           
hazard                                                         .           
shannon                                                        .           
twatt                                                          .           
hеi                                                            .           
hеre                                                           .           
👈                                                             .           
👰                                                             .           
🌷                                                             .           
🎁                                                             .           
lowki                                                          .           
shithous                                                       4.353564e-01
a.j                                                            .           
default                                                        .           
fm                                                             .           
idealli                                                        .           
dafaul                                                         .           
screams                                                        .           
boil                                                           .           
powder                                                         .           
🖤                                                             .           
#gettough                                                      .           
phobic                                                         .           
maxi                                                           .           
a.k.a                                                          .           
#hanghim                                                       .           
#brettkavanuagh                                                4.353558e-01
ji                                                             .           
aluminum                                                       .           
evolv                                                          .           
stalinist                                                      .           
goolag                                                         .           
decommiss                                                      .           
filter                                                         .           
semi-skim                                                      .           
85p                                                            .           
ltr                                                            .           
retail                                                         .           
tesco                                                          .           
annum                                                          .           
pa                                                             .           
hectar                                                         .           
cultiv                                                         .           
poppi                                                          .           
opium                                                          .           
retreat                                                        .           
myanmar                                                        .           
port                                                           .           
sha                                                            .           
francoism                                                      .           
spain                                                          .           
separatist                                                     .           
embezzl                                                        .           
catalonia                                                      .           
vlaam                                                          .           
belang                                                         .           
overheard                                                      .           
that’d                                                         .           
kreb                                                           .           
knob                                                           .           
eminem                                                         3.413455e-01
roblox                                                         1.057089e-01
faceti                                                         .           
mazi                                                           .           
patholog                                                       .           
saving                                                         3.413437e-01
shitttt                                                        1.057099e-01
oresid                                                         .           
dupe                                                           .           
civic                                                          .           
hetero                                                         .           
courtroom                                                      .           
#partybeforecountri                                            .           
#massmedia                                                     .           
2sec                                                           .           
mainer                                                         .           
proclam                                                        .           
canon                                                          .           
nuetral                                                        4.620423e-01
salut                                                          .           
yawn.noth                                                      1.721337e-01
theyll                                                         .           
documentari                                                    1.379062e-01
olive                                                          .           
beagl                                                          .           
lodg                                                           .           
commun                                                         .           
dye                                                            .           
haircolor                                                      .           
jin                                                            .           
til                                                            .           
agreement                                                      .           
64m                                                            .           
100b                                                           .           
guterriz                                                       .           
clariti                                                        .           
marin                                                          .           
le                                                             .           
cuccinelli                                                     .           
salesman                                                       .           
misspel                                                        .           
scope                                                          .           
upcom                                                          .           
siwc                                                           .           
airforc                                                        .           
undo                                                           .           
5x                                                             .           
danikaharrod                                                   .           
shitpost                                                       .           
tdp                                                            .           
jhdsfhjsg                                                      .           
hum                                                            .           
banburi                                                        .           
staffer                                                        .           
enhanc                                                         .           
interrog                                                       .           
nina                                                           .           
feh                                                            .           
bhadbhabi                                                      .           
bhadtranni                                                     .           
swallwel                                                       .           
🍏                                                             .           
whackadoodl                                                    .           
steam                                                          .           
🚀                                                             .           
wale                                                           .           
cosi                                                           .           
farther                                                        .           
limelight                                                      .           
❗                                                             .           
sparki                                                         .           
diseas                                                         1.741056e-01
soulless                                                       .           
cutsi                                                          .           
💪🏾                                                           .           
bafoonicus                                                     4.353524e-01
inject                                                         .           
#iwantthewal                                                   .           
mourn                                                          .           
sieg                                                           .           
#cultlog                                                       .           
metric                                                         .           
b2b                                                            .           
frigid                                                         .           
cockamami                                                      .           
boruto                                                         .           
fallaci                                                        .           
wack                                                           .           
ranch                                                          .           
recruit                                                        .           
claus                                                          .           
fenstin                                                        .           
realeas                                                        .           
academia                                                       .           
#job                                                           .           
#music                                                         .           
#art                                                           .           
#fashion                                                       .           
#shopmycloset                                                  .           
#projectmanag                                                  .           
#crypto                                                        .           
hub                                                            .           
shedevil                                                       4.353518e-01
ukranian                                                       .           
ultimat                                                        .           
manifest                                                       .           
colorblind                                                     .           
kwasia                                                         .           
shatta                                                         .           
seff                                                           .           
dey                                                            .           
yh                                                             .           
vim                                                            .           
earphon                                                        .           
sewer                                                          .           
unfound                                                        .           
nj                                                             .           
paycheck                                                       .           
visitor                                                        .           
sadder                                                         .           
bizarro                                                        .           
tourist                                                        .           
nevada                                                         .           
sawed-off                                                      .           
311d                                                           .           
cops                                                           .           
dydinv                                                         .           
antichrist                                                     .           
huber                                                          .           
scholar-lik                                                    .           
x.not                                                          .           
heroic                                                         .           
heighten                                                       .           
slimfast                                                       .           
wax                                                            .           
poetic                                                         .           
purchased                                                      .           
#liberti                                                       .           
#freedom                                                       .           
whopper                                                        .           
tamir                                                          .           
maximum                                                        .           
suspicion                                                      .           
backfield                                                      .           
thinner                                                        .           
platoon                                                        .           
premedit                                                       .           
rehears                                                        .           
oasi                                                           .           
oblig                                                          .           
bushmast                                                       2.499182e-01
xm15-e2s                                                       6.446350e-02
ilegal                                                         .           
13-year-old                                                    .           
mandat                                                         .           
teamwork                                                       .           
nansbabh                                                       .           
booo                                                           .           
hooo                                                           .           
snot                                                           .           
18-year-old                                                    .           
pedest                                                         .           
spark                                                          .           
pirat                                                          .           
insurance                                                      .           
temporarili                                                    .           
kate                                                           .           
nash                                                           .           
soundbit                                                       .           
propoganda                                                     .           
felicia                                                        .           
fiscal                                                         .           
🐨                                                             .           
🐻                                                             .           
shazam                                                         .           
how                                                            .           
alternat                                                       3.111221e-01
freakin                                                        .           
hurricane                                                      9.294602e-02
afe                                                            9.306013e-02
ol'bob                                                         .           
alrighti                                                       .           
destin                                                         .           
titan                                                          .           
#scienc                                                        .           
#growup                                                        .           
thirty-five                                                    .           
longt                                                          .           
clash                                                          .           
shastrartha                                                    .           
guenther                                                       .           
caller                                                         .           
improv                                                         .           
rbg                                                            .           
intoler                                                        .           
scrafic                                                        .           
gun-rel                                                        .           
ala                                                            .           
crapper                                                        4.233020e-01
#loui                                                          .           
judgment                                                       .           
#russia                                                        .           
#saudiarabia                                                   .           
#thecathol                                                     .           
vib                                                            .           
nova                                                           .           
scotia                                                         .           
🌎                                                             .           
🌏                                                             .           
🚶‍♀️                                                            .           
🚶‍♂️                                                            .           
worldwide                                                      .           
shortcum                                                       .           
abc                                                            .           
tinctur                                                        .           
tong                                                           9.963479e-02
disinfect                                                      1.787040e-02
reckon                                                         .           
wacki                                                          4.233010e-01
againstbth                                                     .           
🤷🏽‍♀️                                                          .           
dpd                                                            .           
chic                                                           .           
democrap                                                       .           
levin                                                          .           
unbeat                                                         .           
frenzi                                                         .           
alyssa                                                         .           
milano                                                         .           
nearly-zero                                                    .           
astronom                                                       .           
scheming                                                       .           
incite                                                         .           
froth                                                          .           
goodest                                                        .           
🎵                                                             .           
#texan                                                         .           
cooktrag                                                       .           
palestin                                                       .           
lnp                                                            .           
18n18                                                          .           
nuts.mak                                                       .           
flannel                                                        .           
brittani                                                       .           
vision                                                         .           
batt                                                           1.630185e+00
#talklikeapirateday                                            .           
scurvi                                                         .           
pirate                                                         .           
plundered                                                      .           
#1950swomen                                                    .           
parlai                                                         .           
marooned                                                       .           
doubloons                                                      .           
wormi                                                          .           
sail                                                           .           
alongsid                                                       .           
broadsid                                                       .           
⚖️                                                              .           
#backto60                                                      .           
lockdown                                                       .           
gun-control                                                    .           
pro-gun                                                        .           
ahol                                                           .           
fabul                                                          .           
💝                                                             .           
xenoblad                                                       .           
chronicl                                                       .           
worried                                                        .           
bold                                                           .           
losss                                                          .           
waiver                                                         .           
10x                                                            .           
kuniva                                                         .           
do—y                                                           .           
blessings                                                      .           
uppiti                                                         .           
boycotting                                                     .           
verdict                                                        .           
anti-ameican                                                   .           
azz                                                            .           
unprotect                                                      .           
stds                                                           .           
#warrior                                                       .           
holland                                                        2.593125e-01
tunnel                                                         7.098540e-02
household                                                      .           
mariota                                                        .           
anons                                                          .           
beech                                                          .           
mi                                                             .           
rosoft                                                         .           
aishwarya                                                      .           
bcos                                                           .           
inclin                                                         .           
hindus                                                         .           
krishna                                                        3.176784e-02
vogu                                                           .           
prior                                                          .           
raison                                                         .           
d'etr                                                          .           
zeckenbiss                                                     .           
#hetzjagd                                                      .           
#scottish                                                      .           
#mondaythought                                                 .           
#women                                                         .           
#leftwingliberaldiseas                                         .           
unprompt                                                       .           
unwarr                                                         .           
undeserv                                                       .           
commenc                                                        .           
eager                                                          .           
ell                                                            .           
ace                                                            .           
wifi                                                           .           
underr                                                         .           
#british                                                       .           
gigant                                                         .           
benni                                                          .           
#borisjohnson                                                  .           
#chequer                                                       .           
smelli                                                         .           
cat-siz                                                        .           
almighti                                                       .           
emmanuel                                                       .           
📖                                                             .           
👐                                                             .           
👼                                                             .           
shute                                                          2.498072e-01
yumi                                                           6.706710e-02
yuzuki                                                         1.206019e-02
kraze                                                          .           
greatful                                                       .           
thor                                                           .           
reminding                                                      .           
administration                                                 .           
septemb                                                        .           
shi                                                            .           
sandyhook                                                      .           
repug                                                          .           
graduat                                                        .           
boltey                                                         .           
jo                                                             .           
kaat                                                           .           
uski                                                           .           
akal                                                           .           
gutno                                                          .           
reti                                                           .           
bday                                                           .           
osama                                                          .           
laden                                                          .           
janaza                                                         .           
probabli                                                       .           
taxes                                                          .           
he’ll                                                          .           
#monstermay                                                    3.270510e-01
#dwpcrime                                                      9.376958e-02
#dwp                                                           1.768019e-02
_against                                                       .           
conservatives_                                                 .           
flakey                                                         .           
infertil                                                       .           
germ                                                           .           
upsideup                                                       .           
yayay                                                          .           
aboard                                                         .           
nsl                                                            .           
mccarthyism                                                    .           
paratroop                                                      .           
quash                                                          .           
candlelight                                                    .           
aboilish                                                       .           
martial                                                        .           
rachel                                                         .           
madcow                                                         .           
sanghi                                                         4.353463e-01
bye-by                                                         .           
swalwel                                                        .           
pencil                                                         .           
busted                                                         .           
🤟                                                             .           
follower’                                                      .           
qfd                                                            .           
disappear                                                      .           
#redoctob                                                      .           
emplyer                                                        .           
lgn                                                            .           
loath                                                          .           
brad                                                           .           
scriptur                                                       .           
theonomist                                                     .           
🛵                                                             .           
💨                                                             .           
radicalis                                                      .           
1-0                                                            .           
40k                                                            .           
bitchc                                                         3.413202e-01
uwuing                                                         1.057239e-01
carrful                                                        .           
smol                                                           .           
snatcher                                                       .           
something.u                                                    .           
rf.then                                                        .           
kai                                                            .           
island.latest                                                  .           
parallel                                                       .           
world.what                                                     .           
#blackmail                                                     .           
marco                                                          .           
oliver                                                         .           
pivot                                                          .           
xi                                                             5.378683e-03
demolish                                                       2.250178e-03
buckwheat                                                      .           
supremeist                                                     .           
wonna                                                          .           
campign                                                        .           
policallli                                                     .           
amatur                                                         .           
tge                                                            .           
loophol                                                        .           
onion                                                          .           
barzal                                                         .           
holt                                                           .           
renfrew’                                                       .           
shopper                                                        .           
horwath                                                        .           
foundat                                                        .           
#divers                                                        .           
#tribal                                                        .           
#culturalappropri                                              .           
unwind                                                         .           
specul                                                         .           
trademark                                                      .           
life-and-death                                                 .           
personal                                                       .           
feelings                                                       .           
syrian                                                         .           
dd                                                             .           
rossit                                                         .           
arsehol                                                        .           
mcraven                                                        .           
#commanderinchief                                              .           
retire                                                         .           
hollow                                                         .           
woker                                                          .           
idl                                                            .           
juggernaut                                                     .           
alcatraz                                                       .           
here—don’t                                                     .           
drone                                                          .           
💦                                                             .           
moment—protest                                                 .           
recollect                                                      .           
preced                                                         .           
practis                                                        .           
fortitud                                                       .           
taurus                                                         .           
semiautomat                                                    .           
cricket                                                        .           
#clintoncrimefamili                                            .           
#sarcasm                                                       .           
unintellig                                                     .           
inexperienc                                                    .           
unwari                                                         .           
#funni                                                         .           
#hilari                                                        .           
#hardbrexit                                                    .           
insert                                                         .           
cheney                                                         .           
marcus                                                         .           
beawar                                                         .           
81st                                                           .           
tower                                                          .           
enorm                                                          .           
dispens                                                        .           
gunni                                                          .           
kyla                                                           .           
pristin                                                        .           
ㅜㅡㅜ                                                         .           
villag                                                         .           
asu                                                            .           
ill-equip                                                      .           
#postponethevot                                                .           
#ncpol                                                         .           
yeap                                                           2.697871e-02
disgrace-without                                               4.353448e-01
hooray                                                         .           
#lyingnew                                                      .           
optim                                                          .           
mlb                                                            .           
arenado                                                        .           
chapman                                                        .           
ccp                                                            .           
rump                                                           .           
targets                                                        .           
🐖                                                             .           
fcb                                                            .           
ssshhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit                                      .           
hopeless                                                       .           
naïv                                                           .           
#trumpli                                                       .           
aweeee                                                         .           
e-panda                                                        .           
drummer                                                        .           
4-get                                                          .           
#muellertim                                                    .           
reppowervot                                                    .           
strengthen                                                     .           
powerpray                                                      .           
tsunami                                                        .           
bliar                                                          .           
hnh                                                            .           
rendel                                                         .           
greenvill                                                      .           
upppp                                                          .           
kliff                                                          .           
gayer                                                          .           
prasid                                                         .           
#wilson                                                        .           
#sonnykiriaki                                                  .           
#willhorton                                                    .           
#freddiesmith                                                  .           
#chandlermassey                                                .           
#day                                                           .           
#ownthelib                                                     .           
reactionari                                                    .           
aurora                                                         .           
wayyy                                                          .           
vox                                                            .           
uighur                                                         .           
cringeworthi                                                   .           
newslett                                                       .           
ross                                                           .           
arrang                                                         .           
a3                                                             .           
#currentaffair                                                 .           
biogen                                                         .           
brainchild                                                     .           
mailer                                                         .           
ohhhhhh                                                        .           
chin                                                           .           
group.just                                                     .           
combat                                                         .           
frere                                                          .           
ismael                                                         .           
yfc                                                            .           
#vaxx                                                          .           
#readthebook                                                   .           
#cdcwhistleblow                                                .           
#vaccineholocaust                                              .           
shree                                                          .           
krishnaji                                                      .           
ligic                                                          .           
secular                                                        .           
migrain                                                        .           
buffoon                                                        .           
buller                                                         .           
#wiunion                                                       .           
#wipolit                                                       .           
#wiright                                                       .           
#demonicrat                                                    .           
#pervertsinc                                                   .           
bey                                                            .           
yacht                                                          .           
vacay                                                          .           
zeland                                                         .           
exert                                                          .           
coerciv                                                        .           
quad                                                           .           
#marriedtomedicin                                              .           
#theemmi                                                       .           
molli                                                          .           
tibet’                                                         .           
reward                                                         .           
issss                                                          .           
inculc                                                         .           
epiphani                                                       .           
#confirmbrettkavanaughnow                                      .           
woulda                                                         .           
beam                                                           .           
tbey                                                           4.246069e-01
asinin                                                         .           
firm                                                           .           
muppet                                                         .           
6’2                                                            .           
lbs                                                            .           
ffl                                                            .           
osuna                                                          .           
gile                                                           .           
burnt                                                          .           
out                                                            .           
mondi                                                          .           
chico                                                          .           
chihuahua                                                      .           
obummer                                                        .           
ward                                                           .           
it'll                                                          .           
oliv                                                           .           
puhleas                                                        2.530117e-01
kiki                                                           6.838397e-02
nobody’                                                        1.221300e-02
applebee’                                                      .           
#former                                                        .           
tanner                                                         .           
sleepwalk                                                      .           
sallbuzz                                                       .           
convent                                                        .           
jimbo                                                          .           
youf                                                           .           
arguement                                                      .           
💼                                                             .           
🕶                                                              .           
👢                                                             .           
🤠                                                             .           
⚽️                                                             .           
#almostcousin                                                  .           
#transpar                                                      .           
#releasethedocu                                                .           
wanka                                                          .           
soweto                                                         .           
eighjt                                                         1.158582e-01
wassamatta                                                     .           
holli                                                          .           
wheb                                                           .           
sportscast                                                     .           
throgh                                                         .           
exclude                                                        2.662582e-02
soon-yi                                                        4.384185e-03
flavor                                                         .           
villian                                                        .           
plagiar                                                        .           
montel                                                         .           
feebl                                                          2.798294e-01
describes—to                                                   3.049397e-01
👏🏼                                                           .           
reman                                                          .           
sidenot                                                        .           
condon                                                         .           
benidorm                                                       .           
creamfield                                                     .           
travon                                                         .           
martin                                                         .           
gooooooooooood                                                 .           
needa                                                          .           
1000x                                                          .           
funnier                                                        .           
waltz                                                          3.058160e-01
acedemia                                                       .           
downfall                                                       .           
hedi                                                           .           
lamarr                                                         .           
fascin                                                         .           
#kamalaharri                                                   .           
emperor                                                        .           
effortless                                                     .           
glide                                                          .           
#beaboutit                                                     .           
calib                                                          .           
cocki                                                          3.519494e-01
cuckoo                                                         .           
dominiqu                                                       .           
matthew                                                        .           
fuckkk                                                         .           
slapper                                                        .           
buh                                                            .           
#givekapach                                                    .           
#imwithkap                                                     .           
#justiceclarencethoma                                          .           
blocked                                                        .           
68yr                                                           .           
gmother                                                        .           
injustic                                                       3.716247e-01
huckster                                                       .           
imbibe                                                         .           
f75                                                            .           
cocktail                                                       .           
disarmthem                                                     .           
retent                                                         .           
#putuporshutup                                                 .           
#callthevotealreadi                                            .           
columbia                                                       .           
bugl                                                           .           
babygirl                                                       .           
dez                                                            .           
cowboy                                                         .           
clemson                                                        .           
aggie                                                          .           
varsiti                                                        .           
affluent                                                       .           
carson                                                         1.984021e-02
promin                                                         .           
slipperi                                                       .           
sloop                                                          .           
dimm                                                           .           
prz                                                            .           
amnesti                                                        .           
immagr                                                         .           
idealist                                                       .           
#bestpres45                                                    .           
thuggish                                                       .           
reading                                                        .           
outburst                                                       .           
adearfriendnjust                                               .           
😰                                                             .           
xenophob                                                       .           
fieri                                                          .           
welp                                                           .           
f'ed                                                           .           
globe                                                          .           
tweeted                                                        .           
thumb                                                          .           
boggl                                                          .           
94million                                                      .           
crise                                                          .           
uncontroversi                                                  .           
7-2                                                            .           
19th                                                           .           
uk’s                                                           .           
#michaelch                                                     .           
gui                                                            .           
thunk                                                          .           
christian’                                                     .           
lavish                                                         .           
👎🏼                                                           .           
zim                                                            .           
peyton                                                         .           
nola                                                           .           
stach                                                          .           
indefens                                                       .           
wb                                                             .           
profess                                                        .           
federalist                                                     .           
well-fost                                                      .           
socialsurvey                                                   .           
cristyn                                                        .           
lindsay                                                        .           
dyess                                                          .           
calling                                                        .           
crowther                                                       .           
nezha                                                          .           
nidus                                                          .           
caribbro                                                       .           
oroshimaru                                                     .           
teleport                                                       .           
onna                                                           .           
glitchi                                                        .           
#supplymanag                                                   .           
stubborn                                                       .           
cling                                                          .           
rudeand                                                        .           
asshat                                                         3.112040e-01
#socialistdemocrat                                             .           
gospel                                                         .           
digger                                                         .           
philosoph                                                      .           
hippi                                                          .           
scholar                                                        .           
grandstand                                                     .           
facial                                                         2.978877e-01
hyg                                                            .           
#notbakingyourcak                                              .           
#proudtolovejesus                                              .           
sewag                                                          .           
accusers                                                       .           
#equaljustic                                                   .           
broward                                                        .           
euthanasia                                                     .           
#hollywoodisscum                                               .           
howi                                                           .           
scrawni                                                        .           
#agtresult                                                     .           
#agt                                                           .           
gunbrok                                                        .           
coop                                                           .           
jare                                                           .           
fiasco                                                         .           
months-accord                                                  .           
atlanta                                                        .           
pyro                                                           .           
tf2                                                            .           
0c                                                             .           
sarcast                                                        .           
gunright                                                       .           
demonut                                                        .           
patrol                                                         .           
eli                                                            .           
plummet                                                        .           
post-brexit                                                    .           
backpack                                                       .           
jurki                                                          .           
leave-just                                                     .           
rancho                                                         .           
mirag                                                          .           
merg                                                           .           
bush-cheney                                                    .           
#shadowban                                                     .           
dry-hump                                                       .           
blumenth                                                       .           
leaf                                                           .           
adrift                                                         .           
off-track                                                      .           
happyhappi                                                     .           
missi                                                          .           
anywai                                                         .           
november                                                       .           
discours                                                       .           
funded                                                         2.832663e-01
groups                                                         7.758021e-02
terp                                                           .           
stephen                                                        .           
energ                                                          .           
surfac                                                        -4.285867e-01
unsanitari                                                     .           
gett                                                           .           
cu                                                             .           
enugu                                                          .           
cerberus                                                       .           
dant                                                           .           
orchestr                                                       .           
provok                                                         .           
niec                                                           .           
unplan                                                         .           
14th                                                           .           
miriam                                                         4.353383e-01
god-fear                                                       2.169480e-01
anti-america                                                   4.806778e-02
blossom                                                        6.972599e-03
innov                                                          .           
#publicsector                                                  .           
21st                                                           .           
#digit                                                         .           
#disarmh                                                       .           
utah                                                           .           
#maunaloa                                                      .           
#crunchtoadifferentbeat                                        .           
#ncaa                                                          .           
deterior                                                       7.901852e-02
housewif                                                       .           
shirley                                                        .           
misanthropi                                                    .           
alloc                                                          .           
toughen                                                        .           
laid                                                           .           
thay                                                           .           
canola                                                         .           
o'lake                                                         .           
knowmandni                                                     .           
satochi                                                        .           
tingl                                                          .           
unknown                                                        .           
revenu                                                         .           
dev                                                            .           
gorl                                                           .           
jericho                                                        .           
zodiac                                                         .           
sagittarius                                                    .           
wolverin                                                       .           
hshshahhsjjjsjsj                                               .           
praying                                                        .           
pervers                                                        4.353368e-01
possiv                                                        -1.043147e+00
detract                                                        .           
personifi                                                      .           
infuri                                                         .           
ode                                                            .           
jah                                                            2.186638e-01
hussl                                                          5.888845e-02
annett                                                         .           
mediterranean                                                  .           
sod                                                            .           
phooei                                                         .           
wield                                                          .           
crude                                                          .           
hotdog                                                         .           
crust                                                          .           
nica                                                           .           
other’                                                         .           
glimps                                                         .           
thirium                                                        .           
gunshot                                                        .           
wound                                                          .           
jordan                                                         .           
vanish                                                         .           
nowheresland                                                   .           
follower-count                                                 .           
anne                                                           .           
abramoff                                                       .           
#nickferrari                                                   1.070837e-01
paedophil                                                      1.924857e-02
ferrari                                                        2.045444e-03
#lbcradio                                                      1.688306e-04
pappi                                                          .           
soapbox                                                        .           
sire                                                           .           
knowor                                                         .           
escapad                                                        .           
buncha                                                         .           
braindead                                                      .           
en                                                             .           
groggi                                                         4.353357e-01
mutat                                                          .           
degener                                                        .           
deviant                                                        .           
#theferalleft                                                  .           
#infiltrat                                                     .           
#indoctrin                                                     .           
#hemorrhoid                                                    .           
#takeastand                                                    .           
antinationalist                                                .           
antinatalist                                                   .           
counteract                                                     .           
prolib                                                         .           
affection                                                      .           
purr                                                           .           
non-stop                                                       .           
#nazisarebad                                                   .           
regimen                                                        .           
pornographi                                                    .           
illegitimaci                                                   .           
veil                                                           .           
paddl                                                          .           
legion                                                         2.000922e-01
gadaren                                                        4.615101e-02
#ergnew                                                        6.997861e-03
#antinazigr                                                    8.942282e-04
#antifagr                                                      1.023013e-04
#stoptheh                                                      1.067255e-05
#goldendawn                                                    1.025575e-06
#gdtrial                                                       9.159540e-08
#jesuschrist                                                   7.668745e-09
#jesusislord                                                   6.066614e-10
#jesusisgod                                                    4.566456e-11
#prayer                                                        3.634013e-05
#hope                                                          4.991490e-06
boner                                                          .           
constitution                                                   .           
#dosomth                                                       .           
#votethegopout                                                 .           
neo-nazi                                                       .           
bitten                                                         4.353343e-01
pigs                                                           3.024285e-01
slobs                                                          9.432029e-02
protesters                                                     1.911001e-02
hypocrites                                                     3.098832e-03
pall                                                           .           
hahahahahha                                                    .           
malarkey                                                       .           
#usaafr18                                                      .           
deirdr                                                         .           
bondag                                                         .           
gynecolog                                                      .           
bretheren                                                      .           
decide                                                         .           
#repunklican                                                   .           
#ronaldgrump                                                   .           
#naziusa                                                       .           
imho                                                           .           
⁉️                                                              2.224609e-01
#loveourpotus                                                  .           
#bluewaveofviol                                                .           
jimin-ssi                                                      .           
funer                                                          .           
anit-semet                                                     .           
reviv                                                          .           
catcher                                                        .           
mustach                                                        .           
uproar                                                         .           
until                                                          .           
6million                                                       .           
inc                                                            .           
hb                                                             .           
owellian                                                       .           
portrait                                                       .           
wese                                                           .           
bahut                                                          .           
krti                                                           .           
hn                                                             .           
ppp                                                            .           
pe                                                             .           
aa                                                             .           
sari                                                           .           
demi’                                                          .           
od                                                             .           
arianna                                                        .           
storag                                                         .           
ceil                                                           .           
🚫                                                             7.894869e-01
primadonna                                                     .           
karl                                                           .           
popper                                                         .           
anti-bord                                                      .           
anti-n                                                         .           
censoring                                                      .           
#writerwednesday                                               .           
businessmen                                                    .           
perplex                                                        .           
#trumptariff                                                   .           
schmuck                                                        .           
ovomit                                                         .           
alt-left                                                       .           
#ganikalinaaisha                                               .           
sell-bi                                                        .           
short-term                                                     5.294919e-01
extraordinair                                                  .           
jan                                                            .           
illustr                                                        .           
#letsgoshoot                                                   .           
ohhhh                                                          .           
high-jack                                                      .           
os                                                             .           
shot—3                                                         .           
killed—friday                                                  .           
u15                                                            .           
hasti                                                          .           
tinubu                                                         .           
yoruba                                                         .           
yayyyyi                                                        .           
peoplekind                                                     .           
#nodealbrexit                                                  .           
#chequersplan                                                  .           
#downfal                                                       .           
brightsid                                                      .           
creationist                                                    .           
scientif                                                       .           
breastfeed                                                     .           
cruelti                                                        .           
whoop                                                          .           
unfollow                                                       .           
xhe                                                           -2.254189e-01
zhe                                                           -5.386672e-02
condom                                                         .           
encount                                                        .           
pedofil                                                        .           
epidem                                                         .           
jose                                                           2.992670e-01
carolina                                                       .           
bitxh                                                          .           
eveb                                                           .           
runs                                                           .           
usain                                                          .           
bolt                                                           .           
🤙🏻                                                           .           
#darkseid                                                      .           
perenni                                                        .           
daxamit                                                        .           
menac                                                          .           
coincid                                                        .           
leo                                                            .           
zagami                                                         .           
government-sanct                                               .           
supersoldi                                                     .           
abund                                                          .           
descend                                                        .           
bilion                                                         .           
pulp                                                           .           
rao                                                            .           
isaac                                                          .           
gggrrr                                                         .           
on-it                                                          .           
cordial                                                        .           
#roeselar                                                      .           
mooslim                                                        .           
groomng                                                        .           
succe                                                          .           
#3                                                             .           
u.s.a                                                          .           
horni                                                          .           
hazi                                                           .           
avg                                                            .           
dnt                                                            .           
legatron                                                       .           
bowel                                                          .           
apt                                                            .           
gi                                                             .           
oncologist                                                     .           
hare                                                           .           
splc                                                           .           
#englishconservat                                              .           
catchi                                                        -3.698102e-01
tana                                                           .           
urself                                                         .           
disgusting                                                     .           
fuckoff                                                        3.254027e-01
scared                                                         1.031464e-01
him@                                                           2.146146e-02
accompani                                                      .           
ie                                                             .           
geoff                                                          .           
loafer                                                         .           
#molonlab                                                      .           
#momsdemand                                                    .           
intruder                                                       .           
4chan                                                          .           
displac                                                        .           
duncan                                                         .           
mei                                                            .           
enmesh                                                         .           
anal                                                           .           
caviti                                                         .           
grandfath                                                      .           
1942-1945                                                      .           
#fanat                                                         .           
#sycoph                                                        .           
#religi                                                        .           
#extremist                                                     .           
#fuck                                                          .           
#whitesupremacist                                              .           
#evangel                                                       .           
#supremecourt                                                  .           
#fuckoff                                                       .           
#gilead                                                        .           
#tastethebarbierainbow                                         .           
#roman                                                         .           
#legendari                                                     .           
#icon                                                          .           
semant                                                         .           
riker                                                          .           
iggi                                                           .           
tenac                                                          .           
slag                                                           .           
undemocrat                                                     .           
unon                                                           .           
purpleumpkin                                                   .           
murpl                                                          .           
supergirl                                                      .           
noticed                                                        .           
kneeling                                                       .           
complains                                                      .           
versus                                                         .           
✌🏼                                                            .           
👮🏻                                                           .           
👩🏻‍✈️                                                          .           
daca                                                           .           
activists-antifa-ofa                                           .           
incompatibles                                                  .           
uscultur                                                       .           
2felon                                                         .           
potus45                                                        .           
destroysovereignusa-usconstndem'i                              .           
4threichnwo                                                    .           
checker                                                        .           
peter                                                          2.618758e-02
#antifaareterrorist                                            .           
#rape                                                          .           
cks                                                            .           
ca-district                                                    .           
moneybag                                                       .           
mccarthi                                                       .           
#matta4congress                                                .           
#sendmccarthypack                                              .           
#cadeservesbett                                                .           
kirinoder                                                      .           
antagonist                                                     .           
arguabl                                                        .           
#reunit                                                        .           
#immigr                                                        .           
#children                                                      .           
#repeal                                                        .           
#ban                                                           .           
#familiesbelongtogeth                                          .           
#noban                                                         .           
kucinich                                                       .           
islamic                                                        .           
overlord                                                       .           
ww2                                                            .           
entranc                                                        .           
avram                                                          .           
idioci                                                         .           
ar                                                             .           
🌺                                                             .           
graf’                                                          .           
polititian                                                     .           
breed                                                          .           
paedophilia                                                    .           
#nottowatch                                                    .           
hillbilli                                                      .           
#deplorabledreg                                                .           
#liberal                                                       .           
#democraticparti                                               .           
#midterms2018                                                  .           
#1ab                                                           .           
#confirmjudgekavanaugh                                         .           
#usmc                                                          .           
#navi                                                          .           
#armi                                                          .           
#airforc                                                       .           
7k                                                             .           
abbott                                                         .           
buttercup                                                      .           
🤭                                                             .           
scorn                                                          .           
mmmmmm                                                         .           
edibl                                                          .           
#theswamp                                                      .           
#colinjost                                                     .           
☺️                                                              .           
jr.she                                                         3.420487e-01
nothing.don                                                    1.050073e-01
authorit                                                       .           
wwe                                                            .           
glove                                                          .           
win.h                                                          .           
poker                                                          .           
bluff                                                          .           
c_i                                                            .           
omygod                                                         .           
crate                                                          .           
decisi                                                         .           
staunch                                                        .           
barret                                                         .           
looks                                                          .           
wholeheart                                                     .           
travesti                                                       3.156257e-02
rham                                                           .           
jake                                                           .           
analyz                                                         .           
elison                                                         .           
pulpit                                                         .           
cheeri                                                         .           
80s                                                            5.089013e-01
charad                                                         .           
facelift                                                       .           
#maymustgo                                                     .           
bakkt                                                          3.228441e-01
etf                                                            5.139465e-02
fuken                                                          2.141638e-02
cuuuuuks                                                       3.592316e-03
merck                                                          3.254857e-01
abysmal                                                        9.664180e-02
cont                                                           .           
wrds                                                           .           
voc                                                            .           
comp                                                           .           
pssst                                                          .           
#18n18                                                         .           
ex-attorney                                                    .           
yasir                                                          .           
pyjama                                                         .           
wallow                                                         .           
dint                                                           3.213635e-01
kadi                                                           .           
tempera                                                        .           
brillianc                                                      .           
nutbag                                                         .           
vcr                                                            .           
curb                                                           .           
concess                                                        .           
darell.maddox                                                  .           
rightist                                                       .           
#bashthefash                                                   .           
#smashfasc                                                     .           
oyela                                                          .           
st                                                             .           
atmos                                                          .           
gloom                                                          .           
salesmen                                                       .           
twitter’                                                       .           
#twitterleftbia                                                .           
hull                                                           .           
lesser                                                         .           
rossendal                                                      .           
darwen                                                         .           
arguabli                                                       .           
#novoterfraud                                                  .           
#nocaliforniademocrat                                          .           
#nosanctuaryc                                                  .           
#nosafespac                                                    .           
#nohomelesscitizen                                             .           
#nopelosi                                                      .           
#nowat                                                         .           
#noharri                                                       .           
#nonewsom                                                      .           
#noschiff                                                      .           
#nolieu                                                        .           
#nofeinstien                                                   .           
#pardonmyfrench                                                .           
veteren                                                        1.602747e-01
sulli                                                          2.792339e-02
reluct                                                         .           
aback                                                          .           
orbis                                                          .           
brag                                                           .           
romanian                                                       1.241541e-01
sr                                                             .           
adminstr                                                       .           
cud                                                            .           
edd                                                            5.254420e-02
#clinton                                                       .           
#unmask                                                        .           
#releasethememo                                                .           
#susanric                                                      .           
🔍                                                             .           
🔎                                                             .           
atleast                                                        .           
libnut                                                         .           
dishwash                                                       .           
commemor                                                       .           
#sedit                                                         .           
mediocr                                                        4.353295e-01
senseless                                                      .           
#mru                                                           .           
running                                                        .           
obamas                                                         .           
skank                                                          .           
maria                                                          .           
harf                                                           .           
#dncwbore                                                      .           
#lyingskank                                                    .           
#kennedi                                                       .           
#magic                                                         .           
baer                                                           .           
sniper                                                         .           
d.c                                                            .           
soda                                                           .           
kajillion                                                      .           
zombifi                                                        .           
orourk                                                         .           
tiffani                                                        .           
mof                                                           -3.818609e-01
six-and-a-half                                                 8.853087e-02
one-half-years                                                 1.552093e-02
#winning                                                       1.626331e-03
devote                                                         .           
curri                                                          .           
idiotic                                                        .           
immoral                                                        .           
#demsaredanger                                                 .           
10kid                                                          .           
nigerian                                                       .           
donot                                                          .           
sidhuji                                                        .           
classless                                                      .           
evolutionari                                                   .           
biologist                                                      .           
gf                                                             .           
ein                                                            .           
pahh                                                           .           
#exposethetruth                                                .           
quantifiabli                                                   .           
improved                                                       .           
neg                                                            .           
alleslev’                                                      .           
xing                                                           .           
#standup4brexit                                                .           
fraudulent                                                     .           
papercup                                                       .           
🎂                                                             .           
overr                                                          .           
han                                                            3.991073e-01
hermann                                                        1.042121e-03
hopp                                                           9.554474e-05
klansmen                                                       .           
traitor-p                                                      .           
fck                                                            .           
operat                                                         .           
shurmer                                                        .           
synch                                                          .           
commut                                                         .           
youngster                                                      1.681422e-01
robber                                                         3.058033e-01
dull                                                           .           
illus                                                          .           
#repres                                                        .           
await                                                          .           
clincher                                                       .           
happpen                                                        .           
dimens                                                         .           
audibl                                                         .           
#malcolmx                                                      .           
giy                                                            .           
falwel                                                         .           
1970s                                                          .           
ulster                                                         .           
unionist                                                       .           
charlott                                                       .           
#greatestthingsaboutthe90                                      .           
treacher                                                       .           
maggi                                                          .           
hostil                                                         .           
stripper                                                       .           
autocrat                                                       .           
exceed                                                         .           
interrupting                                                   3.224727e-01
hearing                                                        1.027504e-01
definiteli                                                     2.141309e-02
earned                                                         3.592144e-03
stripes                                                        5.176990e-04
cruis                                                          .           
wyatt                                                          .           
🇨🇺                                                             9.279724e-02
armrest                                                        .           
forgiven                                                       .           
wrist                                                          .           
vei'aran                                                       .           
xilhatarra                                                     .           
argentborn                                                     .           
#obamasucks                                                    .           
ending                                                         .           
imbal                                                          .           
bushii                                                         .           
800b                                                           .           
boon                                                           .           
trump-o-nom                                                    .           
🇳🇬                                                             3.409819e-01
malam                                                          .           
catalog                                                        .           
bolaji                                                         .           
plead                                                          .           
⛏️                                                              .           
closest                                                        .           
emoji                                                          .           
birch                                                          .           
carb                                                           .           
muffin                                                         .           
backon                                                         .           
ypu                                                            .           
#global                                                        3.224173e-01
#ppp                                                           1.027471e-01
#corporatewelfar                                               2.141326e-02
#constitut                                                     3.592238e-03
#sociopolieconfinanci                                          5.177179e-04
particratic                                                    6.650238e-05
#collus                                                        .           
tician                                                         7.810137e-06
sequel                                                         .           
dceu                                                           .           
irrevers                                                       .           
#propaganda                                                    .           
kavanauh                                                       .           
nazism                                                         .           
#bcpoli                                                        .           
#ontpoli                                                       .           
#alpoli                                                        .           
havevut                                                        .           
everytim                                                       .           
ivana                                                          .           
appreciat                                                      .           
spree                                                          .           
jihoon                                                         .           
correction                                                     .           
false-major                                                    .           
#electoralreform                                               .           
ads                                                            .           
defended                                                       .           
baff                                                           .           
dun                                                            .           
breez                                                          .           
nip                                                            .           
ehen                                                           .           
nao                                                            .           
glori                                                          .           
midrand                                                        .           
sip                                                            .           
unusu                                                          .           
emili                                                          .           
disown                                                         .           
motherfuck                                                     .           
twain                                                          .           
vinnie’                                                        .           
recognis                                                       .           
entri                                                          .           
taxi                                                           .           
cab                                                            .           
#roxhamroad                                                    .           
paperwork                                                      .           
50k                                                            .           
syria                                                          .           
assad                                                          .           
nicer                                                          .           
orcastr                                                        .           
psi                                                            .           
ops                                                            .           
🔫                                                             .           
bud                                                            .           
handicap                                                       .           
non-issu                                                       .           
sjsnsn                                                        -2.939235e-01
hobag                                                          2.528880e-01
#himtoo                                                        .           
#vasen                                                         .           
#violentleft                                                   .           
#virginia                                                      .           
jdkdkdd                                                        .           
fav                                                            .           
homies                                                         .           
cocks                                                          .           
athens                                                         .           
fjshdhjs                                                       .           
illio                                                          .           
insta                                                          .           
torb                                                           .           
moira                                                          .           
doomfist                                                       .           
comi                                                           .           
pun                                                            .           
#anonym                                                        .           
midnight                                                       4.353249e-01
#successconnect                                                .           
#presidentmaduro                                               .           
feast                                                          .           
#saltba                                                        .           
#venezuelan                                                    .           
#starvat                                                       .           
#jeremycorbyn                                                  .           
#venezuela                                                     .           
un-rememb                                                      .           
dcl                                                            .           
explor                                                         .           
airport                                                        .           
down                                                           .           
windrush                                                       .           
briton                                                         .           
#institutionalrac                                              .           
defo                                                           4.353242e-01
#morealligatorgreedannul                                       .           
dismantl                                                       .           
for-profit                                                     .           
turnoff                                                        .           
#bullshit                                                      4.459709e-01
courthous                                                      .           
posted                                                         .           
kdksksks                                                       .           
pro-choic                                                      .           
#5                                                             .           
whiners                                                        .           
mmmhm                                                          .           
clegg                                                          .           
bedfellow                                                      .           
akb48                                                          .           
akimoto                                                        .           
robe                                                           .           
conduit                                                        .           
lefist                                                         3.430938e-01
who’ll                                                         2.809068e-01
milf                                                           .           
hotb                                                           .           
dennehi                                                        .           
rope                                                           .           
#walkedaway                                                    .           
entire                                                         .           
law.obvious                                                    .           
supposed                                                       .           
merri                                                          .           
antic                                                          .           
creek                                                          .           
apologet                                                       .           
juxtaposit                                                     .           
slant                                                          .           
kool-aid                                                       1.624924e-01
clownish                                                       2.961861e-02
stitch                                                        -2.121462e-01
ow                                                             .           
peach                                                          .           
toadett                                                        .           
playabl                                                        .           
nsmbu                                                          .           
inth                                                           .           
margin                                                         .           
conei                                                          .           
#psychopath                                                    3.224045e-01
#invis                                                         1.027525e-01
#press                                                         2.141510e-02
#creat                                                         3.592620e-03
#catkil                                                        5.177817e-04
#excus                                                         6.651154e-05
#foxhunt                                                       7.811309e-06
#christma                                                      8.541561e-07
#animalcruelti                                                 8.809617e-08
bagel                                                          .           
truest                                                         .           
eggman                                                         .           
freez                                                          .           
antiqu                                                         .           
non-exist                                                      .           
mic                                                            .           
prescott                                                       .           
maaaad                                                         4.353206e-01
cpp-npa                                                        .           
enioy                                                          .           
jacki                                                          .           
stickerwoman                                                   .           
bunk                                                           4.353199e-01
pseudo                                                         .           
pastim                                                         .           
our                                                            .           
expirr                                                         .           
🎱                                                             .           
daniell                                                        .           
raini                                                          .           
❣️                                                              .           
attir                                                          .           
#enebot                                                        .           
rubin                                                          .           
sanchez                                                        .           
boat                                                           .           
17th                                                           .           
#clintonfound                                                  .           
#clintoncrim                                                   .           
ancestor                                                       2.789808e-01
reliev                                                         .           
mcbucket                                                       .           
westbrook                                                      .           
someway                                                        .           
clarkson                                                       .           
#sickkidsinlov                                                 .           
inspo                                                          .           
unseri                                                         .           
#iphon                                                         .           
#taketworeferenceswithmoniqueandchlo                           .           
protectionist                                                  .           
attach                                                         .           
malloy                                                         .           
#voterednovember2018                                           .           
antifascist                                                    .           
sonic                                                          3.961371e-01
aasert                                                         .           
inan                                                           .           
attende                                                        .           
ak                                                             .           
yan                                                            .           
grandmom                                                       .           
alec                                                           .           
railroad                                                       .           
murda                                                          .           
joe’                                                           .           
cub                                                            .           
dallas                                                         .           
noble                                                          .           
respectable                                                    .           
department                                                     .           
handling                                                       .           
situation                                                      .           
aiding                                                         .           
criminal                                                       .           
showing                                                        .           
naxin                                                          .           
watter                                                         .           
#prouduncl                                                     .           
amo                                                            .           
stinki                                                         .           
denuk                                                          .           
pyongyang                                                      .           
daisho                                                         .           
pub                                                            .           
inquirer                                                       .           
uber                                                           .           
#diannefeinstein                                               .           
aspers                                                         .           
colorado                                                       .           
sencollin                                                      .           
9️⃣yr                                                            .           
letgod                                                         .           
#powertothepeopl                                               .           
sinnfeinn                                                      .           
ids                                                            .           
1s                                                             .           
savior                                                         .           
vanguard                                                       .           
fraudul                                                        .           
strongest                                                      .           
persist                                                        .           
okai                                                           .           
unfilter                                                       .           
bitc                                                           .           
#teamtani                                                      .           
endanger                                                       .           
alll                                                           .           
goth                                                           .           
steamrol                                                       .           
hell-bent                                                      .           
bloodsh                                                        .           
butthurt                                                       .           
reprob                                                         .           
pfffft                                                         .           
misunderstood                                                  .           
uterus                                                         .           
reproduct                                                      .           
arrested                                                       .           
constitutionalist                                              .           
teaser                                                         .           
privi                                                          .           
#stopkavanagh                                                  .           
repeatedli                                                     .           
undocu                                                         .           
cherrypick                                                     .           
#votered                                                       .           
#justintrudeau                                                 .           
inaugur                                                        .           
sinner                                                         .           
unveil                                                         .           
shiit                                                          .           
atp                                                            3.380547e-01
nye                                                            .           
mechan                                                         .           
cornel                                                         .           
boe                                                            .           
duke                                                           .           
overview                                                       .           
kinscem                                                        .           
#sad                                                           .           
maroon                                                         .           
ergo                                                           .           
propter                                                        .           
steadili                                                       .           
reid                                                           .           
filibust                                                       .           
bentley                                                        .           
townhal                                                        5.179214e-01
god's                                                          .           
anywhere                                                       .           
courage                                                        .           
darkness                                                       .           
ways                                                           .           
shines                                                         .           
😨                                                             .           
supervis                                                       .           
gag-induc                                                      .           
someone’                                                       .           
homi                                                           .           
50n                                                            .           
#walkawai                                                      2.230565e-01
#1a                                                            5.301874e-02
#sundaythought                                                 8.306335e-03
#hurricaneflor                                                 1.090572e-03
#hurricaneflorence2018                                         1.272032e-04
#bolsonaroeleito1ºlugar                                        1.344307e-05
#bolsonaropresident                                            1.302838e-06
#blackout                                                      1.170216e-07
#blackexcel                                                    9.836030e-09
#tennesse                                                      .           
#rnrtn                                                         .           
#prolifegen                                                    .           
#tngop                                                         .           
#gaytriot                                                      .           
#rnr                                                           .           
paus                                                           .           
ma’am                                                          .           
luxuri                                                         .           
oppressor                                                      .           
kappa                                                          6.791493e-02
i'ma                                                           .           
tribut                                                         .           
hart                                                           .           
lambda                                                         .           
pov                                                            .           
coont                                                          .           
spoiler                                                        3.057917e-01
meme-                                                          .           
bravest                                                        .           
#arrestclintoncrimegangalreadi                                 .           
#nochainmigr                                                   .           
proves                                                         .           
sediti                                                         .           
uscode18ch115sec2384                                           .           
#tedcruz                                                       .           
btwn                                                           .           
#codywilson                                                    .           
typical                                                        .           
tmi                                                            .           
subt                                                           .           
heartbroken                                                    .           
yal                                                            .           
vehicular                                                      .           
bizpac                                                         .           
maddow                                                         .           
rockstar                                                       .           
evident                                                        1.154393e+00
#2020                                                          .           
markey                                                         .           
person’                                                        .           
carey                                                          .           
zoomed                                                         .           
everyone’                                                      .           
invite                                                         .           
omar                                                           .           
cameto                                                         3.926542e-01
stretcher                                                      .           
bariatr                                                        .           
ncaa                                                           .           
#identitypolt                                                  .           
monolith                                                       .           
#kaepernick                                                    .           
meanwhile                                                      .           
401k                                                           .           
ms13                                                           .           
illegals                                                       .           
deported                                                       .           
nk                                                             .           
#outfrickingstanding                                           .           
frm                                                            .           
#tree                                                          .           
#greet                                                         .           
#blue                                                          .           
thereupon                                                      .           
#up                                                            .           
#bardbit                                                       .           
#workjam                                                       .           
#everyth                                                       .           
#buyit                                                         .           
erg                                                            .           
bonker                                                         .           
nominatin                                                      .           
violation.u                                                    .           
viacom                                                         .           
pioneer                                                        .           
#workout                                                       .           
belli                                                          .           
insulin                                                        .           
dickmat                                                        4.353158e-01
aloud                                                          .           
measures                                                       .           
rake                                                           .           
20th                                                           .           
sleezi                                                         .           
oct                                                            .           
15th                                                           .           
bandit                                                         .           
states                                                         .           
guaranti                                                       .           
invasion                                                       .           
domestic                                                       .           
semper                                                         .           
fi                                                             .           
rama                                                           .           
lama                                                           .           
ding-dong                                                      .           
downhil                                                        .           
med                                                            .           
#ldconfbrexit                                                  .           
blk                                                            .           
thomas’                                                        .           
#hightechlynch                                                 .           
#djt                                                           .           
ingraham                                                       .           
russian-infiltr                                                .           
vocifer                                                        .           
vy                                                             .           
kellyann                                                       .           
🥀                                                             .           
yeaaaahh                                                       .           
suitabl                                                        .           
phinnali                                                       .           
sued                                                           .           
russa                                                          .           
#gapbelik                                                      .           
lmfaooo                                                       -2.267698e-01
imagineee                                                     -5.892663e-02
fandom                                                        -1.012941e-02
intrus                                                         .           
law-abid                                                       .           
#spanishreveng                                                 .           
#wakeupeurop                                                   .           
hotel’                                                         .           
revok                                                          .           
squabbl                                                        .           
#ww                                                            .           
decor                                                          .           
lmbo                                                           2.922408e-01
destriment                                                     7.768083e-02
rotari                                                         .           
flare                                                          .           
launcher                                                       .           
rga-86                                                         .           
#firearm                                                       .           
wallet                                                         .           
6ix9in                                                         .           
soap                                                           .           
countless                                                      .           
shitter                                                        .           
died                                                           .           
#firemorningjo                                                 4.245779e-01
pacif                                                          .           
disclos                                                        .           
#wemarchforourl                                                .           
control-dump                                                   .           
#empower                                                       .           
4action                                                        .           
coochi                                                         1.699847e-01
ira                                                            .           
s.o                                                            .           
cdns                                                           .           
#devilyouloseagain                                             .           
#letthetribunalsbegin                                          .           
#trumpworld                                                    .           
#rainmakersunit                                                .           
#q828                                                          .           
#thepersist                                                    .           
resound                                                        4.353139e-01
#kufball                                                       .           
miscast                                                        .           
#magadingdong                                                  .           
sofa                                                           .           
samrat                                                         .           
teju                                                           .           
geetha                                                         .           
#kaushalarmi                                                   .           
#biggbosstelugu2                                               .           
apiec                                                          .           
wart                                                           4.353132e-01
hve                                                            .           
drank                                                          .           
hungerless                                                     .           
hunger                                                         .           
refused                                                        .           
forsaken                                                       7.156687e-01
looong                                                         3.560195e-01
apparant                                                       .           
cane                                                           .           
#ironicnew                                                     .           
#pantsonfir                                                    .           
#trumppocalyps                                                 .           
#mad                                                           .           
illllegal                                                      .           
#msaga                                                         .           
makesouthafricagreatagain                                      .           
pearl                                                          .           
clutch                                                         .           
#sadnew                                                        .           
#toler                                                         .           
#americanpeopl                                                 .           
theif                                                          .           
😕                                                             .           
mouthpiec                                                      .           
nask                                                           .           
carru                                                          .           
overhyp                                                        4.812450e-02
imbecild                                                       7.927777e-03
anti-2a                                                        3.057868e-01
flaki                                                          .           
medium                                                         .           
hasenpfeff                                                     .           
strzok                                                         .           
two-tier                                                       .           
lawbreak                                                       .           
#impeachjeffsess                                               .           
tab                                                            .           
argento                                                        .           
havin                                                          .           
grim                                                           .           
adventur                                                       .           
wheeew                                                         .           
wider                                                          .           
phenominon                                                     .           
documentarian                                                  .           
constip                                                        3.412274e-01
diarrhea                                                       1.057791e-01
scjous                                                         .           
fvkk                                                           2.649017e-01
muttafuttah                                                    7.299478e-02
gd                                                             1.315845e-02
millenium                                                      1.925526e-03
albert                                                         .           
nat                                                            .           
strasburgh                                                     .           
high-valu                                                      .           
made-up                                                        .           
microscop                                                      .           
scenario                                                       .           
dyke                                                           .           
lou                                                            .           
god’s                                                          .           
#redtsunami2018                                                .           
esa                                                            .           
elig                                                           .           
justice                                                        .           
2-hour                                                         .           
bonus                                                          4.027453e-01
wew                                                            1.393030e-01
allison                                                        .           
incompar                                                       .           
mazzi                                                          .           
radianc                                                        .           
🌻                                                             .           
gawdfath                                                       .           
#fuxnew                                                        .           
#libfail                                                       .           
displeas                                                       .           
immun                                                          .           
10yr                                                           .           
#firemalyoung                                                  .           
friggen                                                        2.356866e-01
blackout                                                       5.382673e-02
black-japanes                                                  .           
estoy                                                          .           
alterando                                                      .           
unseem                                                         2.937348e-01
k.i.d.s                                                        .           
whatabout                                                      .           
reconnect                                                      .           
gril                                                           .           
#omg                                                           .           
#bobbybrown                                                    .           
#leolahbrown                                                   .           
#bet                                                           .           
#bobbi                                                         .           
ex-wif                                                         .           
#celebnmusic247                                                .           
#celebritynew                                                  .           
#thebobbybrownstori                                            .           
someday                                                        .           
tht                                                            .           
hiya                                                           3.412194e-01
bolna                                                          1.057833e-01
helen                                                          .           
foremost                                                       .           
kemi                                                           .           
politico                                                       .           
65-63                                                          .           
cannib                                                         .           
nazi's                                                         2.067532e-01
croatian                                                       3.253208e-01
bikini                                                         1.031866e-01
hottest                                                        2.147573e-02
era                                                            5.841889e-03
rome                                                           3.775425e-04
vilifi                                                         1.905727e-05
loool                                                          .           
waaaay                                                         .           
pretenti                                                       3.078098e-01
try-hard                                                       9.524850e-02
housem                                                         1.923910e-02
#bbuk                                                          3.110599e-03
apon                                                           .           
obfusc                                                         .           
illustrat                                                      .           
oif                                                            .           
nesn                                                           .           
cy                                                             .           
islamist                                                       .           
foe                                                            .           
#cincinatti                                                    .           
provinc                                                        .           
scheer                                                         .           
sharyl                                                         .           
attkisson                                                      .           
truth-tel                                                      .           
double-standard                                                .           
rapid                                                          4.353048e-01
thanknyou                                                      .           
disavow                                                        .           
ws                                                             .           
🍆                                                             .           
#hanoijan                                                      1.984092e-01
mlm                                                            .           
graffiti                                                       .           
marxist-leninist-maoist                                        .           
mao                                                            .           
venetian                                                       .           
ballroom                                                       .           
folli                                                          .           
fire-up                                                        .           
#jiyoonfact                                                    .           
payer                                                          .           
course-th                                                      .           
chauffeur                                                      .           
assualt                                                        .           
garrett                                                        .           
concoct                                                        .           
therebi                                                        .           
prolong                                                        .           
belie                                                          .           
varda                                                          .           
valar                                                          .           
melkor                                                         .           
diagnosi                                                       .           
assumpt                                                        .           
empir                                                          .           
sovereign                                                      .           
embal                                                          .           
renam                                                          .           
#dregsofsocieti                                                .           
set-up                                                         .           
hogan                                                          .           
touchdown                                                      .           
stire                                                          .           
starlight                                                      .           
lumin                                                          .           
sustain                                                        .           
heartach                                                       .           
#rememberingedward                                             .           
konjam                                                         .           
tanrum                                                         .           
tweeeeeetrrrr                                                  .           
follw                                                          .           
👊🏻                                                           .           
trusti                                                         .           
canteen                                                        .           
#abcnews                                                       .           
#cbsnews                                                       .           
deadass                                                        .           
mainten                                                        .           
razor                                                          .           
#qanuck                                                        .           
#asktheq                                                       .           
utilis                                                         .           
timet                                                          .           
gilbert                                                        .           
week.senior                                                    .           
small.but                                                      .           
1million                                                       .           
☕️                                                             .           
no-deal                                                        .           
signif                                                         .           
mr.rapist                                                      .           
55yr                                                           .           
30th                                                           .           
toothless                                                      .           
housew                                                         .           
#godsarmi                                                      .           
#jesuslives                                                    .           
#catchtheredwav                                                .           
aguearo                                                        .           
slight                                                         .           
het                                                            .           
lookin                                                         .           
belichick                                                      .           
crafti                                                         .           
#leonaalleslev                                                 .           
flynn’                                                         3.412100e-01
reschedul                                                      1.057884e-01
slimebal                                                       .           
watcher                                                        .           
#unsealthed                                                    .           
#slushfund                                                     .           
#doublestandarddem                                             .           
sickening                                                      .           
#declassifyrelease302sunredact                                 .           
#declassifypowsdocu                                            .           
npr                                                            .           
halper                                                         .           
spectacl                                                       .           
dwarfism                                                       .           
dwarf                                                          .           
disgruntl                                                      .           
interior                                                       .           
🧡                                                             .           
geez                                                           .           
runn                                                           .           
stigma                                                         .           
affordable                                                     .           
income                                                         .           
combust                                                        .           
nightmare                                                      3.178747e-02
anti-suicide                                                   4.516201e-03
license                                                        4.117088e-04
menapaus                                                       .           
yenta                                                          .           
femanazi                                                       .           
romi                                                           .           
omfg                                                           .           
bff                                                            .           
talking                                                        .           
#askalivelshi                                                  .           
fittest                                                        .           
epa                                                            .           
glbl                                                           .           
wrm                                                            .           
interraci                                                      .           
mal                                                            .           
terrorists.but                                                 4.035321e-01
h1v3                                                           .           
undeni                                                         .           
simon                                                          .           
garth                                                          .           
ketter                                                         .           
kettter                                                        .           
sceptic                                                        .           
#dougford                                                      .           
presidrnt                                                      .           
uncl                                                           .           
washed-out                                                     .           
intens                                                         .           
cyber                                                          .           
lvl                                                            .           
#islamophob                                                    .           
#islamophobia                                                  .           
perfectionist                                                  .           
actulli                                                        .           
ign                                                            .           
alleyway                                                       .           
parrish                                                        .           
bhaiya                                                         .           
dershowitz                                                     .           
#eotp                                                          .           
latex                                                          .           
hmu                                                            .           
ifu                                                            .           
q's                                                            .           
polyest                                                        .           
pens                                                           .           
#votethemout2018                                               .           
intitled                                                       .           
racists                                                        .           
#liesunderoath                                                 .           
#savescotus                                                    .           
#corruptgop                                                    .           
#nomanisabovethelaw                                            .           
#trumpisguilti                                                 .           
leos                                                           .           
#nowwatch                                                      .           
stealth                                                        .           
aspir                                                          .           
superpow                                                       .           
cmp                                                            .           
banner                                                         .           
ima                                                            .           
hama                                                          -9.857827e-01
reich                                                          .           
brussels                                                       .           
asmr                                                           .           
eel                                                            .           
sounds                                                         .           
bites                                                          .           
yaya                                                           .           
guttenburg                                                     .           
orc                                                            .           
whipe                                                          .           
money’                                                         .           
suffisait                                                      .           
ping                                                           .           
pong                                                           .           
canadians                                                      .           
starved                                                        .           
🍁                                                             .           
jaclyn                                                         .           
sturmabteilung                                                 .           
congratulation                                                 .           
🎉                                                             .           
aha                                                            .           
self-devalu                                                    .           
pageant                                                        .           
historian                                                      .           
🤦🏻‍♂️                                                          .           
limbaugh                                                       .           
rosenstein’                                                    .           
highschool                                                     .           
denies                                                         .           
#pathet                                                        .           
#nomoreprogressiveliber                                        .           
1-3rd                                                          .           
director                                                       .           
wavi                                                           .           
idaho                                                          2.054338e-01
alexi                                                          .           
arquett                                                        .           
👎🏽                                                           .           
unimpeach                                                      .           
snope                                                          .           
tortur                                                         .           
an                                                             .           
crminal                                                        .           
ostrac                                                         .           
expo                                                           .           
thomas-anita                                                   .           
#theliberalway                                                 .           
#dems                                                          .           
uppercut                                                       .           
steppenwolf                                                    .           
hahahahahahahaha                                               .           
televis                                                        .           
brunswick                                                      .           
nullifi                                                        .           
availabl                                                       .           
incl                                                           2.195740e-01
curriculum                                                     5.781998e-02
alinsky's-rul                                                  .           
chocker                                                        .           
😶                                                             .           
zarri                                                          .           
larri                                                          .           
shipper                                                        .           
#antifaschismuswirkt                                           .           
corbin                                                         5.188055e-02
poppin                                                         .           
bamn                                                           .           
i’v                                                            .           
#elizabethholm                                                 .           
#therano                                                       .           
#60minut                                                       .           
#cms                                                           .           
unfaze                                                         .           
restitch                                                       .           
fray                                                           .           
rekindl                                                        .           
deception                                                      .           
judeo-christian                                                .           
outstand                                                       .           
rhe                                                            .           
overtim                                                        .           
news’                                                          .           
pre                                                            .           
deterr                                                         .           
h3                                                             .           
coat                                                           .           
crappi                                                         .           
johnny’                                                        .           
afloat                                                         .           
maci                                                           .           
rebound                                                        .           
republicans                                                    .           
eas                                                            .           
reckless                                                       .           
zealotri                                                       .           
#religion                                                      .           
#partisanship                                                  .           
#think                                                         .           
#reason                                                        .           
#loomer                                                        .           
rollin                                                         .           
decrimin                                                       .           
e.g                                                            .           
tens                                                           .           
uhm                                                            .           
vigour                                                         .           
outag                                                          .           
beij                                                           .           
credible-keith                                                 .           
stirrer                                                        .           
career-embarrass                                               .           
daughters-al                                                   .           
swedish-styl                                                   .           
swede                                                          .           
berniecrat                                                     .           
was't                                                          .           
lolol                                                          4.353014e-01
unfunni                                                        .           
#flotusrock                                                    .           
🙌🏾                                                           .           
domino                                                         .           
antifa-bulli                                                   .           
haters-bulli                                                   .           
25m                                                            .           
fabulous                                                       .           
spokesman                                                      .           
unanim                                                         .           
a-hole                                                         .           
👌🏾                                                           .           
aftermath                                                      3.057757e-01
aikido                                                         3.253052e-01
#aikido                                                        1.031936e-01
#kravmaga                                                      2.147793e-02
g-d                                                            .           
inflat                                                         .           
titus                                                          .           
welliv                                                         .           
#maryland                                                      .           
#rednovemb                                                     .           
fascists-in-train                                              .           
corral                                                         .           
landscap                                                       .           
immens                                                         .           
understat                                                      .           
imprison                                                       .           
harshest                                                       .           
anti-sjw                                                       .           
#osho                                                          .           
#quot                                                          .           
cigarett                                                       .           
👆🏼                                                           .           
#bebest                                                        .           
#chooseright                                                   .           
braun                                                          .           
heel                                                           .           
manger                                                         .           
ziggler                                                        .           
fornic                                                         5.871223e-02
myrtl                                                          .           
hahahahahaha                                                   .           
cracked                                                        .           
#lotwvideo                                                     .           
grid                                                           .           
steph                                                          .           
boop                                                           .           
freeze                                                         .           
boopboopboop                                                   .           
foodi                                                          .           
should’v                                                       .           
iddi                                                           .           
biddi                                                          .           
3out                                                           .           
merril                                                         .           
antifa-great                                                   .           
preseason                                                      .           
buzz                                                           .           
classist                                                       .           
royc                                                           .           
refernc                                                        .           
chuka                                                          .           
blairit                                                        .           
cosplay                                                        .           
empire                                                         .           
tuition-fre                                                    .           
35-year-old                                                    .           
self-character                                                 .           
ems                                                            .           
#goptaxscam                                                    .           
#dope                                                          .           
gabol                                                          .           
negatif                                                        .           
ewww                                                           .           
imageri                                                        .           
vermont                                                        .           
120k                                                           .           
glasgow                                                        .           
stagnant                                                       .           
improve                                                        .           
infrastructur                                                  .           
waterway                                                       .           
embezzel                                                       .           
bengazi                                                        .           
gilmer                                                         .           
imbalanc                                                       .           
2445time                                                       .           
disapprov                                                      .           
eea                                                            .           
fanboy                                                         .           
fangirl                                                        .           
earner                                                         .           
receipt                                                        .           
doozi                                                          .           
laser-focus                                                    .           
outdat                                                         .           
sixti                                                          .           
#ethiopia                                                      .           
jennif                                                         .           
#fredo                                                         .           
🌪️                                                              .           
🚨                                                             .           
pirates                                                        .           
kneelers                                                       .           
amrind                                                         .           
blabber                                                        .           
100-million                                                    .           
left-w                                                         .           
economist                                                      .           
nervous                                                        .           
bodyguard                                                      .           
recus                                                          .           
uck                                                            .           
protag                                                         .           
kickass                                                        .           
fds                                                            .           
fearless                                                       .           
servant                                                        .           
sisterhood                                                     .           
genitalia                                                      .           
devid                                                          .           
leaderless                                                     .           
tuc                                                            .           
fragment                                                       .           
wto                                                            .           
bandana                                                        .           
dweller                                                        .           
#neverwithdraw                                                 .           
despacito                                                      .           
feckless                                                       .           
tomlin                                                         .           
shenanigan                                                     .           
villifi                                                        .           
demon-crap                                                     .           
#voteblueandbringafriend                                       .           
#dummi                                                         .           
#islamism                                                      .           
#marxist                                                       .           
#brownshirt                                                    .           
#usarepubl                                                     .           
goalpost                                                       .           
#cleaningcanada                                                .           
#canadaelection2019                                            .           
dishonor                                                       .           
bloodfli                                                       .           
slaughtering                                                   .           
stalin                                                         .           
whiney                                                         .           
#whyrwpreachesrac                                              .           
#rwluciferiancult                                              .           
restraint                                                      .           
_their                                                         .           
own_                                                           .           
over                                                           .           
reallli                                                        .           
dom                                                            .           
hampden                                                        .           
wembley                                                        .           
il                                                             .           
say’                                                           .           
buehler                                                        .           
havana                                                         .           
takendt                                                        .           
yuge                                                           .           
fakenew                                                        .           
beto-i’m100                                                    .           
fundedbynyandhollywoodleftistsbutpretendingtobeatexan-o’rourk  .           
lib’                                                           .           
howitz                                                         .           
missl                                                          .           
stupidest                                                      .           
#cin                                                           .           
ray                                                            .           
year-old                                                       .           
samsung                                                        .           
horibble                                                       .           
homer                                                          .           
yawn                                                           .           
dust                                                           .           
apprais                                                        .           
inspect                                                        .           
#taxpay                                                        .           
#armed                                                         .           
#crookedmedia                                                  .           
imposter                                                       .           
emotion                                                        .           
purg                                                           .           
#mediatoo                                                      .           
putrid                                                         .           
paladino                                                       .           
#a8                                                            .           
bipartisan                                                     .           
outward                                                        .           
oboma                                                          .           
distinguish                                                    .           
amenadiel                                                      .           
triangl                                                        .           
fingertip                                                      .           
howl                                                           .           
soviet                                                         .           
bulb                                                           .           
lucrat                                                         .           
yoshi                                                          .           
patchmad                                                       .           
nois                                                           .           
jes                                                            .           
nestlé                                                         .           
cea                                                            .           
ing                                                            .           
sadiq                                                          .           
cnco                                                           .           
#premiosheat2018                                               .           
#latingrammycnco                                               .           
#cnconellen                                                    .           
#cnco                                                          .           
#thelatinartist                                                .           
#pcas                                                          .           
#followerickonig                                               .           
#trumpstrong                                                   .           
💁🏽                                                           .           
casa                                                           .           
michelada                                                      .           
yokel                                                          .           
recit                                                          .           
barrier                                                        .           
correlation-definit                                            .           
devious                                                        .           
peril                                                          .           
erod                                                           .           
daylight                                                       .           
neoliber                                                       .           
tee                                                            .           
popularist                                                     .           
ontarian                                                       .           
dosn't                                                         .           
cola                                                           .           
cherry’                                                        .           
🍒                                                             .           
🍹                                                             .           
lov                                                            .           
shaq                                                           .           
antideutsch                                                    .           
pro-žižek                                                      .           
8chan                                                          .           
leftypol                                                       .           
go-to                                                          .           
archive                                                        .           
onya                                                           .           
fuckig                                                         .           
goofy’                                                         .           
yyyi                                                           .           
steepppp                                                       .           
smooth                                                         .           
anyone’                                                        .           
fuckin'dead                                                    .           
#iamalexjon                                                    .           
#election2018                                                  .           
#roymoor                                                       .           
apist                                                          .           
s.a                                                            .           
#housingcrisi                                                  .           
criticism-lit                                                  .           
hab                                                            .           
✝                                                              .           
⚓                                                             .           
everyway                                                       .           
natzi                                                          .           
ash                                                            .           
rean                                                           .           
arcane                                                         .           
gale                                                           .           
iv                                                             .           
repair                                                         .           
fessi                                                          .           
boundari                                                       .           
#trumparmi                                                     .           
©                                                              .           
#allvetsradio                                                  .           
#voc                                                           .           
#thebrooksbrown                                                .           
✔️                                                              .           
proudboy                                                       .           
fartacus                                                       .           
cumbersom                                                      .           
prc                                                            .           
stabber                                                        .           
lsu                                                            .           
inquir                                                         .           
dandruff                                                       .           
enrag                                                          .           
today.few                                                      .           
reggi                                                          .           
rah                                                            .           
pinata                                                         .           
egad                                                           .           
nymphet                                                        .           
palpabl                                                        .           
#despicabledemocrat                                            .           
#msmediali                                                     .           
#republicans2018                                               .           
#bigredwav                                                     .           
#bluepuddl                                                     .           
#usaguard                                                      .           
parri                                                          .           
academi                                                        .           
municip                                                        .           
ac360                                                          .           
commentari                                                     .           
chrome                                                         .           
hitch                                                          .           
torch                                                          .           
sensible                                                       .           
enforcing                                                      .           
#firstrespond                                                  .           
tiresom                                                        .           
kemp                                                           .           
gloss                                                          .           
spd                                                            .           
clinician                                                      .           
#fakepsychologist                                              .           
#build                                                         .           
durag                                                          .           
weasel                                                         .           
ajsjjsjdkkdjdk                                                 .           
hyunjea                                                        .           
#the_boyz                                                      .           
#hyunjae                                                       .           
#더보이즈                                                      .           
#현재                                                          .           
disobedi                                                       .           
paramount                                                      .           
#dumpford                                                      .           
#conservat                                                     .           
ontario’                                                       .           
turncoat                                                       .           
#rino                                                          .           
rauner                                                         .           
tread                                                          .           
moreso                                                         .           
keri                                                           .           
oncv                                                           .           
anymore.just                                                   .           
sshh                                                           .           
🙊                                                             .           
#nonflzonehom                                                  .           
lunch                                                          .           
#firerosenstein                                                .           
#peterstrzok                                                   .           
#qclearancepatriot                                             .           
#qclearanc                                                     .           
#u1                                                            .           
#uraniumon                                                     .           
#lockherupalreadi                                              .           
#uraniumoned                                                   .           
#amazonpet                                                     .           
re’evalu                                                       .           
vendetta                                                       .           
abolit                                                         .           
#keepitup                                                      .           
ong                                                            .           
seongwu                                                        .           
bsc                                                            .           
bcs                                                            .           
egg                                                            .           
backstabb                                                      .           
#trdj                                                          .           
hir                                                            .           
post’                                                          .           
jester                                                         .           
tryout                                                         .           
razzinfrazzinmaggl                                             .           
locomot                                                        .           
symbolis                                                       .           
#ldconf2018                                                    .           
#demandbett                                                    .           
despond                                                        .           
virginia                                                       .           
7-1                                                            .           
crying                                                         .           
evilest                                                        .           
rehab                                                          .           
rian                                                           .           
rey                                                            .           
offr                                                           .           
#reylo                                                         .           
hound                                                          .           
ukgov                                                          .           
swansea                                                        .           
non-committ                                                    .           
bergeron                                                       .           
brooke                                                         .           
erin                                                           .           
cleavag                                                        .           
boobi                                                          .           
deathb                                                         .           
😿                                                             .           
manifort                                                       .           
kushner                                                        .           
seizur                                                         .           
jonah                                                          .           
wdym                                                           .           
remarri                                                        .           
eleg                                                           .           
lookout                                                        .           
randolph                                                       .           
resurrect                                                      .           
#pugchat                                                       .           
pugchat                                                        .           
mom’                                                           .           
same-trash                                                     .           
albeit                                                         .           
subtitl                                                        .           
old-fashion                                                    .           
800thewhitehouse                                               .           
backstab                                                       .           
farc                                                           .           
undi                                                           .           
cent                                                           .           
schiff                                                         .           
prospect                                                       .           
#fatbastard                                                    .           
21k                                                            .           
trippin                                                        .           
pillar                                                         .           
#chuckmay                                                      .           
#bojo4pm                                                       .           
gaug                                                           .           
quantum                                                        .           
geometri                                                       .           
tensor                                                         .           
curvatur                                                       .           
aesir                                                          .           
vanir                                                          .           
pronoun                                                        .           
✌                                                              .           
pusher                                                         .           
gloat                                                          .           
shambl                                                         .           
doldrum                                                        .           
#brexitbritain                                                 .           
dumba                                                          .           
yoo                                                            .           
apartheid                                                      .           
corcoran                                                       .           
keepinghi                                                      .           
allsup                                                         .           
dickwe                                                         .           
#trumptim                                                      .           
constanza                                                      .           
lem                                                            .           
beto’                                                          .           
oj                                                             .           
opioid                                                         .           
fuckass                                                        .           
whistleblow                                                    .           
toucher                                                        .           
galpal                                                         .           
bookclub                                                       .           
heartwarm                                                      .           
keaton                                                         .           
candic                                                         .           
bergun                                                         .           
steamburgen                                                    .           
christma                                                       .           
seller                                                         .           
rambl                                                          .           
unwil                                                          .           
desancti                                                       .           
ambit                                                          .           
accusat                                                        .           
re-read                                                        .           
cockwaffl                                                      .           
#keithellison                                                  .           
downplay                                                       .           
induct                                                         .           
#pixiegang                                                     .           
slay                                                           .           
flawless                                                       .           
ignit                                                          .           
theories.most                                                  .           
ect                                                            .           
why.but                                                        .           
anything.enjoy                                                 .           
show.our                                                       .           
#doit                                                          .           
hurray                                                         .           
lmfaooooo                                                      .           
foh                                                            .           
outdon                                                         .           
youre                                                          .           
sobbing                                                        .           
fragil                                                         .           
bummer                                                         .           
hypnot                                                         .           
miracul                                                        .           
#freakingliar                                                  .           
#stratadata                                                    .           
#ai                                                            .           
#data                                                          .           
#hairbal                                                       .           
tdavi                                                          .           
#cognit                                                        .           
#machinelearn                                                  .           
yarn                                                           .           
spinner                                                        .           
poontang                                                       .           
clan                                                           .           
#comicart                                                      .           
entropi                                                        .           
with                                                           .           
eirc                                                           .           
friken                                                         .           
opened                                                         .           
sig                                                            .           
#cmalt                                                         .           
#altc                                                          .           
lgbqt                                                          .           
pto                                                            .           
weekday                                                        .           
versatil                                                       .           
selena                                                         .           
#tweet                                                         .           
#commun                                                        .           
#fargolow                                                      .           
#thank                                                         .           
#hurricaneseason                                               .           
#technolog                                                     .           
#invest                                                        .           
shelby’                                                        .           
#onetroi                                                       .           
#gotrojan                                                      .           
#proudalum                                                     .           
ain                                                            .           
uor                                                            .           
kkkkk                                                          .           
#mdzs2018                                                      .           
wen                                                            .           
ning                                                           .           
roast                                                          .           
vaccin                                                         .           
#crazyunclejo                                                  .           
#sexualmisconduct                                              .           
#men                                                           .           
indescret                                                      .           
#mulligan                                                      .           
sshat                                                          .           
squar                                                          .           
sanctiti                                                       .           
subjug                                                         .           
paradox                                                        .           
memor                                                          .           
axi                                                            .           
deceit                                                         .           
cosnstitut                                                     .           
farwel                                                         .           
totalitarain                                                   .           
coal                                                           .           
asbesto                                                        .           
suffragett                                                     .           
waitress                                                       .           
it-sh                                                          .           
livelihood                                                     .           
serve                                                          .           
rli                                                            .           
lose-los                                                       .           
proposit                                                       .           
slent                                                          .           
#topbuzz                                                       .           
outcri                                                         .           
acquir                                                         .           
skewer                                                         .           
sushma                                                         .           
swaraj                                                         .           
mulford                                                        .           
fallon                                                         .           
woosi                                                          .           
scientologist                                                  .           
#trumpwash                                                     .           
piggi                                                          .           
captain                                                        .           
scatter                                                        .           
libertenni                                                     .           
psuedo                                                         .           
different                                                      .           
bah                                                            .           
speakin                                                        .           
troof                                                          .           
#sitroom                                                       .           
#thelead                                                       .           
#outfront                                                      .           
#ac360                                                         .           
#npr                                                           .           
#pbsnew                                                        .           
#pbsnewshour                                                   .           
#tlot                                                          .           
#sgp                                                           .           
#nyc                                                           .           
#boston                                                        .           
#cleveland                                                     .           
#milwauke                                                      .           
#denver                                                        .           
#stloui                                                        .           
#houston                                                       .           
#dalla                                                         .           
#atlanta                                                       .           
#la                                                            .           
unkind                                                         .           
#80s                                                           .           
#breaking                                                      .           
#fortniteandroid                                               .           
#kungfu                                                        .           
#fantasi                                                       .           
#movi                                                          .           
#tech                                                          .           
#trend                                                         .           
#sundaymotiv                                                   .           
#gameofthron                                                   .           
#beard                                                         .           
#shop                                                          .           
#shoponlin                                                     .           
wisdom                                                         .           
dodgi                                                          .           
contracept                                                     .           
thanksgiv                                                      .           
farrakahn                                                      .           
pucker                                                         .           
cleaned                                                        .           
streets                                                        .           
1pm                                                            .           
mccaskil                                                       .           
windfal                                                        .           
#mccaskil                                                      .           
g’vill                                                         .           
#dirtypolit                                                    .           
bipolar                                                        .           
lahor                                                          .           
#long                                                          .           
#cox                                                           .           
big-tech                                                       .           
uncontrol                                                      .           
#nyfw                                                          .           
#pathetic                                                      .           
#loser                                                         .           
slc                                                            .           
#elizabethsmart                                                .           
jackass                                                        .           
under                                                          .           
downsid                                                        .           
sesam                                                          .           
mann                                                           .           
smoov                                                          .           
lynn                                                           .           
#crypt                                                         .           
#agentofchaurch                                                .           
templ                                                          .           
elicit                                                         .           
mayor’                                                         .           
warehous                                                       .           
runway                                                         .           
anyways                                                        .           
chaser                                                         .           
iook                                                           .           
inspr                                                          .           
heughan                                                        .           
ducki                                                          .           
tectic                                                         .           
tikoo                                                          .           
leone                                                          .           
😴                                                             .           
sri                                                            .           
krisna                                                         .           
definet                                                        .           
vise                                                           .           
invol                                                          .           
quack                                                          .           
tarnish                                                        .           
shear                                                          .           
me-too                                                         .           
peaceful                                                       .           
unwant                                                         .           
#dontmessaroundwith                                            .           
illinois                                                       .           
venus                                                          .           
#beauti                                                        .           
massachussett                                                  .           
flop                                                           .           
commite                                                        .           
deadlin                                                        .           
morneau                                                        .           
shepel                                                         .           
tsx                                                            .           
crippl                                                         .           
showalt                                                        .           
compil                                                         .           
hierarchi                                                      .           
echelon                                                        .           
ruth                                                           .           
bader                                                          .           
abraham                                                        .           
benfica                                                        .           
phoenix                                                        .           
no-scop                                                        .           
kraber                                                         .           
#homeoffic                                                     .           
#terrorist                                                     .           
#choudari                                                      .           
#migrant                                                       .           
gillum                                                         .           
#voterondesantis2018                                           .           
eth                                                            .           
hardwallet                                                     .           
claustrophob                                                   .           
weirdest                                                       .           
valanc                                                         .           
stoppag                                                        .           
bo2                                                            .           
#welfareforal                                                  .           
#iatrogenesi                                                   .           
demo                                                           .           
poorli                                                         .           
👸🏼                                                           .           
💋                                                             .           
dfla                                                           .           
inflammatori                                                   .           
banger                                                         .           
dreamt                                                         .           
gunplay                                                        .           
themself                                                       .           
nauseous                                                       .           
springer                                                       .           
lad                                                            .           
cess                                                           .           
starfleet                                                      .           
#andrewgillum                                                  .           
#too                                                           .           
slope                                                          .           
narat                                                          .           
cleveland                                                      .           
cavali                                                         .           
2-3                                                            .           
slightest                                                      .           
ajsvsnsksjsj                                                   .           
brazilian                                                      .           
jamaican                                                       .           
reson                                                          .           
caribbean                                                      .           
carniv                                                         .           
untal                                                          .           
catti                                                          .           
#montel                                                        .           
everyrh                                                        .           
nipigon                                                        .           
agger                                                          .           
#goat                                                          .           
full-on                                                        .           
elabor                                                         .           
carefulli                                                      .           
#leftists                                                      .           
trusted                                                        .           
haitian                                                        .           
fad                                                            .           
needn't                                                        .           
#kavanaughaccus                                                .           
anti-gop                                                       .           
rofl                                                           .           
flunki                                                         .           
arron                                                          .           
forevaaaaaaaaaaa                                               .           
👯‍♀️                                                            .           
dopey                                                          .           
mistake                                                        .           
#youbuiltthi                                                   .           
#chicagodeathtol                                               .           
grandmast                                                      .           
sutherland                                                     .           
intelleg                                                       .           
jackiedp                                                       .           
#proudtobeaconservativefromacouncilest                         .           
hoggi                                                          .           
pas                                                            .           
aus                                                            .           
ginger                                                         .           
honk                                                           .           
crowbar                                                        .           
renacci                                                        .           
blane                                                          .           
landown                                                        .           
🗨️                                                              .           
hackett                                                        .           
#webberforcongress                                             .           
#nj11                                                          .           
#impeach                                                       .           
pro-law                                                        .           
critique                                                       .           
reaserch                                                       .           
cdc                                                            .           
cosign                                                         .           
swinson                                                        .           
occup                                                          .           
g'night                                                        .           
conjur                                                         .           
america’                                                       .           
au                                                             .           
doomsday                                                       .           
#liberalsneedtheirownpsychward                                 .           
reputation                                                     .           
schitt                                                         .           
v.i.lenin                                                      .           
scoundrel                                                      .           
ribbon                                                         .           
angelina                                                       .           
imngonna                                                       .           
uppdoals                                                       .           
ramirez                                                        .           
snell                                                          .           
khabib                                                         .           
guyyyi                                                         .           
saver                                                          .           
#cognitivedisson                                               .           
#tyranni                                                       .           
#theleft                                                       .           
half-centuri                                                   .           
ferri                                                          .           
fugit                                                          .           
polanski                                                       .           
primat                                                         .           
perfectli                                                      .           
id                                                             .           
hesit                                                          .           
woodword                                                       .           
#susansarandon                                                 .           
machin                                                         .           
tories                                                         .           
gleefulli                                                      .           
hominem                                                        .           
bed-buddi                                                      .           
famil                                                          .           
kowtow                                                         .           
anti-gun                                                       .           
#kanebrown                                                     .           
#westandtogeth                                                 .           
reputation’                                                    .           
tbqh                                                           .           
ballin                                                         .           
call-up                                                        .           
ex-crackhead                                                   .           
america-h                                                      .           
ex-dem                                                         .           
whoa-bama                                                      .           
dismay                                                         .           
#philadelphia                                                  .           
#fantast                                                       .           
❣                                                              .           
o'reilli                                                       .           
alabama                                                        .           
thst                                                           .           
panick                                                         .           
pro-nazi                                                       .           
👍🏽                                                           .           
hahahahaha                                                     .           
stiglitz                                                       .           
stockbrok                                                      .           
shitcago                                                       .           
tml                                                            .           
lex                                                            .           
longgggg                                                       .           
feb                                                            .           
itsnot                                                         .           
tbere                                                          .           
robo                                                           .           
starbuck                                                       .           
birdlandia                                                     .           
birdsiz                                                        .           
serl                                                           .           
birdbrain                                                      .           
blunt                                                          .           
heed                                                           .           
bedroom                                                        .           
implausibl                                                     .           
trolli                                                         .           
6k                                                             .           
94k                                                            .           
neverthelesssss                                                .           
birthdai                                                       .           
cel                                                            .           
continue                                                       .           
#familyprotect                                                 .           
rebrand                                                        .           
livingtrust                                                    .           
#ccw                                                           .           
unlimit                                                        .           
#toryli                                                        .           
#thedreamact                                                   .           
#enddaca                                                       .           
impart                                                         .           
#staffpick                                                     .           
thx                                                            .           
hooper                                                         .           
grit                                                           .           
innuendo                                                       .           
soooooound                                                     .           
medi-car                                                       .           
fairway                                                        .           
swore                                                          .           
elpizo                                                         .           
mmz2                                                           .           
franklin                                                       .           
i-q-2                                                          .           
detriment                                                      .           
tricks                                                         .           
declass                                                        .           
biglli                                                         .           
11k                                                            .           
geter                                                          .           
#fnma                                                          .           
#fmcc                                                          .           
#endcorrupt                                                    .           
tooo                                                           .           
#pizzag                                                        .           
#hivit                                                         .           
#eagleonetowanta                                               .           
yummi                                                          .           
nuff                                                           .           
sequitur                                                       .           
agw                                                            .           
phds                                                           .           
open-mind                                                      .           
eng                                                            .           
airi                                                           .           
fairi                                                          .           
artsi                                                          .           
self-inflict                                                   .           
🌅                                                             .           
that'll                                                        .           
f-up                                                           .           
8yrsof                                                         .           
#parklandkid                                                   .           
misappropri                                                    .           
#frankoz                                                       .           
#defundpbs                                                     .           
autism                                                         .           
sorta                                                          .           
switzerland                                                    .           
isra                                                           .           
disagree                                                       .           
#creepyjoebiden                                                .           
gravi                                                          .           
#joedonttouchsomuch                                            .           
igl                                                            .           
mure                                                           .           
prepwork                                                       .           
niko                                                           .           
mibr                                                           .           
fallen                                                         .           
#karrigan                                                      .           
robinson                                                       .           
#expectu                                                       .           
#gunsensecandid                                                .           
#gotv                                                          .           
#throwthemout                                                  .           
nove                                                           .           
#reputationtour                                                .           
#theconcerttour                                                .           
tyr                                                            .           
#hei                                                           .           
france’                                                        .           
sullivan                                                       .           
innnew                                                         .           
yourk                                                          .           
specificalli                                                   .           
fkat                                                           .           
craven                                                         .           
contemptu                                                      .           
#uofgh                                                         .           
assistant                                                      .           
glenn                                                          .           
hanna                                                          .           
saddo                                                          .           
unbelievable                                                   .           
duhh                                                           .           
lightweight                                                    .           
starfir                                                        .           
ew                                                             .           
bitt                                                           .           
pathalog                                                       .           
yuppi                                                          .           
greec                                                          .           
tippi                                                          .           
hedren                                                         .           
rifftrax                                                       .           
birdem                                                         .           
zion                                                           .           
kavannah                                                       .           
shuve                                                          .           
nomnom                                                         .           
nom                                                            .           
whaooaaaaa                                                     .           
otoh                                                           .           
displeasur                                                     .           
disgus                                                         .           
#plannedparenthood                                             .           
#usgover                                                       .           
#abortion                                                      .           
#slaveri                                                       .           
#savethe8th                                                    .           
#repealthe8th                                                  .           
how’r                                                          .           
anybody’                                                       .           
hourglass                                                      .           
psych                                                          .           
tua                                                            .           
iq’s                                                           .           
humour                                                         .           
#communismkil                                                  .           
#luciferiaris                                                  .           
car-crash                                                      .           
nicht                                                          .           
haltbar                                                        .           
temporär                                                       .           
lösung                                                         .           
dallon                                                         .           
#hipster                                                       .           
sped                                                           .           
patchouli                                                      .           
#ebt                                                           .           
kod                                                            .           
#russiacollus                                                  .           
#deepstateisr                                                  .           
atsushi-kun                                                    .           
becar                                                          .           
ahah                                                           .           
turnbul                                                        .           
turnbull’                                                      .           
prioritis                                                      .           
discret                                                        .           
ambigu                                                         .           
shocktroop                                                     .           
jeno                                                           .           
skshsksk                                                       .           
stipul                                                         .           
zena                                                           .           
descent                                                        .           
desensit                                                       .           
boatload                                                       .           
deargod                                                        .                                                            .           
person.when                                                    .           
assumption                                                     .           
intellect                                                      .           
shuttl                                                         .           
wheelchair                                                     .           
passeng                                                        .           
lau                                                            .           
sharpi                                                         .           
rms                                                            .           
feckin                                                         .           
preorder                                                       .           
isis-antifa                                                    .           
#hous                                                          .           
3bn                                                            .           
450m                                                           .           
25bn                                                           .           
groundbreak                                                    .           
200m                                                           .           
#housingforal                                                  .           
#housingmarket                                                 .           
#nhf18                                                         .           
tis                                                            .           
washer                                                         .           
#theeconomist                                                  .           
hanger                                                         .           
untreat                                                        .           
🤦🏾‍♀️                                                          .           
nfw                                                            .           
unaccompani                                                    .           
joli                                                           .           
luigi                                                          .           
6lack                                                          .           
wam                                                            .           
fever                                                          .           
sotomay                                                        .           
trol                                                           .           
worwee                                                         .           
gweek                                                          .           
multiple                                                       .           
anxietys                                                       .           
nwot                                                           .           
awone                                                          .           
alamo                                                          .           
realist                                                        .           
mnuchin                                                        .           
buse                                                           .           
stagger                                                        .           
careeeema                                                      .           
eff                                                            .           
sc’s                                                           .           
bailout                                                        .           
extensiv                                                       .           
toffe                                                          .           
junke                                                          .           
#fakejournalist                                                .           
#nohonor                                                       .           
#walkawayfromdemocratsnow                                      .           
facsist                                                        .           
jace                                                           .           
dorsey                                                         .           
micki                                                          .           
moonbeam                                                       .           
coma                                                           .           
transmiss                                                      .           
goku                                                           .           
amidst                                                         .           
valley                                                         .           
infant                                                         .           
rhi                                                            .           
low-growth                                                     .           
high-regul                                                     .           
🤷🏽                                                           .           
#entrepreneur                                                  .           
#smb                                                           .           
binocular                                                      .           
mattress                                                       .           
sicker                                                         .           
conting                                                        .           
camillekruger42                                                .           
psychopath                                                     .           
nano                                                           .           
boondoggl                                                      .           
depends                                                        .           
#fakeuberdriv                                                  .           
#bodywraprestraint                                             .           
#crimenew                                                      .           
vicki                                                          .           
barbolack                                                      .           
re-victim                                                      .           
tc                                                             .           
omggggggg                                                      .           
dogooodth                                                      .           
🙏🏽                                                           .           
blister                                                        .           
#tana                                                          .           
sarandon                                                       .           
acrimoni                                                       .           
👌🏻                                                           .           
playboy                                                        .           
contrari                                                       .           
enshrin                                                        .           
circumv                                                        .           
telford                                                        .           
safest                                                         .           
flippant                                                       .           
apparentl                                                      .           
dismemb                                                        .           
yahweh                                                         .           
jus                                                            .           
unexplain                                                      .           
brock                                                          .           
#cult45politburo                                               .           
orin                                                           .           
💎                                                             .           
victor                                                         .           
harbor                                                         .           
lordt                                                          .           
catfight                                                       .           
meow                                                           .           
agholor                                                        .           
jmatt                                                          .           
🌌                                                             .           
echr                                                           .           
inhuman                                                        .           
degrad                                                         .           
korzemba                                                       .           
retribut                                                       .           
rtd                                                            .           
movement-had                                                   .           
fwd                                                            .           
must-se                                                        .           
cushionei                                                      .           
thri                                                           .           
amirit                                                         .           
magnific                                                       .           
tobi                                                           .           
4-this                                                         .           
knowingli                                                      .           
namjoon                                                        .           
♈️                                                             .           
mcfartney                                                      .           
beatl                                                          .           
jon                                                            .           
surpis                                                         .           
brim                                                           .           
implic                                                         .           
3d                                                             .           
white-hot                                                      .           
red-blood                                                      .           
boots-on-the-ground                                            .           
avatar                                                         .           
ai                                                             .           
polytechno-fascists-avatar-digit                               .           
non-real                                                       .           
passrush                                                       .           
exclusive                                                      .           
soros-back                                                     .           
de-funk                                                        .           
anti-german                                                    .           
pro-israel                                                     .           
#gotourpiec                                                    .           
absent                                                         .           
bloom                                                          .           
f-bomb                                                         .           
golli                                                          .           
mose                                                           .           
stand-up                                                       .           
reborn                                                         .           
sinless                                                        .           
salvat                                                         .           
#tch                                                           .           
hijinx                                                         .           
chicaneri                                                      .           
b'stard                                                        .           
nacho                                                          .           
rebecca                                                        .           
athlete                                                        .           
🚵‍♀️                                                            .           
epson                                                          .           
choosen                                                        .           
upgrad                                                         .           
maid                                                           .           
alga                                                           .           
zip                                                            .           
algorithm                                                      .           
britain’                                                       .           
rizzo                                                          .           
full-blown                                                     .           
engross                                                        .           
thame                                                          .           
#fm19                                                          .           
finna                                                          .           
crispi                                                         .           
jog                                                            .           
explicit                                                       .           
side-not                                                       .           
eye-open                                                       .           
texas                                                          .           
picant                                                         .           
non-automat                                                    .           
extraordinari                                                  .           
britian                                                        .           
501-3c                                                         .           
privlag                                                        .           
soundtrack                                                     .           
dmed                                                           .           
💪🏽                                                           .           
dwell                                                          .           
that’s                                                         .           
let’s                                                          .           
promise                                                        .           
#keel                                                          .           
putz                                                           .           
vetsresistsquadron                                             .           
scout                                                          .           
orr                                                            .           
worthwhil                                                      .           
waitstaff                                                      .           
🖋                                                              .           
mightier                                                       .           
🗡                                                              .           
kook                                                           .           
blob                                                           .           
anglo-saxon                                                    .           
reintroduc                                                     .           
brocken                                                        .           
semamt                                                         .           
nugget                                                         .           
yen                                                            .           
backlink                                                       .           
ju                                                             .           
vers                                                           .           
ferengi                                                        .           
quin                                                           .           
putrajaya                                                      .           
dublin                                                         .           
#ca                                                            .           
#goa                                                           .           
#gunright                                                      .           
#selfdefens                                                    .           
#a2                                                            .           
#gunfreezon                                                    .           
butcher                                                        .           
weeeehhhhh                                                     .           
weeeeehhhhh                                                    .           
dennison                                                       .           
safeguard                                                      .           
marshal                                                        .           
freudian                                                       .           
close-mind                                                     .           
excommun                                                       .           
we’re                                                          .           
fingerprint                                                    .           
pedal                                                          .           
compel                                                         .           
kavanah                                                        .           
trek                                                           .           
ff8                                                            .           
wang                                                           .           
minuet                                                         .           
faster                                                         .           
be4                                                            .           
tooth                                                          .           
oddli                                                          .           
bwahahahahaha                                                  .           
md                                                             .           
thinkin                                                        .           
psychiatrist                                                   .           
jude                                                           .           
thaddeus                                                       .           
boochi                                                         .           
unthink                                                        .           
purrfect                                                       .           
paw                                                            .           
lieu                                                           .           
1990s                                                          .           
pushi                                                          .           
royalti                                                        .           
stopped                                                        .           
#down_with_government_corrruption                              .           
intentional                                                    .           
hearsay                                                        .           
lockstep                                                       .           
dns                                                            .           
juvenil                                                        .           
nassar                                                         .           
aggrav                                                         .           
thyat                                                          .           
fremino                                                        .           
ahahaha                                                        .           
damigo                                                         .           
cock-a-doodle                                                  .           
oops                                                           .           
deborah                                                        .           
zemk                                                           .           
sunris                                                         .           
heinz                                                          .           
uncov                                                          .           
uniron                                                         .           
incarcer                                                       .           
bald-fac                                                       .           
fisher                                                         .           
outlandish                                                     .           
slither                                                        .           
costanza                                                       .           
bnp                                                            .           
somerset                                                       .           
chester                                                        .           
burnley                                                        .           
halifax                                                        .           
invert                                                         .           
💁🏽‍♂️                                                          .           
#yesonkavanaugh                                                .           
freaking                                                       .           
wreath                                                         .           
lowli                                                          .           
exorc                                                          .           
accordingly-you                                                .           
beto-mal                                                       .           
whomev                                                         .           
immigrantsileg                                                 .           
dehuman                                                        .           
againtsk                                                       .           
bitchhhhhh                                                     .           
jelllll                                                        .           
received                                                       .           
herring                                                        .           
teller                                                         .           
bezos                                                          .           
purdue                                                         .           
streeter                                                       .           
salesforc                                                      .           
marc                                                           .           
benioff                                                        .           
kamara                                                         .           
#ecolog                                                        .           
chicagojordan                                                  .           
outdoor                                                        .           
teump                                                          .           
fluti                                                          .           
👮‍♀️                                                            .           
cuter                                                          .           
tha                                                            .           
ebert                                                          .           
vandal                                                         .           
diminish                                                       .           
c1900                                                          .           
6vol                                                           .           
blackwood                                                      .           
cowper                                                         .           
freshman                                                       .           
partier                                                        .           
30-calib                                                       .           
m-1                                                            .           
carbin                                                         .           
2002-2017                                                      .           
runner                                                         .           
3a                                                             .           
snark                                                          .           
helpless                                                       .           
sleez                                                          .           
trot                                                           .           
unleaven                                                       .           
ex-girlfriend                                                  .           
#hasbeen                                                       .           
ns                                                             .           
fishermen                                                      .           
n.s                                                            .           
kameron                                                        .           
scotian                                                        .           
yeahh                                                          .           
yvett                                                          .           
felarca                                                        .           
8-5-18                                                         .           
jag                                                            .           
corrent                                                        .           
corrente                                                       .           
menendez                                                       .           
r’s                                                            .           
i-r                                                            .           
#scotuspick                                                    .           
#adulteri                                                      .           
#mccain                                                        .           
😟                                                             .           
skinni                                                         .           
scammer                                                        .           
spider-man                                                     .           
owl’s                                                          .           
#trump45                                                       .           
unflatt                                                        .           
craze                                                          .           
hubri                                                          .           
republican-domin                                               .           
commerc                                                        .           
sloven                                                         .           
hizbollah                                                      .           
natali                                                         .           
youngest                                                       .           
doubtfir                                                       .           
scotland                                                       .           
prevail                                                        .           
bleachbit                                                      .           
sledg                                                          .           
waifu                                                          .                                                        .           
wta                                                            .           
carlo                                                          .           
obscen                                                         .           
snack                                                          .           
92k                                                            .           
255k                                                           .           
woul                                                           .           
#demsdesper                                                    .           
nehru                                                          .           
dynasti                                                        .           
shaken                                                         .           
eminent                                                        .           
anti-india                                                     .           
millfield                                                      .           
fact-check                                                     .           
battlefield                                                    .           
_proven_                                                       .           
expung                                                         .           
desert                                                         .           
chancellor                                                     .           
#merkelkrati                                                   .           
#maassen                                                       .           
#merkel                                                        .           
#seehof                                                        .           
replay                                                         .           
js                                                             .           
crystal                                                        .           
uphil                                                          .           
brainer                                                        .           
humiliated                                                     .           
defeated                                                       .           
played                                                         .           
choice                                                         .           
caed                                                           .           
elected                                                        .           
kochsucker                                                     .           
repl                                                           .           
deez                                                           .           
bea                                                            .           
arthur                                                         .           
coconut                                                        .           
bedtim                                                         .           
synchron                                                       .           
#deutschebank                                                  .           
forens                                                         .           
db                                                             .           
launder                                                        .           
willie’                                                        .           
beano                                                          .           
breatge                                                        .           
kpop                                                           .           
worser                                                         .           
highway                                                        .           
screamer                                                       .           
raped                                                          .           
gov’t                                                          .           
pentagon                                                       .           
👇🏼                                                           .           
survive.if                                                     .           
deceas                                                         .           
mukga                                                          .           
coloni                                                         .           
#puertorico                                                    .           
jeezuz.fucking.christ                                          .           
#diásporaenresistencia                                         .           
maverick                                                       .           
nerf                                                           .           
bcoz                                                           .           
jesu                                                           .           
hobbit                                                         .           
ringwraith                                                     .           
qual                                                           .           
bishop                                                         .           
jonso                                                          .           
dhudb                                                          .           
history.but                                                    .           
borders.doesn’t                                                .           
halt                                                           .           
asb                                                            .           
asa                                                            .           
buzzword                                                       .           
breakthrough                                                   .           
eradic                                                         .           
malaria                                                        .           
kava                                                           .           
dilemma                                                        .           
#nikeboycott                                                   .           
#colinkaepernick                                               .           
#nflfootbal                                                    .           
#trumpresign                                                   .           
kayla                                                          .           
#councillor                                                    .           
#groominggang                                                  .           
#britain                                                       .           
#islam                                                         .           
devalu                                                         .           
rodenburi                                                      .           
evalu                                                          .           
end.despic                                                     .           
evann                                                          .           
amid                                                           .           
ciara                                                          .           
naheru                                                         .           
zina                                                           .           
indira                                                         .           
🐲                                                             .           
🐉                                                             .           
#theconstitutionisthesolut                                     .           
🔔                                                             .           
🐸                                                             .           
banish                                                         .           
z-jail                                                         .           
apple                                                          .           
#walkawaymarch                                                 .           
down.poof                                                      .           
cloak                                                          .           
tess_holliday                                                  .           
disnei                                                         .           
contradictori                                                  .           
licker                                                         .           
implant                                                        .           
skinner                                                        .           
deffo                                                          .           
#schiff4brain                                                  .           
shouldv                                                        .           
dock                                                           .           
speach                                                         .           
spotti                                                         .           
tantamount                                                     .           
entrench                                                       .           
alp                                                            .           
transpir                                                       .           
spanki                                                         .           
🍀                                                             .           
dawg                                                           .           
aalayah                                                        .           
#endpc                                                         .           
#portland                                                      .           
#abort                                                         .           
#endculturalmarx                                               .           
hay                                                            .           
putin-puppet                                                   .           
assang                                                         .           
repro                                                          .           
non-victim                                                     .           
varieti                                                        .           
esport                                                         .           
3ph                                                            .           
hrgggg                                                         .           
hank                                                           .           
jax’                                                           .           
ope                                                            .           
faggot                                                         .           
logan                                                          .           
slain                                                          .           
gunman                                                         .           
bouncer                                                        .           
trumpkin                                                       .           
peipl                                                          .           
slept                                                          .           
noe                                                            .           
krishn                                                         .           
bhakt                                                          .           
absenc                                                         .           
chandigarh                                                     .           
manship                                                        .           
spreadsheet                                                    .           
mayweath                                                       .           
retcon                                                         .           
barkley                                                        .           
neuter                                                         .           
telli                                                          .           
kermit                                                         .           
tapper                                                         .           
basket                                                         .           
#notonemor                                                     .           
left-lean                                                      .           
surprise                                                       .           
leetpro                                                        .           
thiveri                                                        .           
osuit                                                          .           
deregionis                                                     .           
libleft                                                        .           
🌸                                                             .           
student-loan                                                   .           
pu                                                             .           
relinquish                                                     .           
alban                                                          .           
roadwork                                                       .           
patreon                                                        .           
anxious                                                        .           
shyster                                                        .           
mumbai                                                         .           
letharg                                                        .           
hav                                                            .           
horrific                                                       .           
cowherd                                                        .           
goff                                                           .           
trubiski                                                       .           
mcvay                                                          .           
medicare-for-al                                                .           
pmb                                                            .           
beati                                                          .           
davidson                                                       .           
rider                                                          .           
modifi                                                         .           
sportster                                                      .           
awai                                                           .           
qu’ran                                                         .           
hollywood’                                                     .           
again.u                                                        .           
sim                                                            .           
urgenc                                                         .           
quetsiyah                                                      .           
amara                                                          .           
sila                                                           .           
#nocollus                                                      .           
pumpkin                                                        .           
#islamic                                                       .           
#sapar                                                         .           
#adelaid                                                       .           
#abetterway                                                    .           
bulgaria                                                       .           
brexiti                                                        .           
non-bind                                                       .           
sanju                                                          .           
aye                                                            .           
dil                                                            .           
yeh                                                            .           
jawani                                                         .           
barfi                                                          .           
suceess                                                        .           
dud                                                            .           
conjectur                                                      .           
undecid                                                        .           
10downingstreet                                                .           
underpin                                                       .           
mma                                                            .           
y'know                                                         .           
hungeri                                                        .           
#justsay                                                       .           
framer                                                         .           
anti-federalist                                                .           
kyki                                                           .           
anfield                                                        .           
putain                                                         .           
cliiimmmm                                                      .           
#livpsg                                                        .           
junket                                                         .           
unbridl                                                        .           
waronmen                                                       .           
waroncop                                                       .           
waronsocieti                                                   .           
sarandron                                                      .           
#metoomov                                                      .           
espic                                                          .           
#betonotfortexa                                                .           
mini-g8                                                        .           
donybrook                                                      .           
#aumf                                                          .           
#loveit                                                        .           
tracksuit                                                      .           
anonymous                                                      .           
#troughtim                                                     .           
♠️                                                              .           
o-ren                                                          .           
ishii                                                          .           
aura                                                           .           
palmer                                                         .           
undergo                                                        .           
eval                                                           .           
daesh                                                          .           
wher                                                           .           
changes                                                        .           
#weakrino                                                      .           
misus                                                          .           
bludgeon                                                       .           
victimhood                                                     .           
parlay                                                         .           
interesting-caus                                               .           
us-but                                                         .           
regulari                                                       .           
all-in                                                         .           
suppor                                                         .           
pauli                                                          .           
craziest                                                       .           
children’                                                      .           
#bds                                                           .           
#sadiqkhan                                                     .           
#warzon                                                        .           
#mayor                                                         .           
balloon                                                        .           
#mayoroflondon                                                 .           
opperman                                                       .           
knockmi                                                        .           
tellu                                                          .           
hv                                                             .           
nic                                                            .           
24yr                                                           .           
271bill                                                        .           
yp                                                             .           
wld                                                            .           
76spa                                                          .           
#battlebus                                                     .           
rican’                                                         .           
subsidis                                                       .           
smg                                                            .           
meee                                                           .           
cure                                                           .           
ginseng                                                        .           
menopaus                                                       .           
mk                                                             .           
coffer                                                         .           
walden                                                         .           
mccleod                                                        .           
telecom                                                        .           
anti-fair                                                      .           
internet.anti                                                  .           
reasonable                                                     .           
#beto                                                          .           
dreamdol                                                       .           
saunder                                                        .           
hobnob                                                         .           
forclosur                                                      .           
pompeo                                                         .           
bibi                                                           .           
#ditchmitch                                                    .           
#peelpelosi                                                    .           
narcissistic                                                   .           
👊🏽                                                           .           
pple                                                           .           
cun                                                            .           
whitehal                                                       .           
vote2019                                                       .           
germanistan                                                    .           
childess                                                       .           
rhonda                                                         .           
too-mani                                                       .           
angst                                                          .           
voight                                                         .           
yassssss                                                       .           
burnol                                                         .           
cadwel                                                         .           
evritiem                                                       .           
luci                                                           .           
hale                                                           .           
traveling                                                      .           
poiting                                                        .           
#larrynassar                                                   .           
proverb                                                        .           
anti-woman                                                     .           
standbi                                                        .           
#libshateamerica                                               .           
#commiessuck                                                   .           
#marinesagainsttrump                                           .           
#kavano                                                        .           
soo                                                            .           
eliza                                                          .           
larp                                                           .           
penspeak                                                       .           
darkest                                                        .           
ptsd                                                           .           
#nexit                                                         .           
steril                                                         .           
sterilize                                                      .           
gripe                                                          .           
grahn                                                          .           
barbara                                                        .           
sam’                                                           .           
ignore                                                         .           
obsolet                                                        .           
h3ll                                                           .           
lobbyist                                                       .           
sjc                                                            .           
figjt                                                          .           
spicoli                                                        .           
hangin                                                         .           
portland                                                       .           
cop-kil                                                        .           
#literalviol                                                   .           
wahh                                                           .           
6d                                                             .           
begging                                                        .           
#magaveteran                                                   .           
#magatalk                                                      .           
asylum                                                         .           
tmx                                                            .           
chinless                                                       .           
#saveourcountri                                                .           
kay                                                            .           
username                                                       .           
thatd                                                          .           
barun                                                          .           
sobti                                                          .           
fahrenheit                                                     .           
#handmaid                                                      .           
soutien                                                        .           
#fascism                                                       .           
#antifascist                                                   .           
#votenoonkavanaugh                                             .           
soulmat                                                        .           
taravat                                                        .           
canadien                                                       .           
citizenshop                                                    .           
tru                                                            .           
tranquil                                                       .           
#crookedtrump                                                  .           
#countrybeforeparti                                            .           
telling                                                        .           
duster                                                         .                                                          .           
gunfir                                                         .           
stoneman                                                       .           
bagger                                                         .           
d'uh                                                           .           
corn                                                           .           
#crazymaxin                                                    .           
beloev                                                         .           
älskar                                                         .           
sverig                                                         .           
🇸🇪                                                             .           
signag                                                         .           
tolerate                                                       .           
un-indict                                                      .           
custodi                                                        .           
neo-liber                                                      .           
tax-pay                                                        .           
centrism                                                       .           
data.frame(word=featnames(dfmat_training),coef=as.vector(coef(m_elasticnet))[-1]) %>% arrange(desc(coef)) %>% head(20)
       word     coef
1     bitch 2.867842
2      fuck 2.626580
3      shit 2.547991
4    stupid 2.418958
5     idiot 2.385734
6      butt 2.203586
7    asshol 2.187643
8      suck 2.084022
9   disgust 1.997112
10  bastard 1.984574
11      ass 1.920336
12 hypocrit 1.911499
13    nigga 1.838451
14    nasti 1.795029
15   carrey 1.729586
16   indeed 1.724724
17  monster 1.690528
18    moron 1.678690
19     crap 1.642680
20   coward 1.632557

predict() function makes predictions.

Yhat_train_m_elasticnet <- as.integer(predict(m_elasticnet, dfmat_training, type = "class"))
   [1] 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
  [38] 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  [75] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
 [112] 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
 [149] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [186] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
 [223] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
 [260] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [297] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [334] 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [371] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [408] 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
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[7327] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7364] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
[7401] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
[7438] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
[7475] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7512] 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7549] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
[7586] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
[7623] 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7660] 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
[7697] 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[7734] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
[7771] 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7808] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
[7845] 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7882] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7919] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[7956] 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
[7993] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[8030] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8067] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
[8104] 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
[8141] 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8178] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[8215] 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
[8252] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
[8289] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8326] 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
[8363] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8400] 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8437] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
[8474] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
[8511] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[8548] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
[8585] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8622] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8659] 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8696] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
[8733] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
[8770] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8807] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8844] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
[8881] 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
[8918] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[8955] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[8992] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[9029] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
[9066] 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
[9103] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[9140] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
[9177] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
[9214] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
[9251] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
[9288] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
[9325] 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[9362] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
[9399] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[9436] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
[9473] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
[9510] 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
table(dfmat_training$label, Yhat_train_m_elasticnet)
       0    1
  0 6204  199
  1 1648 1480
confusionMatrix(table(dfmat_training$label, Yhat_train_m_elasticnet), mode = "everything", positive = "1")
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

       0    1
  0 6204  199
  1 1648 1480
               Accuracy : 0.8062          
                 95% CI : (0.7981, 0.8141)
    No Information Rate : 0.8238          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1               
                  Kappa : 0.5015          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : <2e-16          
            Sensitivity : 0.8815          
            Specificity : 0.7901          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.4731          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.9689          
              Precision : 0.4731          
                 Recall : 0.8815          
                     F1 : 0.6158          
             Prevalence : 0.1762          
         Detection Rate : 0.1553          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.3282          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.8358          
       'Positive' Class : 1               

Since tokens not in the training set cannot be used for prediction, we use dfm_match() to align the tokens in the testing set with those in the training set.

dfmat_matched <- dfm_match(dfmat_test, features = featnames(dfmat_training))
Yhat_test_m_elasticnet <- as.integer(predict(m_elasticnet, dfmat_matched, type = "class"))
   [1] 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
  [38] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
  [75] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [112] 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
 [149] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
 [186] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [223] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
 [260] 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [297] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
 [334] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
 [371] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
 [408] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
 [445] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
 [482] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
 [519] 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
 [556] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
 [593] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [630] 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
 [667] 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 [704] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [741] 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
 [778] 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
 [815] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 [852] 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
 [889] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [926] 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
 [963] 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[1000] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1037] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1074] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[1111] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1148] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
[1185] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
[1222] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
[1259] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[1296] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
[1333] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[1370] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[1407] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1444] 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
[1481] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
[1518] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
[1555] 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[1592] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
[1629] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
[1666] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
[1703] 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1740] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
[1777] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
[1814] 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
[1851] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1888] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1925] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1962] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[1999] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
[2036] 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[2073] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[2110] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[2147] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
[2184] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[2221] 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[2258] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
[2295] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[2332] 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
[2369] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The .predict_proba() method returns the predicted probabilities for each category instead of the final prediction. Predicted probabilities can help us assess how confident the model is about each document. (This is important if you want to use active learning to train a model.) In this example, each document has two probabilities: one for label 0 (not offensive) and one for label 1 (offensive). The label with the higher probability will be the predicted label.

predict(m_elasticnet, dfmat_matched, type = "response")
text9532  0.58645401
text9533  0.27992230
text9534  0.10766735
text9535  0.62950271
text9536  0.20632345
text9537  0.27927659
text9538  0.24986364
text9539  0.80730386
text9540  0.22915247
text9541  0.15461948
text9542  0.56849538
text9543  0.25861085
text9544  0.21243715
text9545  0.22172915
text9546  0.32948096
text9547  0.23373695
text9548  0.25084198
text9549  0.20632345
text9550  0.20632345
text9551  0.99846350
text9552  0.23133825
text9553  0.63056765
text9554  0.20632345
text9555  0.19016134
text9556  0.32773271
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text9558  0.17012886
text9559  0.25712213
text9560  0.21453200
text9561  0.19401941
text9562  0.26748008
text9563  0.22088189
text9564  0.76865989
text9565  0.45269536
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text9568  0.20632345
text9569  0.20632345
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text11295 0.24365093
text11296 0.19016134
text11297 0.44360025
text11298 0.20632345
text11299 0.34507242
text11300 0.20632345
text11301 0.22915247
text11302 0.33358244
text11303 0.18392505
text11304 0.27634728
text11305 0.25370003
text11306 0.52054547
text11307 0.24657706
text11308 0.20632345
text11309 0.15226206
text11310 0.19016134
text11311 0.19401941
text11312 0.32923653
text11313 0.23373695
text11314 0.36246285
text11315 0.36283751
text11316 0.44493633
text11317 0.19100996
text11318 0.19863934
text11319 0.29483474
text11320 0.26358315
text11321 0.20632345
text11322 0.24401673
text11323 0.66751314
text11324 0.25926659
text11325 0.20632345
text11326 0.82862084
text11327 0.20632345
text11328 0.28135690
text11329 0.78220129
text11330 0.19401941
text11331 0.96501625
text11332 0.23116144
text11333 0.20632345
text11334 0.20632345
text11335 0.20962551
text11336 0.23373695
text11337 0.23271507
text11338 0.20632345
text11339 0.47126343
text11340 0.15928247
text11341 0.22043035
text11342 0.96895595
text11343 0.20087094
text11344 0.24686460
text11345 0.18814220
text11346 0.98815647
text11347 0.20632345
text11348 0.90392407
text11349 0.20027978
text11350 0.21672734
text11351 0.19401941
text11352 0.23292360
text11353 0.22048394
text11354 0.63603629
text11355 0.19134949
text11356 0.63947943
text11357 0.20492040
text11358 0.21950370
text11359 0.56663493
text11360 0.20632345
text11361 0.20632345
text11362 0.26547428
text11363 0.73983120
text11364 0.32628280
text11365 0.20632345
text11366 0.20632345
text11367 0.32463750
text11368 0.19129370
text11369 0.21177376
text11370 0.15884577
text11371 0.21082096
text11372 0.21876125
text11373 0.20296386
text11374 0.20632345
text11375 0.20632345
text11376 0.35073317
text11377 0.22572619
text11378 0.21243715
text11379 0.20632345
text11380 0.65698361
text11381 0.20632345
text11382 0.19735925
text11383 0.52601286
text11384 0.20632345
text11385 0.87000456
text11386 0.20632345
text11387 0.22915247
text11388 0.73023606
text11389 0.78233899
text11390 0.27746914
text11391 0.20246573
text11392 0.21280260
text11393 0.78233899
text11394 0.36246285
text11395 0.21492589
text11396 0.20632345
text11397 0.26224458
text11398 0.18596576
text11399 0.45269536
text11400 0.21095963
text11401 0.20401675
text11402 0.19100996
text11403 0.56611597
text11404 0.22601913
text11405 0.20632345
text11406 0.20632345
text11407 0.20962551
text11408 0.88311298
text11409 0.78536773
text11410 0.16239585
text11411 0.97265026
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text11423 0.19016134
text11424 0.19401941
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text11427 0.20383791
text11428 0.20632345
text11429 0.71904420
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text11433 0.32088005
text11434 0.20632345
text11435 0.20632345
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text11438 0.14506701
text11439 0.20632345
text11440 0.53904793
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text11442 0.21222421
text11443 0.20632345
text11444 0.24114648
text11445 0.99787445
text11446 0.23373695
text11447 0.22278099
text11448 0.21488093
text11449 0.20632345
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text11454 0.48020854
text11455 0.20632345
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text11457 0.24434072
text11458 0.20632345
text11459 0.28940859
text11460 0.22511950
text11461 0.20632345
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text11463 0.25487666
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text11467 0.18309766
text11468 0.86718442
text11469 0.20632345
text11470 0.20632345
text11471 0.21025650
text11472 0.26608288
text11473 0.20632345
text11474 0.20632345
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text11477 0.19016134
text11478 0.74492521
text11479 0.29105434
text11480 0.23257596
text11481 0.20632345
text11482 0.19100996
text11483 0.20632345
text11484 0.24962952
text11485 0.17966983
text11486 0.22915247
text11487 0.24757374
text11488 0.23373695
text11489 0.26018506
text11490 0.19955434
text11491 0.20632345
text11492 0.21644262
text11493 0.23154981
text11494 0.20632345
text11495 0.20632345
text11496 0.99013464
text11497 0.20632345
text11498 0.20632345
text11499 0.20632345
text11500 0.63947943
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text11503 0.23897398
text11504 0.20632345
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text11507 0.19129370
text11508 0.19937599
text11509 0.33441808
text11510 0.26780975
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text11512 0.82062840
text11513 0.20126348
text11514 0.20632345
text11515 0.21514633
text11516 0.72192953
text11517 0.20632345
text11518 0.66370166
text11519 0.82062840
text11520 0.18567967
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text11523 0.20244583
text11524 0.31838782
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text11526 0.17370379
text11527 0.23173153
text11528 0.20632345
text11529 0.17889913
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text11531 0.25885116
text11532 0.20585598
text11533 0.20632345
text11534 0.22915247
text11535 0.23852758
text11536 0.21450831
text11537 0.23072885
text11538 0.78393540
text11539 0.57319740
text11540 0.59607526
text11541 0.20632345
text11542 0.22048394
text11543 0.20707068
text11544 0.20632345
text11545 0.25370003
text11546 0.27684804
text11547 0.37884032
text11548 0.29189080
text11549 0.73154860
text11550 0.70570217
text11551 0.86767078
text11552 0.19016134
text11553 0.20632345
text11554 0.22278099
text11555 0.20632345
text11556 0.29633251
text11557 0.62235874
text11558 0.54482492
text11559 0.18747722
text11560 0.28940859
text11561 0.20632345
text11562 0.21102743
text11563 0.50306611
text11564 0.27999515
text11565 0.51962167
text11566 0.20632345
text11567 0.20837395
text11568 0.76865989
text11569 0.55292536
text11570 0.20632345
text11571 0.20296386
text11572 0.20632345
text11573 0.19401941
text11574 0.25454161
text11575 0.21884697
text11576 0.22278099
text11577 0.20632345
text11578 0.20632345
text11579 0.20632345
text11580 0.76865989
text11581 0.27622146
text11582 0.20632345
text11583 0.27492663
text11584 0.28440299
text11585 0.69842565
text11586 0.18265687
text11587 0.22278099
text11588 0.20632345
text11589 0.20632345
text11590 0.70930752
text11591 0.96436136
text11592 0.43505437
text11593 0.23373695
text11594 0.20632345
text11595 0.61758096
text11596 0.78557529
text11597 0.20273564
text11598 0.22915247
text11599 0.19100996
text11600 0.20632345
text11601 0.20028065
text11602 0.21035019
text11603 0.20632345
text11604 0.23373695
text11605 0.22330495
text11606 0.20632345
text11607 0.22172915
text11608 0.18269496
text11609 0.51134477
text11610 0.37005517
text11611 0.47343310
text11612 0.22915247
text11613 0.82062840
text11614 0.20632345
text11615 0.99242386
text11616 0.73185560
text11617 0.67629371
text11618 0.20433941
text11619 0.75271598
text11620 0.27540651
text11621 0.21380540
text11622 0.20632345
text11623 0.69794102
text11624 0.19874081
text11625 0.54040595
text11626 0.14326115
text11627 0.20585598
text11628 0.21999780
text11629 0.20632345
text11630 0.20632345
text11631 0.76448956
text11632 0.20632345
text11633 0.20632345
text11634 0.19573118
text11635 0.29940050
text11636 0.25404606
text11637 0.22559649
text11638 0.20632345
text11639 0.23373695
text11640 0.29899202
text11641 0.30289732
text11642 0.20632345
text11643 0.60455490
text11644 0.20296386
text11645 0.21292178
text11646 0.20632345
text11647 0.20632345
text11648 0.19874081
text11649 0.75686879
text11650 0.37429345
text11651 0.28852947
text11652 0.19401941
text11653 0.22278099
text11654 0.11863126
text11655 0.18913809
text11656 0.82718017
text11657 0.20632345
text11658 0.20632345
text11659 0.20346851
text11660 0.22110451
text11661 0.22915247
text11662 0.27811245
text11663 0.19100996
text11664 0.44789637
text11665 0.20632345
text11666 0.19016134
text11667 0.19100996
text11668 0.29399520
text11669 0.32027778
text11670 0.31279812
text11671 0.22915247
text11672 0.20524274
text11673 0.20566377
text11674 0.14322480
text11675 0.29239973
text11676 0.19401941
text11677 0.26797525
text11678 0.22496742
text11679 0.18082226
text11680 0.40019381
text11681 0.22028025
text11682 0.19016134
text11683 0.17521625
text11684 0.25903002
text11685 0.47819642
text11686 0.25530767
text11687 0.24938621
text11688 0.14779084
text11689 0.26780975
text11690 0.56331889
text11691 0.27390605
text11692 0.20632345
text11693 0.36173446
text11694 0.23373695
text11695 0.40016232
text11696 0.22915247
text11697 0.22915247
text11698 0.65698361
text11699 0.52666670
text11700 0.42134806
text11701 0.22278099
text11702 0.20632345
text11703 0.20632345
text11704 0.28178429
text11705 0.20632345
text11706 0.32977667
text11707 0.25168772
text11708 0.65360384
text11709 0.42003818
text11710 0.50643034
text11711 0.25930213
text11712 0.20632345
text11713 0.20632345
text11714 0.23079742
text11715 0.17468780
text11716 0.23373695
text11717 0.20585598
text11718 0.35451868
text11719 0.24309815
text11720 0.20632345
text11721 0.18716449
text11722 0.20296386
text11723 0.38178695
text11724 0.33559189
text11725 0.70754630
text11726 0.20632345
text11727 0.20566377
text11728 0.36519291
text11729 0.19863934
text11730 0.30181374
text11731 0.18443340
text11732 0.18867245
text11733 0.20837395
text11734 0.20632345
text11735 0.20632345
text11736 0.20632345
text11737 0.26065749
text11738 0.22915247
text11739 0.20184031
text11740 0.23373695
text11741 0.19016134
text11742 0.23373695
text11743 0.20632345
text11744 0.24582855
text11745 0.17138510
text11746 0.33711856
text11747 0.27533090
text11748 0.20585598
text11749 0.20632345
text11750 0.36719727
text11751 0.19016134
text11752 0.20092743
text11753 0.22110451
text11754 0.68345935
text11755 0.20632345
text11756 0.67629371
text11757 0.24657706
text11758 0.18638857
text11759 0.13168271
text11760 0.20632345
text11761 0.24015407
text11762 0.14990746
text11763 0.19529876
text11764 0.20995414
text11765 0.46473117
text11766 0.20632345
text11767 0.04628462
text11768 0.19016134
text11769 0.20632345
text11770 0.27699743
text11771 0.25579865
text11772 0.19401941
text11773 0.47455710
text11774 0.23373695
text11775 0.20632345
text11776 0.47814728
text11777 0.26631342
text11778 0.26473027
text11779 0.25190183
text11780 0.20632345
text11781 0.49703189
text11782 0.22915247
text11783 0.34366781
text11784 0.19401941
text11785 0.21277260
text11786 0.19550837
text11787 0.19016134
text11788 0.78233899
text11789 0.58499109
text11790 0.27927659
text11791 0.20632345
text11792 0.20632345
text11793 0.20632345
text11794 0.20632345
text11795 0.16579809
text11796 0.15471347
text11797 0.19573118
text11798 0.48461716
text11799 0.76865989
text11800 0.20632345
text11801 0.20632345
text11802 0.27921330
text11803 0.43243237
text11804 0.21043943
text11805 0.16622421
text11806 0.58752510
text11807 0.30644272
text11808 0.10864996
text11809 0.22391774
text11810 0.18950946
text11811 0.24427931
text11812 0.79851635
text11813 0.78233899
text11814 0.66862241
text11815 0.38576806
text11816 0.14346942
text11817 0.20632345
text11818 0.20632345
text11819 0.28250072
text11820 0.45937945
text11821 0.72960166
text11822 0.37631304
text11823 0.20632345
text11824 0.37744727
text11825 0.78233899
text11826 0.19100996
text11827 0.22278099
text11828 0.17889913
text11829 0.48608904
text11830 0.19016134
text11831 0.20632345
text11832 0.22214894
text11833 0.08885542
text11834 0.20632345
text11835 0.20632345
text11836 0.39208248
text11837 0.89991976
text11838 0.60693587
text11839 0.41326896
text11840 0.25054340
text11841 0.29981504
text11842 0.22370231
text11843 0.47444766
text11844 0.51851718
text11845 0.30855130
text11846 0.34470937
text11847 0.22110451
text11848 0.20632345
text11849 0.89857338
text11850 0.12137949
text11851 0.19573118
text11852 0.62860292
text11853 0.20632345
text11854 0.43466212
text11855 0.78660358
text11856 0.20632345
text11857 0.29247195
text11858 0.63947943
text11859 0.20632345
text11860 0.20632345
text11861 0.20632345
text11862 0.20632345
text11863 0.27831728
text11864 0.96405617
text11865 0.20632345
text11866 0.20632345
text11867 0.36077487
text11868 0.78233899
text11869 0.30971572
text11870 0.06839358
text11871 0.20632712
text11872 0.45248965
text11873 0.62039374
text11874 0.20632345
text11875 0.32926924
text11876 0.19401941
text11877 0.19453788
text11878 0.22204412
text11879 0.20995414
text11880 0.53518657
text11881 0.24985778
text11882 0.20632345
text11883 0.35012260
text11884 0.06430863
text11885 0.20632345
text11886 0.78233899
text11887 0.34537737
text11888 0.21502510
text11889 0.20632345
text11890 0.78233899
text11891 0.22915247
text11892 0.22278099
text11893 0.13168271
text11894 0.20632345
text11895 0.80332144
text11896 0.19016134
text11897 0.31935506
text11898 0.31456615
text11899 0.20632345
text11900 0.21737190
text11901 0.20632345
text11902 0.57764562
text11903 0.22154260
text11904 0.41578532
text11905 0.23182987
text11906 0.45610612
text11907 0.28744669
text11908 0.20987874
text11909 0.14857287
text11910 0.20632345
text11911 0.20632345
text11912 0.20632345
text11913 0.14154704
text11914 0.45733127
text11915 0.25056773
text11916 0.23373695
df_test <- tweet_eval_offensive %>% filter(split=="test")
df_test$pred <- Yhat_test_m_elasticnet
# A tibble: 2,385 × 5
   text                                                  label   idx split  pred
   <chr>                                                 <int> <int> <chr> <int>
 1 "@user What a joke.  Another dirty tricks Democrat o…     1 11127 test      1
 2 "@user Gun control is not about guns. Gun control is…     0  3657 test      0
 3 "@user What I'm saying MGK is claiming he is the mod…     0  6785 test      0
 4 "@user #Trump gifted the 1% with #GOPTaxScam the big…     1  9666 test      1
 5 "@user Gabole negatif thinking dong"                      0  8167 test      0
 6 "@user @user @user @user @user Ewww no one wants tha…     0  3808 test      0
 7 "@user @user Telling Liberals, Trump is your Preside…     0  9437 test      0
 8 "@user endorses felons\"\" ah yes and who are felons…     1  9787 test      1
 9 "@user @user How about starting with gun control."        0  8515 test      0
10 "@user @user @user Haha 'affordable' homes. New flat…     0  4055 test      0
# ℹ 2,375 more rows
conf_mat_m_elasticnet <- table(dfmat_matched$label, Yhat_test_m_elasticnet)
       0    1
  0 1487   85
  1  480  333
             0          1
  0 0.62348008 0.03563941
  1 0.20125786 0.13962264
confusionMatrix(conf_mat_m_elasticnet, mode = "everything", positive = "1")
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

       0    1
  0 1487   85
  1  480  333
               Accuracy : 0.7631        
                 95% CI : (0.7455, 0.78)
    No Information Rate : 0.8247        
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1             
                  Kappa : 0.4028        
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : <2e-16        
            Sensitivity : 0.7967        
            Specificity : 0.7560        
         Pos Pred Value : 0.4096        
         Neg Pred Value : 0.9459        
              Precision : 0.4096        
                 Recall : 0.7967        
                     F1 : 0.5410        
             Prevalence : 0.1753        
         Detection Rate : 0.1396        
   Detection Prevalence : 0.3409        
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.7763        
       'Positive' Class : 1             
m_nb <- textmodel_nb(dfmat_training, dfmat_training$label)

textmodel_nb.dfm(x = dfmat_training, y = dfmat_training$label)

Class Priors:
(showing first 2 elements)
  0   1 
0.5 0.5 

Estimated Feature Scores:
    scumbag    consid       run   presid     want    public     swear      oath
0 2.481e-05 0.0003101 0.0008560 0.001489 0.003250 0.0005955 4.962e-05 1.489e-04
1 9.672e-05 0.0002902 0.0005997 0.001296 0.002534 0.0005029 1.161e-04 9.672e-05
     school    never      tri       cop      feel    liber     like     show
0 0.0007691 0.002097 0.002134 0.0002605 0.0009428 0.008448 0.006314 0.001327
1 0.0007544 0.001838 0.001973 0.0002321 0.0007738 0.008898 0.006848 0.001373
       pure    driven      snow        ik    rapper    think      caus
0 0.0001489 4.962e-05 4.962e-05 2.481e-05 2.481e-05 0.004032 0.0006451
1 0.0001161 1.934e-05 3.869e-05 3.869e-05 1.934e-05 0.003482 0.0006577
  anti-drug    honest     music     good      argu      gun  control
0 2.481e-05 0.0002853 7.443e-05 0.002977 0.0002357 0.008535 0.006835
1 1.934e-05 0.0003482 1.548e-04 0.002225 0.0002128 0.007409 0.006151
Yhat_nb <- predict(m_nb, newdata = dfmat_matched)
conf_mat_m_nb <- table(dfmat_matched$label, Yhat_nb)
       0    1
  0 1103  469
  1  282  531
confusionMatrix(conf_mat_m_nb, mode = "everything", positive = "1")
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

       0    1
  0 1103  469
  1  282  531
               Accuracy : 0.6851         
                 95% CI : (0.666, 0.7037)
    No Information Rate : 0.5807         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16      
                  Kappa : 0.3361         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1.143e-11      
            Sensitivity : 0.5310         
            Specificity : 0.7964         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.6531         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.7017         
              Precision : 0.6531         
                 Recall : 0.5310         
                     F1 : 0.5858         
             Prevalence : 0.4193         
         Detection Rate : 0.2226         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.3409         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.6637         
       'Positive' Class : 1              


Train and test a classifier for sentiment analysis using the highly polar movie reviews from the stanfordnlp/imdb dataset on Hugging Face. Split the 25,000 movie reviews in the training set into separate training and testing sets.